Cobra 6-21-12…”Operation Stardust 2″… “The Plan of the Mass Arrests Continues”

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 06/21/2012 - 21:01

Cobra 6-21-12…”Operation Stardust 2″… “The Plan of the Mass Arrests Continues” (and a related 6-20-12 post)

Commentary from


Someone informed me of this post today (namely, LadyDragon). And immediately I checked it out. And immediately I received “Higher Dimensional Goose Bumps” (“Angel Bumps”) and a breath of a wind that seemed to flow through me. Later, I began to feel a bit heavier, almost as if something dark and heavy were coming up to be cleared out (taking out the “garbage” can be smelly). Those were my “sensings”.


Now last night, before I knew anything about this Cobra message, I read something at GaiaPortal, entitled, “Massive Transformation is at Hand…“. Now, this seemingly cryptic-message-type site is fairly new, but seems to have some resonance with what Cobra just reported here (it looks like GaiaPortal may come from an Irish source). Here is that post:


“Massive Transformation is at Hand… The energetics of this time is now optimized for massive transformation. Those enabled in all dimensional domains will ride smoothly through this period. Be prepared to fly when you step out the door of your house into thin air. Enjoy this ride, Pegasus…”


Then lo and behold, Cobra comes out with this post today, saying,

“Operation Stardust 2 was carried out by the Pleiadian Fleet from the orbit of planet Earth. Stardust is the codename of a special advanced nanotechnology. It is a dust made of small nanoparticles that were sprayed into the physical bodies of the members of the Cabal and their minions (think “cosmic chemtrails”). This nanodust can not be removed by any technology known on Earth.”


I am not aware of all the ins and outs of Cobra’s message, nor am I familiar with “the Galactic Codex, section IV/2″, but it all feels like pretty strong resonance to me.


Looks like it’s on, baby! Let’s hang on tight and hold the Light!



  • It is obvious at this point that the Cabal as a whole does not want to surrender. The plan of the mass arrests continues.
  • The Cabal has been given its chance. The generous offer has been refused. This protocol has finally allowed the positive ET forces to start taking some action.
  • …Galactic Codex, section IV/2… gives a legal basis for the liberation of the occupied planets with military force.
  • Operation Stardust 2 was carried out by the Pleiadian Fleet from the orbit of planet Earth… a special advanced nanotechnology… a dust made of small nanoparticles that were sprayed into the physical bodies of the members of the Cabal and their minions…
  • It will be activated at the time of the Event to block members of the Cabal trying to do any harm.
  • In combination with the Positive Military action, this basically check-mates the power of the Cabal.
  • If… the Cabal need to have proof that Operation Stardust 2 is real, this proof can be arranged… I … suggest them to surrender before the Event takes place or even during the Event itself.
  • As I have said many times, I do not know when the Event will happen. No human being knows, only our Source does… The only thing I know 100% is that it WILL happen.


Operation Stardust 2

You might want to listen to the excellent last Drake’s interview, especially from 18 to 86 minute mark:


[KP note: you may also go to yesterday's Drake show post here and listen from approximately the 3 to 66 minute mark (as I removed the music) (the mp3s are about half the size of the original (so smaller download time)]

It is obvious at this point that the Cabal as a whole does not want to surrender. The plan of the mass arrests continues. This time of negotiations has not been spent in vain. The Cabal has been given its chance. The generous offer has been refused. This protocol has finally allowed the positive ET forces to start taking some action. According to the Galactic Codex, section IV/2, The Galactic Confederation has an unalienable and unconditional right to the implementation of the Galactic Codex and of conquering the areas of Galactic Codex violation with military force if necessary.

This subsection gives a legal basis for the liberation of the occupied planets with military force. The military forces of the Confederation remove or give assistance to the local Positive Military in removal of the representatives of the Dark Forces and set the hostages free.

Operation Stardust 2 was carried out by the Pleiadian Fleet from the orbit of planet Earth. Stardust is the codename of a special advanced nanotechnology. It is a dust made of small nanoparticles that were sprayed into the physical bodies of the members of the Cabal and their minions (think “cosmic chemtrails”). This nanodust can not be removed by any technology known on Earth. Its activation has two phases. The first phase blocks the central nervous system immediately and a person can not move. The second phase kills the person. It will be activated at the time of the Event to block members of the Cabal trying to do any harm. In vast majority of cases Phase 1 activation will be sufficient. The purpose of the Operation Stardust is to counteract any negative effects of Doom 33 that the Cabal might want to use at that point. In combination with the Positive Military action, this basically check-mates the power of the Cabal. This technology will NOT be activated before the Event. At the Event, the Positive Military and civilian authority will still need to do their part. The purpose of this operation is to make it easier for them.


If high-ranking members of the Cabal need to have proof that Operation Stardust 2 is real, this proof can be arranged.

I would still suggest them to surrender before the Event takes place or even during the Event itself. Those that surrender and cooperate with the Light forces will be treated with much more forgiveness.

I would also like to stress that most of the members of the Cabal families are not guilty and need healing, not condemnation. As you can read in this brave report:


I would encourage other beings in similar position to come forth with their confessions. I will give space in my blog for their expression. This will be healing for many.

As I have said many times, I do not know when the Event will happen. No human being knows, only our Source does.

Yes it can happen in a few days. But no guarantees. I have been given intel years ago that the deadline is April 2012. Now it is June. The only thing I know 100% is that it WILL happen. I will report the events as they unfold.

About kauilapele

I am a Spirit of Light working with energies on this planet, primarily here in Hawai’i (for over 15 years), to assist in the ascension process and bring about the New Earth. My spiritual missions have taken me from the Big Island of Hawai’i to neighbor islands (Oahu, Kauai), as well as to the mainland US, Peru (Cusco), Bolivia (Lake Titicaca), and Egypt (Gizeh, Saqqara, the Pyramids) (see my YouTube page,

Guest (not verified)

Thu, 06/21/2012 - 23:13

I recognize the feeling of the wait. Wait to see what will happen.  Will it happen but I totally trust something will happen.  I have faith, trust and love that all the spiritual awaken experiences that I have been pull through is worth the wait.  As a light worker waiting for the program to begin and when I see and feel the fear of my brothers and sisters.  I think OMG what have I asked to do, to serve?  The emotion settles and I tell myself Im ready.


Guest (not verified)

Fri, 06/22/2012 - 05:25

Thank you for posting stasha's blog. She has gone through a great deal of stress. 

Myself and a few others knew about her family for many years, and kept it quiet per her request. She was afraid the community would think she was a fake or had a hidden agenda and she held this in a very long time and I am proud of her for speaking out. There are many more in her situation that have since spoken up, I just noticed on her blog two other Rockefeller children that thought they were the only ones. We are all one.

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