Benjamin Fulford 6~5~12…”Cabal begins peace negotiations, detailed discussions begin”… Commentary from Kauilapele

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 06/04/2012 - 19:46

Benjamin Fulford 6~5~12…”Cabal begins peace negotiations, detailed discussions begin”…

Commentary from

Kauilapele's Blog  [Kp..."Thank you for Bringing Light into this Process"]


Commentary By Kauilapele "This new article by Ben describes a process “beginning” that may very well indicate a turn of “heart” by the dark ones (if those “dark ones” still have a heart that can be touched). A lot of interesting news, as always.


I am publishing this week’s article, in its entirety, for one reason… I got that it is very important for all of us to bring as much Light as possible, directly to every single aspect of what is described as occurring in the article. This is much more than a “personal” choice. It is a very strong Guidance that the entire Ben piece needs to be seen, read, and en-Lightened. This is the time, during this 6-4 (full moon), 6-5 (Venus solar transit), and 6-6 (Gaia portal opening), of the unfolding of the new Flower of Hue-manity. It is extremely powerful.


Interesting that I recently “ran across” a seemingly newer site that described something in a recent article entitled, “Lotus Unfoldment Begins“. I had just read that, and, lo and behold, the new Ben article popped up. This is not a coincidence. It is perfect synchronicity.


“The White Dragon Society is proposing a step by step introduction designed not to cause social disruption and chaos. This would mean large energy corporations would be given protection in certain areas until they were able to manage the transition away from using hydrocarbons as an energy source. These corporations are capable of carrying out huge projects with multinational staff and would be ideally placed to do things like turn deserts green, build underwater cities and create new eco-systems. They would be given the job of putting the spark of life back into the fossils they got their fuel from.”



  • The cabal that illegally seized power in the Western world and attempted to set up a fascist world dictatorship known as the New World Order is trying to negotiate a peaceful transition to a saner planet.
  • …the Bilderberger meeting that just ended has turned into a media distraction to draw attention away from the real secret meetings that are taking place, like the one planned for June 21st… at the Kimball Castle in Colorado…
  • The White Dragon Society is also now compiling specific, detailed evidence of human sacrifice and Satanic murder and abuse from victims who are bravely coming out a great personal risk.
  • The Pentagon and US agency white hats are not feeling as forgiving as the White Dragon Society and it is becoming increasingly likely the 1 million Satanist controllers in the West will have to face justice.
  • The Situation in Europe is also looking grim for the Satanists… It is looking increasingly likely that designing the European Parliament building to look like the tower of Babel was deliberate… [and] the blueprint for a unified currency was designed to fail right from the start
  • In the US, meanwhile, a critical intellectual mass has been reached and events like the arrest of the Ron Paul majority representatives at the Louisiana Republican convention are becoming impossible to cover up.
  • …ongoing negotiations in Asia… Fed’s response to attempts to cash legitimate… bonds, has been to kill the people trying to cash them. The most radical example of them doing such a thing was the 911 terror attacks…
  • The Feds… say that it is physically impossible for them to pay everything they owe. In other words, they are declaring force majeure and bankruptcy but refuse to leave the premises.
  • The White Dragon Society is proposing to cut this Gordian knot by offering a new 50/50 split between East and West for all new projects carried out around the world. There is also a need for a jubilee and universal debt write-off.
  • The big question that will be examined in negotiations this week is what to do about free energy technology… The White Dragon Society is proposing a step by step introduction designed not to cause social disruption and chaos.
  • …large energy corporations would be given protection in certain areas until they were able to manage the transition away from using hydrocarbons as an energy source.
  • The White Dragon Society has also told the US government they need to set up a new currency to replace the US dollar and devalue it relative to the internationally traded US dollar.


Cabal begins peace negotiations, detailed discussions begin
by Benjamin Fulford 6-5-12


The cabal that illegally seized power in the Western world and attempted to set up a fascist world dictatorship known as the New World Order is trying to negotiate a peaceful transition to a saner planet. Although there is much we cannot discuss in order not to endanger ongoing negotiations, the talks are focusing on how to smoothly carry out a transition away from fossil fuels and nuclear energy and how to arrange a harmonious rapport between East, West, North and South.


It is not clear, however, if the families that own the US Federal Reserve Board are acting too late and offering too little to prevent a revolution against their secret government. It is also worth mentioning that the Bilderberger meeting that just ended has turned into a media distraction to draw attention away from the real secret meetings that are taking place, like the one planned for June 21st.

The June 21st meeting is due to take place at the Kimball Castle in Colorado and will consist of people like the Bushes who give orders to the flunkies attending the Bilderberger meetings. Previous gatherings there have featured human sacrifice. The following site has good information about this.


The White Dragon Society is also now compiling specific, detailed evidence of human sacrifice and Satanic murder and abuse from victims who are bravely coming out a great personal risk. Message to George Bush Junior: “If you are lucky, you will spend the rest of your life in jail.”


The Pentagon and US agency white hats are not feeling as forgiving as the White Dragon Society and it is becoming increasingly likely the 1 million Satanist controllers in the West will have to face justice.


The Situation in Europe is also looking grim for the Satanists. In a recent report we noted that a “US agency ‘cleaner’ by the name of ‘leftie’ was going to Italy to ‘remove scum.’” Well it is interesting to note that immediately after the P2 fascist lodge was informed of this, the Italian government assigned 20,000 police officers to guard 550 individuals. We would like to thank the Italian government for self-identifying people they considered to be “scum.”


We would also like to point out that any agency sending a “cleaner” must be a cleaning agency and that the “scum” they were after was the variety that grows between bathroom tiles and around toilet bowls. It would be nice, though, for the Italian authorities to question their self-defined “scum” about their knowledge of the 311 nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan.


As far as the Euro is concerned, people need to understand they are dealing with extremely sophisticated and intelligent secret groups who plan events decades or even centuries in advance. It is looking increasingly likely that designing the European Parliament building to look like the tower of Babel was deliberate. [photo at right]

Click to Enlarge


In other words, the blueprint for a unified currency was designed to fail right from the start because, if you recall, humanity split off into many separate factions after the collapse of the tower of Babel. The countries like Greece, Spain, Italy and Ireland that are having their real assets seized by bankers need to note this.


In the US, meanwhile, a critical intellectual mass has been reached and events like the arrest of the Ron Paul majority representatives at the Louisiana Republican convention are becoming impossible to cover up. [the original Ben link led to a tattoo removal video, so I've located the one I think Ben intended to put here]
The Pentagon and the agencies are just making sure they will continue to be funded by the international community before they let a new legitimate government ease US tax-payers defense burdens.


This brings us to the ongoing negotiations in Asia. One of the stumbling blocks to a resolution is the fact that the Federal Reserve Board issued thousands of trillions or even quadrillions of dollars to Asian gold owners in exchange for use of their gold. The Asian owners think they have umpteen trillions when in fact world GDP is only about $75 trillion.


Up until now, the Fed’s response to attempts to cash legitimate, but impossibly large denomination bonds, has been to kill the people trying to cash them. The most radical example of them doing such a thing was the 911 terror attacks designed to stave off the return of gold shipped from China in 1938.


The Feds are also saying they actually did not get delivery of a lot of the gold they gave bonds for so they are not obliged to pay back all the gold the Asians say they owe. They also say that it is physically impossible for them to pay everything they owe. In other words, they are declaring force majeure and bankruptcy but refuse to leave the premises.


The White Dragon Society is proposing to cut this Gordian knot by offering a new 50/50 split between East and West for all new projects carried out around the world. There is also a need for a jubilee and universal debt write-off.


This would break the deadlock at the top of the financial system and free unlimited funds for spending on mutually agreed upon projects.


The big question that will be examined in negotiations this week is what to do about free energy technology. If done properly, the new technology can be introduced in a way that would lead to a golden age of universal abundance and freedom. If done in the wrong way, it would lead to chaos and warfare with people owning back-yard nuclear weapons.


The White Dragon Society is proposing a step by step introduction designed not to cause social disruption and chaos. This would mean large energy corporations would be given protection in certain areas until they were able to manage the transition away from using hydrocarbons as an energy source. These corporations are capable of carrying out huge projects with multinational staff and would be ideally placed to do things like turn deserts green, build underwater cities and create new eco-systems. They would be given the job of putting the spark of life back into the fossils they got their fuel from.


Detailed, concrete negotiations at setting up a pilot project are now underway.


The White Dragon Society has also told the US government they need to set up a new currency to replace the US dollar and devalue it relative to the internationally traded US dollar. The only other way to make the real US economy competitive again is to wait for US living standards to fall the Chinese and Indian levels.


In Japan meanwhile, the Japanese stock market is plunging because all the carpet baggers and “hedge funds” who illegally took ownership of a large percentage of Japan’s listed companies are dumping their shares and fleeing the market before they get confiscated by the new government. Japanese shares are now a rare bargain.

Guest (not verified)

Mon, 06/04/2012 - 20:27

I want to give all of this as much energy as I can, but I must insist that we remember that these so-called 'satanists' DO in fact have a heart and the very same divinity as any other.  They are performing a very important service for us all in being our 'bad guys'.

I just wanted to remind everyone that they need love too and that 'on the other side' we'll laugh with them and thank them for their karmic sacrifice.

Guest (not verified)

Mon, 06/04/2012 - 20:57

  Just wondering why would light beings stoop to negotiating with the dark, why are the dark allowed to delay things, I don't understand this.  Why aren't they just being arrested for their heinous crimes or transported off planet?  The dark never bothered to ask anyone for permission to torture others, so why are lightworkers trying to get the dark's permission to do good?  Why do we need the dark's permission to do good?  Why would we even ask?  Why do we have to "follow any of their contracts or laws" that they made up, when my divine birthrights have been supressed and ignored?  Are any of them real anyway?  Aren't most of them clones?  I would be grateful for any wisdom anyone can offer concerning these matters.  

  In addition, and please I mean no offense or disrespect, I just want to understand:  Why do our beloved star family say that they "spoke to the dark" or "spoke to the government" and the "response was no we won't let you land" etc.  I thought you couldn't even "hear" the light beings if you're in low 3d densities with your thoughts.  I know other light workers try to hear our star family, and ask to speak with them but we're told it's too dense here.  Then how can they speak to the dark workers?  Why ask permission from an illegal dark government?  Why not ask Gaia or 1000 random people on earth, from the light, and let THAT constitute "consent to allow the good things"?  How 'bout THAT for "that's the law"?

Why does consent have to come from a dense dark system/group?

They do not represent us!!  Thank you for considering my questions, I would be most grateful for a love/light being's response.  Namaste and thank you.

I totally agree with you. And specially from the video that bam has posted last time, they said the wait is over and they will action. Then why are we still have to neogislate with them?! Just mass arrest them all. It's June already. The big change suppose to happen.

First they are described as Satanists practicing sacrifice and now they are considering negotiations with them! They have had plenty of opportunity to negotiate in the past. They are not to be trusted. There is nothing to negotiate. Stop shuffling the deck and play the cards

Well said

I thouIght that the Bushes were under house arrest anyway, so how can they be allowed to attend meetings and give orders. 

I won't believe any of this anymore until I see Bush Snr behind bars.

Bholanath (not verified)

Tue, 06/05/2012 - 02:58





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