~Co-Creation Prayer Given By Love Reporter Kryon Thru Mario Liani In Mexico City~

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 05/07/2011 - 07:45

~Co-Creation Prayer Given By Love Reporter Kryon Thru Mario Liani In Mexico City~


I (your Name Here), Have Faith That My Higher Self is always My instant,Constant And Generous Supplier.


I....,Have Faith that My Higher self Always Clears A path,even when it appears that there  are no paths.

I....,Have Faith that my Higher self guides all my projects,Sustaining my health,Happiness And prosperity.


I....,Have Faith that my inner peace is safe with the help of my higher self,Who is a greater me and the part of God that resides in me.


With The Consent of the great Spirit That rules And Governs Everything,With The Consent of Mother Earth,Just Generous

And Giving,With The Consent Of The 4 Elements The 4 Magnetic Directions And All Light Devas.

I....,Greet All Of You And Honor your Being here with me.


I....,Call On All The Beings Of Light That Guard My Path,To Ask For Love,Kindness,Understanding,Help,Advice,

Information,Instruction,Wisdom,And Light,So that we can Walk The Path that has been Outlined by Ourselves From

The Highest Region Of Spirit.


Through You,My Loving Guides.

I....,Move towards The Creative Source Of Spirit.


As The Multidimensional Being That I am.  I....,Affirm That I am Sacred And Deserve to be here on Earth To receive Answers From You,Beloved Spirit,My Magnificent Pardner.


What Can I do To become A better Pardner?

What Do you want me to Know?

What Should I Do Now?

Where Should I Be Now?

What Can I Do To Make The Right Events Happen In My Life?.


Give Me Instructions For Me To Follow,Grant me Synchronicity In My Daily  Living That Will Show me The Answers,And I Will Respond by being Alert in Order To Avoid Accidents In My Life.


I....,As The multidimensional Being That I Am,Celebrate My Commitment to be in this place,Since I Live In The Now,

I have Peace,I have A vision of the Wholeness and I Know That Solutions Are Waiting for me to be in the Now,When

I planed  All The trials I would Take On in this Lifetime,From The deepest of My Interdimensional wisdom,I Also Created All The Solutions,Since There Is No Place Within Me Where Creativity Does Not Exist.


I....,As The Multidimensional Being That I Am,Erase Now All The Elements Of My Old Contracts And I Affirm Now That I May Have.

I Affirm Now That I Renounce Permanently All vows and Decrees that I Might Have Taken In The Past,At Any Time And At Any Moment,Mainly Those Vows Related To Poverty,Sickness,Grief,Suffering,Emotional Loneliness And Existential Emptiness.


I....,Renounce All The Vows And Affirm That I Free Myself From Them,Healing And Cleansing The Karmic Records Of All My Evolutionary Processes.



I....,Now Categorically Revoke And Cancel Any Authorization I Might Have Given-Consciously Or Unconsciously  From Any Of My Spiritual States Of Consciousness,Astral,oneiric,Emotional Or Mental,That Allowed The Attachment In My Ouric Body- Or Any of the Astral Layers Or State/Levels of being-Of A spiritual Or Astral Entity Of Any Kind Of Origin,Or A thought-Form That Could Have Affected the Balanced Workings of My physical,Sexual,Emotional and spiritual Energy Centers.


I....,Now Irrevocably and definitely Decree The final release of Any Astral Entity or Thought-form that Could Have Attached Itself To My Being And I Order that It Leaves Definitely And Permanently In All Levels Of My State Of Consciousness,Cutting Off Any Possibility For Its Return.

I Decree That I will Never Again Allow for this To Happen,Since My Higher self is The Only One Who Can Allow It.


Therefore,At This Time And Moment I ask You My Higher Self,That We Cancel Any Permission or Access to any Astral or Mental form that Could Affect My Physical,Sexual,Mental,Emotional,Astral And Spiritual stability.


I....,Forgive,Heal And Release Everything that Consciously Or Unconsciously Could Delay or Block The Complete Evolution Of All The multidimensional Levels Of My Being.


I....,As The Multidimensional Being That I Am,Affirm now my personal Evolution,And Therefore,I Co-Create My future And Co-Create My own Reality.

 I Am Always In The Right Place At The right Time.


In Accordance With It, I....,Express Now My intention To Go where I Need To Go According To The Divine Plan,And I Ask That,Together And Without Effort,Only The Knowledge,The People, The opportunities And The Material Resources necessary to Allow me to Manifest the Divine Will In This Physical Reality come to me.


I....,As The multidimensional Being That I Am,Choose To Make use of the new gifts of Spirit To Stay Balanced And to Have The Power To Eliminate Anything Negative that tries to get in my way.Nothing Negative can Upset Me.

Therefore,I Co-Create A change in My Vibration So That it will Gradually Raise to more Subtle And Interdimensional Levels.


I....,Co-Create My physical Healing An I Affirm The Awakening Of My Cellular Memory.


In Accordance With This,In An Apropriate  And Sacred Manner,I Address You  My Dear Body: We Are Together In This Life And Together We Can Heal Ourselves,Together We Have The Power To immunize ourselves Against Any Process That May Deteriorate The Health Of Our Physical system.

Together We Will Regenerate And Rejuvenate,And Together We Can Delay The Release Of The Chemical Hormones That Age Our Body,Together We Can Deactivate for an undetermined Amount Of Time The Aging Of Our Cells,Tissues,Organs And Functions Of Our Body,And Reconnect In Out Being In a Harmonious And Balanced Way,The 12 Strands Of DNA,In Order To Reach The 12 Higher Levels of Spiritual,Physical and Mental Knowledge.


Together,We Now Activate The Growth And Functioning Of Our Pineal Gland,In Order to feel the Higher Frequencies of Though Acquired Through Knowledge and put into motion the process of Ascension Recorded In Our DNA.


Now Every Cell In Our Body Knows And Manifests Its Intentions And Acts Accordingly  Maintaining optimal Levels Of Constant Good Health And The Physical,Mental,Emotional And Spiritual Rejuvenation Of Our Systems.


I....,Believe In My World,I Am Free From Space And Time,I am Part of All That Is.

I Honor The Earth And Honor My Own Existence,I Live In The Now And Accept My Present Reality.

I Accept What I Have,I Accept Who I Am And I Accept My Being,Because I Know That Gratitude For The Present Moment And For The Fullness Of Life Is True Prosperity that Continually manifest in many forms.


I Am Always In Contact With All Levels Of My Multidimensional Self,Who Enjoys Complete Material Prosperity,Which is Manifested Fully In the Multidimensional level Where My Expanded Self Resides,Right Here,right Now,On Planet Earth.


I....,Deserve To Be Here now And I Am Entitled to Everything That Is Good.

Therefore,I Am Open And understand That I Deserve All The Abundance In Order To Supply All My Needs And Desires,And I Understand That Spirit Is Here To Give Me Love,Peace,Balance,Health And Prosperity.

Only Good things Come To Me,I Am Part Of The All And I Am Perfect In The eyes Of Spirit.

No Human Word can Change The I Am,Because I AM THAT I AM,I AM AND DESERVE TO BE HERE in this Wonderful Place Called Earth,







According To The Plan And Divine Will, I....,As the Multidimensional being that I AM,Call On All Ascended Masters And All The Beings Of Light Involved With the Knowledge I Need To Receive,To Transmit to me The Whole of This Knowledge in all the necessary levels and to Teach me how to understand Its Applications And Circulation,So That I Can Honor And Co-Create A Harmonious Marriage With The Learning Contract That I Have scripted With Spirit.


In The Name Of Spirit, I....,Co-Create Facing Any Change Without Fear And Without Participating In Any Collective Apocalyptic Situation.


In The Name Of Spirit,I....,Co-Create The Qualities Of Unconditional Forgiveness And Compassion,Love To Self And To Others And Perfect Physical,Mental And Spiritual Health.


In The Name Of Spirit,I....,Co-Create The Acquisition Of Knowledge Of This New Energy in All Its Scope,With All Its Tools And With The Greatest Love,To Use For My Own Benefit,Wisdom,And Mastership,And For The guidance and Good Of All Humanity.


In The Name Of Spirit,  I....,Co-Create The Highest Spiritual Creative Energy With All Its Resources: Intellectual,Spiritual And Material,So That I Can Share Correctly ,Appropriately And Without Attachment All The Knowledge Indicated To Me,And To Obtain Without Effort All The Financial Resources Necessary To Accomplish This Mission Appropriately,To Live Comfortably and to share my Material prosperity with Others.


Things May Not Always Be What They Appear.


Therefore,  I....,As The Multidimensional Being That I AM,At This Time And In This Moment,Ask To Be Enveloped In The White Golden Light Of Creation,To Work Fully With The divine Presence Beyond All My Beliefs And Limitations,So That I Can Be Permanently connected to high perception and Appropriate Expression,To Always Act According To The Divine Plan Of Light,Honoring Spirit And The higher Purpose Of The Master Plan Of All That Is.


I....,Release Completely And In Total Trust The Results of this Affirmation,I Place It In The Hands Of Spirit And My Multidimensional Self,And I Release All Attachments To The Process.


                                                          SO IT IS


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