Submitted by Lia on Sun, 01/16/2011 - 11:10


By Sapphire Stone    on Saturday, January 15, 2011 

You Will Gain An Instinctive Sense of Timing of Casting The Net of Your Consciousness Into The Sea of Opportunity As It Arises, The Results That You Manifest Will Leave Little Room For Doubt! It Is Not The Same World As It Was, When You Were First Taught How To Survive Here! The Page Has Turned Now! Your Old Life Script Is No Longer Being Played Out! Some May Still Be In Denial, Clinging To The Old Script, Not Knowing How Else To Live Their Life With A Sense of Purpose, But Those Who Are Awakened, Are Now Using Their Creative Skills, To Come Up With A New Plan, A New Way of Living!

The Guide Books On How To Live A New Life Within Your Own Imagination, Your Own Intuitive Know How, Have Yet To Be Written! But Once They Are Others Will Follow Them As The Gospel Truth!

The Truth You Speak, Enlightened Ones, As We Make This Transition Into A Whole New Way of Living, Will Start To Become Commonplace In The Realms of Reality Towards Which Our World Evolves Energetically!

The Ascension Process Is Done Eternally! It Is The Motion of Unity, Questing Toward The Completion of It's Own Hearts Desire, Delighting In The Reuniting And Bonding of All There Is, And All It Continues To Become! You Are of That Essence At Every Level of Creation! You Have Given Yourself The Opportunity To Experience The Truth, The Momentum of Change! You Have Chosen To Be Present And Venture Forth And Pioneer Through The Unchartered Territory, Confronting The Unknown, So You May Help Others Who Have Yet To Encounter The Shifting Tides of Your Reality!

You Are Amongst The Forerunners of A New Paradigm Who Will Set The Precedents Upon Which The Ground Rules of The New World Will Be Based! You Have Identified Yourself To Yourself And Have Dared To Stand Alone In The Light of Your Inner Truth, While Others Are Still Cloaked In The Self-Righteousness of In Consensus Thinking, Throw Stones, As Their Very Fabric of Their Being Unravels! You Sat Quietly Over The Years, Months, Days, Watching The Cards Being Dealt, Shuffled And Reshuffled As The Lives of Others Succumb To The Shifting Tides of Change!

It Really Isn't A Question of Who Is Right And Who Is Wrong Anymore! For People Will Come To The Full Realization, Life As They Have Always Known It, Has Changed! What Will Separate Those Who Will Thrive In The New Energies, As Opposed To Those Who Will Perish In The Framework, Will Be A State of Mind, A New Conscious Awareness, of ONEness! Those Who Cling To Life As To How It Once Was, Will Face Increasingly Difficult Times, Despite Playing By The Rules!

Those Who DO Recognize That Those Rules Are Redefining Themselves In The Moment Are Best Equipped To Ride The Currents In The Direction In Which They Are Headed!

It Is Only When You Realize The Ebb And Flow of Life, Can You Grasp The Energies In Your Favor, To Make Extraordinary Changes For The Better In The World! Timing Is Everything! For It Takes Only Natural Expertise, To Allow The Changes To Occur, On A Global Basis! Your Heart Must Lead The Way! Your Ego Must Remain Behind, In Order To Successfully Navigate The Seas of A New Lifestyle For Everyone To Enjoy, Within Love, Peace And Harmony! For It Is Not About You As An Individual Anymore, It Is About How We As A WHOLE, Can Make Extraordinary Changes In The World! To Be The Trendsetters! To BE The Example of How Other Can Conspire To Be! For Once Positivity Blankets The Planet, You Will Find Your Life Becoming So Much Easier To Live! You Will No Longer Feel Like Your Feet Are Planted In Concrete, As You Try Your Hardest To Step Forward! For Now, You Will Start Feeling You Have WINGS On Your Feet, To Propel You Forward Into A Better Existence of Who You Truly Are!

Life Will Get Easier As The Days, Weeks, Months Pass By! Empty Your Canvas of ALL Previously Held Illusionary Manipulative Worldly Viewpoints And Visions, And Begin Again On New Ground, Creating A Magnificent Lifestyle, That Allows Everyone The Opportunity, To Join You In A World Full of Light, Kindness, Compassion, Understanding, Truth, Love, Peace, And Joy! This Is How We Change The World For The Better! This Is How We As Creator gods, Begin A Civilization of A Collective Christ Consciousness, Within The I AM Presence! It All Starts With Each And Everyone of Us As Awakened Starseeds, Enlightened Beings, To Set The Scenario, Within A Grander, Brilliant, Extraordinary Creative Trajectory Thought Forms! Dare To Dream BIG! Dare To Think Outside The Box! Dare To Bring Fanatical Dream State Visions Into Reality! Anything IS Possible! For Those Who Say It Can't Be Done, Are ALWAYS Interrupted By Others Doing It! It Is Your World Now, Create It WISELY!

I Have Always Been A Forward, Futuristic Thinker, And I Will Continue To Be One, Until The Rest of The World, Catches Up With Me! As My Loving Soul Family, I HAVE FULL CONFIDENCE IN YOU, To Understand And Comprehend Exactly What I Talking About! Sometimes All It Takes Is ONE Person To Open You Up, For You To Realize WHO YOU TRULY ARE! And What You ARE CAPABLE of CREATING FOR THE BETTER!

BE Great!

BE Excellent!

BE Creative!

BE Imaginative!

BE Ground Breaking!

BE Who You Were Truly Meant To BE!



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