Connections by Suzi

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 08/25/2012 - 20:14

Connections by Suzi

2012 August 24
Posted by Suzanne

Now that “Contact Us” has been up and running for about three months I no longer have the luxury of time to write that I had in the beginning. Interestingly enough, however, I have more to write about now.


I’m truly touched and honored to receive so many heart-felt sharings around the lives that people live, their feelings and experiences. Answering your emails has been an expanding experience for me – in ways beyond what one might think. I have a deeper feeling of connection with humanity than I’ve ever had before and it’s very juicy.


I imagine that many folks who read this site have felt isolated and alone for possibly most of their lives, like I have. I wonder if it’s a factor of having done a lot of personal work that’s prepared me for coming together with my Soul Group or it’s just a matter of the energies coming to Earth. It may be both in combination with other powers in play that I’m not consciously aware of. In any case, I’ve landed in the right spot and I’m truly grateful to be working with such a wonderful group of heart-centered folks. My heart tells me that this is a preview of life in the higher dimensions.


A very eager and excited reader writes that he has been trying to find some specific things he can do each day to help raise his own vibrations so that he’ll be ready for ascension and asks for suggestions.


I think the bottom-line criterion for ascension is to have the intention and desire to ascend along with a willingness to release all that’s not of love. That means we have to look at ourselves and the behaviors we have that result from childhood wounding.

For example, I am a Starseed Lightworker who was born into a family of people who didn’t see me. I grew up feeling as if I didn’t matter and that no one cared what I had to say. I knew from before I was born that they didn’t want me and with four older siblings in an unconscious family, I had a lot to overcome. The thing is though that I knew what I was getting into by coming into this family. They offered me exactly the environment that my soul needed to get these last lessons after thousands of incarnations on this planet.


Why I bring this up is that the things that I went through as a kid brought me to be unable to trust anyone who was supposed to love me. That’s kind of a toughie when we’re moving into unity consciousness as a collective, so I had some work to do to put all that experience into perspective.


There are always layers to this kind of thing that have to be uncovered and healed over time, which most people find frustrating. We wonder if we haven’t already dealt with these feelings. The answer is that we have, and now we have to deal with them some more until the discordant energy is entirely dissolved and no charge remains. When the emotional charge is off a thing, it no longer drives our behavior. The juicy news here is that when we take even a small step towards our own healing, a huge wave of support comes in from our invisible helpers. Then our work is in allowing ourselves to receive, which for many of us is also a challenge.


We all have our individual human experiences that ultimately serve us. Even though it may be uncomfortable, our situation can always be regarded as an opportunity to grow and expand our understanding of the world around us and our place in it. That’s the most obvious way to raise our vibration in my opinion.


Love is the most powerful force in creation and when we ARE love, when we remember that we are made of love, that is what we see all around us and that is the frequency we vibrate at. There is no higher.


I saw a video once of a very cute young lady giving tips on raising our frequency. She tells us that being outside in nature is a great way to do it, along with laughing and moving the body. I had some house guests for a while two summers back and we were tasked with a rather dreadful undertaking that left us all feeling drained and cranky. When we got back to my house, we would go out on the deck and do jumping jacks while forcing ourselves to laugh!


I wanted a concentrated dose of vibe-bumping and you can imagine it didn’t take more than one of those to get the genuine belly laughter going and that little chick was right! We felt positively giddy after that, and bonded in a deeper way.

Love and Light…


Although I do not remember choosing my family, looking back at it I can see that i learned much from those experiences about loving unconditionally and taking people as they are without trying to change them. Oh, yes, sometimes I did try to change them but that never worked. LOL. Things were clear with my mother and with my father when they died. I suppose things will come clear with my older sisters as well.

I remember always feeling trapped in my body and referring to it as "this machine I have to take whever I go... and the worst thing about it is... everyone thinks it is me." I've finally reconciled myself with my body somewhat, but it is harder to love my body than it is to love my spirit. 

Struggling with depression and illness have been difficult, but I have survived so much!!! It really quite amazes me!!! And I love myself for continuing to live. And for being so much happier now.

My father used to say "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" and I used to say "I don't have bootstraps." LOL. I actually did buy a pair of boots with bootstraps but it still didn't work, lol. Cute little turquoise cowboy boots that I gave to a  younger woman a few years ago.

They were beautiful!!!

But the only thing that lifted me up is the love I find here. And my love for my son, of course. I'll never forget the first time we saw each others' faces and he looked at me like, "What have I gotten myself into here?" All my illnesses were difficult for him, too, but he stood by me and loved me unconditionally. Even when he had to learn how to cook because I couldn't do it anymore. I only wish he wouldn't insist on being so logical, but there must be a place in the skies for logical people. They are very useful for scientific endeavors!!!

Anyway, I am grateful to have found love here.




Guest (not verified)

Sat, 08/25/2012 - 23:17

Thanks so much for your loving vibrations, dear Suzanne. I love you. All is well,,,


With love, peace, light and gratituude

Emily from Hong Kong

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