Daily Message ~ Wednesday December 11, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 12/11/2019 - 22:09

Dear Ones, many of you will be looped back around to experiences you have had before. It is important to not paint the new with the brush of the old. You are being given opportunities to experience these themes in new ways based on your latest level of attainment combined with the current energies.

So, for example, you may find yourself preparing to sell a home and buy a new one. Even if that had been a difficult process for you before, it can be a wondrous time of new beginnings for you now, designed to move you into a home that will be far more energetically supportive to you for the next phase of your incarnation.

It is so important to approach each experience as if it is fresh and new because it is! You have never had the exact same experience because you have never been in the unprecedented energies of today. Further, you are stepping forward as an empowered co-creator like never before.

So embrace the unfoldment. Know that change is designed to reflect who you are now and where your soul is taking you to align with your next great adventure. Be open to the new potentials and possibilities that are trying to make their way to you, for you are being loved, supported, and guided through it all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


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