Submitted by Lia on Fri, 06/17/2011 - 07:21




As a follow up to the Manifesto I recently shared with you, regarding the Children’s High Council Meeting in the ethers. I felt it would be timely, to perhaps share just a tiny morsel of things that have happened in my own family. I also will share a bit of the research and information I have gathered, regarding the ‘Super Psychic Children’ alive today, on our planet. 

To me, I feel one of the final vestiges of awakening, must happen with the children of our world. In order to bring them with us into full alignment. Agreed? So we are all on the same page. I feel the children are saying

 What about ME?..........See ME. I’m here too. I need direction, guidance, inspiration and encouragement. I need you to talk to me and explain things. I need to feel part of this rollercoaster your on mum/dad! Hear me. See me!”

  I feel children are frustrated and impatient to be seen. I feel they are doing things to get attention. You know the old saying “Bad attention is better than no attention!” Both my sister and I have an understanding of this. We have had awareness of sabotage for quite along time. That we put down to children misbehaving in the “ETHERS” or dream state. That at subtle levels, the children, or ancestors, are playing games with us, in order to been seen. Does any of this resonate with you my friend?  They may also not be so subtle and are causing tantrums and general chaos in the physical, to get attention too. 

To me the youth of today, and that means, fully awake spirit children, foetus’s, babies, toddlers, young children, teenagers and young adults are all saying……… “I’m aware. I’m awake. I’m bored with this throw away culture and quick fixes. I want to be part of this shared, new dream, about anchoring paradise in our new world. Let me show you what I can do. Try me. Test me out! SEE ME!!!  

Perhaps you are an Aunt, a Grandmother, a Mother or a Father, that is fully aware that your kin have some magical and special faculties, as I do about my own. Perhaps you have seen a look in the baby’s eyes that tells you

“I am Grandmother returned!” I know of several people I have spoken to in Edinburgh, that have had this ‘all-knowing’ telekinetic experience themselves. Life is perpetual and we are here to bring the ancestors home. Is this not right? To be honest with you, I have just too many experiences with the children in my family to mention. However, I will share one or two of them and a couple of my sisters experiences also, in order to give you a picture of the extra sensory nature of them. I’m quite sure you will relate. 

 One special incident was when I was doing ‘hands-on healing’ with my sister, as she lay on the couch. She was pregnant with her now, young, 4 year old son. He and I connected from the womb, as I was shown a pyramidal complex symbol. Telepathically, he asked me to give it to his Mother, as a gift from him. Interestingly, I have since seen it worn as an amulet necklace, by a spiritual group I know. I have spirit children in the ethers. I was given their names and know how each of them look, along with their wonderful individual characteristics. Children created out of LOVE only. With my Twin Flame.(he is a physical man but we have been prevented from uniting until all karma is resolved!) So co-creation my friend, without the actual physical act, may I add. One of my sons, who I believe is to actually birth into this world, has communicated with me for six years now, on and off.  I have visited past lives, that him and I have shared. I have an idea of what his life mission is also, that is if he chooses to birth, through me. 

Many indigenous people have experienced their spirit children pre-birth. This, I’m sharing, is NOT a new concept. The Aboriginal people of Australia sing the spirit of their child into Mother. They do not even have to have a sexual encounter with their wives, for the essence of the child to enter, or indeed the seed to gestate. They can be on extended walk-about-time. Love, intention and readiness, is all that is required. My spirit son has interacted with many friends of mine and family, over the years, to give me messages etc. He is wide awake and highly intelligent. Perhaps you have seen in dreams, or visions, or through the eyes of a passing child on the street, the spirit of your un-born, or even deceased child. It is un-mistakable and you just know it. This will certainly give hope to those that have suffered a painful lost, or who have not been able to have children in this physical world. They will exist in the heavens. The un-seen realm. You can communicate with them. They are waiting excitedly on it in fact! 

My sister saw her 12 year old daughter in an incredible apparition, 8 years before she was born. It was such a powerful vision for her my sister, she spoke of it for years, prior to my nieces birth. Her faith and belief was rock solid, in her knowing, that this little beautiful girl, was going to be born to her. My niece had shouted to her mummy “Mummy…. hurry up!” I guess she was impatient to be born. Guess she’s glad she now is! This niece is very aware of life and her total being-ness. She is awesome. 

My sister has had many visions and telepathy with her children. She even witnessed them shape shifting and disappearing in front of her once. My sister can speak in her head to any of her children. At times they will answer in the physical. Her and I have had incidents when we were out on a night out that the children interact through people we are with to get an important message across etc.  

In my understanding, all children have telepathic and psychic abilities and not just the Indigo’s (Atlantean lineage), Blue-Ray’s (Lemurian lineage) or Crystal and Rainbow Children.

My sister has had grandparents, neighbours, teachers, nurses etc shape shift into the children, to interact in her family. To listen and learn from my  sister. Or “slide-in” as her 6 year old called it. A term we now use ourselves. I have seen one of the children’s faces transform in front of my own eyes, as another essence, or being, looked through their eyes. This has gone on for years, within my sister’s family. Perhaps this resonates with you too? This is real. The more evolved in your consciousness you become, the more you see these things, right? I know when I have a tingling in my crown, or ear, that someone is listening in. Or tuning in to my thoughts. I know when children are doing this. A loud clap will disperse them from tuning in. Laughter opens, but can also close down, the psyche too. Try it out for yourself. We all deserve privacy. It’s our Sovereign right. Keep your energy bubbled and protected. 

So let’s talk about some of the new root race children that are entering into this realm. That have been coming in, for over 25 years in fact. It started with the Indigo’s and now we have the Blue-Rays, or Crystal Children, with the new advanced kids being called the Rainbow Children. Children that have extra sensory or psychic faculties. Or “EHF” as they are called in the United States. It means children with “Extra Human Function.” Tests have been carried out in America on Aids babies. These special children, showed miraculous transformation by the age of 6. The Aids was gone and they appeared to be immune to all diseases. When tested the DNA of these children showed 24 codons, compared to 20 codons, normal human beings are born with. Now 60 million children have been tested and have this extra 4 codons. Basically, these are enabling children to have ‘Extra Human Functions’, as well as disease busting capabilities. Incredible yes? Miraculous I’d say! The ‘Evolution Revolution’ is here right now and clear for all to see. 

100,000 Chinese - ‘Super Psychic Children’ are being nurtured and tested by their Government…. right now!! In fact they have been, for the past 25 years. These “Super Psychic Children of China” can do many extra human functions. Some of them are psychic writing; seeing with their ears, mouth, nose, armpits, tongue, hands and feet. Yes……….you’re not hearing things. This is true. Check it out for yourself on the internet. In an audience of 1,000 people, a test was carried out, whereby each from the audience was given a closed rosebud flower. When this special child came onto the stage, each and every single rose bud opened up into full bloom. Incredible right? These children or ‘Blue-Rays’ with telekinetic powers. This means they come in KNOWING THEIR LIFE MISSION!! Why they are here. They understand the map of the future of mankind and know ways in which they will be involved in co-assisting, in propelling us forward. It’s just wonderful. Just as my nieces and nephews and even spirit son, is wide awake and aware and remembering just what their missions are. Just as your children, or grandchildren will do too, I’m sure of it! These children are beginning to teach now, having been taught by many earlier Indigos. They are the next step up the evolutionary ‘Jacobs Ladder.’ Just as the new Rainbow Children are on the ascending rung. 

It’s truly time for all of us to get our skates on and really interact and SEE our children. Integrate them. Get them on the rollercoaster ride. Stretch and test them. Assist them develop even further. With the thought and intention and our breath, we each can activate the dormant 4 codons within the fabric of our DNA too. “Thought creates reality” right? 

Our youth are in information overload with texting, facebook, google, tweets, blogs, TV and computer suction boxes. A lot of the computer games are deadly cyber games. Low energy. China has a ban on children’s time spent on the computer, I believe. Some sort of shut down system must go off, when its time up. I think it makes children lazy and un-communicative. It is like they are drawn into some deep recess or web. Trapped!  They lose interest in life. 

Many children are also ‘gunged’ out, with the Wizardry of the quick sweet fixes too. The lab Masters who manipulate and hook them on that insatiable sugar fix. Just to share a report by Joel Taylor of Metro Newspaper this week re ‘sweets’ at ‘Easter’. His research from  Angus Kennedy’s Confectionery Magazine, says its worrying that children could become obese with this continual sugar-fest and we need to do something about it. He estimates that on average 12,000 calories, equivalent to a weeks food intake, is consumed in Britain by each child at Easter, with the chocolate eggs they each get.  This would take 56 miles of running to burn off. On a subtle level, I have seen an energy cord is hooked into the etheric (belly button) of each addict. I know, as I have battled this wee Monster for years. I see Him as a big ‘Michelin Man’, or a ‘Mr Blobby,’ as I cut and send him off each time I’ve been captured and addicted again. Get your young ones to cut the cord. Detach from this horrible addiction. Same will go for smoking and drinking attachments. 

Britain has one of the worst records of stillbirths in the developed world, Journalist Fred Attewill of Metro reports. Each day 11 babies in Britain are stillborn. How absolutely tragic is that! One of the big risk factors, surprise, surprise, is for Mothers who are overweight. Other risks are linked to smoking and alcohol (more addictions), and the Mothers age. According to Save The Children report published by Lancet, half of all the 2.6 million babies stillborn each year in the world, were said to come from five countries in particular: India; Pakistan; Nigeria; China and Bangladesh.  So these precious young Masters have been denied a life. 2.6 million of them each year. It’s almost too hard to believe right? The chance to experience this new world we are endeavouring to create. I would imagine they are wide awake in the ethers, each and every one of them, as they look down to their Mothers, with a  certain sadness. Parents have a responsibility to be congruent and aware of their own addictions and the consequences.  

Youth of today are not satisfied with their lot either. They are restless natives and ready to hear a brand new story. Time for all of us to live a transcendental real and congruent life and reap the un-imaginable benefits from it. To have a ‘light body’, we have to live an ‘Immaculate’ life. Makes sense? So parents, as well as children, really need to get their act together. 

The new Children’s Manifesto is part of the new bible story if you like, as is the You Tube’s sincere apology message, recently, from men. On behalf of all men, a group of around 30-50 evolved spiritual boys and men apologies to women in “Dear Women” for the thousands of years of mistreatment at their hands. Over 400,000 hits, I saw, on the last count. If say, each one of us tell only 5 friends to take a look at it, then it wouldn’t take too long, for a million people to watch this, quite emotional video. It is stunning and timely I feel. I’d like to see the same video done by children to their parents. Imagine a wave of millions of young ones watching this Manifesto on You Tube. Imagine it. It would be incredibly potent and powerful. A catalyst for change perhaps. 

I tuned in to the Temple of Mary Magdalene after the Manifesto went out and within several days of it, I saw a flood of hundreds of thousands of letters pouring in to this Ashram. Archangel Chamuel was busy categorising them and storing them on a golden chip pin. I have been privileged to be able to read and share what are in some of these letters, from our children. I will share them in a later piece. The main theme was “Messages of Love, Gratitude and Devotion to Mary,” for putting it out there. I have felt quite overwhelmed and moved, with the amount of fully wide awake spirit children, babies, and youths there are.  

In the books I am yet to publish, I write extensively about spirit children, lotus births, Milk of Mother etc. The letters in the ethers, just confirmed how right I was about how fully conscious these precious gems really are.  

Part of my life mission as me and my Twin Flame stood in front of God, in the ethers, was to anchor the Higher Amour Twin Flame Partnership into the planet and live it. Which will affect, everyone that comes into our vicinity. However, another part of my work, is to set up, down the line, a  Spiritual Growth Centre with a Rainbow School for evolving children. It’s already their in the ethers and the first gathering of Master Friends have happened, to discuss it, as a forum. Again I have written extensively about this project and vision in the eight books that will be published when its divine time. This will be a new Midori, Rudolph Steiner or Findhorn Concept. A school of the future for Scotland, Europe and the World. A school to teach how to “Be”. How to live transcendentally and Immaculately. I have no doubt, in having surrendered to my Mighty I AM Presence’s Divine Will along time ago, that if it is to happen, it will, in Divine Time. I am certain others from my soul group, will be getting the same awakening, to go do similar, in their neck of the woods. At last I say! 

So to end this article, go speak to the wee ones in your clan. Have a look with new eyes at how they behave, even the babies. Especially the babies. Tell them I SEE YOU! See the spirit of their essence, the mirror to their soul, look back at you. They will. I promise you. I remember being so bored out of my mind, as I observed the world around me, as a 6 month old baby. Then as a toddler. I felt let down and cheesed off that everyone around me were quite ignorant. That everyone including my parents seemed so shallow, shall I say. Why was I awake and they weren’t. I thought this is so dull. When will they wake up? It almost felt like a bad dream at times. I kind of wished I hadn’t came in actually. It felt so very pointless. OK I couldn’t speak and I was dribbling and restless. Ok I couldn’t walk or do much to contribute or help, but it didn’t me I wasn’t fully alive and intelligent inside my wee body. I was. Take things up a notch and see what light it brings you, by stopping and really interacting with these wee ones. Your wee ones. Make sure you do it with child-like wonder and joy. It’s time.


In the one Heart, I honour your Light. Carol X


Written and shared by Carol Watson from Edinburgh, Scotland. Carol is a Writer, Intuitive, Healer and Teacher. In this article Carol shares personal and family experiences, related to the children in her clan. She shares her research and insights, regarding gifted children of this ‘New Dawn’ and asks that you share this with your spirit child, foetus, baby, small children, teenagers or young adults. It is given in a way to inspire and motivate. To drive the youth of today, to stretch themselves and experiment with ways in becoming…. all they can be. She hopes this will instil a deeper sense of hope in our young Masters, for our future evolution.

Thank you. Namaste.                                                                                    18 April


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