Conundrum Considerations

Submitted by Zendor on Mon, 01/14/2013 - 16:42

Achieving cosmic consciousness is like hacking a super computer. Every time you think you found a key, it just opens another level of encryption guarding the source code. By the same token, keeping up with the changing economy, the challenge to stay ahead of the curve brings one to know their limitations.

The Warm Up

Let me give you fair warning beyond the welcome wave from my friends to the right. Get ready to have your mind and heart stretched beyond normal limits. If you are reading this for the first time, you might want to be aware of your belief systems and suspend them for a moment. It’s quite likely you will be challenged. I was and still am.

I’m nobody special but what I experienced was special; it literally set me apart from everyone I’ve known to date. My life changed and has continually progressed in my quest to know and understand who and what I Am and who WE ARE. There truly is no ego without Wego. Confabulation, imagination or realization… the experience happened. The song you may be hearing now facilitated it. If you don’t have audio at the moment, you may want to find a way to listen.

How I’ve lived and what I’ve done has revealed a lot about my own nature and the nature of human beings, trapped by limiting belief systems and fear-based nonsense that keeps us afraid, angry, ignorant and immobile. A new world order is evolving now, emerging from an organic and systemic need for change, fueled by the deep desire for something beyond the senseless control and manipulation of people, places and things for profit without conscience.

The event happened nearly 40 years ago now, yet it is still fresh and inviting as many new discoveries and revelations are occurring in a plethora of fields that all relate to human evolution, from superstition to science-based understanding. These new discoveries take us into areas of awareness and consciousness that refute our linear-based religious thoughtmosphere, inviting us to explore possibilities within the ‘spooky action at a distance’ of quantum entanglement.

The Setup

Orphaned at birth and aware of my adoption early, I spent a lot of time in internal conversations in the quieter moments. As a result much time was also spent contemplating the events of my childhood and why I seemed to be open to alternative realities, although I didn’t have the words to describe them then. I just had different experiences than most, but I also didn’t know it at the time. I began to suspect it because I’d ask questions occasionally and get blank stares in return, from peers and adults. I understand now that my levels of perception were heightened even as a child. I figured it was all normal and everyone had these feelings and thoughts, but that ain’t necessarily so.

In the fall of 1975 I was living in the Honors dormitory at Ball State University. I’d gone home for quarter break with the intent of asking my high school sweetheart to marry me. I’d separated from her before going to college, not wanting to violate her trust in case I found myself sexually engaged by another. I realized my foolishness, but it was too late. She was already married. I realized years later that everything was perfect, but at the time I became deeply depressed. After returning to school I didn’t have much of a future vision, so I turned within. I got down on my knees and prayed to know what truth is, being willing to die to know it if necessary.

About a week later I returned from class and felt like I needed to meditate. I usually selected an album to listen to as it was easier for me to not think and just listen to music. So I put on Journey’s first album, laid across my dorm room bed and put my fingertips together on my chest. I’d found years ago that feeling my heartbeat in my fingertips also helped me to clear my mind. When the song that is playing now came on, my life changed forever. During this meditation I was taken into and beyond the ‘Light’ that is referenced in spiritual texts and related to in Near Death Experiences.

I know this sounds incredulous, especially since I was only a teenager. However, it seemed someone had been listening to my prayer the week before and spoke to me during the bridge between the lyrics and the vamp. I was literally asked if I was willing to die for what I believed in. What would you do? I had a choice to limit my belief or not. I’d heard this voice since childhood. It had become a trusted companion by this time. Some might think it a hard choice, especially if steeped in religious dogma. What did I believe in? I’ll tell you in a moment.

I had just returned to my dorm room from a day of classes. I was carrying a full load (17 hours) and some days I had 5 classes in a row. I had some studying to do later, so I put on the album (we still had vinyl in those days) and, well, to be perfectly honest, I did have one bong hit as I settled into a short meditation before hitting the books. Hey it was the 70s and yes, I inhaled.

I was not under the influence of LSD, cocaine, heroine or any other psychotropic substance. I want to make that perfectly clear. If you want to take issue, that’s fine. It does not change the experience one iota, but it does give you something to argue with for now. You probably argue with others, too, and ultimately you will get to the same place. For those of you who can grok, then we’re on the same page still.

The question about drug use always seems to be an issue with some, especially for that time period. I totally understand because that kind of experience was quite rare and virtually no one had a direct experience to which they could relate. I get that. I also could not deny what happened, even if I tried. It is much easier to dismiss ‘spiritual’ experiences to drug-induced euphoria. Trust me, I’ve had other experiences during my life and sometimes I wish I could have excused them as such. The reality is… other worlds do exist and they are just as real as this one.

New… In a recent book, How God Changes Your Brain, a study commissioned by the Alzheimers Research and Prevention Foundation and done by Dr. Andew Newberg, it was noted that only 42 of 1,000 surveyed had any ‘direct’ experience. Today, many Boomers are seeking to  have such experiences of unity with the divine after spending a lifetime of chasing the almighty buck and realizing it just isn’t that fulfilling. Money can’t buy love, but it sure seems to rent it for a while. It is short-lived at best.

The Trance End Dance

So what was the experience like? Words are a strained attempt at description no matter how eloquent the word-smithing. It was more exhilarating than my part of the circus themed basketball half-time show in front of 5,000 people the year before for sure.

Initially I was in a deep meditation while listening to Journey’s first album, a song called ‘In the Morning Day.’ It’s the opening tune on this page. If you are viewing this page and don’t hear it, you are missing a really great tune… change your browser for a moment or add the windows media player plug-in.

Time stood still for a moment as I heard, “Bruce, are you willing to die for what you believe in?” Bruce was my given name from my adoptive parents. Between the verse and the vamp was a guitar riff that sounded like a supersonic jet whisking by in an instant. I immediately thought ‘Christ Consciousness,’ and then took it further to ‘Cosmic Consciousness’ and immediately said, “Yes!” And then the riff…

I felt a slight tug upward and I let go, turning to see my body laying across the dorm room bed (honor’s dorm at BSU). I turned back to see where I was going and without so much as a blink of an eye, figuratively speaking, I was surrounded by white light. I felt like I was home, truly home…. at ONE with God. I could see, even though it was white light, and think, letting me know I wasn’t ‘dead,’ but there was no tactile sensations and, as an impetuous teenager, I soon grew bored of the solitary light and spoke to the voice, “Wow, is there more?” Then came another tug. I went with it again.

I went from being surrounded by Light to a place where I saw points of light all around me, gathered like a sphere with an indigo background as a display screen. I could see in any direction without movement, although these points of light completely surrounded me, large enough to appear as tiny spheres. I instinctively knew these were points of consciousness. Whether in body or not was the question… I wasn’t and I knew it. I had the intelligence to consider these things in the moment and still retain the ‘wonder’ as it were. I was completely void of any fear at all.

As if to acknowledge my recognition, the voice proceeded, “These are those that you are to work with in order to facilitate a new world order. It will happen in your lifetime. Know this to be true. Your path will be full of trials and tribulations. Have faith and trust that everything you need with be there at the appointed time. Trust and allow.” It felt like an eternity passed during this time as I listened to the words and felt them anchor deep within my being, soul or whatever you consider the essence of an individual’s life force.

That is all that was spoken. I felt a rush of energy and was back in my body, taking a deep breath immediately. I kept my eyes closed for a few moments, taking notice of all the sensations in my body as I returned…. especially my heartbeat and breath.

According to the ‘voice’ that resumed after my recognition of the those points, I am to work with them in order to facilitate a new world order…a fusion and synergy of material and spiritual worlds. Harmony among people and planet a result. I knew this in the depth of my being, beyond any question. I was ecstatic to say the least. But as a teenager, what can you really do? Who can you talk to? What can you say after an experience like that? Did I even dare?

The first human place in consciousness, my own, was to want to announce to the world that I AM HERE, believing that I AM THE ONE. What a foolish notion of a selfless mind with no discernment. I read years later that a long-standing spiritual teaching is ‘to know, to dare, to do and to be silent.’ My personality could not handle the truth at the time. My soul had been ignited with a vision and I had not the spiritual maturation to remain quiet. I trapped myself in yet another box, one that didn’t bode well psychologically.

I told my adoptive parents, my friends, my teachers and even went to the preachers just off campus to find out how they would respond to such an experience. I figured if it was so real, then there would have to be some correlation somewhere. Instead of answers or intelligent discussion I got ostracized and sent to a psychiatrist.

My exuberance in sharing my story was the beginning of what the field of psychology and more specifically psychiatry calls the ‘messianic complex.’ I felt like I had all the answers and needed to share them with the world, even though ‘the answers’ really didn’t make sense to anyone, me included once I returned to the external world. There was no ‘how to’ included in the experience.

It was a most unhealthy and unappreciated place to be for the aspirant of divine guidance who wishes to remain free of attachments, but can only express from a child-like place at that time. Okay, so there are no veils and I don’t need to be ‘The One.’ How do I proceed and what do I need to do to prepare?

Fortunately, the shrink had some sense beyond the common and was able to help me coagulate the possibilities. After a few visits he confided in me that I wasn’t crazy and that I had all the signs of a ‘spiritual awakening,’ although he offered that most people don’t experience it until their mid-40s if they ever do. He was intrigued by the fact I was only 18. We discussed some of the considerations I’d had during the process, coupled with my desire to find purpose in life and fueled by the desire to find a deeper connection to ‘family’ due to the deeper emptiness I still felt from being adopted.

He asked me to follow him upstairs and as he opened a door at the top of the stairs that revealed a room full of ‘metaphysical’ books, posters and ‘tools’ (a tarot deck on a card table just inside the door) my heart center just exploded. It literally felt like a huge pulse expanded throughout my entire body. We had a short discussion about the tarot cards and he asked if I’d ever had a ‘reading.’ I had not, but was curious, so we sat down at the table and he demonstrated the technique. It brought out much more than I had told him and seemed to validate the entire experience.

I could tell he was really working to find the right words to share. He spoke of ancient archetypes manifesting in my life and leading me toward something magnificent. apparently. After a few moments he admitted that I must have something going on even beyond what he could determine. He related that from our discussions he knew I was quite brilliant and completely sane, but he advised me to keep my mouth shut for a time until I got older; it was likely no one would understand. Over the years I’ve found the challenge is to make sense common.

So what’s next? Often the messenger gets hung up on the message and becomes its icon rather than a simple conduit of information. I was no different. I had a big mouth and wasn’t able to keep my experience to myself. I was more curious about what others thought than what it all meant at the time. I didn’t have the emotional or experiential maturation to understand its future implications. The questions of ‘How?’ and ‘What do I need to do to prepare?’ eventually landed squarely in the center of my consciousness.

Since that time, I’ve observed that identity is really of no consequence in the delivery of new information or clarification of the mysterious in order for the ‘magic’ of life to become present. Too often identity, assumed or projected, simply gets in the way. There are no boxes large enough to contain the non-linear or multidimensional life we are destined to live.

Our minds want to categorize and label instead of just listening and observing. Telling is not training, I’ve heard so often as I’ve worked in corporate training and development. It’s all chatter that does absolutely no good when ‘stillness’ is the message. We engage the ‘do and have’ in life without the core of ‘being’ that ignites the union of spirit and matter; religion – reunion with God. It is about the One manifesting in the Many.

We get caught up in the chatter and think ourselves separate. We allow those who instruct us to continue the lie that we are separate from creation or each other and need to give our power to someone else as our intercessor. In my continued studies, I’ve found that to be the opposite of what was intended. It is most profoundly revealed in the translation of the Dead Sea Scrolls where the statement, “Don’t you know that you are god as I am god,” is made.

At our core we have a direct connect but, we have to be very still, even silent, to hear the voice of BEing within. It is provoked by profound questions. This is an extreme challenge beyond any extreme sport today, as distractions and interruptions are present everywhere and vie for our attention at every moment. The Information Age and the rapidity of getting our needs met, satiating our senses, have spoiled us to a great degree. Stillness is for Zen masters.

We’ve grown to understand the effects of our actions on the environment and are striving to change our consumer and manufacturing habits. The idea of ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’ is gaining more attention and relevance as we understand the nature of unbridled self-indulgence and a capitalistic consumer-driven economy of our own making. But what of the material? Non-linear thinking, quantum entanglement or ‘spooky stuff at a distance’ (Einstein) brings us to new levels of understanding how our thoughts/feelings affect reality.

Living in the Material World

The material plane needs references. No matter the experience, until we bring significant attention to and experience via the senses through some kind of direct experience, including some science to back it up, we don’t get much play at all. Oftentimes, folks with a value beyond words are never heard because of the closed minds around them.

A few weeks after the experience, I heard this same voice ask me to pick up a pen and paper and write. It just so happened I was listening to George Harrison’s Living in the Material World album at the time. In spite of the odd request, I gave in and did as asked. By the time my hand stopped moving, I had three pages of what looked like Sanskrit. As I looked over the pages afterward I felt a strange circuitous connection, like somehow worlds were bridging through me. I still had to pay attention to the reality of being in college, in a dorm and the activities of school life.

As one of the many paradoxes in the discovery of Self, worlds seem to blip in and out without much warning. To the ‘normal’ person it might seem quite disconnected and incongruous, but the experience isn’t linear at all. This blending happens in the course of an experiential moment that, in this world, may only be a few seconds. I’ll elaborate further and hopefully shed some light on the subject. It is probably one of the most profound realizations one can have on the path of discovery – to be able to simply ‘let go.’ It was for me. Time is such a malleable condition.

In order to truly find it [truth], one has to let go of everything held within the sphere of attachments, beliefs included. Huh? One has to ‘let go’ of everything. Jesus was said to have made a statement like, ‘one must give up their life in order to gain it.’ So we first have to completely give in to faith and trust. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? Try it for a while.

When it comes to human beings, the Mayans phrase ‘in lak’ech,’ meaning ‘I am another you,’ offers a perspective of oneness much like the sensation that happens when one is able to ‘let go’ and completely trust in ‘what is.’ The phrase remains as an example of the Mayan wisdom. We are of the same essence physiologically took; carbon-based lifeforms. Another similar word comes from Sanskrit – namaste’. It means, roughly translated, ‘I worship that which is within you,’ or ‘the divine in me recognizes the divine in you.’ I think there was another phrase more familiar to the Western world, “Love thy neighbor as thy self.”

But how do we gain understanding, let alone apply this wisdom today? Experience, both internal and external consistency, is the ultimate teacher in establishing a congruent reality that balances our inner and outer polarities, bringing a state of harmony within and without. In a very real sense it would engage the ability to see the harmony in the chaos first. Reality is said to emerge as agreement between two or more, so conversations are necessary.

From the eye of the storm, we begin to see order, patterns and understanding of how things work. The experience of truth comes from ‘being’ not doing, although most humans prefer the latter. Some wisdom only comes from doing, though, as the experience itself provides the student with the context and material of the lesson. Hence the need for a Master. The Student must, by design, relinquish his will for resistance to find the truth.

Possibilities Coagulator

If I can truly serve these points of light, then this may be a place to begin. I found that the feeling is consistent in both the Void and the Light, a singularity sublimely encompassed by the ONE – total inclusion. We are told that all things are connected, affected by thought and feeling. I mentioned ‘spooky stuff at a distance’ that Einstein discovered, but couldn’t explain in his current mathematical and scientific brain space. How and why?

As we progress in consciousness, our goal is Cosmic Consciousness, or something similar in meaning according to spiritual texts – ancient and present. Now it would be easy to see how one with such a profound experience at such a young age would attach himself to this belief, not realizing its downfalls. Humans see the world through two eyes, a dualistic framework from the beginning. Conversely, the spiritual path nurtures the ‘single’ eye view. Why?

Let’s just say, for a moment, that we are sons and daughters of God. When we grow up would we not have a singular view? In a matter of creation, there is only one creation even if we choose to delineate it into many mansions or multiple dimensions (M Theory) – it is still ONE. So we would naturally gravitate to the awareness of being the ONE on the spiritual path. That isn’t always healthy for the human side.

What I mean by that is there are many, both male and female, who have reached a state of consciousness where they believe themselves to be THE ONE and launched their operation to prove it. They tend to want to create religions or self-serving groups around them without realizing they have not transcended their humanness.This is prevalent in ‘awakening’ to the Divine. ‘The Dream’ latent and poised for birth within us all takes us to a place of Unity that transcends our humanness.

Like Buckminster Fuller once said, “Unity is plural and, at a minimum, is two. They [early initiates without discernment] also become so attached to ‘their stuff’ that their focus becomes telling everyone else that they are THE ONE, whether verbally or non-verbally, and espousing grandiose concepts of living in love while their messages are more about separation among humanity, placing them at a pivotal point in the hierarchy. How could that be truly functional?

Living in love is important in deed. It is action from awareness. Our foundation as spiritual/physical beings is based in loving and being loved. Those are two most powerful points on the spectrum that create the spin of a new world order. We also must realize that this identity thing is great, but really superficial. We are all Christ… Buddha… Muhammad… even God. “Yeah, but I AM THE ONE!” resounds internally in many still as they feel they are the only one with a ‘mission’ of importance. Collaboration beyond collusion is key.

What is important to distinguish is the essence of the message… light and love promote honesty and integrity in worldly affairs, not dominance and submission to dogmatic structures. However, there is a congruence in all experiences of a metaphysical or spiritual nature… a profound sense of relief and release… a reunion with the essence of life….LOVE. Limitless Oscillating Vibrational Energy. True servants of THE ONE – gurus, leaders, masters and sages today – would fall into this category; a possibilities coagulator incarnate.

Being One

Okay, so you are THE ONE. So what? What’s next? What do you do? How do you act? Better still, how do you LEAD as The One? Even Jesus is quoted as saying, ‘don’t ye know that ye are gods?’ Once you realize that you are Christ or God, what is next? As Divine Incarnates, sons and daughters of God with a little maturity, we have certain obligations to the nature of our creation. The Cultural Creatives™ concept introduced ‘world servers’ as an operative term for those with conscience and consideration for harmony among people and planet.

Do we need to dissect our world like scientists in order to understand it or would it be better to inquire and let it reveal itself through the natural consciousness it holds and our ability to connect to it. We are still here, still in body, still within the world of physicality and its natural laws and order. Feel like a fish out of water? What’s the catch? You’ve got the net. What’s in it? Why not cast it out again now?

Well, the catch of the day is that ONE [Source] turns into MANY, rising above their own identity issues, to collaborate with others to actually do something about manifesting this new living awareness we call LOVE – harmony among people and planet. Apparently the ‘trinity’ that seems to be present in all major religions actually shows up as the proton, neutron and electron – Intelligently condensed into form.

Help us, we’ve fallen and we can’t get up! Humor helps, but we need to understand the nature of condensing into form. This should all be making sense beyond any reasonable doubt or you’ve come to the wrong place. It is also nearly impossible to comprehend without a direct experience of it, but the intellectual conditions now extend into the field of quantum sciences. We understand everything is comprised of vibration, a visible light spectrum is only part of the whole and lower vibrations tend to imbue physical form.

For instance, the carbon atom (6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons) is indeed the number of man from scriptural reference [666]… interpreted with understanding (science) in a simple and elegant fashion. In turn, the Trinity (3 spheres of consciousness beyond our comprehension) manifests in our world as the proton, neutron and electron (matter) with exquisite intelligent efficacy. We are learning, still, what ‘having dominion’ entails as conscious beings; spiritual beings having a human experience.

We’ve been too close to the prize to even realize it is there, staring at us in the face. All things are possible. We are possibilities coagulators – co-creators. All things are connected in this place, just like quantum mechanics is proving and spiritual masters have said for millennia. The ‘Secret’ reveals what we think and feel strongly we manifest in our lives, whether we believe this to be true or not. Some are just more aware of it than others.

More recent discoveries and understanding of the Mayan calendar back up the notion that humanity and the cosmos evolves in cycles. First we are ignorant of the whole, self-indulgent and oblivious of the consequences. As we become more self-aware we also become more other-aware. So as we see or manifest change in ourselves, our world changes – the organizations, people and systems created without the understanding or wisdom of ‘spiritual’ integrity are falling apart as part of the transition… naturally.

Transformation is taking place all around us, so why not make it part of us? We haven’t learned to play together well and support life-enhancing actions. The close of the Mayan calendar, as discovered recently, is about learning how to be conscious co-creators – becoming what we were destined to be as grown up sons and daughters of God.

At this phase, identity becomes a non-issue. One (holistic systems thinking) becomes present and acts as ethical and integral components of a ‘Self-Sustaining’ organism. Leaders lead without regard of personal gain or reward, simply the accomplishment of collective goals drives their spirit. We all know of our paths and THE WORK. Why do you think it is called that? The Work transforms ego into wego.


Jobarchy is the new business or work culture – the job is the boss and everyone wins. Would it make sense that all this talk about the ‘Cultural Creatives’ might indeed mean that this is the ‘Collective Messiah at work? The voice that springs from the depths of our listening and operates at the speed of surrender gently guides every relevant event, even the irrelevant when we are open to perceiving from a different point of view. A point of perspection (perception integrated with introspection) dances in the balance of the seer’s vision.

What about all the others who have intricately drawn plans for environmentally sound villages, free energy devices, or new technologies to help return dignity to those who wish to work toward the good of everyone? They all need help, support and zealots in the marketplace. Surely we could not be so pompous as to believe that we can do it ‘alone.’ Even science connects the dots… proton, neutron and electron are the microcosmic particles of the ‘trinity.’ Hydrogen, the only element left out of that system, just happens to be the bonding agent for the DNA helix.

Separation is what happens more often than not because we cannot get our ego attachment to identity out of the way; the idea that we ‘own’ our ideas or anything in the world for that matter and/or that our belief system trumps all others. We’re only here a short time. True humility is to serve the people without attachment to outcome, being guided by the simple nature of addressing what shows up right in front of you. Fear is bankrupt. Love is the new currency in this new world order. It is a tough transition because of the deep-seated belief systems to the contrary.

Once balance is found in your immediate surroundings and within your emotional bodies, then greater opportunities are presented by those who guide us all from places we may not even be aware of yet. Indeed, there are many worlds interacting simultaneously. In recent times ‘M theory’ presents the same concept from a quantum math/science perspective…many dimensions of reality. Mayan teachings include 15 senses, from the gross (tactile) to the fine (truth)

Subtle levels of energy, like the energy centers of the body, built precept upon precept in the construction of the Universe, waiting to be discovered by the progeny of its creators. This is the fulfillment of prophecy ordained thousands upon thousands of years ago. We are nearing the age of enlightenment? How about the beginning of a new galactic cycle?

Do we exercise sound mind and heart choices in this new living awareness? We must recognize that polarizing to any ID… whether it be Jesus or Lucifer… still separates. Balance is the key. Harmony the goal. Becoming aware of what and where we pretend is real and being about the business of tending to the needs of our divine callings is simpler than one might think.

The carbon atom unites us all as one race, with similar relationships on the ocean of emotion. Awareness empowers the ego to act in accordance with spiritual principles, released from paradigm paralysis. This paralysis is being transcended with the close of the galactic year, 2012 being noted by the Egyptian, Mayan and Sumerian calendars. At least three separate sources say the same thing.

We are all familiar with the Jesus story, yet we miss the quest to integrate a LOVE of our whole being, the good, the bad, and the ugly so to speak. We have to find the splinters and pluck them out, even within ourselves. Many are claiming to be incarnations of various influential folk down through the centuries, yet they still are unable to remove the mask to reveal their own individual identity, choosing to identify with an archetypal image rather than their own Divine Nature.

Humanity can only hear previous messengers? This is the practice of world religions. We might call this the Cosmic Conundrum. Open up and ask… Who Am I? What am I here to do? Just look right in front of you. The closing cycle of the galactic year will do that for you regardless of whether you desire it or not. Conscious co-creation manifests what you think and feel strongly, regardless of its fear of love base. Do you question that? Just look a little deeper around you.

How do we find, accept, and then live our own individual Path connected to the ONE? It is one thing to be self-initiated, the Path where many are called and few choose. It is quite another to claim to BE the ONE, as in the case of many professing to be the return of Jesus, Mohammed, Mary, Lucifer, Isis, St. Germain, Maitreya, or whomever. In just the observation of what others have perceived of me I’ve been confused for several of the latter throughout my lifetime. In fact, not knowing my lineage (other than what appears to be cosmic of sorts) allows me to remain free of identity and just focus on the present.

It would seem we have a spiritual epidemic of polyphrenia, many personalities, in that  many past personalities are showing up in the claims of current cosmic corners and the memes of many. Cosmic consciousness tends to reveal that many can have simultaneous experiences of connectedness, like an old party line in the early twisted pair days of telephone communication. Some cosmic office holders have had to demonstrate their ability to split into thousands of incarnates and then regroup into one as the test for their position.

Most of us can’t even begin to imagine that kind of operation, yet we are vehement about what God has said in some book. We must test the truth.

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