Blinded by the LIGHT ... Karen Doonan

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 12/26/2012 - 10:05


How are you today? worn out? emotionally exhausted? or have you been able to find balance and peace within SELF? We ask because at this time of year more than any other the old 3D earth energies begin to use the teachings of distortion in ways that perhaps we are blind to. One of the most difficult teachings to dissolve in the old 3D earth energies is the one that teaches that somehow we are responsible for the emotions of others around us.

Personally we have found this one to be the most challenging. We have worked with each teaching as it has been illuminated and thought we had dissolved this one but once more it comes to visit and this time we are ready to pour the LOVE that IS through it once more, dissolving and releasing this teaching in order to come back into balance and harmony.

Let us explain a bit further and perhaps this is being written to help many of you who read this blog. I have recently split from a partner, a partner who in many ways has shown me many teachings that have been alive and well and running within my energy system. The journey was one of illumination and on many levels I give many blessings for this SOUL to have incarnated and shown me these lessons. For without them I would not have been able to move and shift to the vibration that I am at this moment. This may appear on the surface to be a familiar scenario but the universe has created a more challenging one for me in that the splitting up has not at this time involved a physical movement to another place.

Many of you may have encountered the situation where pressures have created a scenario where two people no longer living as couple still share the same location. This I have wrestled with and looked at from different angles until finally I have uncovered the teaching that holds me in this pattern. For we are all held within patterns until we can acknowledge the teaching and see the pattern, it is not possible to see that which we are blind to. All this time I have been blind to this teaching for it is a teaching that I have ingested and anchored when a child.

The teaching that tries to teach us that we are responsible for the emotions of all who are around us. As one who works with energy at many levels it can be challenging for me at many times to be around other people. Highly sensitive to others emotions my primary sense is FEELing. Whilst others may be able to see things I can FEEL things before I see or hear them. This can be challenging and especially in scenarios where others carry deep grief or anger as I can pick this up very quickly.

The scenario I find myself in was thus created at SOUL level for how can I move into a new earth and create a new life if I am using the basis of the old 3D earth energies in relation to others emotions and feelings. As I have lived the past few weeks here in the same physical location as an ex partner, one who does not wish to let go, a further challenge in this teaching, I have been clearing and clearing my energy. I have been looking deep within to see that which holds me here as I realise that as soon as I acknowledge the pattern and release the teaching then all will shift for me.

Unconsciously I created a scenario where I am being forced to look at my boundaries and forced to look at how I feel in relation to others emotions. As a female I had ingested the teachings also that taught that somehow because I am female and a mother I should put myself at the bottom of the list and place everyone else first. This has been dissolved to a point but now I realise not fully dissolved. For my ex partner has tried energetically to keep me in the routines and the roles that were in operation previously.

So the more that I go along with this scenario in order to achieve some "peace" within the household the more I fall into the teachings of distortion. For the SOULs lesson is that I can be who I AM regardless of where I am or who I am with. This has been a huge lesson and one that I can now see clearly. As many of you may have read in the TRUTH CODES book it was not until I attended an event with my now ex partner that I realised how uncomfortable I felt being with him surrounded by people who shared my views on the world and life. This has been shown to me in depth over the past few weeks. As he has tried to hold onto the routines and the roles he has lashed out at my work and lashed out at my core BEing. Trying to energetically lower my energy signature and bring me back into line and be "normal".

What is "normal" as that is surely a perception? Many people may not think that what I do or who I am is "normal" but that is perception based on what they define as "normal". I am deeply thankful and I send out much love to those who are here incarnated in order to help me at this time. For we do not go through these lessons without the support and guidance of others even if we cannot hear their support or FEEL it at the time.

I am not responsible for another emotions or actions, I am only responsible for my actions and emotions and this I work to balance and harmonise. The teachings hidden in plain view as I concentrated on pouring light through my situation but not dissolving the teaching that has obscured my vision. For each moment that my ex partner launched into how it could all be different if I wasnt so "weird" or stated clearly he was "just a normal guy" placed his emotions at my feet. It is my choice whether to process his emotions or leave them for him to process and now I choose to leave with them with him. For this is a lesson for both involved in this, not just me. He too at SOUL level asks to be accepted for who he is regardless of who he is with, but he cannot accept himself, choosing instead to place his insecurities and fears at the feet of all whom he shares his life with. Many are taught this teaching and cling tightly to it. Believing that if those in their lives just changed then all would be somehow better or perfect.

This is NOT TRUTH for we can but honour SELF, to live the life we wish to live the way we wish to live it. ALL is vibration and vibrations resonate or if they are too far apart in vibration will repel. As you resonate to a higher vibration then there will be others around you who react unconsciously to this vibration. My lesson learned and now dissolved then I TRUST that the universe and my SOUL show me the next part of my life experience. For all is guided at SOUL level. This was a deep lesson, it was at times a painful lesson but a lesson acknowledged is a lesson released and a part of SELF deeply healed.

We are all here to expand and grow at SOUL level. In another energetic landscape I may have succumbed to the teachings and given up SELF at the expense of another's energy signature. In the new earth energetic landscape I now see clearly this is not TRUTH. My SOUL has asked me to understand and accept this in my human form, that I am who I AM and that I must also honour who I am at all times. To live in TRUTH is to honour SELF it is not to succumb to others needs and wants and to contain your energy signature in order to somehow not upset them. That scenario serves no one least of all SELF. For each one of us alive on planet earth is able to expand and grow at SOUL level, in order to do this we must step out of our comfort zones and look deep within and begin to heal.

LOVE is the highest vibration that exists, it is the very fabric of our universe and the very fabric of SELF, LOVE in TRUTH does not ask for a sacrifice of SELF in order to be understood or to be accepted. That was the role of SELF under the old 3D earth energetic signature of planet earth. For aeons the human race has been taught that to love another you must sacrifice SELF and this is not TRUTH. To love another you must first LOVE and accept SELF from this all else flows......


Rebecca N.

Wed, 12/26/2012 - 11:42

Much Love!  I completely relate with this message as I have been going through a similar scenario and face the same issues as a female parent.. I am happy for you for staying positive and true to yourself- thank you for sharing yourself- I deeply appreciate the insight..

Nageetah IsRae… (not verified)

Wed, 12/26/2012 - 14:26

. My SOUL has asked me to understand and accept this in my human form, that I am who I AM and that I must also honour who I am at all times. To live in TRUTH is to honour SELF it is not to succumb to others needs and wants and to contain your energy signature in order to somehow not upset them.



I overstand your post, and I agree. Maybe us not normal people can find normalcy with each other in the physical form, just as the Spiritual form. I AM willing to participate. I ask Spirit to make this a reality.  Namaste



Love Geeta

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