~The cosmos are swishing and swirling with transformation, personal self-truth, and purification waves ~

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 02/14/2012 - 14:27


Photo Unknown Photographer

Monday, 13 February, 2012


Unless last week’s Full Moon transformational energies have given you a psychic and emotional hangover, there is no substantial reason why you can’t take a great leap forward and fine tune the changes that are a-comin into your life this week. The cosmos are swishing and swirling with transformation, personal self-truth, and purification waves in order that we enter a point of awareness that is higher than our current fabricated reality. You will be able to work more efficiently if you understand that what turns your world upside down and inside out is merely a model leading to your highest healing.


For too long, the Souls of this destined time have lived within a 3D energy that has not supported them. They have endured an environment in which they have always felt dismissed, unvalued, and not understood. In other words, they came into a life that has always felt uncomfortable until now . . . but things are changing. It’s slow, for things in 3D never change overnight, but the beginning phases are established. This is what each Lightworker has been waiting for; a supportive energetic atmosphere that is for them and not against them. Do you understand what I am saying? You are going to begin to feel as if you have always belonged here.


February’s flows of assertive and dynamic lessons are not to teach you how to hurdle obstacles but to get you to manage your life with greater finesse and awareness. Take note that whatever is not harmonious in your reality is simply a reminder that something bigger is not making sense to your Higher Self. Be compassionate and kind to yourself for you are growing beyond the current structures that define your reality. You are allowing a new compass of Authenticity to evolve through your heart, your soul, your joy and your light.


It is time to begin to be absolutely true in your day-to-day life about who you are. February is the journeying time of the True Self. Your guides will be assisting you with standing up for your spiritual rights. The focus of the month is on engaging, communicating, and living Self support as in “Soul Truth” or 5D reality realization. If you suppress the convictions of the Light you embody intense and challenging experiences can be expected. Earth and all her inhabitants are sitting within the turning point of the evolutionary unfolding story. It’s now time to banish fear and purify your mind and spirit of the conflicts that haunt you. Instead of being drawn into karmic wars and battles of will, it is wiser to channel the dynamic, bold independence of your Authentic Self into the intelligent, instinctual recognition of opportunities ahead coupled with a sharp determination to turn your dreams into reality.


As you and I discard the emotional, physical, spiritual, and philosophical attributes of a dying patriarchal cycle we will encounter subconscious wounds that will attempt to disintegrate us from our wholistic nature. If you will remember to let “what is complete” collapse while looking for positives inside of negatives you’ll gain courtesy hugs from your guides and the Universe. Remember, energy always fluctuates! Be mindful and grateful for the days that embrace you with your own Light, resting up for the ones when your Higher-Self creeps in and shocks your homeostasis with the powerful aegis of Source communications.


This week will begin a time of maverick synchronization that steers your energies towards play and re-invention. The cosmos are rising with a harmonious sense of new exploration which can equate with you and I yearning to completely re-do ourselves. Because of that provocative energy expect that psychic thunderstorms could rumble through your 3rd and 6th chakras at any time. The issues of change being associated with how you see yourself (6th) and personal power/identity (3rd). Headaches, stiff shoulders, sinus irritations, teeth problems, upset stomachs, high blood pressure, digestive difficulties, muscle cramps, mental and nervous exhaustion, etc. are just some of the possible physical flair ups that could surface over the week. Be certain to give yourself a Valentine’s gift of rest and rejuvenation if your cellular biology is associating with the integrity of Gaia’s expanded cosmic intelligence.


It would also be wise to consider that emotions could be overflowing as well. The heart and emotional body will be affected by any punches of self-judgment or denigration more as now as we are stationed in a cycle of Self love and affection. My suggestion is to attend to what shows up (i.e. give yourself the space to cry, loaf, fire up, or collapse) but don’t focus on it. In other words, express appropriately but don’t condemn yourself. Remember you are in shift and you have called forth every situation so that Soul integration can occur.


Let it all be and let your eyes shift, let your vision rest on who you really are. Let your focus be on how you live, not on what is showing up, for that is the place that will bring peace. You can find such beauty and appreciation if you choose to look at the “how” of your daily existence. When that can eclipse the “what” that is happening then you are walking as a spiritually integrated being. You’ll be in your life in such a manner that judgment and depreciation are not even a potential. Answers and harmony are always given to the soul that can broadcast love to Self. Yes?


We have crossed the threshold and are standing in the possibility of everything we ever dreamed of my friends. 2012 is the year we bring spiritual realization into our evolutionary story. It is the big time when everyone will walk out different than they came. It’s our job to anchor change; the role we have chosen. Don’t waste your time on things that want to remain stationary for that is not in alignment with a Living field moving at the speed of God’s expanding heart.

Travel well this week — you are the one breaking the 3D-ness that has confined your own freedom!

Rev. Angela


Blessing:  written by Ernest Holmes

Oh, weary heart, laden with earth’s weight and care,

Oh, feet stumbling on the way, bleeding and bare,

Oh, arms outstretched, and hands upheld in prayer,

Oh, back, which so oft has felt the lash and rod,

Oh, soul, which cries aloud for the living God,

Oh, life, struggling to free itself from the clod;

Know this: there is no power from without,

Yourself  must answer every fear and meet all doubt

With some divine, indwelling power

Which you yourself, upon yourself, shall shower;

And giving, take, and taking, give

Unto that life which you, yourself, shall live.

© 2012 Angela Peregoff | All rights reserved. Please feel free to copy and share these copyrighted Blessings with your friends, letting them know the source and inviting them to visit my website. www.angelaperegoff.com


This is very accurate information from my point of view, please take heed! Take this message to heart because change is here and this message symbolizes in a sense the surf board that will allow you to ride this wave of change into the new. You who read these messages are the leading edge of consciousness and it is imperative that you all step up to your roles now. These next few weeks could be very challenging, but you are the hurcules in this story. Finish the twelve tasks given you and step into your new role...I with all the others who have finished task and cleaned out the stables if you will, are here to support you all. Here is the story to remeind you of your tasks over the last twelve years until this now 2012:


The Labors of Hercules


The goddess Hera, determined to make trouble for Hercules, made him lose his mind. In a confused and angry state, he killed his own wife and children.

When he awakened from his "temporary insanity," Hercules was shocked and upset by what he'd done. He prayed to the god Apollo for guidance, and the god's oracle told him he would have to serve Eurystheus, the king of Tiryns and Mycenae, for twelve years, in punishment for the murders.

As part of his sentence, Hercules had to perform twelve Labors, feats so difficult that they seemed impossible. Fortunately, Hercules had the help of Hermes and Athena, sympathetic deities who showed up when he really needed help. By the end of these Labors, Hercules was, without a doubt, Greece's greatest hero.

His struggles made Hercules the perfect embodiment of an idea the Greeks called pathos, the experience of virtuous struggle and suffering which would lead to fame and, in Hercules' case, immortality. 


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