~Every experiment comes to its fruition....So as this magnificent ONE, too....~THE ASCENSION~

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 04/30/2011 - 10:41


~Every experiment comes to its fruition....So as this magnificent ONE, too....~



My beloved Patty,


I am honored that you asking so openly  about Ascension..... It is coming our way, and it is coming very fast.... Much faster than  you believe...


You will experience Ascension simply by asking God to be free of this 3D baggage.... Do not wish, simply state that you intent to Ascend, as this is your birthright given by God, this is why you are here at this time....  And you will hear the call, within your own being, and you will know exactly what to do....


Till then just be, enjoy every breath, every smell, every situation, every tremor of mother earth... All this has its own reasons, and it is there as Divine Plan as our Creator directed.....


This is the most important moment in history of Gaia [Planet Earth and her Spirit] as she is ascending with all of us who will vibrate with pure love and compassion, with all of us who will share with others, who will give others all our love and compassion, without asking anything in return.....

As we know that we evolved as soon as we recognize God within us, and give all our trust in His loving Hands......


We as humans has ascended before, quite many times, sometimes in groups like Maya's and sometimes individually [like Jeshua, Paul the Venetian, Mother Theresa, El Morya, Kuthumi, Mother Cabrini... ] as these souls recognized the God in his full light, and they recognize God in them....

As these souls recognized in them humbleness, and greatness at the same instance....

As these souls recognized God who speaks through them....

As these souls recognized they are humans, and they are more than humans......


As our Beloved God said in one of his love letters to humanity:

"When you know the Greatness that exists within you and every human being, you can only be humble. You are a carrier of God as simply and as innocently as your body carries your DNA. You are humble to be a carrier of God. You are glad and you are gracious, and you are the humblest of all in service to God."


What I feel in my heart is that these beautiful Ascended Masters had found and continue keeping the pure love toward others, and these souls found humble way in service to God.... And best of all they share their service to God with us, humanity......


We will become more and more connected with spirit word, with angelic world, and simply stated: if we keep non afraid and loving state of heart, there is nothing it will prevent us to ascend in first wave......


If by chance we get scared, or we keep our materialistic greedy approach to existence, or we doubt that God is revengeful, or that God wants us to cleanse our "sins", or that God is doing this to punish us, than there is second and third wave but all the following waves will be accompanied with bigger and more educational trepidations and situations that we call disasters, so we can easier find our path toward Him, so we can open our hearts freely for Him......


I know that this is the first time on Gaia that her Ascension is in sync with global Ascension of Humanity, and with greatest alignment of Stars and planets, and with multiple circles ending on the same time...... Truly Divine Times we live on....


He is one very patient God, He is here for all of Us, even if we have to go thorough more lifetimes to learn and to remember Him..... He never forgets any of us, how bad we think about our self's....


I will not talk about my personal experiences, but I will confirm with you that Ascension is the most beautiful gift from God, for being brave to drop our energies in this 3D dualistic experiment on very large scale, and to experience Ascension....

I do not see dificulties for any of us to overcome bit of fear, some enxiety, traces of jelousy, and slight greed and anger..... as we progressing closer into the zero moment on Gaia.... We are all made the same, same as God's spark, we simply have to remember this little part.... We will remember very soon this little detail.....


As you know, every experiment comes to its fruition, and brings truly new discoveries and new truths, that were not so recognized or accepted through history of Humanity....So as this magnificent ONE, too....


I would call this experiment "New Human Conciseness Creation formula" as it was truly done with care and patience of millions of galactic scientists, angelic realm, spiritual realm, and our Divine Creator.....


We are here to create new Light, new Conciseness of Humanity, and I am so honored that you triggered me into writing this piece, and I would like to thank you for your part in this beautiful trip toward God of Love.....


With Love only as the rest is easy, Predrag


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