~To be or not to be in “Contact”~ LOVE REPORTER KATIE DEMPSEY

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 05/21/2011 - 09:04



~To be or not to be in “Contact”~


So many of us don’t even realize that WE ARE IN CONTACT ALL THE TIME. Many of us are afraid of “Contact”; third dimensional and multi-dimensional.  This perception of fear comes the distortions, dis-empowering frequencies that have hovered around us for so many lifetimes.

It is time to reclaim our multi-dimensional identity and learn to discern the truth of our Real reality and who we are in contact with.

Don’t we want to know who we are talking to?
Don’t we want to know their names?
Don’t we want to see and know what is REALLY going on around us?

Maybe if we look at this differently, then we will realize the importance of embracing this truth and understanding.

When we pass someone on the street, we may have the desire to say hello and for whatever reason we don’t initiate contact. We may even have regret not doing so, later.  On our way to work, we see the same people day after day. We become familiar with them even when we have never even spoken to them. Sometimes, we will smile at each other and sometimes we are just comforted with seeing their faces. We may even notice when they are not there and then we will begin to wonder what had happened to them. There is no difference between this form of contact than multidimensional contact.  Whether it’s visual contact or verbal contact. Whether you use visual confirmation, voice recognition or discerning dimensional frequency.

There is no difference between third dimensional
contact and higher dimensional contact.

It is however important for each of us to strengthen this form of communication, this level of awareness to reclaim our multi-dimensional identity, not only for personal growth but for personal safety and security.  By establishing healthy and protected contact, we are shifting and lifting unhealthy energy and dismantling DNA distortions that have been limiting further knowledge of our full awareness and our original wholeness.  Thus allowing for sets of higher dimensional frequencies to be infused within our consciousness; reconnecting and restoring memories of our origins and making available the teaching and techniques we need to continue our journey to wholeness.

It is also important for us to discern who we are in contact with and why we are in contact.  They may be members of our starseed family or maybe one of our higher dimensional selves.  If they’re neither, we will be in a position of power to disconnect and disengage any further contact if we discern that our personal energy grid is being compromised or even being infiltrated with dis-empowering frequencies.

Having this level of understanding and knowledge enables us to finally free ourselves from the illusions, the manipulations that have engulfed this third dimensional reality to reconnect with our starseed family. That by acknowledging our multi-dimensional identity, we are no longer ignorant. We are no longer available to the illusions and the manipulation that hover all around us.

Know this; just as it important to nourish and nurture our relationships with our earth family and friends, it takes the same commitment to reciprocate with our multi-dimensional family. As they are all around us and would be so very happy if would simply acknowledge them. Just to say “hello”

This may have triggered some fear or thoughts of doubts on whether “Contact” is real or even possible, that is the Illusion. “Contact” is scary, that is an illusion.  We are accepting that this knowing, this awareness we already have is an illusion. That doesn’t serve us. That doesn’t serve the highest good.


See through the veils of illusion, through the manipulation that has
engulfed our entire perception of multi-dimensional reality.

Reclaim it and see the REAL reality that is out there.

It is time. It is time for us to step-up. It is time for us to make a choice. We are no longer meant to mindlessly walk through our lives.  It time for action. It time to take control. It is time to be a consciously active participate in our multi-dimensional reality.  And with that, all that we have searching for, all that we desire and all that we have been working towards will just be.  It will become a real reality. We have to claim it. We have to own it. We have to accept it. Until we do, it will continue to be out of our reach.

Will we continue to accept that it will always be out of our grasp?

Are we satisfied to looking at it from a distance?

No, then claim it! Choose to make conscious and continuous effort to honour, nurture, cherish, and strengthen it.

If we don’t claim it, not only do we lose out but so do all those opportunities that we didn’t take.  We are divine human beings. By accepting all that we are, we are accepting All That Is and with this acceptance, All That Is becomes so much more.  We are expansive. We are extensive. We are limitless. We are ever evolving, ever changing.  That is our true nature. That is who and what we are but we have to own it. We have to accept it. We have to make the effort to continuously strengthen ourselves.  Take the action to be in harmonious balance with our Divinity.

The key is we are multi-dimensional beings living in a third dimensional reality and as we continue to strengthen our celestial bonds with our multi-dimensional family, how we perceive this connection will continue to evolve and change as we do. Our psychic skills will grow in strength and conditioning as we would if we followed an exercise regime.  And as we move forward in our lives, each obstacle that we may face will become easier to overcome as we become stronger through life experience and with utilizing the teachings and techniques that came available to us.

It is vital that we are as strongly committed to be in our full awareness as we are in strengthening our dimensional communication skills, psychic skills, perception of dimensional frequencies and realities.  Our perceptions and understandings are ever evolving, ever changing just as we are therefore it important for each not to become ignorant of our continuous development. That we continue choose to aware, to be present during our own process. And consider that if we become ignorant of our development, our process, we are allowing an opportunity for distortive and dis-empowering frequencies to re-enter our reality.  It is important to be consciously and continuously present on our journey to wholeness.

Own every moment, every moment. Honour what you are doing, the action you are taking in each moment. Recognize, acknowledge, claim, and accept it. Be present. Be powerful, always.

May we each choose reclaim our power and to flourish
in your journey to full awareness and wholeness, &
be blessed with ever-increasing love, bliss and prosperity. ♥


In Service and with ever-increasing Love
Katie Dempsey


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