The Cascading Ladder to Ascension"

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 10/22/2012 - 07:48

Today we would like to focus your attention on what we would like to call “the cascading ladder to ascension”. Many of you are “forerunners” on the path to ascension; in that you have chosen to go first into unknown territory to lead the way “back home” for those who are not as sure of the way to enlightenment. You are the ones carrying the torch for those who will soon walk a similar path. For those of you wondering if you too are a “forerunner”, know that you would not be drawn to this message if you were not.

For those of you who are leading the way, you may sometimes feel as though you are left to forge this path on your own; that because you are the ones who have volunteered to lead, that you do not have anyone who is there to lend you a helping hand. To this we would say, yes, you have chosen to descend into the lower dimensions for your own soul growth but you didn’t “leave home” without a “ladder” to climb back up. With each step that you take, you are climbing the ladder which leads you back to the higher dimensions from which you came. Know that for each one of you who have volunteered to lead the way back home, there are legions of other divine beings who volunteered to remain in the higher dimensions to help you achieve your goals. You each have an infinite number of divine beings eagerly awaiting the chance to take your hand and help you every step of the way.

Yes, the path that you have chosen is not always easy, but know that you are always accompanied by many guides and angelic beings along your journey. Just as you jumped at the chance to help light the way for those searching for the way back home, we too were thrilled to take on the task of helping you to do so. We in the Angelic Realm are so very eager to help you on your path if you will but ask. Remember that we can never interfere with your free will; and therefore we are not able to offer our assistance if you do not ask. The path you walk may sometimes feel dark, but we are never far away shining our light as brightly as we can for all to see, however only those who are willing to look will see the light.

Each of you are standing on a proverbial ladder, and we are standing by ready for each of you to begin to climb. As each of you awaken to your true self you begin your quest for answers to your many questions that flood your mind. The answers can always be found within. However, as you now have most likely experienced, as you elevate in frequency and vibration from releasing limiting beliefs which no longer serve you, you are then met with more beliefs which no longer resonate with your higher vibration. Each rung that you climb gets you a little bit closer to the higher dimensions from which you came. But with each rung that you climb you then reach out your hand to lift those who are behind you by sharing your light and spreading your joy. Just as you continue to reach out to those who are coming up from behind to help them up the ladder of ascension, we too are reaching our hands out to you to pull you one step closer. And such is the beauty of the cascading ladder to ascension; a ladder in which as one reaches up to the next level, you pull all others behind you up with each step you take. By following your heart and searching for the answers to your many questions, you set an example for those who are “following” in your footsteps. You don’t have to say anything to others, your message is clearest when you lead by example.

Know that, just because you are choosing to have an experience in the lower dimensions, does not in any way mean that you are not helping those of us in the higher dimensions to elevate our own consciousness. We are all one, and as one grows, we all grow. You are all teaching us so very much. About what you may wonder. You are teaching us how to descend into the lower belief systems and be so fully immersed in them that you forget who you are, you forget that you are a divine being a light and of frequency; and that you are the creator of your reality. The circumstances around you are not the cause of your thoughts, but rather your thoughts are the cause of your circumstances; then you to begin to remember and release each limiting belief one at a time. Those of us who have never incarnated into the lower dimensions have never had the privilege of such a challenging experience. And this is why we say, you are teaching us, as we are guiding you.

There is no end to this “ladder” as you will always continue to grow and elevate in consciousness. There truly never is an end destination, only “pit stops” along the way. But your soul is always yearning for more experiences that will allow it to continue to grow, and such is the beauty of this experience. For just as we in the higher dimensions are helping to guide you up the ladder, there are still others that are helping us to elevate in consciousness as well.

Many feel exhausted by this journey, and are disappointed to hear that their journey will continue on, however know that your experiences in the higher dimensions will soften. Only in the lower dimensions do you experience the belief in separation, lack, fear, anger, judgment and various other dense beliefs. As one journey ends, another begins. Those illusions will not follow you into the higher dimensions. You will be free to experience peace, joy and unconditional love in abundance. The learning experiences in the higher dimensions are quite different. Your journey will not be this arduous for much longer, we hope that this brings you solace.

Many wonder when they will be able to meet us, when they will be able to see us, or when they will be able to hear us. To this we say it is entirely up to you; for we are not coming down to you, it is you who are coming up to greet us! We are always here, waiting for you to look up and when you do, you will find many loving arms out-stretched to lend you a helping hand on “the cascading ladder to ascension”.

We hope that this message has in some way served you.

In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides.

Copyright © 2012 by Taryn Crimi. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.



Its all about the climb

Wow, amazin message dear guides. I found a single yellow rose in street about a month ago. Love how Miley tosses the red rose of security behind her as she keeps on keepin on her journey.

Tears of joy streamin...when she arrives at the golden plateau of her vision

So much love, so much love...

We are rising to the occassion wayshowers. Although our paths are challenging we take off our boots and walk barefoot now...

Grounding in the mother...she is our red rose

Blessings dear hearts

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