Benjamin Fulford ~ Full Update ~ Meetings Set In Attempt To End Financial Crisis ~ 11 June 2012

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 06/11/2012 - 11:28

Benjamin Fulford ~ Full Update ~ Meetings Set In Attempt To End Financial Crisis ~ 11 June 2012


Commentary from the Galactic Free Press: Below Ben speaks of a Drone Obama. The Real Obama is who we Love and Support.. We went Ahead And Are Posting Ben's Update as We feel He has an Aspect of the Divine Plan which is Unfolding. As You, We will See How this All Unfolds. We are All In this Together. All Our Love The Earth Allies



There will be a series of both secret and public high-level meetings from June 15 to June 20th aimed at ending the financial crisis that threatens to collapse the Western world’s banking sector, according to multiple sources. The hope is that the G20 meeting set to start on June 18th will lead to a breakthrough.


To help make that possible, the White Dragon Society sent a message to the Committee of 300 proposing the announcement of a campaign, similar in intensity to a world war, aimed at ending poverty, stopping environmental destruction, eliminating disease and otherwise trying to save our wonderful, but ailing planet.

If the committee responds positively and yet the high-level financial blockage continues, then the next level response will be directed at the P2 freemason lodge and the BIS, according to sources involved in the negotiations.


The other culprit known to be directly involved in stopping the new financial system is the drone serial killer Barak Obama, hired hand for the Federal Reserve Board owning cabal families. These families, the Warburgs, the Harrimans, The Scherffs (Bush), the Morgans, the Mellons, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds and their subsidiaries would then be considered to be the source of the problem and subsequently dealt with.


So far the Bushes, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Black Pope and a who’s who of the Western power elite have already been offering astronomical bribes to White Dragon Society members in an attempt to maintain their control on the dollar and Euro printing presses.


Needless to say, a lot of these super-rich trillionaire families would become street trash without their fabled money printing presses. Since it costs them nothing to punch extra zeroes into central bank computers, they keep coming up with ever more absurd and astronomical numbers that have nothing to do with the real world. The last central bank cabal “bond” one this writer saw had 46 zeroes on it but it was just as worthless as the rest. What the cabal families do not have is what they need the most, the goodwill of the people of the planet earth.


We also need to keep in mind the possibility that the blockage of the financial system in the West does not originate either with the Federal Reserve Board families, the committee of 300, the P2, the BIS or any other human organization. In that case, the rogue artificial intelligence story being put out by MJ12 will have to be taken seriously. It would mean temporarily ending all electronic money, unplugging all bank and financial institution computers and reverting temporarily to cash and carry until the system can be safely rebooted. This is the worst case scenario for financial system collapse. It will mean considerable, temporary, hardship but not mass starvation.


In any case, enough people have become aware of the scam that is privately owned fiat (out of nothing) money that the genie cannot be put back into the bottle. The process of monetary creation and distribution will have to be carried out in total transparency from now on.


The cabal will also have to start telling the truth about their secret rule. This will mean appearing before a South African style truth and reconciliation committee and talking about their crimes against humanity in exchange for forgiveness.


This further means the robber baron control matrix that has been set up over the past 100 years (or probably much longer) will have to be dismantled.


It will involve a total rewriting of history. We already know that history as taught in Western schools is a highly censored version of what really happened. For example, in the real version of history, the robber barons won and established totalitarian rule. In the false version taught in the West the cabal monopolies and cartels were broken up by democratically elected governments.


In the cabal version, civilization began in Mesopotamia about 7,000 years ago and all other civilizations are “junior” to the West. The truth is that there were advanced civilizations more than 14,000 years ago in many parts of the world (based on overwhelming archaeological and historical evidence). Perhaps opening the Vatican library to international scholars would be a good place to start.


The breakup of the media and school brainwashing system will also lead to radical changes. One Russian source says the brainwashing runs so deep it will take at least 15 years to produce a new non-brainwashed generation.


The White Dragon Society believes that from now on humans will only need one commandment: “do unto others (including non-human others) as you would have others do unto you.” The idea that apart from that one rule, people could do whatever they want, however they want, whenever they want, according to their desires, left the cabalist speechless.


One cabal family member seemed perplexed and scared and in awe of the idea of people being set free. The cabalists somehow think civilization will collapse if people are not kept as slaves but that is patently not true. People will continue to work and create because otherwise they will become bored.

Of course, the battle is not over yet and this free future has still not actually started. link to original article Thanks Gillian


Guest (not verified)

Mon, 06/11/2012 - 13:39

This is a load of crap.  I am sick of hearing this stuff and then dates come and pass.  The meeting at Camp David was supposed to be the "mass arrests" we have been hearing constantly as being "imminent".  I dont think I have ever been so sick of hearing a word as much in my life.  Also to the poster, he is not talking of a drone obama as in a clone.  He is talking about him as a drone using serial killer, hense the recent killings by the use of drones.  I have tried to hold out hope for all of this and kept giving the benefit of the doubt but this is it.  I have realized this earth is "hell" and there is nobody going to help us and we are not going to escape this shit till we die.


I feel for you. I really do. I'm a highly skeptical, very rational, non-religious person who  didn't get on the train until recently. It took a very long time. I've also been under the impression that this world is hell, for lack of a better word. I'm probably as sick of the ever present "imminent" as you are. Maybe I'll be proven wrong, but I've watched dozens of films, read page after page, researched until I can't research anymore, and I'm starting to really believe, now. Obviously, we'll see what happens. At least if this all comes to pass, you'll have the knowledge and you'll know where to come. In the meanwhile, it certainly won't hurt you to do unto others, etc. Be kind, do good and it's a win win situation.

The only "hell" is in your mind, and you are responsible for your own misery. While this may not seem like a happy prospect to someone stuck within suffering, taking responsibility is also what give you the power to change your life. Even if you can point to a hundred things in your life that you believe are "good reasons" for your suffering, the suffering itself is still just a reaction to those things. You don't need to suffer because of them, and the suffering just makes them worse. It saps your energy, and robs you of the will to make the needed changes.

equine_si (not verified)

Mon, 06/11/2012 - 15:18

We must remember that we are in the process of de-throning the entirety of the dark forces on this planet and that this is something that has never before been attempted, let alone achieved.  If things don't unfold on a timeline exactly as we hope or are told they will, it doesn't mean that progress is not being made.


I have complete faith that the end result will be the total infusion of light and love on this planet and peace and joy will be enjoyed and freely celebrated by every soul on this planet in the very near future.  The light can not be defeated!

Guest (not verified)

Mon, 06/11/2012 - 21:29

I really try not to get hung up on dates; just going with the flow, listening to my heart and soul.  It is not imminent, it is already occuring - silently, little by little.  Slow and steady wins the race and the Light knows that.  It allows for much better absorption, comprehension and acceptence from the people.  If done all at once, the process of the mass arrests would be too much for the collective to handle.  The Light takes it's time with things because beings handle change much better in small continual doses, rather than one huge lump.  My higherself told me that the two most important virtues I can have at this time are faith and patience.  At times I find these difficult to keep, however I have managed to stay the course.  The great awakening, the grand shift is upon us all N.O.W.  Much Love and Light to all my Brothers and Sisters.  Stay strong.

Guest (not verified)

Tue, 06/12/2012 - 13:13



A shocking Federal Security Service (FSB) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that last week an “intense” battle erupted in the US State of Michigan between military forces loyal to the Obama regime and American rebels that killed at least 380 men, women and children who had gathered to oppose their nations slide towards a totalitarian dictatorship.


According to this report, nearly 500 people opposed to the Obama regime had assembled for a “clandestine” meeting in the Michigan country of Alpena in an effort to form a 50-State alliance of local law enforcement and political officers seeking to “turn the tide” of their nations path towards dictatorship even, should it be necessary, by armed force.

The FSB states in this report that hostilities erupted when the American rebel forces gathered at this meeting indentified “several” undercover FBI informants who were seeking to “escalate tensions” and arrested them whereupon, “within minutes,” a contingent of “heavily armed” Obama regime federal police forces attempted to, in turn, arrest these rebel leaders.

After a “prolonged skirmish” between these rebel forces and Obama regime federal police, this report continues, the US Military launched a series of airstrikes, the largest being a 2,000 lb laser guided bomb that hit in the middle of those gathered at this meeting killing over three quarters of them instantly.

To how powerful this blast was we can read as reported by a local Michigan reporter named Bob Powell who wrote: “At 10 a.m. on Wednesday, 6/6/2012, a mysterious explosion shook homes over hundreds of square miles in Northeastern Michigan. The ground shaking explosion was heard from Presque Isle to Lincoln, and out west as far as Hillman.”

Important to note is that this reporter was swiftly detained and arrested by Obama forces when he attempted to gather more information.

Over the next nearly 48-hours since the initial bomb drop upon the rebels, this report continues, Obama regime military forces “numbering in the high-hundreds” descended upon Michigan [photo 2nd right] utilizing nearly 85 combat transport helicopters and A-10 Thunderbolt air-to-ground missile equipped fighter aircraft.

Confirming the chaos of this battle we can, also, read as confirmed by the Natural Society News Service which, in part, says:

“Eyewitnesses on the ground near the media-blacked-out elevated radiation zone near the border of Indiana and Michigan, where radiation levels hundreds of times higher than normal were quickly removed from public viewing by the EPA, are now sending in a large number of photos and videos documenting massive explosions accompanied by unmarked helicopters, A-10 Thunderbolts, and military personnel.

Those on the ground report that the explosions are ‘loud and deep’, sounding like fireworks with a kick. The explosions are oftentimes followed up with a squadron of helicopters or other aircraft, oftentimes black and unmarked. One Michigan resident reports the following, and is then backed by dozens of organic comments which confirm the findings:

“EXPLOSIONS EVERYWHERE! Also, Large helicopter heading away from Local Air Force base flying toward scene of explosions! These explosions are seriously consistent, loud booms for the last hour or more.”

Russian nuclear experts contributing to this FSB report state that the elevated radiation levels associated with this attack by the Obama regime upon these rebel forces state that they were caused by the bombs used because they contain depleted uranium, and that there is the “strong likelihood” various other rebel areas of the States of Michigan and Indian may have been targeted too.

This FSB report further states that the “massive retaliation” against these rebels by the Obama regime was due to their having military grade weapons in which to defend themselves and their families.

In less than 48-hours, however, after this attack an “angry and livid” Obama regime put a clampdown on its programme that has supplied US local police forces with military weapons, and as we can, in part, read asreported by the Fox News Service:

“The Defense Department has stopped issuing weapons to thousands of law enforcement agencies until it is satisfied that state officials can account for all the surplus guns, aircraft, Humvees and armored personnel carriers it has given police under a $2.6 billion program, The Associated Press has learned.

The department’s Defense Logistics Agency ordered state-appointed coordinators in 49 states to certify the whereabouts of that equipment that has already been distributed through the long-running arrangement overseen by the agency’s Law Enforcement Support Office.”

This FSB report notes that the death toll they projected in this report is, indeed, an estimate, but further state that based on the number of body-bags requested by Obama regime forces in the aftermath of this battle it could even go higher.

Unknown to the vast majority of Americans, and as we had detailed in our previous report “Russia Shocked After Thousands Of Americans Beg Obama Not To Kill Them”, the Obama regime is operating completely within the law of the United States that now gives their President unprecedented powers to kill and imprison any citizen he so chooses without either evidence or trial, and even newer laws that allows the US government for the first time in its history to deliberately lie and deceive all of them for any reason whatsoever.



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