Drake Responds to Naysayers About His Interview~ Are you behind FREEDOM or not?

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 04/22/2012 - 16:59

 Drake Responds to Naysayers About His Interview~ Are you behind FREEDOM or not? Let's Git Er Done~



on April 8, 2012 at 4:39am

I do hope ya all be ready to deal with the reality of all this.
And no. No one will get the details until it is time for them to be outed.

Wilcock has been reporting on exactly what is taking place. Note the number of those getting out in Europe is in the thousands...
If you chose to do your homework, you might check to see IF there is an alliance of over 130 unaligned nations outside the G-20/G-5...
I am only a voice crying in the wilderness here...don't know nuthin, an all that...

Funny that as the financials go, so goes the power base.
All of you might consider that it was higher ups at the pentagon who contacted us to help them.

Think about the fact that when the paperwork left our shores and at exactly the same time 'they' couldn't stop it, the resignations, retirements, and arrests started in Europe.
Look into what recently happened, arrests in each of the places where the money goes...Vatican is cut off, Bunds Bank takes out a restraining order against Merkle...

>Then there is the refusal to allow the Global Settlements Accounts to be released.

This is why our kids are hungry and there are no jobs...Obama, Bush, Romney, are standing in the way...
Read The White Hats Report. Not the greatest but right on in this one.

HOW do I know?
Simply, I am and have been involved. That's how.
Lots of people talk, including me, BUT, show me...a little more action and a lot less talk...hmmm?

So are those who say all of what has been presented is BS, are these simply your questioning of the validity? Or something more?
With all the trouble of getting any real news out, just exactly how does any of you expect real news to get out? Show me, as I've been trying for years...

Does it really matter what venue or web site gets it out?
How many who were asleep before that interview are now waking up?

The idea here is to get the word out AND educate as many as possible...not to play with objectors and detractors.

Just exactly what are you doing to make freedom the reality it should be?

Yeah, I know...
Too much and too awesome.
Just like ALL the rest...that can't happen in The United States!
Really? And just exactly why not?

I painted a very large target on my ass here and no one sees that?
I am walking point in the last chance anyone has for FREEDOM in our country.

Are you behind FREEDOM or not?

IF so, then before stating that this is all conspiracy theory, you might think by making sure brain is engaged before putting mouth into gear.
I positively, absolutely will not stop until I am dead or we GIT-R-DONE!
Either you are part of the solution
You are part of the problem.


Posted by Carrol A Doyle on The GFP FaceBook Group

I am behind you, and i understand that this is a very large operation, probably the largest liberation in human history, I also understand that the Cabal is making their moves too, who will get to "check mate" first? I am sure that we will win, i can feel it. even if this becomes the largest war in human history, we the people will win. I just pray that we Get-Er-Done without too much bloodshed, strike first, strike hard i always say. God bless you Blake.

Greetings All,


Thank You  Drake and Fellow Light Workers.

Consider this Epic shedding ,releasing and Purification of the shadow Ego with us All,,, has already occured. For all individual realities and timelines are but One as each individual is One with his or her Soul. There are many fragmenst of soul, yours n mine on the awakening path of allowing with sincere honesty and integrity TO RECLAIM OUR FEARS , the belief that we are seperate from  God . In this way through Forgivness of our own self ,merging with the Soul.  Oneness,,Merging with our neighbors,family,friends applying forgiveness and understanding or accountability meaning we stand up for ourself.  We cultivate integrity with ourself. We know deep inside whats  right,,,listen to your feelings,,honor Yourself,,forgive yourself,Love yourself,,THANK yourself  for being here at this grand time...Look at everyone in the light of deep respect,gratitude,,,and loving kindness..This is soon too be our last scene in this most powerful Creation with the Divine Wonderful Majikal Mother Earth n Us  All. Radiating and shinning our light into the dark subconsciosness mind ,,thereby freeing ourself from self imposed limitations.. It s   sooooooo   simple   /    ultimate cosmic  humor   /   LOVE   YOURSELF     takes a doin at times   we  are  making progress and it is accomplished   have fun  with your fellow  actors.


Love  Eugene 

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