~Energy is on the Move~

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 04/19/2012 - 10:42

Sananda ~ Be Your Exalted Self ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ 4.18.12



I am Sananda, with words of encouragement for everlasting peace, for you are the Key and the Source for this endeavor, my dear friends.


Many times you ask the question, when will there be peace, all encompassing peace,

for all to see, and experience and enjoy?  You know the answer, deep inside you, all of you. It is in your hearts. It comes from there. It always has.


From the time you fell into duality, you have known this, but it has been replaced and covered up with the need to blame others. You lost your knowledge of the Source and so you journeyed far and wide searching for the truth of it.


Now you are coming back to Source, to the Truth in your hearts. And you are discovering that every breath you take, every thought you have, creates Peace or it doesn’t. It is not what your neighbors are thinking or doing; it is what you are thinking and doing, and they will thus be able to connect to your vibration and it builds from there.


You all know this, but how much do you realize that in this moment you can make a greater difference than you have previously thought? Imagine a world of Peace, but first imagine and connect with the Peace in your hearts. What is covering it up? What is holding it down? Is it resentment, fear, or hate? You have a chance now to wash it away with the intense energies coming into you now.


Please try to avoid the tendency to look around you and see what is not peaceful, what is not Love, and generate Love and Peace from within you, daily, minute by minute, dear friends. You are the Key, you are the Source,  you are the impetus for change. It has to be your focus, every thought and action you make ~ Peace comes from you.



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Indian in the machine ~ April 2012 Galactic News Update


Well we're dealing with so much news, I thought I'd do a quick summary... enjoy! Dieter


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Fourth Message
April 18,2012


Photo By Earth Allie Dawn Christine Ship Overhead



It is I, your Pleiadian Friend from the Galactic Federation. I/we do serve on the Violet Ray, as well as on the Star Ship Athena. Thus, we are friends. In fact, all ascending ones are serving in some capacity in the higher frequencies. How could they not, for you are all Multidimensional and resonate to many realities within the NOW of the ONE. It is the connection to your own higher expression that is most helpful for you at this moment of your ascension process.

Knowing that you are connecting with a higher expression of your SELF assists you to release your human habit of worshiping Beings from the Higher Worlds. If there is worship to be done, is should be of us for you. You, our grounded ascending ones, have made the great sacrifice of incarnating on Gaia during the final years of Her third dimensional expression. Hence, you all have been facing myriad challenges as your old society breaks down in preparation for your Planetary Ascension.


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UFO ~ 'HUGE' SPHERE RIGHT ABOVE ME ~ Melbourne April 18 2012.


ISS was at the southern point of Tasmania heading towards the south island of New Zealand when this footage was taken. Appeared right above me. I have recorded the ISS several times, but this object is not a complete sphere as the ISS appears.


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Victory - Step in the right direction, Police Department Shut Down in Wisconsin - Police Ignorance





Ding Dong the Witch is Dead, Another One Bites the Dust. If they actually knew what their financial statement looked like and not their BUDGET REPORT they probably would have found the money to pay for the department for the next 10 years. Financial Ignorance led to the downfall of this local system that doesn't know the difference (and blurs the lines) of legal and lawful. GOOD RIDDANCE TO BAD RUBBISH.

Oh and I am still awaiting personally a formal apology for all parties involved for being tortured, illegally detained and then incarcerated by these Jackson County Criminals. I am not holding my breath though so until then I will expose them for who they really are, filthy cockroaches!




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Triple Portal May 5, 2012 Major Changes


Triple Portal May 5, 2012 Major Changes

Parallel Realities - Merging of Holograms | in5d.comby Raquel Spencer


This 5-5-5 portal is destined for anchoring in the energetic structures of major change, both on a personal and planetary level. It is a bridge for the changes at both the Cosmic/Galactic level and the Gaia/Planetary level through the portal of the Divine Human.


Your body needs to be prepared to be the physical anchor for this major change to pulse through the conscious living cellular structure of your body matrix. Your center point, the heart, which is the true bridge for all conscious change on this planet.


5 – The Cosmic Change
5 – the Divine Human as the conduit for change
5 – Gaia’s Planetary Change

5-5-5 bridging the change on all levels, as above so below. Yes this is a man made date, but one that is recorded throughout the galaxy to signal a frequency pulse of the codes and information to shift at a deep and profound level.



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4/18/2012 -- Please fasten your SDO seatbelts -- possible 'turbulence' ahead


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~The Planet is Changing Right Before Your Eyes~


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~ Loving is Such a Beautiful Now, Now Here~


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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~18~12 A Tsunami of Love is Moving Across the Planet~



The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~18~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event

Update A Tsunami of Love is Moving Across the Planet~



~The Heart Tree ~Photo By Valentin59


Greetings Love Beings, Today We had a tremendous amount of Movement into the Light for Planet Earth=Heart. Through The Transitionary Government meeting today,  We were Able to bring an intense amount of Unity Consciousness Light, through to the Planet. The Whole Planet took a Huge Leap into the Light. WOW! We had an Amazing 30 people focused on the Light, Truth and Unity. What has occurred because of this, is a Tsunami of Love which is moving through the Planet at a very high speed. Get Your Surfboards, We are all Moving Up!



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Dear Soul who call self LightWorker...



I hope this letter will reach you to the bottom of your existence of this 3D and give you courage to join us fully in this highest dimension where doubts, fears and judgments are no more...


This letter is not to entice you in any way to join US in Conciseness Unity, but to simply let you know that we are here for you and any of your friends and family who are fully awakening with no rush or pressure to join in Unity... As we know it will come to you as it comes...


This is to let you know that we are here for you for any needs you have... Only thing you do IS... You simply ASK...



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NEWS, Greater Summary of the 5-5-5 "Portal"



Who you are is the I AM. And your name is OM (AUM) That is everbody's name in Reality. I AM the One Voice of the complete and total Angelic Realm.  During this  greatest of Cosmic Inbreaths /Univerasal Vesaca's,  all previous places and whatnots found in y-our time and space machine-s / daily life, are collapsing into the Eternal Moment of Now.  With every niumbered event or tick on what's left of y-our clock and calendar; bear in Mind and breathe into y-our Heart that these former helpful services / world have already collapsed into the Greater Now. For instance a true numerical 5,5,5 date is approching. Universaly, in Ascended Planetary Systems  5, is a number in nature/form that invokes and begins the spiral. 5 is also Illumined Truth.

You have Venus transit-ing soon. Venus IS the Love Star Planet that came [over] here for many reasons. One biggy is to "planetarily" hold open and tangible the Spiritual Orbit of Divine Love that this planet Earth (Tetlacordia) must/is/will step into. Venus is also the greatest Protector / protection of the many protectors Earth has ever been given. , , So, the New Age [we are in] demands that you/I be the I Am as the Grace in Rhthym of Balanced Divine Love; as a Creator Harmonizer of all moments.    

  This May 05, 2012 (5,5,5) would be a wondrous "time and space" to literally spiral. Inwardly and up-outwardly. Then be the Sun of balanced Pure Divine Loves Peace that you've always wished to be.  

 .... I Am Y-Ours


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4/18/2012 -- Two Explosive eruptions at Sakurajima Volcano - Mother Earth=Heart's Releasing


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Dick Clark Dead At 82


Via The LA Times: "Dick Clark, who died of a massive heart attack on Wednesday in Santa Monica, was considered by many to be the person most responsible for the bonfire spread of rock 'n' roll across the country in the late 1950s through his show "American Bandstand"...For three decades, he was the first and last voice many Americans heard each year with his New Year's Eve countdowns...".* Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur discuss on The Young Turks.


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SDO Gets Rocked~Multiple Filament Releases.


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Fran Zepeda ~ Sananda ~ Be Your Exalted Self ~ 18 April 2012


Fran Zepeda ~ Sananda ~ Be Your Exalted Self ~ 18 April 2012

April 18, 2012

I am Sananda, with words of encouragement for everlasting peace, for you are the Key and the Source for this endeavor, my dear friends.


Many times you ask the question, when will there be peace, all encompassing peace, for all to see, and experience and enjoy?  You know the answer, deep inside you, all of you. It is in your hearts. It comes from there. It always has.


From the time you fell into duality, you have known this, but it has been replaced and covered up with the need to blame others. You lost your knowledge of the Source and so you journeyed far and wide searching for the truth of it.



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~♥~ A Mighty Healing Invocation for the Water Element of our bodies and Planet Earth,Gaia ~♥~


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If you only read ONE blog post by me.........



If this is the only blog post of mine that you read, I would ask one simple thing of you: Know that you are loved. 

In all moments of life, know that you are loved. This seems like a simple thing, and really it is, but for many it is not. Our existences on this plane of reality has greatly altered what we perceive to be love. When I say "Know that you are loved" I don't mean:


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Duality, seeing both paths while walking The Meridian.


Greetings! This is my discussion on Duality. If you just want the short version (which is fine haha), as usual, see the last paragraph.


Well, first what is duality? Duality is everything around us. The fact that the people of the world want peace, love, and abundance but the worldwide condition is one of constant war, fear, and greed; the fact that our healthcare system focuses solely on recovery and disregards, defunds, or discredits all natural methods of prevention; the fact that in the land of America, quite possibly the most prosperous world power of all time, the average person is unhappy and feels alone, but in the most remote or financially impoverished villages of the world you can find some of the most gleefully happy people in the world celebrating the glory of another day. That is duality.


The Yin and Yang, the eternal dance of two halves forever existing as parts of the whole. In regards to spirituality we refer to these as Light and Dark. All well and good, this concept is what is known. Now, the mind and soul must travel onward through the rapids to see and know what is to be. What is to be is that we will finally understand one simple truth. That light and dark are not opposites.


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The Manuscript of survival ~ part 121


As mankind has travelled through the centuries, that dream of something else, something bigger, has always accompanied him. Wherever he went, the thought that there must be something else besides the stark reality he was facing each and every day came knocking, sometimes softly, sometimes much harder, but almost always the response was the same: do not go into these unchartered territories, best stay with what is known. But for some, these thoughts could not be completely banished, and so they rose to the surface, only to be manifested into a harsh doctrine that would only enslave them further into submission by those more intent than ever on holding on to their powers.



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We are the Ground Crew


I just joined this website and I want to say, hello, to everyone with heartfelt thanks and appreciation. I'll share some good information down the road. I feel that much of our work will take on a bigger role in the next couple of weeks. I see the summer months really heating up and events manifesting at great speed. It's gonna be a wild ride. Laters!!


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Q&A: Bruce Livesey, Author Of Thieves Of Bay Street – about Canadian Banking problems




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FREEDOM PROJECT: CitiGroup shareholders rejected its pay plan for top executives...




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The Pleiadian Council Of Nine : A Call For Humanity To Begin Utilizing Your Collective Potential GLR Wes Annac


The Pleiadian Council Of Nine : A Call For Humanity To Begin Utilizing Your Collective Potential

 GLR Wes Annac



The scope to which this overall Lighted operation that is currently underway has been planned out will truly boggle your minds and have you wondering how such an organized and carefully planned out effort was not discovered or known about, even by the very dark souls who have been trying to stop this plan.

The dark on your world are just as perplexed as you will be as to how these operations have been and will be panning out in favor of abundance and Joy being returned to your world, and the reason that we are able to bring forth such complex and intricate plans without the knowledge of the dark on your world who have thought themselves to be all-knowing, is because there are many ascended beings whose intelligence and understanding far outweigh any of those of the souls on your world still attempting to get their way and win every ‘battle’ through any despair and any conniving means that they could think of.



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A Letter from All Men to All Women





"Aquarius is a very high sacred Feminine age," says Sioux Chief Golden Light Eagle of the astrological time period that many believe we have now entered at the start of 2012. "We need to get back to this way called Heart. For the last 2000 years, we've been in the Mind."


Since Women held onto their heart connection in the age of the Mind, and never lost it, he says, they can now help reconnect Men, who did. Some men also seem to have lost their Minds, as well, at this stage in the transition. For them, the Chief has some frank advice:


"You're not going to be able to stand against the womenfolk. This is their time. All the men can do is stand with them and support them. If you try to stand in front of them, you will fall down. Falling down means you can have heart attacks, if you don't get into your heart."


"Men, we need to listen to our women, because they're the ones who are going to help us get back in our heart."


The way of the heart, says the Chief, is the way to heal Mother Earth. "It's the way that will help us to keep Mother Earth alive, and she is very much alive at this time."



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~Chasing the Sun, We have Only Just Begun~


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~Everyone Has a Halo!~ Everyone is An Angel~ Brilliant


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Maureen Moss – Love, Presence And Acceptance – 19 April 2012



Maureen Moss – Love, Presence And Acceptance – 19 April 2012

Dearest Hearts,

As always, I pray you are well.

What a compelling year this is proving to be. On the morning of January 1, 2012, I awakened to the feeling of peace and calm. I was deeply appreciative as the previous couple of months had been abrupt, though revealing. On this day it was a beautiful feeling to begin the New Year in peace, knowing it would be the last of its kind in this long cycle of time. I also knew that this year required my full attention. I had stated my intention and commitment to the God of my Being several months earlier.


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There is No Time Left for Hesitation! by Lisa




by GLR Lisa Gawlas

I am really starting to notice universal themes playing out each and every day.  Maybe these themes have always been there and I am just really noticing them now, I don’t know, the only thing that does matter, I am noticing.  Let me tell you, yesterdays theme was huge and unmistakable!!

Yesterday was the first time I had actually flown since my oldest daughter turned 16 years old in 2000.  I never even took the time to think about how long it has been, until I had seen how much airports and travel had changed as I arrived for check in!


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FREEDOM PROJECT: 'Assange & RT under fire as US intolerant to criticism'




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ARCHANGEL INDRIEL. ♥ Miracles Abound.♥ By, AuroRa Le. April 19, 2012.



ARCHANGEL INDRIEL. ♥ Miracles Abound.♥ By, AuroRa Le. April 19, 2012.



Miracles abound, my children, and they are everywhere you look. Do you not feel your hand in God’s, holding the brush as it softly strokes the canvas, creating beauty from what seemed to be nothing? Peer closely now. Examine your world with eyes afresh, a child’s eyes, and see the masterful strokes of color – some bold, some fine – telling the story of the approaching new day. These are colors as yet unseen by the human eye, though what they paint is warm, familiar and dearly known. They blend, one into the other, to form life. Your life. A brand new life. One of lightness and cheer, but also of depth and purpose. As the mighty Light Bringers, you are doing what has never been done before. Never, in all of what you call time or in the glorious history of the cosmos, has such a sight been witnessed. You have raised high a planet and all who dwell upon her, all with the simple act of love. Simple, yes, because there is nothing that comes more naturally to you. You, the seasoned warriors, have shone brightly and come through in all your brilliance and determination. This is your crowning achievement, and it has not gone unnoticed by God. The Divine Ones see this and know joy.


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We get more and more confirmation about our fleet that is occupied in helping Mother Earth=Heart in releasing her densitiy and her pressure.

Ships have been filmed over Volcanos, prior and next to EQs, next to chemtrailing...

So it is. A whole Fleet it constantly dedicated 24/7 if you like, in helping US getting through changes as smooth as possible, at least as far as it does not interfer with the Planetarian Contract.

You must understand that helping Humanity not to completely destroy itself and doing Humanity’s job are two quite different issues.

Once we’ll be able to fully collaborate, all will be so Fast you’ll feel as if you’d been put into a time travelling mashine. Thus, step up and BE.


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Leaked CIA Memo: Bush knew US torture was 'war crime'


Water boarding and stress positions... just two of the torture techniques used by the U.S. against terror suspects. Now, a secret memo has been leaked which brands them "war crimes", and shows the Bush administration was warned against their use. As RT's Marina Portnaya explains, many feel President Obama isn't doing enough to make up for America's past mistakes


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Latest Earthquakes Report - April 19, 2012


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The manuscript of survival – part 122



The manuscript of survival – part 122



 •April 19, 2012 • 



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NEWS, Greater Summary of the 5-5-5 "Portal"



NEWS, Greater Summary of the 5-5-5 "Portal"





posted by Yojman on 04-19-12



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We Are Indeed Oneness in Love and Awareness in Light....When We Awaken. (^_^)


Our Oneness Within is the Love and Light Center of our ascension.


This is the place where we feel Love, in our heart center. The world is aglow with the rays of awareness spreading like wildfires around the globe. We are gathering and beginning the new change that has been heralded, and Our Brothers and Sisters from afar are here helping with so very much. I only hope that our Songs of Joy and Celebration will fill their hearts as much as we will feel filled to overflowing from our own. Indeed, in the Oneness all will share this in Abundance.


Love is the beginning of our lives, where we feel it from the one who cradles us in the security of their arms and gentle whispers. Love is the embrace of a special pet , each time multiplied and repeated throughout their presence with us. So many times Love is gifted and given and shared in so many ways, as to express each difference and variety. Sometimes Love is stolen, or taken, or unregistered, or controlled in this 3D place.


However, Within... Love is concentrated in a wonderful Light, shimmering, brilliant, warm, and incredibly, incredibly immense. It is inside of You, shared and One with Everyone and Everything else the imagination can attempt and beyond. It is Home and Transport, and School. Love by its very definition Loves...

Love Loves....

Love Loves...


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4/18/2012 - Earthquake Overview - EIGHT 6.0M+ earthquakes this week = watch adjacent areas


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Heavenletter #4164 A Favor Has Been Granted You


Heavenletter #4164 A Favor Has Been Granted You, April 19, 2012 

God said: 


Beloved, Beloved, you seek and seek. And now is time to accept. Instead of your attention being full-flung on the future, attend to accepting all that has been poured on you today. You are fleet of foot. You are on Earth. You are My treasure, and you have goodness a-plenty. Attend to the field that you reap today.

There is a lot to be said for today. Yesterday is a memory. Tomorrow will arrive but not today. Make a big thing out of today, for today is what you have in your hand only for a blink of an eye. You travel fast in time. Your feet hardly touch ground. Fleeting fleeting is this day, never to come again. Welcome it. Greet it. Love it. This is the day before you. It is more priceless than the greatest jewel. Today is your priceless treasure. Accept it gladly. Warm up to it. Be today's cheerleader. Hurrah for today.


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A Call for Information Agents




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FREEDOM PROJECT: Greenwald: Assange + RT drives US mainstream extra mad


Julian Assange's debut as TV-show host on RT was bound to provoke a mixed reaction from around the globe. The world's top whistleblower has drawn a wave of criticism for his choice to talk to a guest largely ignored by the mainstream media. Journalist Glenn Greenwald thinks there's apparent hypocrisy in the way some US media treat Assange.

RT on Twitter: http://twitter.com/RT_com 

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Jamye Price ~ Fellowship Weekly Light Blast



Jamye Price ~ Fellowship

Weekly Light Blast | April 21 2012

The response system of creation is the field of unity that connects All Life. You are part of this; unique, valuable and powerful just as you are and also connected to All. This is the illusion of separation, the reflection ‘out there’ in its Whole Truth, is within you, too. You are a powerful Being of Light – that is your action/reflection energy. You are also the vacuum of space, the magnetic glue that allows the Light to flow, to build, to Be. Love is the connective force that binds All Life, though that bind is only created through choice. When you accept your power of uniqueness and unity, you become the Alpha, the triangle, the linear united, supporting the Whole – the Omega, the circle of Life. All that is in-between is mere joy of journey. Enjoy. Share.



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Oracle Report ~ Thursday April 19 2012 Paddle Away



Oracle Report ~ Thursday April 19 2012 Paddle Away

Oracle Report | Balsamic Moon Phase

Today’s energy finds us concerned over how and where we feel safe. We take notice of the reality that we live in “the matrix” most of the time and we recognize the limitations therein. We question where and how we fit in or how to move toward something that is better for us. The energy is unsettling, so we need to find some serenity and comfort in things that enrich our lives – friends, family, animals, nature, children, and people of like-mind. Some will respond to this energy by exhibiting narrow-minded attitudes and feeling stuck (no place to go), but the proper way to handle today is to find contentment and allow things to be just as they are today – even if they are quite uncomfortable or are making you unhappy.



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There is that within you that knows. ~ Michael through Ron Head


    Press here for   Spanish   or   Portuguese


Let us speak about your ability to know truth when you hear it.  At the present time this is a valuable ability indeed.  Vast amounts of information are placed before you daily.  How can you know what is true and what is intended to mislead you?


Your method for determining this has always been to compare the new information you receive to what you already know to be true, and then to accept what agrees with, or fits into , your accepted reality.  That has always worked for you in the past, or has it?

When you were presented with the possibility that your planet moved around your star, it was not accepted because it did not fit into your reality, nor did the possibility that perhaps your world was not flat, nor the possibility that your illnesses were caused by unseen tiny life forms.  Of course we could go on and on with that list.  What are we getting at here?



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~Space Weather Update~ Volly of C Class Solar Flares


UNUSUAL 3D METEOR PHOTO-OP: This weekend, NASA scientists, amateur astronomers, and an astronaut on board the International Space Station will attempt the first-ever 3D photography of meteors from Earth and space. The rare photo-op occurs during the peak of the Lyrid meteor shower. Get the full story from Science@NASA.


ION WAVES IN EARTH'S ATMOSPHERE: Today, a volley of C-class solar flares sent waves of ionization rippling through the atmosphere high over Europe. Dave Gradwell of Birr, Ireland, detected the disturbances using a VLF radio monitoring system:




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Visionkeeper – This Says It All … – 19 April 2012




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Watching the Ripples Fade...


Sometimes a boulder drops into the pond.  Other times we toss in a pebble.  Ripples Happen.  What happens to them?  We all know what they look like and have seen them move, whether quickly or gradually.  They get bigger and bigger, yes.  The ripples define the edge.


Oneness has no edges.  This is where we are headed.  When on a journey, it is good to know where you are going.


Today, we are swimming in this pond called humanity, safely within our ripples.  We call them by many names; 99%, 1%, Muslim, Catholic, Spiritual, Atheist, Jewish, American, African, Indian, Black, Polish, German, Male, White, Female, Senior, Child, Beautiful, Successful, Homeless, Dirty, Clean, Gay, Straight, Honest, Criminal.  In a polarized world, this is how we define ourselves, how we come to know who we are.


We are and have been all of that, yet it does not define us.  We are one.  Until we see ourselves as one, “Unity” is just a nice idea.  In this time of great change, we are declaring our definition.  Our hearts are beating the declaration and they are doing so right now.


Your heart is limitless.  You hold the capacity for unbridled joy.  It is found when you loosen the reigns.  Let go of ideas of right/wrong, evil/holy, and good/bad.  Just be.  Allow me to be, as well.


There is a beautiful phrase out there – “The Art of Allowing”.  It implies skill is necessary for it to be pulled off.  It takes practice.


I can love my brothers and sisters in a general sense, yet hate the man who raped me.  You would not fault me for this.  If you were part of my life when this happened, and witnessed my pain, you may join me in wanting to see him hurt – revenge.  This is the way we think and in our current world, expected and justified.


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Imagine A Grand Family Reunion...




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Healing Earth News - How A Brave Woman From Argentina Changed Our World


Argentina is the third largest exporter of soybeans in the world. It is also the third largest producer of genetically engineered (GE) crops worldwide, following closely behind the U.S. and neighboring Brazil.



Thirteen years ago, Sofía Gatica’s newborn died of kidney failure after being exposed to pesticides in the womb. After the despair came anger, then a fierce determination to protect the children in her community and beyond. Sofía worked with other concerned moms to go door to door collecting stories about health problems in each family – essentially conducting the community’s first-ever epidemiological study.


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Natural Remedies: Reverse Osmosis (RO) Water Systems




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