
Submitted by Annex Journals on Wed, 12/18/2013 - 11:32
good morning it is with great honor that we sit here on top of the great horizon of opportunity. there is much to discuss; however do not feel that this is some thing that will cause you great discomfort. we can feel there is many subjects on which to speak about, but first we want to congratulate you on succeeding our network of communication. you'll notice that it is of great value to be in constant communication with the real you. the you that we have come to know and love. there is nothing that you need feel ashamed about the YOU that we know.. everything about you is magnificent. we know it's a challenge to be in a constant stream of appreciation however there are so many benefits in doing so. one being that there is almost an unlimited amount of good that makes it's way toward your desires, another being that you can feel almost immediately when you are out of sync with who you really are. the emotions that you feel are most beneficial to you in every way. there is almost an immediate reaction when something is disrupted in your stream of appreciation. the emotions you feel are a frequency in which you are vibrating. The vibrations you hold in your body are the ones being emitted to the universe. vibrations are the answer to almost everything in which you are asking. you have been very aware of your emotions though even though your emotion is flawed at it's basis. emotion is an indicator to everything that you hold around you even though you don't believe the things around you are not within your control. you say,"there is nothing i could have done to avoid that". or you say, "i didn't do anything to deserve this". these are statements that although you feel are accurate, are not a real representation of what is really happening. let's begin with the karmic law of the universe. the law is also flawed. at least in the way that most people think about it. we can agree that the frequency in which a person vibrates will receive a constant steady stream of things that are a vibrational match to it. we do not believe however, that if you cause harm to someone else or hurt someone else's feelings (a simple example to illustrate the big picture) that there is some big disaster that will happen to you and that the universe is planning your downfall. it is more accurate to say that if you are emitting CONSTANT (most of the time) frequencies that are low frequencies you will receive more low frequency situations that seem to find you. Bad feeling situations that keep making you feel bad. it's not karma that has found you and has come to destroy you or anyone else for that matter. it is your emotions and your vibration that is keeping you from the things that you want. many people can't find the means to locate a different vibration. Many people make it harder than what it needs to be. The best place to start is obvious. change your emotions. the bigger part of you is always in a state of appreciation for everything and anything that feels good to you. in order to get a hold of a good feeling thought is to start with the smallest thing that makes you feel good and then start making the good feeling thoughts bigger and bigger. For example, start with something as simple as breathing. take a deep breathe in and a deep breath out. think about how you just now for the first time in your life you noticed how fresh the air is when it entered your lungs. think about how nice it is that with each breath you take is a more delicious slice that life has given you to keep going. Think about how just the simple act of breathing is what keeps you alive. it is the same air that is shared by the people you love. The people who bring joy to your life. It's the air that your friends along side you breathe. The Air that your partner also appreciates. Think about how without this air you could not enjoy the time you spend with any of these people. These are people you have allowed into your circle the people you have come to love and appreciate. think about all the good qualities they have and think about what they have contributed to your life. you can see as your thoughts link to one another more things that are a vibrational match to something that is as simple as appreciating air start to come into alignment. you can take it as far as you like. the more you do this the more good things will find you. don't think about the things that have you so worked up because in the end it all does not matter. what does matter is how you feel about the situations in which you find yourself all day everyday. and it is not so beneficial to let yourself be bogged down by the stress of this physical realty. the stress is after all an indicator that you are not aligned with the you that is really you. You were born with the gift of emotions so that you may feel your way into alignment. that is what matters most and IS the basis of achieving anything that you desire whether you consciously know it or not. There is no other secret that you need to know for success. it is how you feel today that will shape how you will do tomorrow. Many people for instance struggle with money; however, they don't necessarily know that the reason why they aren't making the amount of money they feel they should or are not saving as much as they feel they should is because the way they feel about money is not a very good feeling vibration.  The very thought of money makes people feel nervous, anxious or in most cases depressed. if people only realized that they have to change the way they FEEL about money then everything and anything about money will start to align itself. the importance of saving it, the importance of earning it, the importance of budgeting it.  Money is fun. Money makes you feel abundant. money makes you feel secure, money makes you feel successful. it's the way you feel about money and everything that surrounds it that will change your circumstances about money. don't get hung up about how hard it is, or how you can't get ahead of your bills. don't think about the specifics and you will see when you are on the opposite end of the spectrum that more ideas will flow to you on how to make more money. Strategies on how to save more and how to spend it as well. The way you feel about spending money has to change too. take a twenty dollar bill and make that last you all day by spending it little by little and you will see how differently your thoughts about spending money will change. you will see that with something like twenty dollars you were able stretch it out and still have some left over. you will not feel so anxious about the loss of money because you know that more is coming. and it will also change the way you view things about your job and the way you earn your money. you will begin to understand that your job is not what defines you but instead helps you enjoy the things you hold closest to you. you will earn more money in time and more ideas will come to you on how to earn more money. it will change the way you associate with people around you that you work with,  for the people you work with do not contribute to the way you FEEL about yourself or your money. The negative people that you work with only highlight that they are not in alignment with you and the universe will separate you from them and will bring you into a more steady alignment with what is your constant steady vibration. you will not seem like a victim to money you will feel more like a friend to it. More people who know about money will begin surrounding you. more information about money will seem to just land on your lap so to speak. everywhere you go you will find that it is easy to make money. You are a vibrational being  it is time to start believing that life is not happening to you but that you are what is effecting your life. the blinds are beginning to open and it's time to not be so ignorant thinking that everything else is to blame to how you are feeling about your life. YOU ARE what is keeping yourself from the you that is really you. you control your emotions and you control the way you feel when something that is not alignment is in your experience. no one can make you feel a way you don't want to feel unless you allow it. there is no greater truth than that. We are grateful that you have allowed us to speak on behalf of source. and we know that if you practice a constant steady stream of appreciation you will begin to see the difference. you will not be so keen on jumping to depression and anxiousness when something negative makes it's way into your experience. It is your vibrational right to feel your way into your own alignment because it is after all your salvation. farewell my friend, we are now complete and we remain forever in your vortex in constant and deliberate creation.  

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