Denise Le Fay ~ Ascension & Earning Money ~ Transitions ~ 23 February 2012

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 02/23/2012 - 10:14

Denise Le Fay ~ Ascension & Earning Money ~ Transitions ~ 23 February 2012



Hello again!!! Hello to Everyone here and boy do I feel you. Thank-you so much for your helpful reply’s to my last comment/question. I do have more questions and would like your guidance again, please. It seems that many of us lightworkers/starseeds/wayshowers etc., have been moved around, suffered all these symptoms and wondered if we were going crazy, have been alienated by those still asleep and overall have felt that we do not belong anywhere and have no idea how to proceed into the future (the last two resonates strongly with me–I do not want to speak for others) , yet HERE WE ARE trying to figure it all out. With all that going on in our lives, for some us now going on 20 years, it seems that most of us have another issue to deal with and no one really talks about it, so I am going to ask you to please enlighten me/us on the topic of financially struggling just to survive. I read a lot of sites and those asking this question, rarely get an answer of any substance.


I mean really on top of everything we are going thru, with barely enough energy to put a sentence together, (again my issue). It has been just baffling to me that no matter how hard I work, no matter how hard I try, no matter how much I meditate on it and ask for guidance by my higher self and my spirit guides–I cannot break free from it–in fact it just gets worse and the hits just keep on coming and like I have indicated, it seems that the majority of us aware of and/or working on ascension are going thru this. Please tell me/us why? I am doing something wrong?


I take responsibility for my beliefs, mainly that our planet’s money structure is designed to fail due to greed and power issues and mostly because the Dark Ones just print money to keep control of us. Zeitgeist and all that. I am just tired of it and I really would like a detailed answer to why we must continue to financially struggle. I am exhausted, like many of us here and I don’t know how much more I can take. Thanks for listening. Take Care, Love, Peace & Light to all,



This was a Comment written by Valerie about a month ago or so. Sorry it’s taken me so long to respond to this Valerie.

The $$$ money and ascension business… Those of us who’ve been living–transmuting and embodying–the Ascension Process the longest are the ones who’ve had the hardest time being able to earn money to survive each month. It’s nearly impossible to go through the many ascension symptoms and maintain you’re old ways, habits, awareness, ego, level of consciousness, ability to talk, think, write and actually make sense, not to mention hold down a job and act like you’re NOT living the Ascension Process! Just with the mind/intellect and ego dismantling that the Ascension Process naturally causes makes it nearly impossible to remember your name or what year or decade it is, so how in the hell is one supposed to go to work every day and earn money during all this? It seems a cruel and unusual punishment doesn’t it?


We set up pre-incarnational situations for ourselves so we could live/embody/anchor the Ascension Process in 3D physically but not end up having to live under some freeway over-ramp or starve or freeze while doing so! At that level we had a pretty good idea of what we were getting ourselves into (…kind of) before we incarnated or reincarnated in these current lives and time and we covered our physical butts (in multiple ways) to help us be able to do what we Volunteered to do here on Earth now. But, as we all know, doing something in dense physicality is a very different thing from planning to do it from those non-physical higher dimensions!


We Starseeds/Lightworkers/Wayshowers Volunteered to come to 3D Earth physicality now to provide an energetic way out of the madness and negativity that physical life has become over the past few thousand years. We came to carve a Path of Light out of the darkness and negativity, the greed, insanity, distortion and vampirism. We Volunteered to incarnate physically and “go where Angles fear to tread” to help humanity and all life on Earth and Earth herself and so much more. We did not do this to perpetuate or improve the Goddess/females/feminine/Earth-hating patriarchy and their negative, corrupt systems…one of which is money and how it’s been used to control and derail humanity.


In most of our cases we’re living through our Ascension Process doing all we do, and for the most part, barely getting by financially. Many of us created pre-incarnational spiritual living arrangements and working conditions with certain other people and/or mates who would help us and/or financially support us while we do the Alchemical transmuting of the old and embodying of the new first. (I’ve often suggested to people who’ve questioned me about this money problem while struggling with the Ascension Process, that they try to share living expenses with someone–roommates, family, friends etc.–they can tolerate and trust while they themselves transmute and embody the ascension energies for humanity.)


It’s amazed me how there was, and still is in some circles, a big push by some so-called spiritual teachers/writers/lectures to learn how to attract wealth and/or abundance while the twenty-five yearlong Ascension Process has been happening (1987–the end of 2012). Again, we’re not here to fix or improve or get the patriarchal greed monsters to share the wealth with the entire world, or to master learning how to attract or manifest money/abundance, or to continue making a living from selling our 5D spiritual knowledge and products in old 3D ways. We’re here to carve an energetic and consciousness Path to a vastly higher and better way for everyone, and sooner rather than later, money will NOT be in the picture at all because we’re evolving beyond it.


The obvious difficulty is that we’re existing within the biggest and most miserably wonderful cosmic CUSP period that’s ever been! Like Valerie says, living or surviving the Ascension Process is enough on its own, but needing to earn a living at the same time is nearly impossible for most of us. So how does one live with a foot in two worlds and dimensions that are profoundly different from each other? We’ve all struggled with this issue since our individual biological Ascension Processes started.


There are numerous reasons why each of us experience whatever it is that we have concerning not having money or enough money to live during the Ascension Process (1987–the end of 2012). Instead of discussing those reasons, let’s focus on what’s coming, which I hope will make the current financial suffering, difficulties and limitations we’ve all experienced in one way or another a bit easier to deal with until we don’t need to any longer. Amazingly it’s 2012, and the bad stuff/good stuff is accelerating and becoming impossible to ignore by everyone around the world. From what I’ve sensed so far, we’ve got the rest of 2012 to transition while the insane, dead-end patriarchal systems devour themselves and each other on the world stage. Unfortunately, these old corrupt patriarchal systems and beliefs must become so extreme, so severe and so blatantly negative that greater numbers of people are finally able to see them and let go of them so that sweeping changes in consciousness and reality happen. Add to this the good stuff–rapidly evolving human consciousness, the completion of the 25-yearlong Ascension transition and past Evolutionary Cycle–and we’re quickly heading towards a world reality where money isn’t needed for anything. We’ve still got some ground to cover between now and “heaven on earth” arriving, but because it’s 2012, this collapse/transition/manifestation is happening very quickly so hang on and hang in there in whatever creative ways you can produce now.


Because this global monetary system is a 3D based system it can’t and won’t exist in a vastly more evolved 5D world and consciousness. So until we reach our goal, which is closer now than ever before, find a roommate or housemate or family or friends etc. that are willing to help you with your monthly living expenses. If you can move in with someone or have them move in with you then do so and everyone contributes what they can to the monthly bills. As more and more regular people lose their homes, jobs, vehicles, plus as gasoline prices soar (and everything else because of gasoline prices) in 2012, far more people are and will be forced to create different ways to live without certain things and join with family and friends to share and create in new more unified ways. At first this may seem like a negative situation but it’s the transition into High Heart or Unity Consciousness manifesting within the masses and society at the close of the twenty-five yearlong Ascension Process.

If I didn’t cover all the aspects of this topic you wanted to talk about Valerie, we and the other readers can continue this topic discussion in Comments.



First Published February 22, 2012

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