Dark partical?

Submitted by Mario on Thu, 02/14/2013 - 22:09


December had a lot of energie, Utilizing it was showing immense capabilitys that shifted meanings of concepts within, to larger perspectives, of what is simply known impossible.

I'm wondering how was it possible. Some of the concepts, hadron colider, partical accelerators, neutrality driving within showing everything, thought manifestation was noticeable instantainiously by everything around without speaking it out.

Every single moments, everything in my path automaticaly conected from neutrality "driving the system" every thing that is unoticeable to concepts within bringing further knowledge down a road.

This road was based on what parallels had brought me to impossibilitys.

Great understandings, awareness beyond the norm, unity, every one was a part of the great concept.
Adding constantly impossibilitys, of senses, futuristic events and manifestations, systematically affected by thoughts.

From this consciouss being, to all that I was witnessing.
Every thing was conecting, unbelivably, incredibly from earth to even out in space.

My last rememberance until it shut down was when I saw the post of the great central sun sending out energie from both sides of galaxy.

What conected that last time was a sense of release consciously, seen from central sun sending out energie from galaxial sides of Milky way system.

Dimensions are subatomical, going deep within. With neutrality helping was able to shift from this one to the next.

Had achieved from days without pause, of knowledge from all.

The unity, I could see thought manifestation trough live tv from one side to the other of the earth instantainously.

All moments experiance within time had key parts within experiance of unimaginable sense's.
Knowledge written down within that state in december drived by neutrality, was a multitude of process within, from what is seen and heard.

Videos, youtube for example had great encodings within what nostradamus had written down.
All meanings had encodings to sense's uncovered that I call the parallels, over all.

As a matrix encoded unseen overlapping reality within one of all time.

Ultaimæxtreme, extremeties of time space.
Past future present, one.

Humans that have ever to find the ability's to feel, see, witness, experiance and decrypt the knowledge hidden from all we see as reality.

Is from a state, within your body, worked to another dimension with consciousness.

Utilizing was incredible

I share a portion of wonders, from many more experiances I had seen, witness, sitting in the zero point.

I saw outside, a being, diffrent frequencie ajustment from achieving within the conection to other dimension, looking towards my sight, mooved quickly right after I had my eyes on him, wondering how many there is? Is foolish to how many different dimensions you know exist.

In that time I noticed him as a being in the parallels.
The next day without noticing I was at the exact same place I seen him the day before, looking at where I was and wondering if it was me.

Synchronistically 3 moments in different areas within time, realized in one consciouss thought, brought many questions.

In different time intervals, abilitys to go within shows different from all that is possible.

April 012 was a dimension, deep within as the core. Everything manifesting was utilizing dark partical.
The being I met, had a message, helped me for a while once I dematerialized conection to that dimension, unbelivable creative abilitys, and healing was attained.

Everything is possible, even the impossible.



All from GRinD has different meanings in key part experiances from my life at precise time frames.
Unlimited is one meaning to all experiances.
Parts of what is known to be, conceptualize what can be decoded from meanings experianced trough neutrality.
It alters my path, to keep in the inner alchemy.
Not to fall of and go in lost of mind and conection to core.
Allways conscious, helps bring fort decisions that I wouldent be able to destinguish from when I'm in this one.
That is what knowledge from within avatar creations augment descisions.
The other dimensions brings fort extreme codes everywhere, if you dont know and go in its manipulation at its finess.
GRinD is a big part to uncover when in other dimensions my path to ballanced choices.
Concepts arises, and depending what experiance you have, slows you down, same as altering your path from the core.
Knowledge at extremes comes from everything, without the base, you get lost.
Concepts arises and shows path to what is working with time of ballancing mind from dimensional sense's.
If I go to find core once more,
I may leave and work beyond, With the being I had seen.
He had morphing abilitys, could take forms human, but what I seen was his true form.
He was in a robe the part covering where a face would be, when consciousness ask to see form, he showed slowy turning towards, it was plasma rottating, he reacted to my fear at first glimpse I got and he stoped, once conscioussnes in body realized it was alright, I saw clearly, and went on in my discoveries? Got lost with concepts from this reality, wondering how everything had answers but was external on earths physical matter. Could not affect, needed to be inner.
Extreme was everything how well you maintain is where you get at.
Confusion is all around depending what level of understanding you get at.
Its truly, reality at limitless states, only way I got there, had extreamly high vibrational frequencie.
I was experiancing nothing but infinit joy, love, enlightment.
Everything hapening in that dimension, depending how much you are ready, takes you beyond existence, you need to fully realize consciousness and become nothing from what polaritys are from this dimension.


Fri, 02/15/2013 - 00:30

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Questions of how one works brings, knowledge to one in core unoticed when on right path, since time exist all hapens for a reason.
Interconected consciously space time, time space.
Conection to neutrality go frozen or hardened by cold the user going within deeper and deeper.
Amazement must come from ones splicing genes and decisions of one acting upon. Is a choice to show is knowing having experiance.
iowakening is finding path to core, concept would be judgement when frozen or hardened by core depending how far you go outcome is reality or the core, upawakening is what consciousness is decided by your inner being new born from core and see everything in how it affects one who has awareness imprinted from within what avatars can remember, once back in reality.
Beings from core are there to see once you made it you can greet them. Some are more advance than others, if you go in, merely labels non existent, it becomes questions.
All from new senses only is how you go in from utilizing what is already hard to become ready to go and see.
Decisions unixistent in what is explainable yet but in the future most will have found all explanations manifest more advance to what we know today.

Worrys came from the confusion of all that one gets lost in on that side.
It pulls you out of that dimension and brings you back to reality, all senses neutralizes, and need to do rerun.
Mostly impossible once you see what all humans are in. Keeps you from going back within keeps you living outside with all going on earths physical real "matter".
That is why if two humans where to go there at same time and master then see physically, and go to core, limitless would become easier.
On that side, one can not enter, only if from inocence and pure consciousness, none of all ego, mind utilizes in this reality, if you go in with all of what we use you get destruction, and automaticaly come back to reality, its hard.
This is why more than one who knows, can work together in core and achieve more of what only one can explain while there.
All is critical awarness no more only inner workings after.
All we know as reality becomes struggle to one who knows until all is at core is from beyond as the past knowledge left out, was achieved from previous civilizations.
Complex is one of many things we build, simplistic is from core knowledge, all works within.
All random, from what we see in reality, speaks to all things in that dimension, all becomes knowledge further down the road, needless to say have big impacts on your sanity on the other side.
Mekopaeno was a concept to bring me where I'm at here today from past neutrality in december, was conected to lights, at random patterns, discerning path within time.
Had achieved from concepts, symbolique representations augmenting choices made unaware in this reality.
Every moment of life is affected by everything in space and dimensions symultainliously at same time, consciousness decides wether aware of it or not depending on all of creations manifested that have awareness able to perceive in timelines engulfing one see's utilizing or feeling.
Choices are big in life we see only portions of how it affects all living things gathered in the conscious path of ones decision from point 0 to never ending. The tree of life a concept representant of it


Fri, 09/27/2013 - 17:36

In reply to by Mario

I have to continuously read my information have done a complete circle in the core and have forgotten everything that I learned from past times there... This cycle is hard they force me to stay in the hospital and give me medication that I did not need, it really dumbs you down and get's you to play the 3d struggle game haha. When will everything change ?? cycles are new all the time I am and have forgotten, I don't like this part all that much, since everything was going well for that 6 to 9 month period, now it's one of those cycles again, creation's augment to core... so if I create and I don't accept the meds or their choice to what's "best for me" that which is a hard concept to grasp... I don't like this hahaha, oh man, everything just pop's out now no more control over, they have control over me now, corporation's and their meds exactly what I was against now a new challenge #333, got to follow the good feed, not much more I can do.

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