Equinox Meditation​: Tenth Step in a Cycle of 12 Globally Synchroniz​ed Meditation​s

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 03/05/2012 - 10:54

For the best viewing, please go here (hugs - jen :) :



Jean Hudon globalvisionary@earthrainbownetwork.com
2:06 AM (6 hours ago)



As we are now entering the last 9 months of this cycle of twelve global meditations, leading up to December 21st 2012, which will see the largest global meditation ever organized as we will collectively celebrate the beginning of an unprecedented new era of Peace, Love and Harmony on Earth, you are hereby invited to join in the tenth step in this series of 12 globally synchronized meditations designed to mark the celebrations of the last 12 solstices and equinoxes before December 21, 2012, an era-changing pivotal moment that has been recognized and heralded by many as the central shifting point into a new Golden Age for humanity and all Life on Earth.


Each of those 12 ascending steps towards this climaxing shift-point is part of a gradual reawakening and remembering process to re-ignite in us all the deeply felt sentience of our Oneness with All That is, and thus enable us all to walk on a Golden Path of Light that will lead us directly into a conscious reunion with the Source of our existence.


The central template of this whole process is the ever deeper and keener understanding of the fact that our true nature is that of a soul living a physical experience and learning the lessons of a new lifetime. To facilitate this recognition of Who We Are and deep integration within the very matrix of our sense of self of this simple fact, it was announced on December 21, 2009 that twelve Keys would be shared over the course of the next 12 Solstice and Equinox Meditations to help stir the remembrance of Who We Are. The tenth key is offered hereafter.


To initiate and/or sustain this reformatting process of our self-awareness, it is suggested that you first reach a state of deep synchronism with the soul aspect in you, doing so with whichever method and for whichever period of time that suits you best. To reach the key triggering Moment of Remembrance at the same time as every other soul who will be participating to this globally synchronized meditation, please ensure that you have reached that stage at the exact same moment as all other participating souls worldwide.


It is recommended that during your preparatory meditation, prior to reaching the peak moment, you slowly go through the nine Remembrance Keys given so far, thus reiterating...

I Am Love... I Am Light... I Am Peace... I Am Harmony... I Am Compassion... I Am Forgiveness... I Am Kindness... I Am Mercy... I Am Healing... imbuing your whole being with the entire spectrum of thought-forms and feelings each of those sacred Keys evokes in you.


Then, starting at the exact moment when the Earth is at the peak of this Equinox cycle, on Tuesday, March 20 at 05:14 Universal Time (UT), (which corresponds to 01:14 in New York, to 22:14 on Monday, March 19, in Los Angeles, and to 06:14 on March 20 in central Europe) express forth from the heart of your soul the following tenth Remembrance Key...


I Am Joy


... and repeat it, mentally and/or aloud, as many times as necessary to feel you have impregnated your whole being with the full understanding and recognition of this unfathomable Reality.

To deepen your understanding of some aspects of what Joy truly is, the following affirmation is provided to further trigger the emergence within you of what no words can possibly describe...

What could be more joyful than knowing one's own true origin, nature and ultimate destiny?... I am the very essence of Joy and, as such, I radiate around me like a shining star the happiness that ceaselessly flows through me. I need not have any particular reason to experience this Joy that I am, because just like true Love is unconditional, true Joy is spontaneous, gratuitous and ever bountiful. As in all of the natural world, where exuberant joy and buoyant happiness are endlessly flowing through the melodious songs of birds, the aquatic antics of dolphins, or the mellifluous fragrance of flowers, the Love and sense of Oneness I experience for and with All That Is reveals itself through my ever-optimistic views, ever-glowing smiles and ever-comforting laughters. I truly am a cheerful expression of Joy, ever happy to share around me the graceful levity of Who I Am.


Note: If you find difficult to fully grasp what you have just read, the following reminder may be helpful to you:


As you certainly know if you have attempted entering a state of deep meditation after reading theme-setting material such as this one above, the best way to actually reach a deeply vibrant sense of Oneness at soul level is certainly not to try to remember while you meditate any of the details you've read about the suggested meditation theme. Having a general idea of it in the back of one's mind is all that is necessary. If you wish however to use the exact wording for the affirmation suggested above, you may want to have it written or printed on a piece of paper and read from it when you are ready to do so during your meditation.

* * * * * * *

Finally, when you feel ready to go back to your normal everyday existence, you may conclude this meditation through reading the following affirmation, aloud or within the sacred sanctuary of your soul...

I am a soul
A divine spark of the Infinite
That gave birth to this universe.

I remember Who I am
and serve the Greater Purpose of Life
as One with All That is.

I came here with many other souls
to assist in the expansion of Light
on this living planet Earth.

I accept to let Love
Be the guiding beacon of my life
and to shine Its radiance in every moment.

I am a soul
and the sole purpose of my existence
is to be All That I Am.

So be it.

... and use this as often as necessary to help you remember and reassert Who You Are.

* * * * * * *

This Equinox Meditation: Tenth Step in a Cycle of 12 Globally Synchronized Meditations is archived at http://www.earthrainbownetwork.com/FocusArchives/March202012Meditation…

Please note that several translations (French, Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, Italian and Russian) are available through http://www.earthrainbownetwork.com/FocusArchives/home.htm

To review the previous steps in this Cycle of 12 Globally Synchronized Meditations, click HERE

For those who wish to review them before or during their period of meditation in preparation for the climax of this equinox, at 05:14 Universal Time (which corresponds to 01:14 in New York, to 22:14 on Monday, March 19, in Los Angeles, to 05:15 in London, UK, and to 06:14 on March 20 in central Europe), the previous and current Remembrance Keys are available in a printable Word document (US letter format) that can be downloaded through http://www.EarthRainbowNetwork.com/FocusArchives/Doc/Remembrance_Keys.d…

To find out when is your local time corresponding to the exact time of this 2012 vernal equinox (in the northern hemisphere) / automnal equinox (in the southern hemisphere) at 05 hr 14 min Universal Time, on March 20, 2012, please go at http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?day=20&month=03&ye…

If you cannot take part to this globally synchronized meditation at this exact time, please pick any other moment of that day that suits you best, and do the same procedure suggested above while mentally projecting yourself at the exact moment when it is occurring in the Time Continuum, knowing that time is merely an illusion from our physical standpoint, and that the power of our focused intent can easily overcome this illusion.

If you can do this meditation and remembrance activation in the company of other souls - especially at a sacred place that evokes deep feelings of peace like the seashore or any other natural sanctuary - its effects will be magnified in direct proportion to the intensity of the vortex of Love and Light generated by these assembled souls. Whether you do this alone or with others, always be aware that many other souls from other dimensions of existence are partaking in our experiences every time we dedicate ourselves to such sacred moments of communion with All That Is.

To discover the significance of the equinoxes in all cultures around the world, review this Wikipedia entry on the vernal and autumnal equinoxes.

* * * * * * *

Being All The Joy That We Can Be

As all humans progress on the path to spiritual enlightenment and as an ever greater number of souls remember who they are, a sense of permanent joy is gradually seeping through their consciousness from the realm of eternal bliss where they originally came from. It is important for each one of you to become ever more acutely aware that allowing this heavenly feeling to blossom freely is a key to further accelerating your progress. You have to literally make a conscious choice, each and every waking moment of your life to enable the healing power of Life to act through you and in you by accepting joy as your natural state of mind, no matter how difficult the circumstances you may be in at any given moment, no matter how great the challenges you may face.

Anchoring your basic feeling about life in deep, unrelenting joy will catalyze in a much more direct and efficient way than any other means your spiritual awakening and, in so doing, you will be able to tap within you, from the Source of your very existence, the tremendously potent Forces of Light and Love that have remained dormant for most of the times when your consciousness was embroiled into the travails and tribulations of physical incarnation, over numerous lifetimes. This growing and yet innate sense of blissful joy can express itself through laughter or simply as a subtle smile, but it is much more than such superficial expressions. Joy as an enduring attitude towards all experiences in life will unlock the unexpressed potential for spiritual clarity, relaxed contemplation and hyper focused attention that are necessary to ascend into the higher dimensions of existence which is the true Promised Land towards which all are striving.


May Love, Light, Peace, Harmony, Compassion, Forgiveness, Kindness, Mercy, Healing and Joy prevail in every heart.

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If this e-mail has been forwarded to you and you wish to receive the next steps in this cycle of 12 globally synchronized meditations as well as the monthly Meditation Focuses, simply send an email to globalvisionary@earthrainbownetwork.com with "I want to receive the Meditation Focuses" in the subject field of your email.

For more information, please review the material posted by the Global Meditation Focus Group at http://www.earthrainbownetwork.com/FocusArchives/home.htm


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