Bill Ballard (Feb 5 2012) ~ Cleaning House For The 5D Shift Starts With Ego ~ Re-trigger

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 03/16/2012 - 16:26

Bill Ballard (Feb 5 2012) ~ Cleaning House For The 5D Shift Starts With Ego

Bill Ballard |  Shift Frequency | February 5 2012

Dealing with ego is something each must address.To do so we must identify what ego is within the illusion.

The Role And Purpose Of Ego


Ego consists of all we have known, been taught and think ourselves to be. It is the aspect of Self that informs individual and separate experience. These individual experiences feed our souls – the mind aspect of Creator Source – and allow Source to experience and know the lower material levels of consciousness.


Ego identifies who we are. It separates and makes us feel special regarding our accomplishments. It can be vain concerning how we appear or what we have that allows us to compete with others. It provides that mental edge – that secure feeling that keeps us from experiencing fear resulting from how small we really are in human form.


Think back to all those times you might have built yourself up by comparing yourself favorably to others and putting them down. Ego works that way. It needs others who are “separate” to compare itself with.


When we advance on the spiritual path and start realizing who we are on a higher level  we don’t compare ourselves to other ascended beings. We don’t think “because I do this or have that realization I’m more ‘ascended’ than St. Germain or Lady Master Nada.“  It would certainly be silly to compare ourselves in a way that promotes lower vibrational separateness. Indeed, as we ascend we increasingly recognize our oneness and connectedness with each other within All That Is. We know ourselves as individual cogs in one giant cosmic transmission.


Ego allows the experience of individualization and separation. Ego is a tool of consciousness that recedes as we step into higher levels of vibration and consciousness. Ego allows us to experience our individuated selves – the physical being that we become while incarnate. But ego does not transcend lifetimes.

For example, if I remember what I did in my last lifetime it would be strange indeed to hear me say, “Man, I was a fantastic Rocky Mountain sheep herder last lifetime. Yes, I held the Light in some of Colorado’s darkest times in the 1800s. Look at me and what I did last lifetime. Wasn’t I marvelous?”\


In other words once you have completed an experience what do you gain by continuing to gloat about who you have been?

In point of fact we are eternal! We are not mere perceptions of former lifetimes.


We each experience unique lives in which we feel, think, and witness all that goes into the communal Akash. We are scouts compiling data though personalities inhabiting a physical body. The ego is this physical body.


Who Are We and What Is Ascension?

We are far more than just body. We are consciousness. To really make magic happen we must awaken to who and what we truly are. We must recognize the smallness of who we think we are from the ego perspective. We must let this go so we can move to a higher level of consciousness.

Ascension is moving into greater awareness.  Ascension provides a new vista. New experiences occur and new doors and levels of consciousness become activated.


From the lower egoic level we often think of ourselves as something special and try to hang on. In point of fact we are privileged to have experiences that make us feel special. Of course we must be thankful for these unique experiences. But ultimately, these are not who we are! We are actors playing a part in a grand play. Our lifetimes consist of acting out our parts. Sometimes we act together. Sometimes we act individually. And, in the final analysis, none of it matters beyond the experiences gained and insights earned.


Ascension Means Letting Spirit Lead

Those inhabiting higher vibrations have learned to walk hand in hand with Creator Source. They do things and demonstrate powers that appear supernatural to those of lesser attainment. Any lower vibratory being witnessing the acts of an ascended being are awed by their seemingly magical abilities.


Now the only way to perform these seemingly supernatural feats is through Spirit – Creator Source. The only way is to allow Spirit to guide and lead from higher vibrational planes.


Believe me when I say there is nothing peculiar or special about ascension. Ascended beings are simply the first up the mountain showing the possibilities of what can be done when inhabiting higher vibrations. Walking with Spirit – letting Spirit be in control of your life – is what makes life “super” natural.

It all comes down to dimensions and levels of vibration. Personal mastery is about attuning to and using these higher vibrations in your own life. Everyone on Earth has this potential. Everyone. Everyone is already a master. Most are still asleep and now it is time to wake up.


As we awaken to realizing our divinity and true power we may appear superhuman. This is the result of having entered the higher vibrations while on 3D earth. And certainly when compared with lower 3D vibrations these expanded abilities do seem superhuman. But they are not. Those wielding these abilities have simply unlocked a higher level of vibration.

Anyone can do this! There is truly nothing special! Do not worship those who have these abilities. If you feel amazement at an individual who performs seemingly supernatural feats, remember that he/she is just another “you” vibrating at a personalized level. Anything that one can do you can too! You are only limited by the rules you have placed on your Self.


Many Rules We Live By Are The Result Of Fear

Many of us feel scared because our ego is afraid. This, in turn, limits our experience. If we think someone brave – if we think we can’t do what they have done or experience what they have experienced – we create limiting rules for ourselves. We make a box of limitations to play in. We allow ego to control our reaction, often to our detriment.


We must learn to control a fearful ego, to trust our ability to walk freely and willingly into the experience we dream of. It is ego fear of “what if” that keeps us from jumping right in.

Each time you stop and think about what’s going on in the illusion – for example you think “If I do this I may be harmed” – you create the possibility of being harmed. In the higher vibrations you learn to manipulate and master these negative thoughts. This allows you to walk though the illusion unscathed. You learn to trust and “feel” the (heart) energies surrounding you as you walk through the illusion.

You can be walking through the most intense hurricane ever, everything collapsing around you, missiles of broken debris flying everywhere – and simply being in that light of protection, in the security of “knowingness,” allows you to walk through the hurricane unharmed. Ego (fear) has been set aside and a once-feared experience lived through.


Your decision to undertake this type of experience checks the ego and causes it to disappear as the experience unfolds.  If you were in such an experience and gave in to fear in the middle of wind-flung debris and huge waves of water you would no longer feel the energies directing you to move this way or that. You would no longer be trusting Spirit to keep you fully protected whilst the experience unfolds.


It is the removal of ego that allows you to experience safety in the midst of a raging storm. Ego must be diminished – put aside – in order to more fully experience and feel the field. This is being in the zone.


To become superhuman you must master ego and do so in all experiences.


Ego Games Must Be Set Aside

Sometimes the ego thinks it is tough. It manipulates you into a situation it has convinced you it can handle. Normally when this happens you find yourself brought down in a hurry. This is because ego acts from a lowered vibration of separation.


Those who believe their egos to be special -  invincible! – perhaps because of who they are this lifetime – invariably discover otherwise, usually when it is too late. This is because ego keeps us separated when truly we are part of the same Holy Spirit.

I have done this many times myself, thinking others should do things this way or that – my way. But I have discovered this is ego wanting them to have an easier way of doing things

It is true I have learned many good things from the ego which make this incarnation easier. However, it is ego leading when I attempt to get others to do this or that so as to  make “their” life easier. Yes, the easier way is something I do wish for them. However this simply keeps them from their growth.


Each must go through his or her learning experience to discover what does and does not work. Telling another to do it “this way” or “that way” takes away from their learning experience. Each person must figure out what does and does not work. When they finally get tired of repeating mistakes and the frustration that comes with doing the same thing over and over with no new results they invariably come to their senses and decide for themselves to do things in a different manner.


We cannot do that for another. We cannot do another’s learning. Each must do this for themselves and, in doing so, learn to tame their own ego.


Notice how many are insistent about a problem they have that they attempt to solve the same way over and over again, often despite the fact that that particular way simply doesn’t work. Look closely at that individual and observe if they are in their head or heart. You will invariably find the individual is operating from the head. When you discover this just let them be! Let them learn from experience! We can certainly offer advice but we cannot do the work for another.

Now some may say there are individuals doing supernatural feats and enjoying wonderful experiences who operate from ego. This is backwards thinking! It is the individuals in awe of these others’ lives who are in fear of doing it themselves who are in ego. The one going through experience and living life to the fullest has set aside ego in order to have the rich experience. If they have not they will most assuredly crash and burn, no matter how high their attainments in life.


Cleaning House

The ego was a fine tool for the lower vibrations. However, as we approach the center point of the 2012 vortex and go ever deeper into our core of oneness the ego must be addressed. In order to shift into the heart-space it has to be put aside.

This is because ego has no place in oneness. Ego is a function of duality and polarity of the brain and not the heart. As one ascends the ego with its separation and fear must go.


Become Who You Truly Are

Unlike the ego, the individual personality does have a place in oneness. Make the shift into the heart and move out of polarity and ego separation. Reconnect with the eternal Being you truly are.

Once the shift occurs the ego you developed in this life begins to fade. All self importance and special feelings resulting from believing yourself separate and apart must fade. As each is part of the One all individual experience ends up in the Akash for each unique aspect of Oneness to experience for itself. There is no more ego and separation. You discover you are simply another me having an experience and feeding that experience into the Oneness we all share.

With Unconditional Love for All That IS,
Bill Ballard

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