Submitted by hilarionra on Thu, 05/31/2012 - 19:34

Believing,believability,belief systems, are all egoic conditioned mind reactive unconscious deluded disidentification from the soul, living in identification with the conditioned unconscious reactive controlling superior,condescending ego mind. This activity of continually looking into these specific thought forms within , and words from others, as a support system to keep the conditioned ego mind’s control mechanism of needing conflict to stay in tact ,is the reason for all war. Not just war in the generalized sense of the word where two or more nations come together and use guns and bombs and spy drones to kill one another. I’m speaking of the war that takes place everywhere including the warzones that are found in the media’s talk about war. This kind of war I speak of, is the war in which the ego needs for it to stay in tact, yet what those who identify completely with the conditioned ego mind, is that they currently fail to realize that no matter how much they identify with the conditioned ego mind’s reactivity that keeps it in conflict with all life, including the soul within, is that this will not stop the being within everyone, from continually learning,growing and expanding from their experience of being.

Those who identify completely with the conditioned ego mind, fail to see, that they themselves are in conflict with the love they are, which is why they are in conflict with the truth that all enlightened beings speak of, point out, share,express with others and that is expressed through them, from source,god,creation,love,truth. This includes the whole delusion that there is no right and wrong. This also includes the delusion that none of that which is reality, is perfect as it is. This includes the delusion of being a woman trapped in a man’s body, being a man trapped in a woman’s body, being bisexual,a swinger, promiscuity, being a single mother using welfare. This also includes the welfare state,unemployment rates being so high, and discrimination in the workforce. This also includes the delusion of being a messiah, that you’re better than anyone because of your ph.d’s ,or doctorate degree’s in specific fields on the planet, because you drive a better car, better clothing, non disabled children, your children go to a private school, or you eat only organic food, drink the best water. All of these examples and all those examples which you come up with which I haven’t pointed out, point that which I’m speaking of , whether you realize it or not.

You disagree and fight with me about this, because you cannot see yourself as you are seen from a higher vibrating state in consciousness. You have thought within you that what I just pointed out is false, and so you buy into the conditioned ego mind’s reactive need to have you identify with its built in controlling mechanism that thrives on conflict to keep itself in tact. In conflict with the thought’s within you, and the expressions of others, that ironically enough , you can only currently see that you’re in conflict with certain parts of everyone’s expressions, including your own, and so you fail to see the fact that you’re expressing the fact that you yourself are identifying with the control mechanism of the ego mind which needs you to identify with the thought form that you can control reality, that you are in fact god incarnate, that you yourself pick and choose that which is love and that which is not love, that there is no right and wrong. What you will fail to see is the fact that even when you aren’t using the word’s “this is right and this is wrong” and talking about how you feel about the fact that someone is behaving a certain way and you disagree with it, you’re still pointing out the fact that you feel that this behavior is right, and that behavior is wrong, and you fail to see that also.

You will also fail to see how beings can behave in certain ways, you will fail to see that you are inevitably being backed up into a corner, and the only way out of this corner is to cut your way through the wild using your awareness from within your body hologram, through YOUR uniqueness that you own as you, and is shared equally with the all. You fail to see that you’re going to have a wake up call, and you’re going to experience, all that you’ve continually looked back at, over and over again for all these years since you were born in this life and in many other lives, that you yourself are expressing the fact that you identify completely, with the conditioned ego mind’s reactive unconscious responses, which are the direct representation of conflict, which is in and of itself, insanity. You fail to see this until you continually yourself as you are. Then and only then will you be able to work on yourself as you are. Just the fact that you disagree with this being said, points out all that I have spoken about in regards to identifying with the ego mind’s reactive unconscious control mechanism, which needs you to identify with the conflict contained within it, which is insane, to keep itself in tact. The fact that you continually deny this to be the truth, shows that you identify with the unconscious reactive conditioned ego mind’s insane control mechanism, to be the love you are. You identify with the thoughts of “I’m trying”, this trying to be who you are, is not being the love you are. It’s you identifying with that which you are not, the unconscious reactive insane,conflicted, closed loop of all thought which is not you or anyone else, conditioned ego mind. So as long as you continually disidentify with all of this information being shared with you, you will have an experience of being cornered in a storm, which is already happening in the here now, you just haven’t realized it yet, but you will, and you do have that experience, all that you’ve held onto which defined reality for you, will go up in smoke, and set you on fire. So have fun with your path of resistance towards the love you are += all. You are going to experience being a bug on a windshield…SPLAT! Seek the truth and the truth will set you free, don’t quote me, don’t just take my word for it, find out for yourself what it is that I speak of, the body is a natural truth detector, I am not in control of what happens to you after you having read this information. It’s a fear tactic that has you feeling as though you don’t have the choice to be the love you are, and the fear stems from the ego’s resistance towards you being the love you are += all. You’re going to have to unlearn all that you have learned in order for you to truly learn about the love you are += all that is.


I am Hilarion Melchizidek Hilarion Ra

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