~Dealing with 11.11.11 Disappointment~

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 11/12/2011 - 14:22

Gretchen (not verified)

Sat, 11/12/2011 - 20:44

Wes, Thank You for the Honest account of your 11.11.11 experience...My practice in spirituality began 4 years ago...not counting the years of my life that I was being prepared for this time. I started listening to a Doreen Virtue chakra cleanseing cd. everyday twice a day...I evolved quickly into a very absorbant Happy being that yearned for more enlightenment... My planning for 11.11.11 included...Acceptance of what ever happened....I would look joyously to the light..and would see it in ALL..that was my plan.. and the only real 'plan'. I woke up feeling I needed to drive to see my son...an odd feeling as it was raining very hard and I knew by the time I arrived there it would be almost time to return. A short visit...just the same I headed out with my trusted navigator, My Heeler Max. Most of the ride I did feel a bit disconnected from the reality of the road..so I tried to focus...still feeling very drawn to my destination...at the turn off my sense of direction was off and took a wrong turn ...which quickly turned into an adventure...remembering the 'no plan' and 'being in the moment' I wound up at the state capital building right in front of a magnificent sculpture called 'Winged Victory' a 15 foot angel walking as a guide with 3 WW1 soldiers...I was mesmerized by her beauty, and then the feeling came over me..it welled up from deep within...bringing sobs but no tears...I was drawn there to be shown... so I could share the knowing with others...so many souls were with us on this day...guiding us and they love us so..They were sharing this moment with me... I gathered myself and found my way to meet my son and his girlfriend...we had pizza together and a short visit and I was on my way...So many synchronicities happened that I would have not noticed if I had not been focused on the moment..I just let it all flow in...I was the star in my own Movie..... yes, we are creators of our own reality..That my friend is becoming more apparent to me each moment. On the way home Max enthusiastically joined Tom Kenyon in singing an attunement...Max had never joined in like this before..it was amazing to hear. Remember not to discount the small miracles... When I returned home it was dark...while sitting at the computer I experienced one of the regular vibrations I feel each night..but it was only 6pm!!! Wow!! this was awesome...and it didn't end...it just kept rolling and felt like I was on a boat..this really caught my attention...this is either the cascadian fault line going or we are ascending...I thought. I went outside and could feel this movement for at least an hour before it subsided...This was incredible..I could feel the movement when I touched the ground...I believe it was Mother Earth shifting and feeling the Grid Fire...at 9pm I energetically joined Tom Kenyon's pituitary attunement in Seattle...following the instructions that were given.... afterwards I felt a peace like none other I have ever felt....The experience is still with me...I am clear of mind...no worries...and look into each moment with eyes wide open.....The more I just let it all be..forget about the time in which we want it to happen and LOVE...practice LOVEing everyone and everything every moment...You start to see...and it all is so pretty.. My biggest practice NOW is to just head out my door...no where planned to go..I may take my car if I make it to it...but sometimes the 'distractions' I run into are really just sign posts with a miracle attached to them......Thank You for Being here and sharing with us all... I know we have lots to look forward to... I can FEEl IT.

MiLosz'o' (not verified)

Sun, 11/13/2011 - 06:35

Friends, the one thing that I realized from 11x3 is that there will not be a 'miracle date' to save the world.  Just as there wasn't a 5/31/11 (or whatever the last end of the world date there was supposed to be) there wasn't one here.  And you would be wise to realize the same thing about 12/21/12 - it will not be "graduation day".  Because each one of us has our own personal graduation, our own personal path to get to the next step.

Our experience on this planet, still works in very subtle ways, and I also did very little preparation for the date but I did feel a boost of energy.  It was nice, but I know there is still much releasing work yet to be done in me, and that is the best way to find out how close you truly are to ascending, not a date. 

I've also stoped worrying/caring about ascencion, but this was probably a month ago.  That's because 1) I know channeled information is subjective, 2) empty promises, 3) no matter what anyone else says about ascencion, I have all the tools and have everything in my life right now I need to ascend, and I don't need to be looking at websites which further confuse me or deter me from becoming a truly loving and open hearted person accepting of all situations (like disappointment) - which is the True reason I am here on Earth.  I'm not here to suffer and then look for a easy way out. I'm here to grow.  It surely hasn't been/won't be easy, but I do feel a big differences in who I am on a weekly/daily (when I'm in the zone) basis, and besides, I constantly remind myself that my time here is limited, the suffering will surely end and so I want to make the best of my time here because that's why I am here.

Besides, did anyone else ponder that you may have been built up the ascension and promised new things (purposefully) so that you may go through disappointment and then recover and grow through it and learn how to be stronger next time?  It might be one reason.  Or perhaps you were promised 11x3 to be The Date because you were hopeless and needed something to believe in, so  you did, and it kept you going kept you believing, and you made it.  And after this date, you realize you made it not because you got something for it, but because you told yourself it was important to (be here).  So maybe now you can remind yourself that you are the one who you've been waiting for.

I'm thankful because I realized/am realizing more fully that nothing will 'save me'.  Earth experience is limited, and my time here is not forever (Thank God).  So while I'm here, I'm going to fulfill whatever reason I came here for.  And that is to be stronger, be more positive, accept more situations, more disappointments, because that's why I'm here.  And I knew it was going to be hard, and I know that if I don't make good use of this life (which already, is not the case and it's already not the case for anyone reading this), then I wouldn't have to do it again.  Not every life is as difficult as this one, so make the best of it, realize your time here is limited - the hell will end, and try to make heaven out of hell, for that is the only reason you are here for (for the most part).



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