~Change is Occurring Moment By Moment~

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 06/11/2012 - 10:02



Greetings Love Beings, Moment By Moment the Energy of Change is On the Move. We are Now Preparing For a Huge Influx of Energy which will occur in our Global Event On the Solstice. The Energy of Change is Flowing Into the Planet at an Ever increate rate. We are In a Mass Awakening. We will Have More Information in Our Next Update. Love The Earth Allies



VOTE for a peaceful surrender against the Dark Cabal, Elite. POLL VOTE :


"To argue with a man who has renounced his reason is like giving medicine to the dead."
~Thomas Paine

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FREEDOM PROJECT: Punts & Clones: Fed up with Euro, Irish town cashes in old currency


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We NEED to get rid of these power-hungry few, and replace them with candidates that are truthful and REPRESENT THE PEOPLE. People who want to make a change for our global community. TOGETHER. With NO ego-based, greed system, but a system that works for ALL OF MANKIND !! And, YOU count, you are powerful, the amount of energy you hold is vital for making change.

Begin in your local community, talk to the cashier, the florist, neighbor, friends, family, at the bus-stop, waiting lines.. anywhere, interact with each-other.. spread the awareness.. but in a peaceful way.. make people conscious about whats going on, and what you can do. Form an idea together. Take action. Time to sit around on your ass is over. GET involved.

Spread this video to everyone you know.

Blogs, forums, facebook, twitter, anywhere... time to stop the fear, doubt,victimization, and compartmentalization.. the separation, the ego.. get together.

If you are a lawyer, scientist, engineer, CEO, politician, doctor, any form of a public figure, or just the common guy that knows TRUTH, and have kept your mouth shut for a long time, speak out, stand in truth, be balanced, responsible, mature, and step forward. NOW is the time. Back each other up. Do NOT let insecurity, doubt, fear, or whatever it is keep you down. Be courageous, take a stand, be a leader for the better of all mankind. By understanding, loving, and knowing what's right for humans and all life on earth. People will support YOU, they will come when you least expect it. YOU ARE NEVER ALONE !! KNOW THIS !!



Much LOVE to you all !!




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Shimmering Ones: Much Will Change Over the Coming Days


Shimmering Ones: Much Will Change Over the Coming Days


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6/10/2012 -- South to New England also Midwestern outbreak + next system coming


States either currently under severe weather, or will be over the next 3 days:


use the links here to monitor severe weather nationally and internationally:



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FEMININE DEVINE: Women's right to vote in SA | Utopia Girls | Thurs, 14 June at 9.30pm, ABC1



Published on Jun 10, 2012 by NewOnABCTV

http://www.facebook.com/ABCTV.au Presented by award-winning historian Dr Clare Wright (The Einstein Factor), UTOPIA GIRLS tells the fascinating, little known story of how Australian women became the first in the world to gain full political rights.



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FEMININE DEVINE: Ekko Express / Sarah Park - Strength


Uploaded by EkkoTV on Jan 15, 2012


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Earthrise is here on June 10th, 2012.

June 10th, 2012 Love is in control now! Earth needs you NOW! Continue spreading your Light everywhere! Remember to vote on how the surrender of the Cabal will go. Voting on this is very important. On a perosnal note for me, May 21st, 2012 something happened which I was praying wouldn't happen. That made me slip into the illusion and ego again, the same thing happened today but on a worse scale. I felt the negitive vibrations. I quickly healed myself. Now it's like it never happened. When this happened on May 21st, 2012 it took over a week to get back up to speed. This shows how the Love energy is everywhere! Earthrise is here!

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Fran Zepeda ~ Sananda ~ Breaking Illusions ~ 10 June 2012


Fran Zepeda ~ Sananda ~ Breaking Illusions ~ 10 June 2012



My ascending Lightworkers, I greet you again. We gather far and wide to usher in the New Earth. Preparations are being made and the stage is set for a glorious new future, which is becoming evident to you now.


By all observations from the Spiritual and Galactic Realms, you are proceeding splendidly and we offer our deepest appreciation for all your brave, hard work.


Today, I wish to address the subject of illusion. You have been immersed within it for such a long time and you are beginning to break the chains and restrictions that have held you back.


You know it was necessary to be fully immersed in the illusion in order to gather all you needed to transform yourselves into the Divine Beings you always were, but forgot for the sake of experiencing duality to the fullest. And so the time has come to step out of that role and welcome the true essence and reality of your multi-dimensional lives.


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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~6~10~12 The Light of Love is Fully Lit, Now ~


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~6~10~12



Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~The Light of Love is Fully Lit NOW ~



Greetings Love Beings, The Light of Love is Fully Lit On Planet Earth=Heart. The Energy is Now Quickly Moving Into Alighnment for our Next Series of Events towards Humanity's Freedom from the chains of illusion. Through our Last Extra Boost of Energy we were able to Successfully Dissolve the resisisent Energies.


The Greatest Show In All Of Planet Earth=Heart's History is Beginning.


This Light of Mine, I Am Gonna Let it Shine




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Solar rays of LOVE Is Any One Else Experiencing this?


Submitted by lightsinger

I originaly posted this as a comment, but no response. Really wanting to know if this is a common event to others.


      I usually walk into the woods here @Mom's in NC to meditate in the mid afternoon. I have been sungazing for a few seconds @ a time. Wed, tho, it was incredibly different.

As I looked at the sun, I could clearly see wavy rays eminating from the sun & radiating out all the way almost to earth. They were varied colors, I remember blue most prominently, with reds & purples also. Was exhilerating& I found I could keep looking without having to blink. I felt electric currents of energy running thru
my body & a joyful ectasy took me over. I still feel it now as I write.

Am on my way now, hoping to see that again. It was cloudy Thursday & I was too late Friday, the sun was too low.


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(3) M-Class Solar Flares in 24 hours! Sunspot 1504 - 06/10/2012


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Message from the Earth Allie: Letter to my Father~God



Letter to my Father~God


How could I start but by saying I Love You...

For me, that is You...

I Am... because You Are.

And all I=We expereinced has been of such intensity...

And You were there, with me, in me, even when I did not know, when I did not want to know.

Cause sometimes I thought it was easier to forget, so that I could go on living in the illusion I’d built ouside of me, so that I could go on blaming all but my mind for my experiences... and blame You.


~And You where still there.~


I talked to You all time, even when I tried to believe You did not exist, I kept talking to You, in silence, hoping I was wrong somehow.

I tought I hated You, for each time I build an illusion I thought was working you destroied it. And I had to face the fact that it did not work. I thought You hated me... nice projection I did.


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Montague Keen – 10 June 2012



Montague Keen – 10 June 2012

Posted on June 10, 2012 by GLR lucas2012infos 


The truth of this statement cannot be emphasised enough. I have tried, since my passing, to encourage you to determine the truth of who you are.

Until this is uncovered, you will remain in the control of those who set out to take from you and use you as slaves, and blind you to this fact. I told you, eight years ago, when I passed to Spirit, that the Cabal were planning to create a recession; that they would use this to take complete control of your planet. The few countries which were free of bank debt had to be brought down by sending mercenaries to them to create upheaval and unrest and to pretend an uprising was happening, thus creating an excuse to invade and bring those countries to their knees. Invasions only happen in DEBT-FREE countries. It was all coldly planned and calculated to ensure the ‘banksters’ gained control. That so many lost their lives was of no consequence to them. Their plan is to reduce the population by two thirds.


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Engage Life with the Energy of Love by Tsoknyi Rinpoche



Engage Life with the Energy of Love by Tsoknyi Rinpoche



Engage Life with the Energy of Love

Over the past several weeks a number of people have asked me about specific practices though which they can connect with essence love ~ ~ that fundamental aspect of our nature that may be described in a number of ways: as a tender, unbiased openness toward every living being; as an unconditional kindness, gentleness, and affection; or as a very basic sense of well-being which, if nurtured properly, can extend to a kinship with all other living beings.

Actually, one of the best, most vivid definitions of essence love I’ve heard recently came from a student of mine who is a grandmother, who described in terms of the experience of being in the presence of her grandson a radically joyous readiness to love, to laugh, to marvel at the absolute wonder of life expressing itself.


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Jared Ayden – Saint Germain: The Truth is very dear to me June 10, 2012



Jared Ayden – Saint Germain: The Truth is very dear to me June 10, 2012

Saint Germain

Prepare for major shifts that will occur in the near future.

You feel that there is not much happening, somethings are indeed happening but it is too slow to your liking. What you do see is not unfolding as you hoped, but take it from me that everything is in good order.

Information is still widely denied to the masses, facts are twisted, thus stagnating your flow. The flow of the river however, stronger and more powerful is unstoppable. Where we see opportunities for implementing change in a milder way, we seize that opportunity. We ask you to stay focused on the broad stream of this river, see the whole picture and don’t get stuck on details.


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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 06~10~2012~ Water is cleaning up~



~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 06~10~2012~ Water is cleaning up~





Greetings Loved Beings,


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Corrine Switzer – Spirit Awareness In Relation To The Neutrino Versus The Photon



Corrine Switzer – Spirit Awareness In Relation To The Neutrino Versus The Photon – 10 June 2012

Posted on June 10, 2012 by GLR lucas2012infos 

A neutrino is a subatomic particle that exists in the atom as it continually flows through all things as well. Another confirmation that we are spirit light swimming in the consciousness of God.

The neutrino and the photon are essentially the same, but the difference between a neutrino and a photon is that the neutrino is a photon that has lost its pulse (loss of electrons), therefore allowing it to move even faster than light.


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This is the real deal. Voting ends on Tuesday, Weather you believe this can happen or not please participate for we need to make a stand on where we want the future our planet to go. While the unconscious masses are busy and focused on the presidential elections and voting for another puppet president of the cabal we will make the vote that really counts and will actually determine how things will play out. We have the REAL power to determine how things play out. Remember, we live in all possibility, lets make it happen!


PLEASE VOTE HERE: http://www.soldierhugs.com/cabal-surrender-poll-vote/



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Prepare For The Next Wave Of Energy.....10th June 2012....By Selacia....


Prepare For The Next Wave Of Energy.....10th June 2012....By Selacia....

Prepare for the Next Wave of Energy

Selacia's Council of 12 Message


The times you have long prepared for have arrived. Do you know what this means?

Right now you are in one of the calmer transitions, preparing for the next big wave of energy. It's like you have a few moments to catch your breath and reflect. As you do, it's quickly apparent how much is changing all around you. Your own changes are at warp speed, too.


The part of you that's conditioned by limited thinking may be feeling nervous, not seeing the other multidimensional parts of reality now on the drawing board. Just because you can't see them, of course, doesn't mean they aren't there!


Divine Changemakers and Multidimensional Reality


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No why's today







My day has been frequently going up and down and I was able to watch that the why things are happening did not came into being. Looking back I saw that the reason for being happy or .....ehm ''just'' O.K.  did come into being! Also that the lower feelings; dead tired, sad or feelings `were not subject for analysis or needed to hold onto. Writing this I remember and feel in bliss beyond the positive and negative. Beyond the mind that controls these duality limiting things as good bad and love and hate.


From bliss I write what comes,


I see pure godly energies wooshing 'n washing over earth. Utterly content, potent, love energies that by it's nature able to make all matter resonate with it. All resonates with love and love resonates with all. There is no hiding from love and only shelter for a while. It is that quality of energy that I see. Stormy though even tornados where love is needed to manifest the most.



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POOFNESS ~ 6/10/2012


POOFNESS ~ 6/10/2012


Super Greetings and Salutations;

Much news that has come at you this past week, was exactly that, superstitions. Ideas based on how the world has been working for the last 200+ years. Nature has forced a change. So folks have been forced to accumulate and dispense information based on past assumptions, leaving their ‘tale tailing’, flawed. In truth, they know not what the future holds. There is a vast gulf between ‘believing’ and ‘Knowing’. When you were born, when you came out the birth canal, did you turn around to see where you came from? You ‘assumed’ from circumstances, those people were your parents….tell the truth. I’ve had the privilege from watching actions take place to fortify my held beliefs to see them become solid, tangible.



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Symphony of Science - the Quantum World!


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~ I Found Myself through Love of the Truth~





~I tore myself away from the safe comfort of certainties through my love for TRUTH~ I believed in it and it has rewarded me..I get to speak it daily to the seekers who believes that all life is truth


I have been labeled as ADHD drugged and made numb, I never smiled or laughed anymore and became angry. I then believed in something more than what they had to offer, I began to believe in myself~ I stopped all medication and began to meditate on my life, my purpose..I began to love who I was and who I was becoming~



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The Earth was our common home ~ Lady Ifegena through EnnKa June 10, 2012



The Earth was our common home ~ Lady Ifegena through EnnKa June 10, 2012

Veröffentlicht am


Juni 10, 2012

People of Earth, I speak to you today from the Dragon Realm. We strengthen our energies now. Your bodies are now able to absorb ever increasing energy.



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Our Creator, Mother Father God



When people say they found God, do they realize they've only found a part of themselves? We are all a part of God, within us all lies the Divine spark of Mother Father God. We are not God's worshipers, we are all his children, and like a family we must honor, respect, and bask in each others greatness. Once you've found God, you should have found yourself. For God .doesn't exist in the skies, God exists in our Hearts. Our Hearts are pure, unconditional Love, now I ask you is God judgmental? No, God is unconditional Love. So, where else could God be? Well, no other than in our Hearts, dear Ones. If God resigns in our Hearts, then where must the Kingdom of Heaven be? It must be in our Hearts! If this Peace and Happiness is what you seek, then go within and find yourself. Be ware, here you will find God, but remember you won't have to worship, but only acknowledge. The best part of all you will unleash a Godly being. But whom? Why yourself, for we are all the children of God


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Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 11 June 2012



Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 11 June 2012

Posted on June 11, 2012 by GLR lucas2012infos 

The time has arrived for positive thinking and acceptance of events as they are expected to work out with no preconception as to how they should be. You know that Ascension will come regardless of how our plans for you work out, so just allow for their manifestation knowing that all is well. Matters are so near to coming out that you will be taken by surprise as to how quickly they will happen. We would rather that you focus upon the positive events, than spending time and energy concerning yourselves with what will happen to the dark Ones. Their fates are sealed and justice will be seen to be done.


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Steve Beckow: An Introduction to the Events of 2012 – Part 4/4 2012 JUNE 11



An Introduction to the Events of 2012 – Part 4/4

2012 JUNE 11
Posted by GLR Steve Beckow


The galactics and spiritual hierarchy of this planet have been communicating with us via books, articles and Internet messages for decades. On one occasion they interrupted British TV to send a message to that nation. (1)

Their message has always been one of peace. They warned us on many occasions that we stood in jeopardy of destroying our planet with nuclear weapons, radioactivity and other dangers. But the elite that controlled this planet would not listen to them.


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God Speaks on the Dark Cabal


God Speaks on the Dark Cabal



by GLR Ree

My beloved children of light. I come through now to inform you of the tremendous accomplishments of the light. Many of you are waiting for my plan to be unveiled. As the months have passed I have seen many of you grow frustrated at the seeming lack of forward motion of the lights presence on earth. Many of you rely on the word of people working in this field.


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Jennifer Hoffman: The Rest is Up to Them



Jennifer Hoffman: The Rest is Up to Them

2012 JUNE 11

Posted by GLR Andrew Eardley

The Rest is Up to Them

By Jennifer Hoffman – June 10, 2012


I am often asked what happens to those who are not ready or willing to shift into the new paradigms that are being created, and the answer is that they will in their own time and in their own way. It is not our place to judge or criticize their choices and, if we do, we are pouring our energy onto their path when we need all of our energy for ourselves right now.


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Michael by GLR Ron Head, Listen intently to the promptings of your hearts



Listen intently to the promptings of your hearts. – Michael by GLR Ron Head

June 11, 2012  by Oracles and Healers

Once more we return to speak with you in these ever increasing frequencies of love and light.  There is a period of slightly more than a week now during which you will feel these building once again.  You have reached the end of a period of integration which allowed you a little rest from the constant build-up.  There will be more of these periods, but you are becoming better able to assimilate the information and entrain on the higher energies.

It may be some little while before many of you manifest obvious changes in your mental, emotional, and physical selves.  Others will notice it almost immediately.  Rest assured that your fields will have received and absorbed the new light.  Were this not the case, you would not be reading these messages, for they would make no sense to you.


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Lisa Gawlas ~ Activation Of The Womb Of Creation Is Under way!! ~ 11 June 2012


Lisa Gawlas ~ Activation Of The Womb Of Creation Is Under way!! ~ 11 June 2012


Can you feel all the finishing touches being done to your energy field?  All the last bits of the DNA add-on’s are being downloaded with intensity.   The field that I read from is changing and morphing so much every day it is really hard to keep up with!  To share with you what has been happening today almost becomes moot tomorrow.  But we are indeed reaching the grand finish line.


I have said before, I take on so much information thru any given day, by the time weeks or a month rolls by, I have forgotten so much of what I had understood thru it all.  So when I am reading and seeing something, often times it looks like new information… very much like the solstice energy coming up on the 20th of this month.  It is only this morning do I realize the profoundness of it all.



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Change is Afoot


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CHANCE OF MAGNETIC STORMS: NOAA forecasters estimate a 30% chance of polar geomagnetic storms during the next 48 hours as a pair of CMEs pass by Earth, possibly delivering glancing blows to our magnetic field. Magnetic storm alerts: text, voice.


TRIPLE FLYBY: As the solstice approaches on June 20th, the International Space Station is spending some extra time in the sun. Ironically, this means you're more likely to see it in the night sky. Mark Humpage photographed three ISS flybys over his home in Lutterworth UK on June 10th:


"There were actually four flybys this evening at 2207, 2343, 0119 and 0256 hrs, however, the first was clouded out," says Humpage. "I added a few bursts of flash just before the first flyby to light up the garden and then left the camera running all night. The following morning I extracted all the images and stacked them to produce the final composite."


Readers, now is a great time to look for the behemoth spacecraft glistening in sunlight among the stars. Flyby times are available on your smartphone or from Space Weather's Simple Satellite Tracker.


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Hilarion:This is The Time of the Merging Process with Your Higher Aspects



Hilarion:This is The Time of the Merging Process with Your Higher Aspects

2012 JUNE 11
Posted by GLR BZ Riger

Hilarion:This is The Time of the Merging Process with Your Higher Aspects

 by Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana

June 10, 2012


Beloved Ones,

This is a time of staying grounded and connected with Mother Earth. Plan to spend as much time out of doors as is possible for you.

Allow yourselves to open to the higher energies of your Higher Self and be in quiet contemplation as much as you can.

For those who are ready, this is the time of the merging process with your higher aspects.

Let the cares and concerns of this world just be what they are and keep the higher vision of yourselves in steady view. This is most important.


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The Dance




There is so much drama and ego in posts and reports and updates and replies.  It is becoming a challenge to discover clear motivation.  What comes through loud and clear is the intent behind every action.  It is not what you are doing, but why.  Understand what is really going on here.  We have hoped, prayed, wished and meditated for a very long time for a better life; for happiness, prosperity, health, love.  These things are forthcoming.  In many places they are here.


Rather than scale back our vision to focus on our deepest wish – we are observing the scenery and judging its merit.  We can no longer afford the luxury of an opinion.  We are here to make a decision.


Our planet has been controlled.  This year, for a brief moment, we are being shown the whole story. Who showed us or how they did so is not relevant.  What we are seeing is vital – we are being introduced to the truth.


Real freedom assumes we understand the importance of each thought word and deed; the only one responsible is us.



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Angela Peregoff – The Week Ahead – 11 June 2012



Angela Peregoff – The Week Ahead – 11 June 2012

Posted on June 11, 2012 by GLR lucas2012infos 

Opportunities mix with challenges during this bi-polar type week of ups and downs giving each of us our mastership training in attuning to a new lens of perception that is quite different than the former lens that much of humanity has used during past and current incarnations. Though this new view may be the cause of some irritation, even jolts of depression and confusion, it’s a blessing. I promise you. Be patient, be curious and don’t turn your back on your Light dynamics as it is attempting to adjust itself.


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Heavenletter #4217 How You Love Being Dazzled


Heavenletter #4217 How You Love Being Dazzled , June 11, 2012 

God said: 


Let the fires in your heart settle down. Let the embers cool. Be at peace. Fires have to burn out. Peace and love stay cool. Peace and love witness themselves quietly. Peace and love do not work up a storm. It is something else besides peace and love that work up a storm.

If you saw peace as better than conflagration, you would have peace. You don't have to be fired up. When you do not feel a need to be fired up, then you would know peace. Peace would become a cooling stream for you. You would no longer be hot under the collar. You would sit on a lounge chair in front of a cooling stream. Peace would wipe your brow. Love would stir you and cool you down


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Imminent Revolution Against The Elite – June 2012 – 11 June 2012


Thanks to Lucas


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FREEDOM PROJECT: RT: Former ‘God’s Banker’ could blitz Vatican with cache of secret documents


GFP: Thank you Ettore... your courage is priceless and your patience was tremendous sitting for such a long time within jaw of the 'beast'... Blessings and all our Love for you and Yours... PSG


RT: Former ‘God’s Banker’ could blitz Vatican with cache of secret documents


Posted on June 11, 2012

Published: 10 June, 2012, 20:21

Pope Benedict XVI talks to the former head of the Vatican bank Ettore Gotti Tedeschi (AFP Photo/Osservatore Romano)


Pope Benedict XVI talks to the former head of the Vatican bank Ettore Gotti Tedeschi (AFP Photo/Osservatore Romano)

The former head of the Vatican Bank has become the Papacy’s Enemy Number One, after police discovered a trove of documents exposing financial misdeeds in the Holy See. The banker now reportedly fears for his life.


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Oracle Report ~ Monday, June 11, 2012



Monday, June 11, 2012

Third Quarter Moon Phase

Today our emotions can take the better of us, especially if we feel we've been treated poorly or unjustly.  We tend to over-emphasize the areas where we feel victimized.  But we also have wonderful energy in place that moves us forward in new ways - new ways of thinking and new ways of doing things.  We are projecting ourselves into a higher experience of life.  If you are struggling with a restlessness or confusion, it is time to take a step back and revise.  Slow down and take yourself out of your situation for a moment  Go outside and connect with the beauty of whatever is around you - a tree, a bird, green grass.  It is time to heal.  We've been on a rapid ascent (like the rise of the phoenix) since the super-conjunction of May 5 and the effects of the New Moon/Solar Eclipse/Ring of Fire have also been massive.  As Chiron moves to station retrograde, we will enter into healing mode.  This energy is like a salve for souls like us who operate within the matrix, but are definitely outside of it.  Wise owls will shift their consciousness to this perspective.


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Suzanne Lie – Creating New Earth 3 (Video) – 11 June 2012


Thanks to Lucas


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Max Igan – Don’t Wait For Mass Arrests Or Someone To Save You. You Have The Power To Save Yourself



Max Igan – Don’t Wait For Mass Arrests Or Someone To Save You. You Have The Power To Save Yourself (Including 4 Videos) – 11 June 2012

Posted on June 11, 2012 by GLR lucas2012infos

An absolutely brilliant and vitally important talk by Max Igan in four parts (part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4) on YouTube.

Nearly every problem in the world is due to a breach of trust

Nearly every major problem we face in the world today is due to a breach of trust.  Governments are abusing the power that has been granted to them by the people over which they govern. Corruption exists because the people have forgotten the arrangement that exists between themselves and government, which is that of a trust agreement.

The solution is for people to start showing some responsibility.  Show some competency in your own self-governance.


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Visionkeeper – Finding What Works For You



Visionkeeper – Finding What Works For You – 11 June 2012

Posted on June 11, 2012 by GLR lucas2012infos 

(picture by www.favim.com)

I was traipsing through my pictures this morning looking for that one that speaks to me and tells me what to write, when I found this one.

For some reason this house looks like the home of a writer to me, hours spent pounding on the keyboard while looking out the windows. On a rainy foggy day there may be a small fire in the fireplace, perhaps the smell of a pot of soup simmering on the stove. It made me think about my own life of writing down my thoughts that one day I combined with wanting to help others awaken to the truth, resulting in the creation of this website.


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Truth and Love Shall Bring Peace!





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Hannah Beaconsfield ~ The Pleiadian Light: Bridging the Emptiness



Hannah Beaconsfield ~ The Pleiadian Light: Bridging the Emptiness


Thanks to Gillian

Transformation. The winds of change that are blowing through your world consciousness are creating new patterns of reality. Part of pattern creation is pattern destruction. This is the breaking down of old forms to make way for new ones. Many aspects of the old reality are used to create the new patterns of the transformed planetary unit. Old patterns are incorporated into the new.


Applying these general circumstances to the individual human struggling with the ascension of the species, this reads as a tearing down of all ego-centered aspects of the personality, the identity, and the integrated unit of body, mind, and spirit that is the total self. If this were accomplished all at once it would be too much to handle. It is, however, being brought about by incremental steps of tearing down and building up simultaneously. But there are points at which the individual may become so dismantled as to feel vacant, or even hitting a bottom where hope is obliterated.



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Angel Message about 2012


Angels talk about the earth changes, 2012 and the incoming Christ Consciousness


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Take Care Take extra good care of yourself



Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Take Care Take extra good care of yourself

You are asked to eat healthful foods, to exercise regularly, and to avoid toxins of any kind, mental, emotional, and spiritual, as these make raising your vibration more difficult. The physical body is the densest and therefore requires extra care at this time.

Your angels are asking you to pay attention to your physical body, after all, you are here to have a physical experience. Perhaps you resist this guidance, and the angels have repeatedly come to you about this topic. They remind you that the body is an instrument that, when well tuned, emanates greater harmony. Your spirit is like the music of a grand piano, and the angels ask you to maintain that piano to make it sing so beautifully

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Flowers For Ixchel. Another Chapter Of My Story ~ By, AuroRa Le. ~ June 11, 2012.



Flowers For Ixchel. Another Chapter Of My Story ~ By, AuroRa Le. ~ June 11, 2012.

Posted on


June 11, 2012

by theangeldiaries

Divine intervention can arrive at the most unexpected times and in the unlikeliest of places.  This was the case for me back in 2006, when I was trying to find the motivation to leave a relationship which was clearly not working.  Like many other Lightworkers, I’m a fixer.  I will attract those who are in need of care, and then find it difficult to know when the line has been crossed between helping and enabling.  The  relationship I was in was one I had contracted before birth, and I knew this.  He was a Starseed who was sound asleep and very far off course from his true life purpose.  I was to wake him up. 



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Dear still cabal Guest,

Yes you are forgiven too... If you look deep in your heart [simply look within, or inside out...] and you will find some tingly sensation that you did not notice before...

This is forgiveness feeling that you have, yet cannot fully understand... This is forgiveness feeling for self and for others, even a cabal one... especially for dark ones, as we all carried some dark spots, from this life or any other...


This little flame that is in your heart is truly God Given, and You know it... Only what to do with this is: NOTHING... simply to be aware that you are capable to forgive, darks or lights or self [and does not matter which box you put self in...]... to be aware of this little flame, this little spark of love and compassion and forgiveness to others is more than enough...


To be aware the box is not what Forgiveness can be fit in… Forgiveness see no boxes, no colors, no sides, no limitations, no corners….


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Times are showing us that indeed we are all part of a group! Far from the days when we felt that we were going to achieve great things for ourselves personally inside this 3-d "reality" or upon this world alone..., now most of us are becoming aware of how much we NEED EACH OTHER. We now realize that we need each person to become awakened, aware and engaged in order for OUR greater planetary dreams to unfold and become manifest. On the shoulders of a single individual, this kind of thing does not, and can not manifest because we ALL LIVE HERE TOGETHER and as such no greater reality can manifest without collective agreement from everyone. We now realize that "reality" (or the percieved way things are done in 3rd dimensional Earth) is collectively created by all of us together by our THOUGHTS and BELIEFS in it's necessity.




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~Schedule one of these Amazing Life Changing Sessions!! Today~


~Humanity we are Here for you for your Real Awakening~












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The Dolphin Collective ~~ The Energetic Lightworld and your world are comming together ~~ 11/06/2012 by GLR Méline Lafont



The Dolphin Collective ~~ The Energetic Lightworld and your world are comming together ~~ 11/06/2012  by GLR Méline Lafont



Hello Lovely Ones,

We are the Dolphin Collective and we come forward today to discuss an issue that raises a lot of questions among you. We refer to the life you will lead after this illusory 3rd Dimensional World is over ; we refer to the life in the Higher Dimensions and more specifically in the Lightworlds. As your own Ascension process approaches rapidly it is high time that we at least lift the veil, that keeps you in ignorance, a bit so you get a glimpse of this wonderful world. The world in its 3rd Dimensional Frequency will cease to exist and be no more. This climax of illusion means its demise and it will end soon. The moment you complete your own Ascension process, you will be in for a most wonderful world. One you have never experienced before ; even the most exquisite paradise on Earth pales by comparison. A world filled with magic and fairytale scenes would be an accurate description. You will find yourselves in a self-created world where all and everyone will walk hand in hand and be united with each other. The greatest trump of this world is its harmony and all will come to pass instantly. Imagine that we, the dolphins, are swimming with you side by side in a beautiful lightfilled clear blue ocean. We are eager to explore this world with you to guide you through each and every magical scene. So let’s start, are you ready? Let’s go!


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Vatican is falling... ready to Hold the Light Lightworkers?


Vatican is falling... ready to Hold the Light Lightworkers?



Another truth is coming to the surface, again, we said this would happen and it is happening, even the most untouchable are now touched by the Light.

Lightworkers, you're here to Bear the Light of Love.

This truth is not the only one, there will be more... much more, thus our task is not to point our finger but to help transmute and transform.

Into Light.


Turning our back and pretend it did not happen would be as fake as all illusion. Thus we're here, and we've trained to be able to accomplish our task Now. And our task is Love, not hate, not judjment.


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