I Signed up to twitter today and on it you have your tweets which are your messages you want to post to people
well on your Screen there is a Box which has how many tweets you have sent, how many people you are following for their tweets and then there is how many followers you have
well the Dalai Lama Has tweeted 753 tweets 0 following 4,026,779 Followers
And When I Signed Up To get to the tweeting I had to choose 15 people or organisations to Follow
how did he get through that process without choosing people to follow thats so cunning like a Fox :)
following Dalai Lama on twitter !
This is fantastic ! Galactic Free Press Love & Light Westcoast Tour is now following the Dalai Lama. What a wonderful, great opportunity for all of us to unite now as ONE. We are the ones we have been waiting for and we are here now. This shift is happening and millions are waking up this moment. Together as ONE, we will imbue our Mother Earth and all of humanity ready to awaken with the pure essence and actions of love and light. Thank you. Dawn
If cunning...
do you not think there isn't spiritual magic? I thought that was part of the goal... to create as we wish and need :')
there have been a few Reiki Sensi who can fix cars