~ Energies growing Stronger By the Moment~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 05/25/2012 - 11:01

Galactic Free Press Update~5~22~12 We've Triggered/Ignited, the Final Aspect of Divine Plan


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My Ministry


Hi everybody,

My Pastor and Teacher gave me this site.  I am a Student in Ministry.


Are you all out there with same belief system?


Mary Lotus Butterfly


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༺♥ Up-date week of May 23, 2012 ♥༻


Gracious day Star-Lights…  

Towards the end of our council meeting of “togetherness”, my 11 year-old daughter took part as an observer and in a moment of collective silence she blurted out… “Silence brings laughter” and began to laugh.

A friend of mine attended a silent retreat this year and on his return said…  “I found out first-hand what it was like to dissolve the ego down to its finest detail.... to the point where it sat right next to my heart, tapped it on the shoulder and told it funny jokes all day.  And the jokes not only made me laugh; they were heartfelt, moving, and emotional.  The eruptive laughter and subsequent smiles… The Joy I am experiencing is like nothing I've ever witnessed before.  The me, who used to sit quietly contemplating freedom but getting only glimpses of it is now but a shadow; the me who used to wish and hope instead of living in the truth has lost a lot of steam.  The me now, can take refuge in a magical and funny place called the Heart! “

With these mentions my up-date is going to take a different vibration then feeding you information. These next cycled days should be “felt” and encouraged for you to take the “leap” to trust your own self and “feel” what Truth equal to Love “IS” to you.


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News from Earth Allies... more police joins the Freedom Movement in UK



Thousands of British police join anti-austerity protest

(Reuters) - Thousands of off-duty police officers took to the streets in London on Thursday in a rare display of anger against government austerity, joining a protest by public sector workers including immigration officials, healthcare workers and prison officers.
The government said only about 150,000 had taken part and dismissed the action as "futile". Cabinet Office minister Frances Maude said, "public services were mainly unaffected".

However, the sight of some 30,000 police officers marching through London will be embarrassing for Cameron's centre-right Conservatives, who pride themselves on being the party of law and order.


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Laura Tyco ~ Message from God Your Role is to Show the Way by Example, Not a Forceful One


Laura Tyco ~ Message from God through TAUK 24 May 2012 ~ Your Role is to Show the Way by Example, Not a Forceful One



The energies around planet Earth are blooming at this time, many of you feel an unprecedented inner peace and joy. This is due to the cosmic events you are going through. This sums up as a massive upgrade for your nervous and sensorial system. Many of you feel their inner light shining more than before, the sense of fear and anxiety has now left many of you for ever.
For the vast majority of lightworkers your inner Sun is shining brighter that the Sun of your Solar System. From now on, it will no longer matter what the weather outside is like, since you will always have a deep connection with the Sun residing within your being.



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FYI, Our Mother and Father God Account On Facebook has Been Disabled Permanently


Mother and Father God Amon Ra


~ FYI, Our Mother and Father God Account On Facebook has Been Disabled Permanently, because they think we are Not Real. Even though we gave them a Phone Number. This would Be Our 2nd account they have disabled. Our First Account we had 5000 Connections. We feel at this Point we will not try to make another one. We will Now Be sharing an Account with Earth Ally Andrea where we still have access to our Galactic Free Press Media Page and Our Fb Group Page for all the Postings. If You are One of our 600 Friend Connections from our Account who were recieving all the Posts through this account, You can Now Connect with us Through Andrea. Here is the Link for this Connection


We are ready to accept your Friend Requests Join Us




Also, All posts go into Our Media Page Here is this Link:





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Ok, what have ye on the ack-ro-nymphs...I never cared for them...UFP,UFOP,GFP....whatever...Galactic Citizens and derivatives.




Perhaps derived from Gene Roddenberry's Star-TREK Universe, uniquely a feature of our own universe in many ways..


Yet I see visitation all of the time by Star nations, possibly by those i used to know. Do they just not know that I and others are here? Is there something we as a whole or individuals are missing?Would you rather we talked on the two way radio? A bit confused here.


...but how can we claim to not 'interfere' when we are visiting on a continued basis and have starled the populace on many occasion? We have interacted on several occasions.


Can we even claim this when our own are trapped here in other hosts? Or do we not bother to check on this?


I welcome the input on this, I know it is a HOT TOPIC and I welcome input on the NON-INTERFERENCE issue, not flamed one sided opinions, hence why some are blocked on facebook.


My views are below.



My memories are SHATTERED from the last JEDI [job?] here, I dont have the benefit of whole host memories, as I am forced into another. I believe my original is in cryo stasis. Do I need either, possibly not. But Im not an expert in soul reintegration here and I rather liked my last Humanoid(half-monster or animal) host.



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New from Earth Allies:Retired Police Captain Current Occupy Protester Accused for telling the TRUTH


Standing Up For Truth, for Freedom, in the No Matter What!


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Advanced Being?

Hello, my name is Daniel AKA Dan and i am VERY VERY CURIOUSE AND HAVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT THIS FOR YEARS! This is the situation: I can grow alot of big muscels within a month , I can jump over things, and flip off objects and Run REALLY Fast, without training or Practice. I am oddly more Intelligent than my Parents and my brother, and i am very spiritual. I am the only one ever in my family that Meditates and im only 16. I can make blogs about how this world could be a better place just by listening to Zen music in 5 minutes a page long and makes people think that im from a higher source . I constantly feel a type of energy Litteraly Flow through my arms to my hands nonstop. (Its doing it as i write this) My hair grows really fast and everything develops fast but i look like im 13 and im short with hair from puberty. When i defend my self and my Blood Rushes i can Realease my tension in my face and get a beast like facial expression that not much can do, kindof like a dog being mad and i am very clever at getting away with things big or small even if For Example: A teacher watched me do something wrong. (I am peaceful, dont worry) I understand that we are all one, no matter what we are. But can someone Please explain these mysterious Traits i have?=Love and Light=

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Ascension is not for sissies


This stage of the journey is interesting – most people are terrified, lost or tired of the wait.  Each of these emotions is about separation – not unity.  If you are fearful, there is some “other” who you have given your power over to.  If you are lost, you are imagining there is a right or a wrong way to proceed.  If you are waiting then you have somehow decided that your actions will be set into motion once someone else does something first.


There is no one else.  We are one.  Ascension is now and it is not for sissies.  It is for you.


I am and have been all of these things (terrified, lost and tired), depending on the day or event.  I have taken a step back from this blog because frankly, I need to stop relentlessly checking for the “green light” or latest arrest or most recent spaceship sighting.  I need to go within, for here is where I find the truth about ascension.  The only one I can do anything about is me.  I am not in charge of the world’s ascension; I am in charge of my own.


So I’ve taken a journey within and found the little girl who began this journey – she was brave and chubby, quiet and smart, obedient and perpetually hopeful.  She knew that whatever she was going through was not the point.  She knew today would come and it would be worth it.  It is for that little girl, who had every reason to be afraid but wasn’t – that I will ascend with all of you.


I have taken her and held her close and watched her become me – felt her become me.  I love her absolutely, unconditionally and completely.  She was my missing piece.  I could not proceed down this road without her.  She is me, part of my dream, essential to this journey and the strength of my core.


There may be for you, a “little you”, an issue, a person, a chore, a body part, a


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Helane Lipson, Psychic Astrologer - June 2012 Forecast


Helane Lipson, Psychic Astrologer, speaks in depth about the Astrological Transits happening in June 2012 and their effect on your life. www.insightsbyhelane.com


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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~24~12 The Light is Getting Ready to Explode Upon Humanity


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~24~12


Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~

The Light is Getting Ready to Explode Upon Humanity



The Rainbow Bridge of Light Has Been Established~ Starships Getting into Position~ Fractal Art By Earth Ally Will Harader


Bring the Light



~Greetings Love Beings~

The Light is Getting Ready to Explode Upon Humanity! During our Last Council Meeting another Victory for the Light has Occurred. What we have accomplished, is we have Collectively brought through an Intense amount of Light~Energy. We Have Shared we were Really Gonna Lighten things Up and These Moments have arrived!



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... this i know





I will never say I followed the pure light

all of my life

But I will say the truth

and that is that I believe 

in love and light!

However the trespasses

I love love

I love light

thank you.


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5/24/2012 -- 6.2M earthquake strikes the Arctic -- Norwegian sea , Greenland , Mid-Atlantic


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Joy and Sychronocity



Joy and Sychronocity

Joy #2 by Seth

Good morning. Today we want to talk about synchronicity and the fact that each day brings more and more of this to you as you reach for the sky and the higher realms and you are more able to see it and grasp it in your hands. You had the thought this morning that joy is all around you, every day, and you only have to choose joy for you to find the joy in your day. 


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Uncle Gordy’s Mid-Week Reality Check, May 23, 2012...




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~ Divine Council Meeting~Love Party Experience~ Magical


Heart of Hearts by CuteEverything

Galactic Love Reporter Happyneerod



I was at the meeting today...oh, how I enjoyed the whole Love Party!! Even the attempts from the trolls...I'm happy they were cut off at the pass and finally gave up trying to interrupt this Divine meeting...The energy was fun and enlightening...I even enjoyed Dawn's cat...and Willow for a second...I totally enjoyed MotherGod's updates and all the words of wisdom and Love...



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Terri Newlon – Djwhal Khul – Venus Occulation Prep – 24 May 2012



Terri Newlon – Djwhal Khul – Venus Occulation Prep – 24 May 2012

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi delek.

Alright. Preparation for the Venus Occultation or Venus Conjunct Sun, Venus Transit. It’s called many things, it is all one and the same. The energy to prepare the best would be to open the heart center allowing a lot of Divine Love to flow through it.


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Right Now I Am Feeling!


Right Now I Am Feeling!

Right Now I Am Aware That I Am Feeling!

Right Now I Am Aware Of Truth!

I Am Feeling Truth Right Now!

I Am Truth Right Now

I Am Right Now!

Right Now!





I Am Feeling The Warm Womb Of Beautiful Existence!


My Heart Vulnrable And Open To The Divine Presence Of Thine Own Essence, Flowing Through The My Core, Projecting The Prescious I Am Unto You! I Say Now, I Have Arrived, Behlod I Am Here!



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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-24-2012 – Upgrade ongoing~



~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-24-2012 – Upgrade ongoing~





Greetings Loved Beings,

After we had an increase in solar winde yesterday (over 700km/s) for reason that scientist still can’t get (well, at least not those still in the box!) the wind today is till over 500!

No flairs, no coronal holes... so, what’s causing it? What is causing this amazing income of Energy we just so much need to upgrade Earth and Us? I have a clue... it starts with L and ends with E, and it comes directly from the Central Sun.

Enjoy the Sun, go out, sungaze, walk barefoot if you can, absorb these energies there here for All. Enjoy your upgrades, Feel them, Love them as you are Loved.

And See the changes going on as nothing different from the changes going on inside.

All are Here for Mother Earth=Heart! We’re only passengers that have the Honor to have this amazing experience!


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From the Earth Allies~ A Parable~ The Sage and The Village People~




There was a sage that lived near a village on a Mountain in a cave. They all Loved each other and The Sage would daily come to the village,they were all "Family" and celebrated oneness, he centered  and balanced the village by sharing Love, and they considered the sage Their Father, because when they had questions, he was always there to answer them.


One day the sage was visited by an Angel and was told that the well water was going to be poisoned the next day before the sun rise, and that if the people drank from the well they would go insane. The Angel requested that the sage store up as much of the water as he could until the well was cleared of poison.


The Sage being so dedicated to the people of the village he worked all night gathering the water from the well, until he was so exhausted he fell asleep. He awoke suddenly and ran outside of the cave and the Sun was already up. In his Love for the people he went running down the Mountain yelling and screaming, "Don't drink the water or you will go crazy."



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~ A Message from The Earth Allies and Ken Carey~ We are The Bird Tribe~





 They Have Called us Many Names, and Our Message should Be Clear to Everyone By NOW. We are Love, We Stand By Love, We are Love In Action and We Know Clearly Love is all Which Exists~ We Have Returned to Planet Earth=Heart As the Bird Tribe, The Winged Ones from Heaven. We are Here to ReHeart Humanity, that They WeremAll Created Equally In Love and they Have the Kingdom of Heaven Stamped On their Butts. ~Look Closely~


~We Are Here By Divine Intervention~

Love The Earth Allies We Are The Bird Tribe





Join US Live Here at the Press Saturday for Our Internet Love Party~ The God's Have Returned!


~The Return of the Bird Tribe~ Notes and Excerpts By  Love Reporter Ken Carey



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Teachers of Love- Beyond the Threshold


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Council Meeting Experience With The Earth Allies Love and Light to US All


 As a longtime member of the movement and new arrival to the expression that is this group of energy.


i wrote a comment in response to tim_potter regrding the nature of words being intentions first and originally stemming from the Source. After that comment my crown chakra and above radiated intensely and i focused on the video panelists in open eye meditation watching the Divine Light. All video frames kept moving except MotherGod. Hers was frozen smiling, beaming and feeling like she was staring right back at me. It was very fun as the Divine Light and Divine Sound augmented. Since i saw the other videos moving i went back once to check on the streaming chat and my chat stream was frozen.


Thanks for sharing in such a great multi-dimensional way. I love being around spiritual kin. Love and Light to us all.



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AFRIKAN P- Say Good-bye to duality/ Great we!


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There's something out there...?




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Do You Believe in Magic?




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News form Earth Allies: Police take their helmets off and march for Freedom!




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FREEDOM PROJECT: Vatican Bank chief Tedeschi dismissed...




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UFO's on the News... seen by many... for many days... by experts...


UFO's on the News... seen by many... for many days... by experts... 



24th of May 2012


So, get acquainted, spread the news if you're among those that waited to see it anything happened... time's getting short... shorter... 


Speak Up and be the Truth you all are.


It's getting hot up there, and down here as well!




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Earth Ally Will Harader


Darkness is only self-ignorance. Darkness has nothing on the Light, it's not even real, it's an illusion that people still foolishly spread amongst each other. The "evilest" things are always done under the guise of fighting "evil", which should tell people a lot about the nature of good/evil darkness/light dualities.


Science tried to find nothing, so they looked in a vacuum to see what was there. When they looked really really close at what should have been empty space, they found energy. Every inch of this Universe is made of energy, also known as light. Darkness is only a concept within the mind, this Universe is made up of Light in an endless range of Multi-Dimensional frequencies.


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I'm Still Alive...


I had a blog: http://mysticswithoutdegrees.blogspot.com/ I've been in a mental hospital for the last 3 weeks... seriously. Go figure... I'm not sure how to redo the blog so my previous entries are available. Anyway, yeah... I'm feeling much better now. I hope others had a happier May. I still would like to help others. Live Long and Prosper.

 - Jim


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Archangel Gabrielle on Heavenly Blessings, May 24, 2012 Partial Transcript


Archangel Gabrielle on Heavenly Blessings, May 24, 2012




(partial transcript)


The energies you are receiving through the transmission of the Transition is exceptionally strong and I tell you, as the messenger of the One, that there is no intention, no plan to vary this, to turn it down at all. If anything, my beloved ones, you may feel it growing stronger and stronger and stronger within you.


Now we have heard your discussions about the crests of the waves and the troughs and some of the experiences that you have been experiencing as you are clearing, as you are undergoing your life review, as you are experiencing cosmic flu, as you are beginning to put in place your new life plan, your expansion, your next chapter, the beginning of your Ascension travels, the claiming of the fulness of your multidimensional, transdimensional, interdimensional Self. Oh, no, we will not stop that transmission.



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butterflies are free to fly ~




butterflies birds bees 

f r e e d o m 

in your gentle hum

G A I A 

L O V E 



w a t c h e r s

sometimes in heart shapes

sometimes reptilian

G A I A 

L O V E 


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Kansas City Fed President Esther George Sort Of Calls For Jamie Dimon To Leave New York Fed...




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Change In Perspective


This comes from a more "new age" perspective but yet at the same moment the new age concepts are uncovering truths that have been hidden from plain sight for centuries. 


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More UFOs Mass sighting go to the News... 2 days in a row!



UFO alarm sounds around North Island

APNZ | Sunday, May 20, 2012 9:40

CLIP: Footage from a video posted on YouTube of a possible UFO.

CLIP: Footage from a video posted on YouTube of a possible UFO.

Supplied 050811Pic


There have been an "unprecedented" number of UFO sightings reported in the North Island over the past two months, UFO watchers say.


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Occupy Your Heart - Nikola Tesla - Live Online Concert June 5/2012


Attached are links to 2 videos recently shot at Niagara Falls announcing our upcoming concert for Lightworkers, Starseeds, Indigos, Wayshowers, all of you who are now aware of your role as Carriers of the Light for Ascension 2012.

This concert will be broadcast from my Home Studio, 10 minutes away from beautiful Niagara Falls, a power center of significant proportions, whos Hydro Electric capabilities were launched by the genius of Nikola Tesla.


June 4 is a partial Lunar Eclipse followed by the June 5/6 completion of the Venus Transit. On concert day, June 5, 2012, we will be celebrating our work as lightworkers, starseeds, wayshowers and ascension seekers through my style of Inspirational Rockin Blues.


We will also be honoring Mother Earth for her wondrous gifts and the gifts of energy given to us by such a genius as Nikola Tesla.  It so happens that June 5 is my deceased mother's birthday. It also happens that her name was Rhea.  In many of the world's mythologies, Rhea is the name for Mother Earth.  I call this a Kosmic Koinki Dinki!


Please join us won't you, and bring your friends.  We are finally coming out of the closet as the Wayshowers of this New Age


Promo Video Link:  http://occupy-your-heart.blogspot.ca/2012/05/stageit-concert-for-lightworkers-june-5.html


Dr Moe's YouTube Channel Link for Music Videos: http://www.YouTube.com/drmoe2000



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House of cards. – Michael by GLR Ron Head



This morning we will speak of the progress being made, which you so eagerly await.  Many envision a huge, almost cataclysmic occurrence.  But the most powerful energy of manifestation on your planet right now has become that of you lightworkers as you unite your intentions.

On the fifth and twentieth of this month, huge numbers of you united in envisioning a smooth and peaceful transition into your new world.  We were more than overjoyed and joined you in this effort.  Not only was the effort a success, dear friends, but the transition has begun.  Each successive wave of the incoming energies is lifting your frequencies so much now that your effect upon the whole is increasing and unstoppable.  It is overflowing and finding its own to unite with.

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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Trust your Heart



Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Trust your Heart


Love is a basic building block of life



May 25, 2012


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Lisa Gawlas: Quetzalcoatl, The Venus Transit and The Crumbling!!




We are in some really interesting times.  On the surface, it may not look like a whole lot is happening, but underneath that surface, holy cow batman!!

I had such a wonderfully balanced schedule yesterday, 2 women – 2 men, that alone rarely happens!  I was excited to see how these new energies were affecting us together.  That pesky field tho… it shows only what it wants to show!  Everyone got the same imagery yesterday.

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Hurricane warning issued for Mexico ahead of Bud


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Spaceships during Eclipse, next to Aircraft, exiting Wormholes….



Spaceships during Eclipse, next to Aircraft, exiting Wormholes….

2012 MAY 25
Posted by GLR Steve Beckow

Another spacecraft entry by wormhole over Russia, posted to Youtube May 18, 2012


“Multiple UFOs observed during the Proton Briz-M launch, carrying the Nimiq 6 Telecommunications satellite on May 17, 2012 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. I counted 8 UFOs, question is, why was there so many UFOs present at the launch of a telecommunications satellite? Unless it was carrying something else on board!!!”



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John Stokes – Scientists Find Extraterrestrial Genes In Human DNA



John Stokes – Scientists Find Extraterrestrial Genes In Human DNA – 25 May 2012

A group of researchers working at the Human Genome Project indicate that they made an astonishing scientific discovery: They believe so-called 97% non-coding sequences in human DNA is no less than genetic code of extraterrestrial life forms.

The non-coding sequences are common to all living organisms on Earth, from moulds to fish to humans. In human DNA, they constitute larger part of the total genome, says Prof. Sam Chang, the group leader. Non-coding sequences, originally known as “junk DNA”, were discovered years ago, and their function remained a mystery. The overwhelming majority of Human DNA is “Off-world” in origin. The apparent “extraterrestrial junk genes” merely “enjoy the ride” with hard working active genes, passed from generation to generation.


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Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 25 May 2012




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Heavenletter #4200 Serve Because You Love to


Heavenletter #4200 Serve Because You Love to, May 25, 2012 

God said: 


When you want to do something, and you do it, that is serving. When you do from a sense of duty, without the joy, that is not serving. There is a big difference between serving from your heart and serving from obligation. Serve because you love to. Serve because it is your joy to do so.

Of course, there is value in your washing the dishes even when your heart isn't in it. You are cleaning up a mess. Someone has to. How much better it is when you can feel: "I love to serve my family. Right now washing dishes is my way to show love to my family. They leave their cups in the sink, and I am happy to find them there in the sink, and I am happy to wash their dishes. I am happy to be part of a family."


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Finally, a grand American willing to tell the truth! Here is PART FIVE of his discussion on how the people of America are duped.

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Lee-Anne Peters – What Do I Need To Eat When I Am Devoted To Spirit? – 25 May 2012



Lee-Anne Peters – What Do I Need To Eat When I Am Devoted To Spirit? – 25 May 2012

Many people radically change their diets and exercise regime because they think that be being ‘spiritual’ you must only eat a certain type of food or do a certain kind of exercise. What about the myth about gaining weight when you welcome in more light? Let’s look deeper at this stuff and really BLAST AWAY all beliefs in this area.
My main recommendation here is to LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!


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The Sun Wakes Up! Eruption + Tornadoes - May 24, 2012


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ORacle Report ~ Friday May 25, 2012




Friday, May 25, 2012



Crescent Moon Phase

Today, something from the past returns in order for us to resolve it or to see something about it that dictates a new course of action for the future.  However, after the super-conjunction of May 5th, we are now recalibrated to newer, brighter personal energetic frequencies, and we will handle these situations differently.  We are much stronger after the great purging and clearing that took place at that time.  This means that we are able to cope with the accelerating intensity (insanity) of life right now because we are more "grounded" just like electricity is grounded.  But people around us may have become more "ungrounded" and are not only not coping well, but may be angry that we are different or not following their status quo. Some people haven't figured out that they are not in control.  Opportunities arise today for everyone to make corrections.  We have a chance to do things a different way or look at things a different way.  Maybe a situation you've been avoiding now seems less daunting.  Maybe a situation can be something other than what you thought it could be.  


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Ascension is not for sissies by SophiaLove






by GLR  SophiaLove

This stage of the journey is interesting – most people are terrified, lost or tired of the wait.  Each of these emotions is about separation – not unity.  If you are fearful, there is some “other” who you have given your power over to.  If you are lost, you are imagining there is a right or a wrong way to proceed.  If you are waiting then you have somehow decided that your actions will be set into motion once someone else does something first.


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Lord’s Banker ousted: Vatican Bank chief fired in corruption row...




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FREEDOM PROJECT:Vatican bank facing another money laundering scandal as JP Morgan closes account...


The Catholic Church is the most evil organization in existence and evidence of this fact is being exposed worldwide since we are only days from seeing the Great Harlot go up in flames forever.

Its bank, known as the Vatican bank, is facing a money-laundering scandal after it emerged JP Morgan was closing one of its accounts due to a lack of information about the source of deposits, Italian newspapers report. They have been accustomed to functioning without being questioned but since God is on Earth, all their secrets are being exposed.

The bank, officially known as the Institute for Works of Religion (IOR in Italian), reportedly failed to provide a Milan affiliate of JP Morgan with details about payments into the account, in which €1.8 billion has been deposited in the last 18 months. Evidence of the astronomical amounts of money that the evil organization handles is being exposed...




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COMEDY CIRCLE: Jimmy Kimmel Live ~ This Week in Unnecessary Censorship...


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Mytria: The Sacred Rock


Mytria: The Sacred Rock

2012 May 25

 by Dr Suzan Caroll

May 24, 2012





I appeared to awake, only to see my physical form hunched against a huge rock, clutching a few possessions. As I looked at my physical self I could see how her inner conflict had robbed her of her beauty and made her body overly thin and pale. In fact, I could see how she was very sick and in great need of healing.


However, it was not her body that was ill, it was her mind. I went over to her sleeping form and touched her head. Instantly, the look on her face relaxed and her breathing became long and rhythmic. Now, it was safe for me to leave her.



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The Transition is a Great Awakening and a Prelude to Ascension ~ Part 7/7


The Transition is a Great Awakening and a Prelude to Ascension ~ Part 7/7

2012 May 25
Posted by Steve Beckow

Since I began this series, Linda Dillon has given three more talks by Lao Tzu, the Divine Mother and Archangel Gabrielle, which have supplied us with additional information on the Transition that is said to be happening this month. I’d like to close this series with excerpts from those three discussions and a summary and then wish everyone the greatest possible benefit from this time.


Let’s begin by looking at what Lao Tzu added to the discussion on Heavenly Blessings on May 17. He began by reminding us what the Transition was about.


“Yes, this journey of Ascension is about Gaia and her reclaiming her rightful place, her journey of light and love. But dear friends, make no mistake it is also about each of you claiming and reclaiming your rightful place as well. The great awakening is upon you, it is not coming in future times. It is here and it is yours and I am here to help.” (1)


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~Space Weather Update~ Crackling C Class Flares~ StrawBerry Moon Eclipse


PARTIAL ECLIPSE OF THE STRAWBERRY MOON: On Monday, June 4th, the Moon will pass through the shadow of Earth, producing a partial lunar eclipse visible across the Pacific from China to the United States. Get the full story from Science@NASA.




DRAGON CAPTURED! The International Space Station Expedition 31 crew successfully captured the SpaceX Dragon capsule with the station's robotic arm at 9:56 AM EDT. The feat came 3 days, 6 hours, 11 minutes and 23 seconds after the mission's launch. The station was 251 miles over northwest Australia when capture occurred. Next step: docking. [updates]


Geoff Horner saw the two spacecraft converging last night over St. George, Utah. Click to view a close-up image of the pair:




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Mass Arrest List (May 24 2012)



Mass Arrest List of participants that is about to take place big changes like never before is about to happen just like all the resignations.


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A Poem To My Twin Flame


The energies are increasing and

Time and space no longer have any meaning

I am alone, yet I am not

For I feel your presence

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The Web of Life


When you think of your life do you like what you see? Do you feel caught within the mess of your life? Is there times you wonder why life has given you the grief that it has? This is when you realize you are trapped within the web that is your life. Yet within that very moment you find yourself in total surrender to the Dream Weaver. At this moment you see their face. Gazing at it you see within it a reflection of yourself. This is when you are awakened to the understanding that you created this web that you became tangeled within. So slowly you begin to cut away at the strands that bind you holding you down in place. Slowely but surely you begin to regain your freedom in the web of life. At first your steps might seem unsure. Every once and awhile you might loose your footing and again become stuck. When this occurs you just keep cutting yourself loose and begin again. The beauty and design of your web of life will astound you once you can see clearly how the web was created.


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Egyptian(esque) statue on Mars?




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Human Ethnic Racial Origins - Alien DNA


How did the races on Earth come to be. Was man genetically manipulated in the past by an alien race of beings? the sumerians called their gods the Anunnaki, those who came down from the sky. Nephilim, Fallen Angels in Genesis of the Bible. Planet X Nibiru inhabited and inbound. Mayan calander 2012 return of the Anunnaki of Planet X Nibiru. Coast to coast Gearge Noory Noorey, Zecharia Sitchin


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