DID YOU ever ask yourself: how come God never ask anything in return for all that He is giving us?.... Did you ever find a price list or magazine with listed prices for all of His services and creations?....
Lets see [I am here flipping mail in order magazine 'Heaven's treasures' reduced prices till 21.12.2012]:
One planet, hollow fully loaded = 9 quantumilions $...
Single Ascension with the glowing aura... only 4 etiriillions $ payable in gold bullions only.....
Breathing air for average 90 earthly years, questionable quality: on sale today till Thursday: $11 million $.....
One 5D crystalline based body, 12 feet tall, can contain extra large light of soul: only $1 million Amero $ ....
How much you would pay for one serving of Ascension?..... Do you want it for free, maybe?.... Do you want it wrapped in shiny paper?.... or Do you maybe wish that someone else tries it first, and then let you know it is not 'dangerous' or too demanding in this new 5D?....
If you do not completely love it, can you return it, even if it was 'driven' for couple of days?....
What if you have enough courage to just dive in to the Ascension, not matter how much it costs?.... Can you imagine the feeling of freedom and joy, knowing that God is with you?..... Just imagine this feeling of God all around you, and you feel His love and kindness, and you hear his laughter and feel his smile....
What if you remember that this was not your first time jumping in something so beautifully creative and amazingly new?... What if you remembered that your Star Family is with you for all these lives here on 3D earth?....
Do I hear someone is asking how much I would pay for Ascension?.... Deluxe all inclusive or just Basic?... this is my intermediate 'concern'....
I would give all that I am to you, to God and to myself..... not asking anything in return, no receipt necessary for completed transaction, no signature of God that I succeeded in this lesson and got great marks.... I would simply open my heart, and let go of all worries, fears and pricing..... I would let FatherMotherGod fill my heart with Unconditional love, open my third eye, and start flying, in every direction possible..... in every direction that leads toward His love.....
And btw, for all that I think that I had and I have, does not belong to me personally.... Belongs to God.... And God asking nothing in return for all of his creation, but simple thought of remembrance where did you came from at the first place..... From Him, and heading back to Him.....
You will be safe even if you give all your assets, your gold’s, your moneys to other souls in need.... even if you give all your service and care to others, you will be able to 'purchase' Ascension with what left in your Heart...... Pure and Unconditional Love..... Predrag