~Continued Success for the Light~

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 05/24/2012 - 10:22





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(The Arcturians through Dr Susan Caroll)




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~The Next Galactic Free Press Update~ and Meeting Accomplishment



~Greetings Love Beings... We Again had another Victory for the Light today. We accomplished bringing in an Intense amount of Light~ Love Energy. More Success for the Light~ YEEHAW! These Will Only Continue. Love Has Truly WON and Has Now Reached a Very Contagious Level on the Planet, and this Energy will Spread Quickly!! Way to Go Humanity. We are Well On Our way to Many Manifested Events.


So, everyone can Process this Incoming Energy, We will take a Pause this evening and Post our Next Full Update Thursday May 24th, 2012.


If Any of You reading were at the Council Meeting we would Love to Hear Your Personal Experience's.


Also, Join us Via Live In Our Soundofheart Chat room On Saturday around 1:30pm Pacific for the Weekly Love Party!!! The Link will Be Posted Here to The Press. We will Have Music, Laughter, Answer any Questions and Just Be Togther in Unity as The Family We all Truly are to Each Other. We are One Love, Thank you for standing Up In Love With US! See you There!




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The New Energies: -Negative cords and attachments - releasing of vows...




The New Energies: -Negative cords and attachments - releasing of vows...

by Judith Kusel on Friday, May 18, 2012 at 4:13am ·


We are entering and have already entered a time period in our lives on this planet, when all is truly shifting.  There simply is no solid ground any more under our feet - we are swimming now, truly swimming, with the COSMIC TIDES, thus our energies are being pulled up and up, and we are shifting into a totally new time frame on this planet....


At this time, expect uncertainty - for that is what it will bring.... A period of intense restlessness.... Some will feel tired - like mentally or physically or both at the same time... Others will have pain in their spinal cord, as these energies are waking up the energies in each and every single vertebrae of the spinal cord. 



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Greg Giles – Message From The Ashtar Command – 23 May 2012



Greg Giles – Message From The Ashtar Command – 23 May 2012



There is a certain level of understanding that the human race has not yet attained. It is at this level where new idea and concept begin to manifest within your minds, and thus, within your societies. We, the Ashtar Command, seed worlds with those of higher consciousness, to bring to these worlds new ideas of expanded consciousness that will assist these worlds to begin to create systems that are more in balance with the harmony of a planet and all the beings that live upon her. This is the case here at this time in your world. 


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Astrology Forecast for May 23 by Tom Lescher


"When my mind is in service to spirit I am not confused or distracted but totally proactive!" We're coming into the coyote trickster energy of Gemini this week and we can have fun with it especially if we don't get caught up and carried away with it! in-joy.....aloha.........


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Galactic Federation Of Light - Message - 5/23/2012



Published on May 23, 2012 by 

Galactic Federation Of Light - Message - 5/23/2012


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Inquiry hears of wider Secret Service misbehavior...




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Message from the Ashtar Command 5/23/12




There is a certain level of understanding that the human race has not yet attained. It is at this level where new idea and concept begin to manifest within your minds, and thus, within your societies. We, the Ashtar Command, seed worlds with those of higher consciousness, to bring to these worlds new ideas of expanded consciousness that will assist these worlds to begin to create systems that are more in balance with the harmony of a planet and all the beings that live upon her. This is the case here at this time in your world. We have seeded your world through the tool of incarnation with beings who have brought with them higher ideals and concepts of social structures, and it is their task to share these ideas by entering them into the collective consciousness of your society.


Many of these ideas are shunned by your current establishment. These ideas are ridiculed and they are denied any means of adequate or just mediation or examination. These advanced concepts are tossed out like the bathwater, predominately due to the scheming of those in your world who profit greatly from the old systems, the outdated systems that are in place and have been so for many long years. These outdated and archaic systems have outlived their feasibility. They have no place today here in your world, and they have not had a place here in your world for many years. It is time your society has taken a great leap ahead that will allow it to at least catch up to where it should have been many years ago.



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Everything You Wanted to Know about Venus Retrograde




Everything You Wanted to Know about Venus Retrograde


by Rick DiClemente



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~Pleiadian Connections~ Together We are Victorius~


16th May 2012


We make this connection this morning – we of like minds gather together as kith and kin, welcoming in a new direction, a new opening that is there for all of us. We are so happy, so excited; so joyful to be able to come among you . . . it gives us so much pleasure! We are beholden to you all here today and we watch you and follow you in your homes and abroad, pushing you along in the right direction; helping you to make those choices that are available to you, to make those connections that start off a chain reaction. And eventually across the whole globe these connections gather momentum, gather energy, impulsing the light, spreading the word. We are so lucky to have you to work with us side by side; we have prayed for such a happening. It brings us much joy to see you learning and growing, responding to the rhythms of nature. Like the ripples on a pond . . . the message goes out, loud and clear . . . we are here, we are here, we are here!  (Deep sigh).  (The voice became louder and firmer. 



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FREEDOM PROJECT: Monday Mail Mayhem: Anonymous leaks 1.7 GB of Justice Dept data...




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5/23/2012 -- Be aware -- Tornadoes and Hail = CO NE KS IA MN WI MI LA SC NC VA


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FREEDOM PROJCT: Wall Street Titans, Behaving Badly... OR SACREDLY... OR BOTH?...




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Expected Cosmic Events in 2012 by Pane Andov


Posted By Happyneerod - on 23 May 2012


This is worth every minute of time spent watching and listening to Pane Andov's presentation of the 12-21-12 event coming up this year...Enjoy..Much Peace, Joy, Light and Love to ALL! NOW! :) <3


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The Transition is a Great Awakening and a Prelude to Ascension ~ Part 6


The Transition is a Great Awakening and a Prelude to Ascension ~ Part 6

2012 May 23
 by Steve Beckow

The ascended master Hilarion informed us on May 6 through Marlene Swetlishoff that “this is a very powerful time in the line up of planetary configurations and the energetic influence from the Spiritual realms.” (1)


“Many special dispensations of blessing and Love are being offered to Humanity, all that is required is being open to receive.


“Another passage of the Cosmic wheel has been made and we now embark on our new journey into unknown lands of new potential.


“As these time codes open up the portals, the influx of Cosmic Love and the waves of Light being sent to the Earth will activate the awakening of greater masses of Humanity.” (2)



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Huge Crop Circle appears in Krasnodar, Russia. May 23, 2011


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Three Days of Darkness




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The Julian Assange Show: Rafael Correa (E6)


A Really good interview


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Crop Circle in Italy....


Based on another post today... seems like it advises the Niburu coming from around the sun....



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Tools for the Process - Part 2


If your dishwasher broke, you would hire a plumber or fix it with your own tools.

If you car needed a battery, you wouldn't think twice... you would get another. Think of how many tools are needed in your 3D life to keep things going. Eye glasses to see better, shoes to prevent feet from damage, cars, music, games, furniture, stoves, air conditioners, roofs, pets, books, lawn mowers, ice cubes, water, food, blankets, heaters, etc. Tools to keep your lives running.


It has been divinely decreed that now you may trade-in some old tools in order to receive some new tools so that if you wish you are able to more genuinely enjoy this new life you have been waiting eons for. 


Spend an hour or two with a mechanic.... see how (s)he searches for the right tool and may get a little frustrated if not found. Are you using the tools to do the job you want for yourself? 


There is no emotion to buying a screw driver.... unless you really appreciate what that screw driver can do for you.   There is usually no emotion involved in purchasing a warm blanket... unless you have become homeless and slept nights in a bug ridden culvert in 35 degree rainy weather.  Then there is much emotion to obtaining a blanket. 


You now don't have any emotion about cleaning your emotional body.  Changes are coming, though.  You might find yourself without the blanket... of love for yourself as a loving, genuine, caring being of Light.   


We observe now and then how little motion it takes to sway you from the center of balance point.  That's why we have to do this in stages for you. If you have been using proper tools to heal your mental and emotional bodies you would not be thrown off center. 


You will be tested soon... things coming that maybe will throw you off center. Why not prepare for it.



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I AM THAT I AM Sananda Esu Immanuel Kumara




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Crop Circles May 20th 2012: Bertinoro (Forlì-Cesena)


May 20th 2012: Bertinoro (Forlì-Cesena)



L.D - @ Cropfiles.it 

Found on the morning of May 21th, this crop circle was probably to be dated the previous night.

crop circles in Bertinoro 
Image: Demetrio Santini, via Cropcircleconnector





Thanks to 


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Universal Love



Hello Son,

Universal Love

A room, a house or any place has residual energy dating back to the construction of the property. This energy is in the cosmic ethers of the place and memories and emotions of all the people being in that place.


This is because a room can hold built up energy; as a result the atmosphere of the room would be negative. An outside person entering the room for the first time would also feel this tense and negative energy.



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(OH SHIT!)… NIBIRU/PLANET X IS REAL/Enormous Object Near The Sun! What Is It?:



(OH SHIT!)… NIBIRU/PLANET X IS REAL/Enormous Object Near The Sun! What Is It?:


I am here today to bring you some information from out in the universe. I am Hatonn and I come with the news of the planet that is coming from around the sun. It is a planet that many of you know as Nibiru, and it has made many trips around the sun in the existence of the universe.


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5D Girl In A 3D World: A Coversation With URIEL



5D Girl In A 3D World: A Coversation With URIEL About The Effects Of The Eclipse And Our New Multidimensional Natures. 


✭ I woke up on the morning of the solar eclipse, kind if in that groggy state, to find myself in the presence of Plianda. She identified herself as “woman of weights and balances”, and went on to perform upgrades on me, manifesting themselves as swirling lights, intense pressure all over my body and a surreal feeling of euphoria that I can’t remember feeling since…well, since probably before I got here! 


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Beyond the Solar Eclipse




”How Many Energy Waves Will You Ride?”


Dear Ones,

Let us begin with your personal new earth – for the recent solar eclipse shifted your world dramatically. Many of you want to know the fine points of this shift: Will there be more earthquakes? Will governments topple? Will friends disappear? Such questions are premature. You are shell-shocked, so allow yourself to rest a bit.

Even though you have successfully maneuvered past energy waves, this last wave, this solar eclipse, was beyond anything you have experienced. Your physical being was scrambled.


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~The Shock of the Future~


Marshall Vian Summers
on April 30, 2011
in Boulder, Colorado


God seeks to prepare humanity for a new world, a new reality, and for its encounter with life in the universe, an encounter that will change and determine the future and destiny of humanity.

You are entering a new world—a world of environmental change, a world of violent weather, a world that is unpredictable, a world that will be unbalanced, with great political and economic difficulties. Nations will be shaken by revolution, and national economies will fail.

It is the outcome of many forces at work that have been at work for some time. The wise can foresee this. For everyone else, it will be a great shock—the shock of the future.



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The Divine Feminine Awakens ~ The Venus Transit coming up on June 6th, 2012


The Divine Feminine Awakens 




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Love Update: Avoid Negativity And Stand UP~



Negativity is the worst state of conciousness or energy you could ever have. It is the enemy of planet Earth=Heart. People on Earth=Heart were blindid by this. They see things that are negative but reptilians in the media control you and make you think that the negative is positive. Yhis is not true. Gaining alot of money and saying its only for you and nobody else isnt Positive. Its greed. These are what they want you to do. Dressing a certain way and saying that you are better than them isnt a form of positivity. It is Negative. They want you to think that its Positive. Dont let them take you over. Dont let them steal your higher loving selves and insert what they think so you can like what they want you to like. Ok everyone.




We need to stand up NOW. Please help stand up Against the Media NOW. Lets have an event i thought of called Non Manipulative Week. Once Every Month starting on June 1-7th. All Year , Each month On the 1st Through the 7th. Lets join together and make a stand against the media by not watching TV for seven days a Month. If we all join in this, Imagine the history that will be made throughout the world. We can do this. And make a statement Peacefully. PLEASE JOIN US NOW.


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~Here for the Duration~


Here for the Duration

2012 May 24
 by GLR~ Steve Beckow

“Many of you have, so to say, already reached the end of the road now, and you will intuitively know that is so. Your final period on Earth will be well in your control, and it will pass quite easily as you experience an inner peace.


“It comes from knowing that you have achieved your goals and have been able to break your bonds with the earthly links that no longer serve you. Indeed, for those who have not yet fully cleansed themselves of such links, the longer they go on the less you will find that they hold any attraction for you.” (SaLuSa, May 23, 2012.)

How interesting it is to read these lines from SaLuSa yesterday, given the sense of completion that I’ve been experiencing and the sense of having accomplished my goals….



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FREEDOM PROJECT: Facebook and Banks Sued over IPO... Facebook IPO Results in Lawsuit; Investigation...




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REAL HISTORY: The Anunnaki explained by Sheldan Nidle.mp4


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Heavenletter #4199 Dream, Dream, Dream


Heavenletter #4199 Dream, Dream, Dream , May 24, 2012 

God said: 


I speak now. I say you are beautiful. I say you are love. I say there is One Alone in all of Creation.

I, God, speak in the present. When I talk about the so-called past, it is to soothe you and bring you to greater understanding. It is the same when I speak of what is called the future. I desire to give you solace and a greater vision. Having a greater vision is a necessity. A greater vision starts with dreaming.


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Vatican, CIA, World governments, Guatemala's Archbishop Arellano [Connections Exposed]... CIA - Vatican Connections: John DeCamp talks [Catholic Church Exposed]...




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Unconditional Love training for what's to come. Can you hold your focus?


Unconditional Love training for what's to come. Can you hold your focus?



So many times we've said "hold your Focus on Love" as times will come when your ability to do so will be challenged. And times are coming when the truth starts coming to the surface and it won't be nice, and it is challenging, and even if many already know that some that were supposed to be "the good ones" in fact may not truly be "the good ones", probably not many have a real insight of how deep the rabbit hole goes. And if those at the forefront are not able to keep their focus on Forgivness and Unconditional Love... the urest will be quite challenging for all during the transition.


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The Uni (one) - Verse (song)




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Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library - Part 3


*keepers of time (continued)
*Gaia's geometric alignment with 11 other living libraries
*12 strands of DNA, 12 chakras & other stories of 12
*universal grid lines from earth out into the cosmos




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SPIRITUAL PHYSICS: Nassim Haramein LIVE on LIFEChanges With Filippo...


Filippo Voltaggio interviews Nassim Haramein LIVE and in-person on LIFEChanges With Filippo at Nassim's vacation beach home while visiting in California. Nassim had been surfing with his son just before the interview and had come up with a theory that he shares with Filippo along with other fascinating things that come up thanks to the sometimes wacky and always thoughtful questioning by Filippo.

A special thank you to Jonathan Quintin, a previous LIFEChanges With Filippo guest, for making the introductions and for his presence as well, off camera.

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Jamye Price – Weekly Lightblast – Wedded Bliss – 24 May 2012




Jamye Price – Weekly Lightblast – Wedded Bliss – 24 May 2012

One is Whole Within.  A separate unit of one is united in One Whole.  You are this separate, complete Being, united with All Life.  It is your story that seems unique, and it is; yet it is the story of Life that All share.  Your fractal significance is that your perspective adds a new angle to the story.  Expansion occurs automatically, it is the blessing of time.  Time begets change and space beckons form.  You are this engine of Life.  You are the perspective of change, new form.  You are the separate unit of one united with and changing The Whole. 


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Anonymous - #OpIndia - Join the Revolution...


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Sets, Relations and Functions


For those of us who were fortunate enough to take logic classes:


A circle of love contains within it a circle of love and also within a separate circle of hate, or negativity


A circle of hate contains within it a circle of hate


Is there anyone out there who would be willing to draw this?  That would be a kindness....




English Trans:  A person who loves, loves all, both love and what doesn't look like love.

A person who hates can not love love... only loves hate

A person can move from the hate circle to the love circle, nevertheless the circles stand.




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~Free Will~ Explanation Given to Jimmy from His Higher Self~


I asked my entire self, the all that is, for a discourse on free will and the concept of getting what we want. I'm fascinated by the concept of free will, because I have seen evidence in my life that indicates free will is an illusion from a 3d perspective. I have been wondering all day how to reconcile the fact that I do not appear to have conscious control over my life yet I feel that on a higher level I have total control. Here's my entire self's attempt at an explanation:


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Zuckered: Facebook Scandal Heats Up!...


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Lucas - Beyond Doubt - 24 May 2012



The feelings and words expressed in articles, blogs and even channelings are often that of doubt. Doubt of the things coming thru. We say : They promised, they said, they are not doing what they said they would, etc.  Some are doubting themselves being sane in believing or going with:  channelings, ET's, angels, masters of light, talk about ascension or even their own gut feeling. 


Where does this insecurity come from?  Doubt is just an expression of fear in the belief you have or the knowledge you have due to  information or events that made you think. You fear you might be wrong. Being right or wrong is merely an expression of duality in this 3D world. It is not real as it is part of our veil we have to shed to get into 5D where all is One and in Unity in unconditional love expressed and created.


If we learn to listen to our heart, the new  brain centre, we will find the truths and the security you seek in the answers it will give you. The answers and the solutions searched are found in ourselves. All your heart knows  is love and not fear and the expression of fear called: doubt.



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Evidence Of Large Object At Edge Of Solar System



"A planet four times the size of Earth may be skirting the edges of the solar system beyond Pluto, according to new research. Too distant to be easily spotted by Earth-based telescopes, the unseen planet could be gravitationally tugging on small icy objects past Neptune, helping explain the mystery of those objects' peculiar orbits."

"For several years, astronomers have observed that a handful of the small icy bodies that lie in the so-called "scattered disc" beyond the orbit of the planet Neptune, including the dwarf planet Sedna, deviate from the paths around the sun that would be expected based on the gravitational pulls of all the known objects in the solar system."

Full Story (MSNBC)


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Suzanne Lie – The Inner Voice – 24 May 2012




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Lucas - Beyond Doubt - 24 May 2012




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5/24/2012 -- Large Explosive eruption at Sakurajima Volcano - South Japan


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Lee-Anne Peters – Transference Of Light Codes – Sound Frequencies!



Lee-Anne Peters – Transference Of Light Codes – Sound Frequencies! – 24 May 2012

Aligned with the Thursday tradition, I bring you this article in harmony with today’s internet radio show – Transference of Light Codes. Today we will be exploring these codes via the frequency of SOUND. If you would like to listen to the radio show LIVE or later in the archives – See HERE


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~Space Weather Update~ CONTINUED QUIET Solar Wind Speed 506


CONTINUED QUIET: For the fourth day in a row, solar activity remains low. None of the sunspots on the Earthside of the sun pose a threat for strong flares. NOAA forecasters put the chances of an X-class eruption at less than 1%. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.


DRAGON RENDEZVOUS: SpaceX's Dragon spacecraft will rendezvous with the International Space Station (ISS) on Friday, May 25th, making it the first commercial spacecraft to dock with the ISS. Last night, Dave Blanchard photographed the Dragon chasing the space station across the night sky over Flagstaff, Arizona:

"While the ISS was very bright and clearly visible in this image, the Dragon was very dim," says Blanchard. "It can be seen as a faint streak just below the ISS."



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That Which Was Seperate Has Been Made Whole!



Rainbow Bridge by will

Rejoice, as Oneness is upon Us! What was once two has become One, and now Everyone is included! Our site's private forum has now been merged with our public forum, and Everything has been opened to All.


The Oneness Forum


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Occupy Your Heart - Concert Promo


Invitation to a Concert for Lightworkers and Starseeds set for June 5, 2012. This is a conjunction point between the Lunar Eclipse of June 4 and the completion of the Venus transit on june 5/6


Occupy Your Heart Concert for Lightworkers, Starseeds and the Spiritually Curious





Dr Moe


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Self-Acceptance



Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Self-Acceptance

Love who you are



Be happy and love who you are right Now! Love all of your perfections and imperfections, for you are absolutely perfect right now to help you accomplish your life's mission. You will know when you are accepting yourself because you will feel great just as you are. Angel guidance reminds you there is something for everyone in this magnificent Universe and you are just as deserving, powerful and loving, just as the angels and guides who watch over you.  


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The manuscript of survival – part 143



The manuscript of survival – part 143


 •May 24, 2012 • 


Today we would like to delve a bit further into the ongoing changes. Although they on the surface may not be as visible as some of you wish, rest assured that this world has indeed taken a giant leap towards a new tomorrow. Let us explain. These last days have seen a heightened activity in the influx of energy being beamed onto your planet, and we wager that for most of you, this has taken the shape of additional physical symptoms such as bodily pains, distrupted sleeping patterns and mayhaps a heightened feeling of urge, like you cannot just sit down and relax no matter how tired your body feels. And just like you, the rest of this planet has become almost compelled to keep moving. 


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The Tides are Turning – Which Stream Are You Paddling In?




Here in New Mexico, the winds literally started blowing early yesterday and continue even now.  As the day ended last evening, the energy within the winds picked up and for me, seemed to become much clearer, energetically speaking.

My first reading of the day reflected that intensity, altho I never really put it all together until this morning.  He arrived on the field in his amniotic sac of energy as the folks did the day before.  He had new elements happening… a torrential down flow of rainbow energy thru the very top of his amniotic sac.  This flow of energy was the most intense I had ever witnessed in any reading.  This energy billowed down in a stream that was at least 3 feet across.  I could not tell why it was there or what it was really doing.  But man oh man I could feel the power of it.


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The next wave approaches. – Michael by Ron Head



  Press here for  Spanish  or  Portuguese.


We will now discuss the subject of the coming eclipse and the energies of June.  We are sure that many of you are finding the current changes to your DNA very much to your liking.  As you integrate them more and more into yourselves, you are beginning to discover that many of the things that have been promised you are showing evidence of becoming part of your being.

Most of you are having trouble finding the courage to discuss this with your friends and family.  Do not worry on that account, dear friends.  First you will meet others who are having the same experiences, and then you will realize that you are not imagining things or losing your minds.  The experience is quite surprising, even though we have talked about it for a very long time, is it not?


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The Oracle Report thursday, May 24, 2012


The Oracle Report


Thursday, May 24, 2012


Crescent Moon Phase

Today is all about what's in the AIR.  The energy motivates us to make changes, although we may not be sure which direction to take.  We want to reform things.  Listen to messages that are coming in around you.  Look deeper within yourself for the change in direction you need.  Overdramatizing situations will lead to overreactions, but doing nothing will lead to inertia.  As people will want to break out of restraints, it may cause them to become argumentative or overbearing.  Strength of character will be what wins out today.  The position of Venus continues to ask us to get back to basics and simple pleasures.  It is important to cultivate this in preparation for the upcoming Venus transit of June 5/6.  Counter any complications by sticking to what you truly value.  You can transform any situation by moving into your personal "center" and taking things down to the basic level and moving out from there.  This will guide the directions we choose. 


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The Council Of The Venus Ray. “Keep Sheilding, Keep Clearing…” Our Jump To 5D is Not The End Of The Road.



The Council Of The Venus Ray. “Keep Sheilding, Keep Clearing…” Our Jump To 5D is Not The End Of The Road. By AuroRa Le. May 24, 2012

Hello, Dear Friends. We, The Council,  come in unity on this day with a gentle reminder which we feel shall be of benefit to all.   Your family members of Star and Spirit have been observing your progress with a loving mixture of hope, excitement and awe.  You have achieved what so few may lay claim to, in the vast and illustrious annals of  our Universe’s history.  You are transforming yourselves while grounded within dense physicality, raising up your spirit and your Self to heights beyond any preconceived expectation. 


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5/24/2012 -- Hurricane Bud moving towards Southwest USA -- Texas and Midwest possibly


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