Dave Hodges ~ America Is Rapidly Approaching Its Date With Destiny

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 10/08/2013 - 17:02


Tue, 10/08/2013 - 19:32

I've taken the oath three times. These stories about civil disobedience warm my heart. We won't stay in stage two very long. How smooth this goes requires much prayer and meditation.

Everyone seems to be blaming President Obama. Let's not forget who is the other party holding this country hostage. Someone by the last name of Boehner, who wants to blackmail this country by not compromising! This whole standdown stinks like a 10 day old fish, which has been sitting in the sun too long. There is more to this whole thing than meets the eye, I guarantee it!

Rick Mordecon

Wed, 10/09/2013 - 06:02



Your misinformation is astounding. Do you think for one minute that John Boehner and Scott Walker and Paul Ryan are not puppets of the Koch brothers and big business? Your inability to see that this is a Republican led coup d'etat of the majority desires of the American people is both dangerous and irresponsible. What I say to anarchists like yourself is find a country to live in where there is no rule of law or mechanism for settling honest disputes in an honorable manner. it seems the cabal you talk of is one sided and in your head. GET REAL. Just because you hate our bi-racial president doesn't mean you can advocate a total disruption to the American system of government. This happened once before. It was called the civil war, and I might say, the greatest president of them all, Abrahan Lincoln, a Republican was the biggest adult in the room. You don't like Mr. Obama fine. He isn't perfect, but advocating anarchy and "States" rights by saying that the entire government is part of some cabal is just too pat an excuse for your inability to see the truth of the situation.

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