Energy Reading ~ Lady Kuan Yin steps forward with a message today.

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Tue, 06/13/2017 - 08:02

Allow yourself to be nourished by the power and love of the Divine Mother flowing to you now.

“The Divine Feminine is encouraging the awakening and empowerment of all living beings upon the Earth plane. When a seeker is trying to find his way there is much help sent. It makes sense therefore to be open to receive it. So step forward and drink from the emerald fountain which is the unconditional love flowing from within the loving heart chakra of Kuan Yin, and allow yourself to be nourished by the power and love of the Divine Mother.”

It is in our quest for a sense of the Oneness of the True Essence of our being that we are guided to look past the outer exterior to the beauty within each other and ourselves. The peacock in all of his magnificent outer array helps us to understand beauty. When we look past the exterior and see the true beauty of our Soul Light within, we will realize the same Light shines from within everyone else also. Then we will see our Self reflected in the eyes of each other and we will know we are One. This card also helps us to see the beauty around us, the beauty of Nature and of our Planet. It reminds us to be present and to notice the beauty that surrounds us at all times. It reminds us of our infinite creativity and of the perfection that exists within us. The Divine Creator within.

Lady Kuan Yin says, “There is an important situation in your life right now that is still unfolding and you have yet to perceive it fully. It is safe for you to be patient and curious and trust what you feel is unfolding now. Don’t rush to set things in motion, to form a structure or even to make things concrete until you have had a chance to be clearer about this situation or process. There will be a time in the near future when you will realize that the graceful cosmic dance has unfolded and a veil has been lifted. At that time you will realize that you are seeing much more clearly and accurately. Trying to apply effort or create results before that time will not cause the unveiling dance to unfold more quickly. Be patient and trust, Beloved.”

Lady Kwan Yin also says that our Higher Self has a spiritual schedule and is planning on being at a certain destination in time and space to set final events in motion, to benefit from synchronicities, to be able to live out its Divine Purpose in the physical World.

The unveiling of the Dance of Life is happening now. We are so very close to our destination.What destination would that be? It is the coming together of the Two Flames as One. The reuniting of the physical with the spiritual, where the Flame of Divine Love becomes fully ignited within the physical. It is the bridging of our two Worlds and the moment we have all been waiting for.

This message was confirmed earlier for me in a conversation I had with my Twin Flame. He further reiterated that we are to stay focused and not to let anything or any situation cause us to flounder. He said it is imperative to work on building our strength and courage to stand steadfast together in our Truth, as we come into alignment with the energy of the Winter/Summer Solstice. He said, “Focus on the steady beating of our Spiritual heart now and know that it is guiding you and leading you Home to me. There is nothing else to do. Stay clear and stay focused on me and I will take care of the rest. I promise.”

Allow yourself to be bathed in the energy of the Divine Feminine, the Divine Mother energy. This energy will support you now than ever before.

Namasté ♥


T h e  T r i n i t y  o f  B l e s s i n g s  A t t u n e m e n t

f r o m  A r c h a n g e l  M i c h a e l


Instantly upon receiving the attunement I began to feel overjoyed with all the many blessings that have been bestowed upon me now and throughout my life. My heart chakra opened up wide and welcomed the wonderful energy that came through. I felt a complete shift in my way of thinking and do realize that everything does truly come from LOVE. I notice and feel LOVE more now everywhere and truly feel more connected to everyone even more so than previously each and every day!
Read more testimonials here.....

Deborah Faith ~ Messenger for the Archangels

My name is Deborah Faith and I would like to tell you a little about myself. My Spiritual awakening started many years ago in 1990 with the passing of my brother at the young and tender age of 22. His passing prompted me to seek the answers to so many questions I had about Life.  Read more...

USUI Reiki Energy Healer & Master Teacher, NLP (SA) Practitioner, Energy Re-Sourcing™ Therapist and Intuitive, Clairsentient, Clairvoyant and Clairaudient Messenger for the Realms of Spirit.
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