Embracing Change and Opening The Heart: June 14, 2013 Update

Submitted by AmethystLight on Fri, 06/14/2013 - 15:45

We have moved so far in the ascension process yet I feel in many ways it may not seem for some that this is so. We are asked in many ways to let go of old beliefs or ideas that no longer serve us yet at the same time this is not really the Truth. Why is this not really the Truth? Well, it is the Truth because we are in fact being asked to do this but in a way that really we have not ever experienced before upon the earth by very heightened processes of clearing.

Clearing can mean many things to many people. I am humbled by the beautiful souls and lightworkers in the world who come both together in this world and the inner planes to create harmony and balance for existence. It is so beautiful how we all have our own path and Truth.

Clearing to me is a vibrational experience in which lower more dense ideas and energies are elevated to their highest aspects which in many ways can appear to us as wisdom. Wisdom to me comes forward in both great love and compassion yet is also an energy that is based off our past experience in such a way that it allows us to navigate the earth.

I got the impression from several sources that there were some lightworkers who very much wished to "clean the slate" and in some ways, that is a very beautiful thing. Yet, to me it is not so much that we are "cleaning the slate", but clearing old energies and integrating the wisdom we have achieved.

Many of us have been lightworkers upon the earth for a very long time. This means that we have a huge akashic experience on many different levels. Not only on the earth levels, but also on the inner planes as we move up in dimensional awareness. It can take an incredibly long time to integrate such wisdom and I would go as far as to say that we have not ever really integrated our wisdom to such a degree on so many levels.

In a sense, we as lightworkers are being asked to integrate this wisdom so that we can step up to the plate and be leaders in the world around us. It does not serve us anymore to hold deadlines or really even to suggest that maybe next year or this year will be the conclusion for our integration for now we are always integrating until we are not as well as always clearing until we are not.

Until we exist purely as our heart chakra upon the earth in absolute unconditional love and light there will always be clearing and integrating. In a sense, we are being asked rather than to focus on a Ascension completion deadline to instead get use to integrating and clearing daily and to be comfortable in that experience.

As we have moved to this level, we see that the astral layers and the physical layers have merged quite a bit but we are still becoming use to this experience. Not since the since the days of Atlantis have we experienced the astral layers merged this completely in our physical experience.

In Atlantis as I am sure many of you know, we experienced the astral layers always in our energetic experience. It was such a natural experience for us that we did not even really have a need to call these layers astral as they were part of our daily work upon the earth. Yes, there was absolutely a 5th dimensional experience in Atlantis but what I mean is that the energetic work we did came forward in creating a merged astral and physical experience.

Now, we are having energies that are not the same, but are beginning to reach a threshold similar to Atlantis. So what does that mean for lightworkers and old souls?

It means that you are going to be having fears of things going wrong again regardless of how good things may seem. It means that memories of what you endured before are going to come up again.

You see in Atlantis part of what was allowed into Atlantis that caused it's downfall was not physical as in what we experience now but instead was astral. As I mentioned above, the astral layers were clean in the sense that the Atlantean civilation had complete control over these astral layers, but due to some scientific experiments we conducted in Atlantis we created some astral energies that eventually caused the downfall of the Atlantean civilation.

So at this time, many of you may be having dreams or experiences that are quite frightening but what this is (not all but for many old souls) is the clearing of memories of an astral experience that was brought forward in Atlantis.

The quickest and most easiest way to get through this clearing process is to first accept that you are in fact clearing and cleansing and that there is nothing wrong with you. Calling upon the energies of Archangel Michael at this time are extremely important for his protective energies can assist you in grounding and stabalizing your energies field.

What Archangel Michael brings is the feeling of safety which is the most important energy we can bring to our clearing process.

Then we must begin to align to our heart chakra. There is no easy way to align to our heart chakra and for each person it is different, but we can realize that if the astral layers are merging and if our inner and outer experience are both equally becoming real for us, that there is also a point within us that is above even the astral layers.

By focusing upon the center of our chest and rather than visualization breathing and feeling from the very center of our heart chakra we begin the process of aligning our entire being to our heart chakra in each moment.

From this feeling/sensing of our heart chakra we begin to breathe deeply the energies coming into the earth. Any process which  you still use to align yourself and keep you balanced is appropriate at this time, for you.

That is the only difference now because as we are becoming more empowered in our own beings we are being asked to co-create not as a group necessarily, but for ourselves. That is not that we are not grouping together in unity more, it is just that our Ascension is now being given completely and absolutely to us to take on and to co-create with The Creator and Spirit.

From this state of breathing, we can align to our heart chakras and receive the appropriate energies and this is all really we are being asked to do at this point, rest, breathe, and align, for we are all re-calibrating on energies on many levels.

We all have different gifts and we all have our own unique abilities, some will no longer have certain abilities and the reason for this is that you have Mastered that ability and it is no longer needed for your learning and growth and so you are being asked to let go of certain abilities and to pick up new abilities, but not yet.

Remember I said we are all re-calibrating so now is not the time to plan new adventures or start new tasks. Instead, now is the time to pick up your power, rest, and co-create.

For what you co-create now in your personal, private spiritual experience will become more manifest for you as time goes on, Spirit doesn't forget.

We are also being asked to set aside any and all judgements we have had for each other for any reasons and start to take on the higher aspect of compassion and awareness.

Whatever conflicts we had before it is absolutely time that we put those aside completely and see from the 5th dimensional perspective of love. When you experience within your reality judgments, sadness, or pain, rather than putting those on others like you had in the past now you are being asked to go within and feel them from your heart space.

It is now our time to Unify and co-create divine blessings with one another.

Your not alone. We are all in this together and I love you all so much as family. Even if we do not talk in writing, you all know we are always connected deeply on the inner planes, many of us beginning to exist completely on the inner planes while others still needing to do work here upon the earth, all of that is appropriate and we all are in service on many levels.

Hold strong, reach out, and get help when you need it. Don't sit silent believing others will judge you. We are here, and it is time for all of us to love one another as divine equals.

Be heart conscious, be strong, and live your Truth.

I love you always and unconditionally.


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