Everyone Is A Piece Of The Puzzle
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Being One
I think it will take some still unknown Energy to actually cause a mass affinity to occur. Somthing so undeniable that it will be the only sane thing to do. If we consider the large task it is to change our own thinking, changing the thinking of 7 billion minds does seem insurmountable! The many groups and influences you mentioned, all seem to have the same agenda.. to convert others. There is a proverb that said "Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the LORD ponders the hearts." . I understand "the Lord" to be Love, be it Jesus or anyone else who recognizes Love as their motivating force. It's a matter of getting that Love into the hearts permanently and universally ... that is the issue. I am just hoping that "the event" which many speak of, is our natural entry into the moment of the precession, where everything changes "in the twinkling of an eye" as the saying goes
I totally agree! I have been
I totally agree! I have been saying the same thing. We need to be constantly aware that the ascension is all about doing away with boundaries and walls on every level. Love is what it's all about and love is an awareness of unity within.