Bill Ballard ~ 40~Days Collective Focus To Manifest New Earth ~ It’s Time To Shift The Collective Illusion ~ 25 February 2012

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 02/25/2012 - 14:57

Bill Ballard ~ 40~Days Collective Focus To Manifest New Earth ~ It’s Time To Shift The Collective Illusion ~ 25 February 2012

Much has been written recently about the necessity of collectively joining together in unified focused thought to shift world consciousness – to shift our collective illusion to a higher vibrational timeline. With that in mind welcome to the 2012 40-Day Event!  2012’s 40-Day Focus is about dreaming our wildest dreams to create heaven on new earth.  In 2012 our goal is to merge into One and tap into unified field consciousness – the Unity Grid. This is how we create new earth – heaven on earth – and the prophesied 1,000 years of peace.

40-Day Events (2009 – 2011)


Since the 2009 40-Day event we have seen ripple effects transform the Earth, bringing large numbers into the awakening and ascension process now being experienced.  8,000 were required in 2009 to join together and make manifest the intent of that first event. The 2009 event intention activated our heart chakras and required we spend as many of those 40 days devoid of negativity. We focused on shifting consciousness from head (ego) to heart (love). We knew that to change the collective we had to first change ourselves. We knew the square root of 1% of the population is needed to shift humanity as a collective. With ~7 billion individuals it takes roughly 8,000 unified on a particular thought to shift collective human consciousness.


Heart chakra activations and no negativity were the main goals of that first 2009 event. By meeting the minimum number of required participants the wave of energy emitted caused a ripple effect. That first event reached the 8,000 minimum and a visible shift in humanity occurred.


In 2010 a second 40 Days of No Negativity Event sent another ripple through humanity. Tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) began activating the ascension/enlightenment process via the heart chakra. The true participant count was unknown as the message was posted to dozens of websites and blogs. Many of these sites used counters to verify the minimum number of 8,000. One site alone exceeded the required total.


The 2010 40-Day timing encapsulated the Gulf Oil spill. Many who participated realize this event was called forth by Spirit to help neutralize the negative effects intended via the man-made Gulf disaster. The Gulf spill happened to be one of the benchmarks that signaled the beginning of the end times. The numbers who joined in 2010 were such that we shifted planetary consciousness and launched the “Great Awakening” now occurring at the super high speeds we see unfolding today. This 2010 event changed the planet dramatically because vast numbers globally emitted higher vibrations as a result of personal heart chakra activations.


Those who activated their heart chakras became “Energy Bearers” and took their first ascension mastery initiation. This is known as the 5th ascension initiation. Energy bearers greatly affect all consciousness by raising the frequency of any who contact their energy field. The energy bearers who participated in the 2010 precipitated the greatest shift in collective human consciousness we have ever seen. In all previous Earth history there had only been 8,000 total to reach this level of chakra activation.


The 2011 40-Day event focused on manifesting a new 5D earth. This event was more difficult to see the intended results. However, in 2012 these 5th-dimensional energies are very apparent. We can see this event did indeed result in its intended effect. Earth and humanity are now experiencing higher 4th and 5th dimensional energies. In 2012 thought and emotion now manifest almost instantaneously. This will continue to accelerate as frequencies increase from here onwards.


The higher 5d frequencies we focused on in 2011 are manifest in 2012. We are aligning with the galactic center and have entered the photon belt. Solar flares have increased in intensity and the earth’s magnetosphere is collapsing. These activities allow higher vibrational energies to enter the earth’s surface. It also increases the likelihood that the 2012 collective vision manifests even more rapidly due to prior transmutation of much of the old earth’s density.


It is quite amazing to observe planetary events at this time. Whatever you do don’t allow fear to infiltrate your being. By law of attraction any fear thought / emotion you magnetize can and will manifest more fear into your personal reality. It is of utmost importance to be at peace and be love! Remember, all exterior to you and your heart is illusion. The real you controlling this illusion lives inside your heart. That is you! Be in a state of love at all times!

2012 Is Finally Here!


We have arrived in 5th dimensional energies. Those who have not awakened will continue to experience duality. Duality, in turn, becomes increasingly intense as we spiral inward towards the center point of the vortex.


Two choices exist – movement after the shift into the positive earth timeline or the negative earth timeline. That is the two earths so many visionaries see when they view the future. Right now the dark side attempts to counterbalance the light resonating in and from energy bearer hearts. Everything in duality is being taken to polar opposite extremes in these coming months. We avoid experiencing these extremes by remaining internally focused – being centered – and working from the core of who we truly are.


3D & 4D consist of opposites and polarity. 3D & 4D laws of physics state every action has an equal and opposite reaction. The lighter we collectively become the more this exposes darkness – all that does not resonate with the higher dimensions of love and light.

Light and dark do not blend together. The vibrations just do not match. A dimensional shift must occur in the near future as increasing numbers vibrate ever faster and continue to anchor more light to earth. This increase in light creates a stark polarity between light and dark. Darkness is increasingly exposed and is being transmuted globally at this time.


Light attracts light and individuals dedicated to light attract others who resonate similarly in vibration. Dark is attracted to the dark. For humanity at large many live in both worlds. It is these who must choose the timeline they intend to experience after the shift.

Jesus said of these times you may choose the light and that is fine. You may choose the dark and that too is fine. But if you are in the grey area you will be chewed up and spit out. To remain in ego at this time must feel like hell on earth. In empathy I feel the intense fear impacting those who have not yet chosen. In contrast, many light bearers are giddy about these high vibrations and feel quite at home in them. That too was prophesied – that we would be in joy even as the world collapses.


For those fully focused in the light the job we do collectively is massive. It will continue to take dedicated focus to bring humanity to the next level. Many realize the negative timelines planned for us by the illuminati and still evident in 2011 have now shifted. The Illuminati goal of removing 95% of earth’s human population has been altered in the new light-infused timeline. The negative timeline continues on but we are no longer part of it. And yes, I know what the illusion looks like as society collapses. But those dark dreams of global destruction and enslavement are not going to happen (for us).

The illuminati attempts to make the dark timeline uppermost have created a lot more work (for us). There is much clean up required as a result of failed illuminati attempts at final domination. This clean up is amplified when we join together and collectively use higher spiritual powers and focused intent.


Many light workers are now attuned to receive messages from the unity grid. This is easy to see in the seemingly identical messages being transmitted by different messengers. Many channeled galactic federation messages suggest we organize a large collectively-focused event. Since many are attempting to figure out how to organize a focused event and this has already been done three times before it is clear to me that now is the time for the 2012 40-Day collective focus event. It is time the army of light receives orders from on high.


A major mission is about to unfold!

2012 40-Day Event ~ June 21 to August 1, 2012

The 2012 40-Day event is scheduled from June 21 to August 1, 2012.Those already focused on shifting mother earth and humanity into 5D are already dreaming our dream and doing this work. As we dream our dream we input our vision into the consciousness grid for collective manifestation. Manifestation can occur in a single instant when we collectively reach a critical mass of individuals joining in the group focus. June 21 – August 1 are specific dates to focus together and collectively amplify power.


40 days and nights is an appropriate length of time to focus. It has a far greater manifestation potential as it allows for more intent. Of course there is no need to wait until these dates to begin because the intent of your focus goes directly into the consciousness grid. When a minimum number of 8,000 join focus at the same time this geometrically amplifies the effect of the whole. All above 8,000 who join exponentially increase the power and effect of the collective manifestation. Can you imagine having millions, if not billions, joining this event? We’d be able to manifest seemingly grand possibilities in the blink of an eye. Well that is the goal! If we can bring millions or billions into this collective focus we could change anything in the whole world we collectively want to change in an instant of time.


Let Go Of The Rules

Rules are limitations we place on ourselves. They limit the possibilities to be achieved and experienced. Let’s create a new earth where everything is possible and no limiting prisons exist.

Remember, the dreams we each hold for new earth are combined to manifest the collective dream. This is precisely how the 3D-4D reality (illusion) was created. So, refrain from rules and definitions in new earth creation. No more boxes in which to contain ourselves. Instead, let the existing dimensions in this universe / multiverse be the box perimeters – with no rules. Let this dream have unlimited potential and possibilities.


When dreaming of new earth let go of all your preconceived ideas. If you want to dream of instant manifestation, do it! If you envision yourself flying, do it! If you see yourself walking through walls, do it! If you see spaceships from everywhere visiting earth or you leaving here to go visit those places – do it! If you see yourself with avatar abilities for you and each person on new earth do it! Dream your wildest dream!


As you dream add new vivid electric coloring – like lightning colorized – into everything (art, music, new life forms of all types). Add smells, tastes, sounds, experiences and sensations. See magnificent mountains, and sky, oceans, and so on. Feel love and bliss then amplify love and bliss into your creation! Experience from your heart – envision your idea of new earth. See it as already manifested. As here – now. That is how I do it and that’s how manifestation works!


Use Whatever Technique Works For You

There are too many manifestation techniques to mention here. Just remember – 16 seconds of truly focused thought is the same as 2,500 hours of physical labor! No kidding! So spend time defining your dream and focusing on collective manifestation! Add love and emotion to your focused intent to magnetize and materialize your new earth reality. Sense this as happening now to manifest it more rapidly! Remember, energy follows thought and emotion into creation.


As you dream realize your true potential for manifestation. Never have doubts of your potential! Realize your true greatness.  You are a fragment of the Whole One. You are a great spirit. Only a very small part of you is actually in your physical body. Truly, you are All That Is!


I am that I Am! Those are your words when you realize who you are! You are a fragment of All That Is, in absolute connection to All That Is. You are a creator god in your individual illusion that plays with other creator gods in a collective illusion. No one is doing anything to you! You are manifesting this illusion to experience All That Is for our own soul’s growth and to feed the mind of god, the Akash. You are here to experience your Self – to experience all there is to experience in realization of your god Self, the collective All That Is that you are at the highest level.


This 40-Day event takes you to the next level. It is about commanding energies. See Earth fitting into the palm of your hand when you send her love or healing frequencies. By doing so you internalize a more accurate view of your true greatness. It is your opportunity to add your contribution to a new collective vision!


In addition to dreaming of new earth there are 3D issues requiring focused attention. These issues affect the whole earth and all consciousness on it. These issues cannot be cleaned up with current 3-4d technology. We solve these problems by using our higher powers and focused intent to magnetize what we intend into manifestation. Below are some issues to consider focusing on. I know there are more but these are the main ones. Focus your intent on whichever calls you. You will know inside when you listen. Send love!


Disclosure and First Contact

By now you must realize we are not alone in this universe. Numerous higher-dimensional light ships are now videotaped on a daily basis. They are here because it is time for us to become galactic citizens. I seriously doubt that anyone reading this would have any question of that.


Our space brethren have been here all the time. They have technology to help humanity in ways we cannot conceive. They will be part of new earth when we invite them in. They will not appear among us in 3D openly if we fear them.


Illuminati-controlled earth governments have desired ET technology for war and global domination. Technology like free energy has been hidden from humanity because of an Illuminati desire to control mankind, and because of greed.


Free energy exists. Many have worked on this issue with no help other than the ideas implanted from the higher dimensions. To resolve this issue, stop planetary destruction, and begin clean up on a physical level disclosure of the ET presence needs to happen immediately! We can create that outcome by focusing intently upon it and by sending telepathic messages to ET family members that we are ready for contact. In this way we bypass government controllers.

Gulf Oil Spill


The BP Gulf oil spill is the biblical bottomless pit (Rev. Chapter 9; Hopi prophecies’ 7th sign). Even capping the well has not stopped oil flowing. The sea floor was compromised by the collapsed oil rig. There is no way to repair a compromised sea floor a mile under the ocean with existing 3D technology. Higher than 3D technology is the only possibility here.  If we don’t accomplish this there is little doubt the Gulf oil spill will eventually kill all sea life as oil keeps flowing from the sea floor. Once the oceans die all life forms eventually die as a result of the domino effect.


I have stated many times that the bottomless pit could only be closed by the Christ frequency. The Christ frequency manifests in all who have shifted consciousness from ego to heart, and who consciously vibrate love.  Together we are the returning Christ! We are the ones who close this bottomless pit. We do it with focused intent emanating from hearts empowered with love.

Fukushima Radiation


Just like the Gulf Oil spill Fukushima has the potential to completely destroy the entire planet. The initial Fukushima explosion emitted enough radiation to kill every life form (not just humans) 50,000 times each by vaporizing the MOX fuels (a combination of enriched uranium and plutonium) used in the nuclear reactor.


The ecological, environmental damage of the Fukushima nuclear explosion isn’t limited to the initial blast. There are 3 additional nuclear reactors in full China syndrome meltdown. At this moment the fuel is beyond containment and melting into Earth’s soil. The MOX fuel in heavy water continues to flow into the Pacific Ocean and is likely to contaminate all oceans in due course if not contained. Plutonium has a radioactive life cycle of more than 4 billion years. Radioactive steam continues to flow from the melted fuel rods.

One plutonium atom can kill any type of planetary life form. One ounce of plutonium can potentially kill all life on Earth.  Far more than an ounce was released in the first Fukushima explosion and continues to be released into the atmosphere to this day. What’s worse, it increasingly appears as if the Fukushima explosion was a man-made, planned event.


Tepco (Tokyo Electric Power Company) is in charge of cleaning up the Fukushima disaster. The company reports if the rate of clean-up continues as is it will take a minimum of 10 years before all the molten fuel is encapsulated and the release of radioactive material terminated.


That is simply not a viable option. More than 14,000 have died from Fukushima radiation in the United States in the months since March 11 2011. Globally, the rate of thyroid cancer is rising exponentially as a result of nuclear contamination. There is no place to run and hide. This is truly a global extermination event. At this rate all life on Earth will be dead in 10 years.


To reverse this outcome we must join in collective focus and repair this now. Our unified focus can neutralize all radiation emitted from that event. We can be 3D-4D humans and die or we can remember our God-like powers and shift the illusion. It is our individual and collective choice! All who participate in the 40-Day event are collectively choosing the higher timeline – to experience Heaven on Earth.


Chemtrails and Air Pollution

In my teenage years a yoga instructor had us practice focusing our attention and intent on clouds. We had to split them, dissolve them or manifest them. It was quite interesting. I wondered about what I was doing at the time – was it synchronistic or real. I know now it is very real. The cloud was responding at the quantum level to the thought emanating from my mind.


That is how these 40-Day events work. It is spiritual power operating through the quantum field. Each participant’s individual energy field sends a request to the unified quantum field to work with it and manifest what is desired – commanded – through thought and emotion.


The quantum field responds to requests such as “splitting a cloud” when thought (energy) is focused into the field (illusion) with intent. The two energy fields dance together as one to manifest the illusory experience desired. We step into unity consciousness by working with this knowledge to manifest the Divine Plan.


Chemtrails, Fukushima radiation, and continued leaking of oil in the Gulf of Mexico can be transformed by our unified focused collective thought. Think about clear bright blue skies with no contaminates from chemtrails. Think about Mother Earth’s soils rejuvenated.

This, and more, can be accomplished by the power of collective thought!


Please focus your intent to have as many individuals around the planet join in this 40-Day event so we can more readily shift our collective reality. Millions – and better still billions – joining together can accomplish this shift in an instant.

This is why this message is being released in February 2012. It is to allow time for this message to reach the greatest number. I do not mind if this message is rewritten, using whatever other words to describe what is happening or the potentials. I know my message can only be received by those who resonate with it and are of like vibration. All I ask is that the 40-Days from June 21 Solstice until August 1, 2012 be observed.


To maximize the number of participants I would like everyone in focus groups such as Churches, Ashrams, Temples, Yoga Studios, Meditation Groups, etc. to share this message to maximize its collective potential during this time. Please get everyone involved! There is no need to wait until these dates to begin or to stop on the end date, but rather to join in with the collective on these dates, which will amplify the effect of the collective manifestation.

I would like to see others writing and sharing their visions of things they would like to focus on for New Earth. We each have a different color to add to this picture!


Please put this on news groups, radio shows, blogs & broadcasts or any publication other method of communication to get all who will to join in. Please email to your friends. If you have radio shows, discuss it. Make it your dream too. You don’t need to speak to me or interview me. Take the idea and run with it! If you’re on Facebook post and repost this message daily. Post it to your groups daily. The more it is seen the more people will respond and join in. Make this 2012 40-Day focus event a tsunami in the minds and hearts of humanity. Focus on New Earth as much as you possibly can!


Dream your wildest dreams! Now is the time!

With Unconditional Love for All That IS,
Bill Ballard by Gilian link to article

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