Submitted by Joe Barnett on Fri, 07/07/2017 - 13:27


Dr. Angela Barnett
(Soul of Mary Magdalene)
Joe Barnett

Sunday I will be receiving updates directly from the ORIGINAL ONES who will be negotiating with our governments about our Galactic and Universal Citizenship and plans of First Contact. I am the only one who is communicating with those who are making the change at this time.

Bashar made predictions in 2015,16 and 17. He announced that EVERYTHING WILL CHANGE in the fall of 2016. However, he never told the world what that change was because he did not fully understand it. Bashar is a very nice entity from one of the reptilian families. He is on the Universal Team that is over seen by Elaika. However, Bashar sees the version of reality that he lives within and that which he has experienced.

Remember, an Ascension takes place every 250 million years and Bashar's race is only several thousand years old. He has given no evidence of knowing that everyone on Earth will turn into light in the eighteen months of 2039-2040, even though Elaika has already shared this reality with all in the Universe.


However, what he says on Earth does not fully reflect the messages given to him by Elaika on the Universal level because only Mary Magdalene has access to that information that is reflected fully on this Planet. The reason that everything changed in the Fall of 2016 was not because of what the Greys were doing on the Dark Side of the Moon, or because of the Phoenix Lights or landings of Greys. The reason everything changed in the fall of 2016 is because we shifted into the fourth dimension in September and I completed the opening of the Central Portal in November. This was the event that changed the future of the Universe and made Gaia the Savior of the Universe.


Bashar also announced that something will happen that will give proof to the existence of extra terrestrials. Well, everyone knows that the Secret Space Program has been widely announced on Earth already. However, that is not the important event that will change the minds of those on Earth. It will be the Original Ones who I am inviting to Earth right now who will create a way to show themselves on a Global Silver Screen mechanism which will translate onto computer screens and be transmitted to all governments of the world. I am not sure how much information the government will share with the people, but the mind set of the governments will be changed forever. We also already know that there have been walk ins of higher consciousness beings placed within the bodies of many of the key government officials on Earth who will be the ones signing the Universal Treaties.


The third thing that Bashar announced was the economy would be changed in a very positive way in 2017. According to Jesus that event was scheduled to take place as a result of a monetary collapse of the Cabals money and then a sudden replacement of a new economy. That event was scheduled to be complete in June, but it did not take place because of Trump.


There will be these grand events taking place side by side. As the Government is not telling us about the communication they are having with the Original Ones, I will be telling you the communication that is taking place.


Dr. Angela Barnett
(Soul of Mary Magdalene)
Joe Barnett

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