~Bringing In The Light Excerpt from The Multi~Dimensional News with Suzan Caroll Ph.D~

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 01/23/2012 - 07:23

January 21, 2012


~Bringing In The Light~



Have you been tired lately? Does it seem that no matter how much sleep you get, you still feel like you need more? That is how it has been for many of us. In fact, some of us have discovered what we are tired of. We are tired of the low frequency of the third dimension. The juxtaposition between the frequency of light that is entering our consciousness, and the frequency of the physical world is becoming so different that it is increasingly difficult to hold onto both of these worlds at the same time.


In spite of this juxtaposition of energies, we are NOT so tired when we choose to focus on expressing our Multidimensional SELF in a creative way. When we are engaged in creative activities, we lose our fatigue and become quite energized. On the other hand, when we need to take care of our third dimensional responsibilities such as driving to work, paying our bills, cleaning the house, etc. we often feel exhausted. Fortunately, when we are being creative, and there are as many definitions of creativity as there are people, we become enlivened again.


Furthermore, the term "creative" is also changing. Creative used to mean that we learned or had an innate ability to DO certain creative things, such as singing, painting, dancing, athletics, etc. Now creativity means that we are learning to use our innate ability to be the creators of our life. When we are the creators of our life, we can choose to DO anything we want, except that there are certain mundane tasks that seem to linger on and on. Because of the ever-increasing frequency of light and unconditional love emanating form the Galactic Center, our ability to be creators of our own life is steadily increasing.


On December 21, 2012 Earth will be directly in front of the Galactic Center Therefore, in only 11 months, the "time" that we have awaited for millennia, and the transformative energies that has been prophesied by every religion and sacred group, will be streaming directly into our personal and planetary body. The Galactic Center is so close now that these increasingly intense energies are already creating rapid changes our world. All we have to do is to look at the Internet or even the traditional news to see how people are deciding that they want to be the creators of their lives.


People all over the world are saying, "I love myself enough now to know that I deserve a better life. I love myself enough now that I am able to expand my mind and open my heart to a new way of perceiving reality." We are feeling this way because unconditional love is intermingled with the high frequency light that is streaming from the Galactic Center and into our planetary consciousness.


Unconditional love is not an emotion like human love. Unconditional love is the highest frequency of light. It is the creative force of the Multiverse, which activates our healing, creativity and transformation when we download and integrate it into our consciousness.


Unconditional love is, also, the bonding force of the Multiverse. Therefore, it is creates a sense of Unity Consciousness for those who embrace it. Because of our ever-expanding Unity Consciousness, reality is no longer something that is outside of us. Reality is INSIDE of every one of us, yet we share our reality with everyone. But, if everyone has his or her reality inside, how can it be that we seem to be in the same reality? Some questions need to remain unanswered until we can stabilize our multidimensional thinking.


Some questions are beyond the limits our physical brain and only have a multidimensional answer. These multidimensional answers will come to us as we continue to expand our consciousness to encompass higher and higher frequencies of light. In other words, in order to understand, or even perceive multidimensional messages, our consciousness has to resonate to the frequency of that information. As a result, whenever we expand our consciousness, our perception of reality expands as well.


Going back to the question of, "How can separate individuals who all have reality inside of them share reality with the others?" The answer is that no one is separate and there are no others. In the higher frequency expressions of our SELF we are ONE with all life. Being ONE means that there is nothing that is outside, or even inside, of us because here is no outside or inside. There are only the moments in which we are fully connected with the ONE. In these moments we are calm, peaceful, joyful and loving.


We do not need to try to BE any way or DO anything in order to be calm and peaceful. It is just that every now and again, we are experiencing random moments of feeling at ONE with all life. How did we get there, and what do we have to do to stay there? We only ask these questions when we have lost the sense of Being ONE. "Here," "there, "do," "stay" are foreign concepts when we are having our "Radom moment of Unity." Surrendering to these moments of the NOW is the kindest thing we can do for our self. Moreover, since we are truly all ONE, whenever we are kind to our self, we are kind to everyone. In fact, whatever we DO for our self or to our self, we DO for or to everyone.


When we are having these ever-increasing moments of unity with the ONE, we lose all our fatigue. Our bodies are no longer heavy, and we feel light. In fact, we feel like we ARE Light. It becomes difficult to keep our eyes open because we want to see with our Third Eye and hear with our High Heart. Also, when we close our eyes we are not as distracted by the illusions of our third dimensional reality. Free of this distraction, the feeling of Unity with all life is amplified. With our eyes closed we can better see our inner light, as well as the inner light of others. Simultaneously, we can more clearly understand our experience via the high frequency energies of our opened High Heart.


What if we could only perceive the higher frequency of everyone and everything in our reality? What if the world doesn't change in 12-21-12, but it is our perception of the world that changes? Will these changes then be real? And, if we see our SELF as a glorious Being of radiant light and love, and see everyone else in the same way, will we care if it is "real?" Have you ever had a dream that was so wonderful that you didn't want to wake up? What if we WAKE UP and find that everything we thought was reality is really a dream (or a nightmare)? Would we want to go back to the dream that we thought was reality or would we want to stay in the reality that we thought was a dream?




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