The Awakening God!

Submitted by Emmanuel on Tue, 07/05/2011 - 09:25

The Awakening God!


    You have been sleeping for a very long time and you chose to sleep in this "Circle of Life," in order to experience all the lessons this life , or Cirlce of Life, had to offer. This is not to say you did not experience many other Circles of life before the present one, as there are myriads of Circles of lifes that have been created by you in what appears to be the past. Every Circle of life however would have had its own rules and laws in life as well as every new society you came to exist in within human flesh of one type or another. For there are many types of flesh as is spoken of in your bibles for those who are Christian. And so you may have lived out many different Circles of life before, and are even now moving into even another one within fifth density.


    Though it does not matter how many Circles of life you have lived to date, it is good to keep in mind that everything you have ever learned or experienced from the time you "appeared" to be born as a newly created soul will now serve to make up your life in fifth density. The reason i say it has appeared that you were created as a newly born and newly created soul is because you have actually existed from eternity or you have always existed. And so in order for life to continue within each new "Cirlce of Life," which is separate from your reality or natural state of existence and consciousness, new souls have to be born or created in illusion. It is also a truth that they are finite, while the macrocosm of this creation is neither Infinite nor finite, as its only limit is one, and that one limit is the All in All.


    All created souls on the other hand have many limitations in life as they are the ones who are living the illusion within the macrocosm. And for the sake of argument here, i will call the macrocosm the Lord God. And so the Lord God is the macrocosm or the universal man in the created universe that exists within the All in All's consciousness.  Now thhe Lord has no limitations as i said except for the All in All, in which case the Lord God can create anything and everything he wishes in life in a blink of an eye. While you are reading the words dear friends, keep in mind that i may have made up the name Lord God, just as it was done in your bibles, but the stories or truths are real. Everything i speak i speak from the source, and it is up to all of you to draw what truth you wish from all of these truths of mine and my higher self.


    So in continueing i would say the Lord God is the greatest man and the largest universe in existence within the finite plane of existence. Still He is neither finite not Infinite as his existence truly depends on neither the All in All ( as He is actually the All in All) nor the finite created universe for His existence. He is the separation between that which is real (or the natural state within the All in All), and that which is the opposite of this natural state, which is the illusions of life and death. For we neither live nor die but we simply Are! We are consciousness from the All in All and in reality we are each all and everything within the All in All, as well as the illusions of what appears to be outside of the All in All.


    We are also the Lord God living illusion within the bodies and forms that are known as the microcosms. For what is the smallest body and form in the created universe is identical to the largest body and form in the universe, which is the Lord God. Therefore sometimes you will see your self as a giant, and are actually seeing yourself as the Lord God or macrocosm, while at the same time you will see yourself as the smallest of organisms in life, or the microcosm. Of course there are organisms much smaller than ourselves, but these are of the same body and form as ourselves in life still. So you see you are separated from nothing in life but are connected to all things. You are not only an atom, a Quark, a proton, a neutron, or electron, but you, are All and Everything in life and of life.


    As much as you would like to think of yourself as being separate from anything this is not at all possible ever. You can only live a life and existecne within illusion as being separate because this is how it must be when you take on things of illusion, which give the appearance of separation. Still you are the Lord God or Macrocosm, and you are therefore the universal man or human being. You are not actually human at present, or even in past lives, but you were simply created in the image of the universal human who is as i said the Lord God. But that is just a name or title, as you may call the universal human or man whatever you please, Bhudda even.


    Now since the Lord God is the universal man, He is also the great "Circle of Life." He is also the "Book of Life," and we are all branches to this great "Book of Llife," as we each possess our own book of life as well. So you see in life there is a microcosm and a macrocosm. Where we each think that the human is the microcosm and the planets are the macrocosms or the universes and solar systems, we are right, only in that these are microcosms and macrocosms within each "Circle of Llife," which we create for ourselves, separate from the universal illusion of the Lord God, who is the true Macrocosm. With that being said do you now see how it all fits together, or do you need more?


    Okay, lets continue: So the Lord God is the one many of us would call our God and Savior, when in fact no one ever had to save us from anything. We are each in control of our own destinies from within the consciousness and will of our higher self in life. Just because we feel hurt, pain, suffering, loss, and hardships in life does not mean there is not someone in the higher realms looking out for us in life. But they must still permit each of us to learn the lifes lessons we were scheduled to learn from the beginning, so as to bring all of this wisdom and knowledge back home to our heavens from within our higher selves or spiritual society, once we each awaken and come to ascend. For we are all asleep here to a certain degree, and we know not of these things until we each begin our awakening process in our "Circle of Life."


    Everyone begins their awakening process at different times however according to the illusion, while at the same time we all actually awaken at the same time in life. In other words you are waking up while you are already living life within fifth density, and you are each simply gradually melding or connecting once again with your higher selves. As you meld or connect again with your higher selves you will more and more disconnect yourselves from third density life, and become more and more connected to fifth density life. But when you reach a certain vibration and density in your present life you will automatically switch over to fifth density life for good. When you do this, whatever state your soul is in, whatever things you chose to hold on to from third density life, these are the things that will assist in beginning your fifth density life for you.


    But don't forget that you have all of those past lives you have lived, and all those past thoughts; words; acts; and affections as ruling loves in past lives, will be taken with you as well. If they are good or loving affections they will be used to form your heavens, if they are dark or evil they will be used to form your hells. The affections that are most dear to you, and which you choose now in your every day life will be your natural state in fifth density life, while all others will be still in existence and a part of you and will remain at certain placements throughout your spiritual society, and will serve to continue your lifes lessons from within this next "Circle of Life" you are about to live in fifth density.


    In other words, no one can ever get rid of a single thought; word; deed' affection; or ruling love in life, as it has been recorded in his or her 'Book of Life." The book of life being your spiritual society and mind. So if you have a thought or affection you may not have used or drawn on for fifty years now, these affections will still be a part of you but will be a good distance away from the center of your spiritual society, and will not often be thought of by you. Still there can be spirits you have not used or drawn on for a thousand years, and they can still return in your life to test you. With that being said, just know that you are creating your new world in fifth density as we speak, and how you live and treat others in life from this moment forward will decide your place within the Grand Man, Universal Man, or Lord God; once you ascend.


    And just as you are, so too will you remain and continue living life as the Lord God, and will therefore be a single being in Oneness, who will be walking around creating at will, all based on the wisdom and knowledge you have taken on to date. For you will not be fully conscious as to the things the All in All possesses, as the All in All can only know these things (rememer you are living the illusion of being separate from the All in All) but you will be fully conscious of all the things you have forgotton from every life you have lived since the time you were newly born or created as a new soul. This could be a million lifetimes or more for all we know, and you will possess the wisdom and knowledge learned and experienced from all these lifetimes. And you are learning even more as we speak, given the fact that you do not know the wonders you have lived and learned, and have simply forgotten. For when you see what things you truly know or possess as far as wisdom and knowledge, you will probably look at this lifetime as one of the stoneage.


    And so it is a truth that each and every one of you are still the All in All, but within the All in All all things good and evil; light and dark; true and false; are all sorted out and in order, and in a passive state. There is no movement and no change whatsoever within the All in All, and the only movement and change that truly exists within the All in All is the illusions of these things, and you are living those illusions presently. If you ever wished to return to your natural state or being passive and inactive, only existing as potential and possibilities of all that can be, within the All in All, this will one day become possible. But why would you wish to go back to this state of being when you can experience and enjoy life in action? We may one day know the answer to this question for sure.


    So as i was saying in fifth density you will be a God man walking around creating things instantly according to your wisdom and knowledge. Then there will be other souls who will experience life within the same Lord , or God Man, but will have less  or more wisdom and knowledge, and will carry more or less baggage in their lives than you, and will therefore serve life in another place within the body and form of the Lord God, or Universal Man. We are not all the same, as none of us are even, and we must all therefore have different homes or places of residence within the body and form of this Universal Man. Those who love more things of the third density life than others will of course be in the lower realms of this body and form, while those who love the things of fifth density life more will exist in the higher realms or sections of this Universal Man. All are spirits or souls and our material and physical manefestations are actually created by ourselves in life, as will still be the case in fifth density. The difference is we will be living life like we are all living life within a transformer or something. For every person or soul will have its duty or purpose in life, as you cannot ever live life without your own purpose.


    But just as certain functions of the human body are involuntary in life, and are carried out without our even noticing them most of the time, so too will this be the case for bodily functions within fifth density, and every soul can serve the life or body and form without ever being distracted from what he or she is involved in. Therefoire every person or soul can live their life within this body and form, as if they are a separate life from all others within this body and form. They will have their past lives and ruling loves and will live life according to these, and will create new worlds and systems according to what they draw from these lives and expereinces. We can dream to our hearts content, and create all things which we dream.


    So i guess you are wondering how, lets say maybe, eighty million souls or spirits within a single body and form could all live separate lives when they chose, while all still living within that single body and form? Do you realise the power you will have at your disposal? You can almost do antything now. Is it so hard to believe that you can imagine something and it will be so? Other than looking in the mirror, how often do you actually reflect on your actualy body and form? All you usually see are your arms and hands correct? And maybe legs and feet? Still they are being created instantly for you, and by you. They do not exist remember? You are causing them to exist for you and you are controlling all of your bodily senses as well. So every spirit or soul will exist and live within this body, as there only needs to be one in life within fifth density, as you now know you are the only being in existence.


    If at any time you wish to experience third density, time and time again even, all you need do is create it from any one of the worlds or lives you have lived since you were created as a soul. It is all an illusion right? So in fifth density we will all live separate lives and consciousnesses within a single body and form, and we will all create our own illusions. Where we are within this body and form, and the wisdom and knowledge we possess all depends of the ruling love of every soul within that boidy and form we call the Universal Man or Lord God.




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