~Exciting Energies Abound~

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 06/12/2012 - 10:20

Greetings Love Beings, The Exciting Energies as More Awaken are Happening. Miracles are Occurring for those ready to recieve. This will daily increase Until All of Humanity is Awakened Into Reality. The Real Reality of Love Everywhere Present. We are Well On our Way to Our Final Destiny. Home into the Light! We Love You, Love the Earth Allies

FREEDOM PROJECT: Three Banks Return $22 million in TARP Funds... JUST A BEGINING...


Three Banks Return $22 million in TARP Funds

Posted on June 11, 2012

by Daniel Gross
Contrary Indicator
June 11, 2012

Nearly four years after the Lehman Brothers debacle, the government rescue efforts and bailouts continue to wind down. The central component of the TARP was the Capital Purchase Program (CPP), under which Treasury purchased preferred shares in hundreds of banks and received warrants in return. Banks started to return the capital in June 2009, with the largest institutions repaying first. In all, CPP recipients took public funds. Banks have returned $190.26 of that capital. Add in dividends ($11.68 billion), gains on the sale of Citigroup common stock ($6.85 billion), and funds received from the sale of warrants ($7.67 billion) and the CPP has turned a “profit” thus far of about $11.6 billion. (Here’s the most recent TARP summary).


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Consider this, 22$ mill. in cash returned to taxpayers directly over one weekend, yet another 300$ trillions [yes, trillions I said... this is one with 12 zeros behind… ]  Already with fully executed  judgments against all the 12 Central Banks in US, Federal Reserve of US [which is actually an International corporate entity, that will be dissolved in to nothingness…]


The way I see this most beautiful and wondrous events on our Planet unfolding perfectly… so perfectly that I feel God has some of his fingers in this plan… or maybe all of his fingers…

Can you imagine, or better, please just imagine the awe on the faces and in the hearts of We the People when truth comes with greatest genuine gifts of new banking system, including debt forgiveness, prosperity funds [and here I feel individual citizen, including children… but not pets for now… will be granted one time amount sufficient to live comfortably for next 200 years with no day of work…]



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I forgive you cabal thank you for surrendering


~By Smiles444~


I forgive you cabal thank you for surrendering



Thank you for the role you have played in my life. Many lessons have been learned through you. Thank you for playing the bad guy and in doing so helping me WAKE UP.  Unconditional love was the biggest lesson of all and for that I am grateful.


I have had many experiences and have hurt people in my past as well as my past lives. I know the terrible things you have done but we all have. Please I send you love from the depths of my heart, all you have to do is open your heart to accept this love my friends. Thank you for surrenderring and coming to the light. Together we shall bring planet earth, mother Gaiama back to her pristine condition. We shall have freedom and abundance for all humanity. I love you so very much. Thank you to all Multi-Dimensional Beings who have worked so hard to make this all happen. Thank you FatherMother God for this wonderful gift of life.  With much love and Gratitude. Namaste'


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Lead by example



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Wisdom of the Elders: The Time is Now


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Posted on June 11, 2012

Simone Foxman
Source: Business Insider 
24 minutes ago

While analysts have been making a big deal about the bank bailout in Spain this morning, it is important not to forget about Europe’s next-biggest problem: Italy.

Yields on Italian government bonds are shooting through the roof today, as investors wonder how much stronger Italy’s banks are than Spain’s.  In neither case, it would appear, to they believe that the bailout has divorced financial sector stress from that on the government.

The Italian FTSE MIB is also down 1.1 percent.

Check out Italian 10-year yields, up 20 bps so far today:


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Humpback Whale Shows AMAZING Appreciation After Being Freed From Nets


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Treasury Department Announces Public Offering of Preferred Stock of Seven CPP Institutions



this is yet another smooth and very not in our face transfer of ownership from corporate banking and Federal Reserve in to Treasury Banking system, which includes The Office of the Postmaster General, Divine Province... Yes, this looks like a selloff of these 7 institutions, but it is gentle transer of ownership under We the People... Enjoy the show, PSG... 


Treasury Department Announces Public Offering of Preferred Stock of Seven CPP Institutions




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Earthrise is here on June 11th, 2012.

June 11th, 2012 For about the next week will be a week to rest and take in the energies. The big event of the summer solstice is upon us. June 20th, 2012 will be one of the most important events this year! Don't give up! Your prayers have been answered! It's just a little slow of getting to be able to see in the physical world! Earthrise is here.

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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~6~11~12 The Rest Period, Then The Icing on the Cake~




The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~6~11~12




Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ The Rest Period, Then The Icing on the Cake~


al a mode



Greetings Love Beings, We have arrived at a Calm Point in the energies. This is A Breather to allow everyone to soak in these recent energies and Process them into the core of their Beings.The Incoming Waves Of Love after the rest period, will be like the icing on the cake with A la Mode'. Humanity asked Love For Freedom from the illusion and Into Love. Love is answering. Love is where Dreams Come True.




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Activist Protests By Harvesting Cannabis Inside Giant Cage In Front Of White House


by Andrew Kirell | 10:21 am, June 11th, 2012

David Bronner, the CEO of Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps, began a demonstration Monday inside a large steel cage in front of the White House to protest federal policy that bans U.S. farmers from cultivating industrial hemp.

“The industrial hemp plants I am harvesting and processing into oil cannot produce a high of any kind, but according to the Obama Administration I’m in possession of approximately 10 pounds of marijuana,” Bronner said in a press release.

Full Story... (mediaite.com)


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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 6/11/12 ‘Altering Future Course’




How often have you gone to bed at night thinking ‘How far am I away from midlife?’ What we would like to see more of you going to bed at night thinking is ‘How close am I to being young again, possessing a youthful body in function, form and appearance?’ This is the kind of mindset we would prefer to see in you, as a more positive outlook will bring to you better opportunities to enjoy your lives better than negative perspectives and outlooks will.



The way you think is often the way you feel, and the way you feel lays the tracks for the path you will travel up ahead. This is the way it works here in this universe, where your thoughts, feelings, emotions, dreams, perspectives and outlook are all part of the future you are creating for yourself. Try to always remember this as you are going about your day, for it is not only this day that you are experiencing, but it is many more days to come that will bring to you a similar experience if you do not consider and alter your future course by consciously creating it and focusing on more positive, enjoyable and rewarding experiences you wish for yourself.




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Fran Zepeda ~ Sananda ~ Breaking Illusions ~ 10 June 2012


Sananda ~ Breaking Illusions ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ June 10, 2012









My ascending Lightworkers, I greet you again. We gather far and wide to usher in the New Earth. Preparations are being made and the stage is set for a glorious new future, which is becoming evident to you now.


By all observations from the Spiritual and Galactic Realms, you are proceeding splendidly and we offer our deepest appreciation for all your brave, hard work.


Today, I wish to address the subject of illusion. You have been immersed within it for such a long time and you are beginning to break the chains and restrictions that have held you back.


You know it was necessary to be fully immersed in the illusion in order to gather all you needed to transform yourselves into the Divine Beings you always were, but forgot for the sake of experiencing duality to the fullest. And so the time has come to step out of that role and welcome the true essence and reality of your multi-dimensional lives.



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We Are All One Consciousness


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Benjamin Fulford ~ Full Update ~ Meetings Set In Attempt To End Financial Crisis ~ 11 June 2012


Benjamin Fulford ~ Full Update ~ Meetings Set In Attempt To End Financial Crisis ~ 11 June 2012



Commentary from the Galactic Free Press: Below Ben speaks of a Drone Obama. The Real Obama is who we Love and Support.. We went Ahead And Are Posting Ben's Update as We feel He has an Aspect of the Divine Plan which is Unfolding. As You, We will See How this All Unfolds. We are All In this Together. All Our Love The Earth Allies



There will be a series of both secret and public high-level meetings from June 15 to June 20th aimed at ending the financial crisis that threatens to collapse the Western world’s banking sector, according to multiple sources. The hope is that the G20 meeting set to start on June 18th will lead to a breakthrough.


To help make that possible, the White Dragon Society sent a message to the Committee of 300 proposing the announcement of a campaign, similar in intensity to a world war, aimed at ending poverty, stopping environmental destruction, eliminating disease and otherwise trying to save our wonderful, but ailing planet.


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Phoenix Journals Jun 11, 2012 - PJ #95 " HEAVE-UP ", chapter 5 & 6.




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12-12-12 Portal Energies




So many people have been questioning about why certain events have not occurred yet.  That's easy....time is not linear...it is all energetic and it has to do with experience.  We have currently been utilizing the time matrix that you are currently in to our benefit.  Allowing large waves of energies to come through during certain days which are the opening of the portals.  8-8-88, 9-9-99, 10-10-10, 11-11-11 and currently the upcoming 12-12-12.



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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 06~11~2012 ~What was once extra~ordinary is now every day news ~



~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 06~11~2012 ~What was once extra~ordinary is now every day news ~





Greetings Loved Beings,


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~ Earth Ally Will Harader~ What is Means to Be a Pure Being~



Purity of Being


It's not pure water, food or air that cleanses a Being. In fact, no physical thing is going to cleanse your Light Body, especially because your Light Body is already pure. The "impurities" that people feel lie within the mind, and those are what need to be cleansed. Poisoned thoughts leads to poisoned bodies, not the other way around.


People are going about it a totally backwards way, though most people on this Planet are living upside-down. They believe change in the physical, what they do in the lower dimensions, creates change in the Higher. Even people who don't consciously believe this still act like that's the way things work. Go tell that to any Master and they'll find it highly amusing. The Master knows which way Energy flows.



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Neptune, King of Mars replies to a readers questions ~ 11 June 2012 Message by Laura Tyco


Neptune, King of Mars replies to a readers questions ~ 11 June 2012 Message by Laura Tyco. | 2012 Indy Info

Posted by Laura Tyco

Laura: Nice to reconnect with you, dear Neptune. One of my readers was asking if you are related to the Nommo? Also a few readers were asking if in your 1st message came as advice for a situation in particular with the Annunaki or the Galactic Federation?



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INNER WORK Directed, Unitive Will: Love Compassion,Acceptance, Connectedness


                                                                          INNER WORK

                                                                     Directed, Unitive Will: Love

                                                     Compassion,Acceptance, Connectedness



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Blue Star UFO Report 06-11-12 Cylinder UFOs reported by multiple witnesses in two states



Cylinder UFOs reported by multiple witnesses in two states



A cylinder-shaped UFO was reported by multiple witnesses on June 10, 2012, in two states, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

Witnesses in both Florida and California described the object as appearing cylindrical in shape in two separate MUFON cases.

In California Case 39161, three witnesses at Monterey County sitting in a backyard watched "a cylinder shaped glowing light approaching" from the eastern horizon.


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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~6~10~12 The Light of Love is Fully Lit, Now ~


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UFO over Snezhinsk, Russia, during the celebration of June 11, 2012


See the full version of the video. This is a video I shot. I apologize for the quality, but the camera is better I do not. After that, the object flew two more UFOs, but, since a bad camera to remove them failed ... UFO over Snezhinsk, Russia, during the celebration of June 11, 2012
For more exclusive information on UFOs, visit: http://x-u-f-o.blogspot.com


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Ascension Exchanges: "One with Gaia"


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In Your Eyes





Let me look inside your eyes. Let me look deep inside your soul. Let me see the true you. No, not the “you” that everyone thinks you are. I mean the real you. You know, the you that makes your heart shine, the you that makes your smile brighten up the room. Let me see the you that knows of no fears, see no struggles. Let me see the true you, the one that see’s opportunity in every moment, no matter how simple or hard the task may be. Let me see the you that respects all other life forms, from the Elemental Kingdom, to the Plant Kingdom, to all in the Animal Kingdom, and yes, the Spiritual Kingdom, as well.


Let me look inside your eyes, no matter how dark you may believe it may be deep within. For there is a Divine spark of Light within us all waiting to flourish. Let me look in your eyes, and I ask that you too look back. Look deep in my eyes, look deep in my soul. Now tell me what is it you see? Is it you, yourself, that you see? Through the entrance of my soul, you see the reflection of yourself. For you and I, we are one, I am you, as you are I. We intermingle; your action causes my reaction; we are at cause of effect to each other. Thus, everything you portray onto me is you reflecting yourself. Look deep within my eyes; see the love in my soul.



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Are We Being Set Up For Project Bluebeam or Alien Wars at the 2012 Olympics?



Are We Being Set Up For Project Bluebeam or Alien Wars at the 2012 Olympics?

Last updated on June 11, 2012  by in5d Alternative News

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.


Are We Being Set Up For Project Bluebeam or Alien Wars at the 2012 Olympics? | in5d Alternative News

GFP Comment: If you're interested in reading the whole article you can go to the original link of in5d, we publish this article as to inform you of what is being said by MSM and other information sites, thus our advice is simply... be aware of it.



In recent news, Nick Pope ‘warned that the 2012 Olympic Games, to be held in London, could be tempting target for UFOs and their alien occupants’. This coincides with the warning from Dr. Werner von Braun, saying that ‘the last card’ would be a faked alien invasion staged by the government.


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Love Begins With Me with Christopher Gilmore - Part 1


TLF TV presents the Love Begins With Me film project interview series with Philip Snow interviewing Christopher Gilmore. In these videos, Philip and his guests explore the nature love and how it has been a natural part of their lives along with how unconditional love is a transformative element for positive change both individually and collectively.

Christopher Gilmore resides in the UK.

Philip Snow is a board member for The Love Foundation and is the producer of the Love Begins With Me film project. He hosts these inspired interviews with special guests from around the world.

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Visionkeeper – Strength – 12 June 2012



Visionkeeper – Strength – 12 June 2012

Posted on June 12, 2012 by GLR lucas2012infos 

(picture by www.favim.com)

I was looking at the trees around my property today and also saw this picture and wondered why trees are so strong. Actually a great deal of what grows in nature is strong no matter how small or delicate it seems. So what is the answer to why? If I had to venture a guess I would have to say it is because nature never doubts or questions its abilities. A tree doesn’t wonder if it will be able to grow big, it just puts down roots and grows to whatever it is meant to grow to. Each variety of tree is different in its root system as well, some have deep roots that go deep into the earth providing much strength, others have shallow root systems.


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Do... or Do Now, there is not try!


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Oracle Report ~ Tuesday, June 12, 2012



Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Third Quarter Moon Phase

Overnight, two major astrological events took place: Chiron stationed retrograde and Jupiter entered Gemini.  These changes are palpable within the energy today and will initially produce the potential to feel isolated, lonely, or alienated.  You will probably naturally feel more introverted and quiet.  Chiron will be retrograde until mid-November and is going to amp up already-present energies that will increasingly open us up to spiritual energies and, in turn, heal our individual sense of separation or lingering feelings of loneliness.  To do this, the feeling of isolation is enhanced today, but not only by Chiron, but also Jupiter.  In mythological astrology, both Chiron and Jupiter are great teachers.  They are joining forces now to teach us that the feeling of loneliness is an illusion and that we are never truly alone.  They will teach us that nothing about ourselves - our happiness, our sense of self and self-esteem, our success - is dependent on anything in the material world.  We naturally exist in the uninterrupted dreaming of the planet and when we identify ourselves or place our locus of control outside of that connection, we are astray.  Feelings of loneliness, sadness, and dissatisfaction ensue.  


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Suzan Caroll: New Earth Journal Part 1


Suzan Caroll: New Earth Journal Part 1

2012 June 12

By Dr Suzan Caroll / Suzanne Lie – June 11, 2012



My Life on New Earth

I wanted to return to the Starship, but then I realized that what I want to do is not as important as what I came to do. I came to be among the Ones who came to assist in creating New Earth. And exactly how do we create New Earth? I don’t know. The Arcturians say I don’t know because we haven’t created it yet. On the other hand, I am aware that there is a Cosmic Plan that has been in place from before time that includes not only our small planet but much of this quadrant of space.



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Gerald Celente – How To Save Humantiy – 12 June 2012


Thanks to Lucas


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In The Arms Of The Angel-Sarah Mclachlan


"You are pulled from the wreckage of your silent revery...In the arms of the Angels, may you find some comfort here.."

Much Peace, Joy, Light and Love to ALL! NOW! :) <3



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Blossom Goodchild – Another Month…Another Post… No Thing New



Blossom Goodchild – Another Month…Another Post… No Thing New – 12 June 2012

Posted on June 12, 2012 by GLR lucas2012infos 

I know I sound like a broken record going over and over the same thing … yet from the letters I am receiving … it seems that we still need to … go over and over the same thing.

I caught myself only the other day saying … yet again … to a friend … ‘Who knows? All we can do is wait and see’ … because I had fallen … yet again … into the same old trap of listening to too much stuff that I had been sent. Too many interviews to listen to … Too many channellings to read … too many you tubes to watch … and most of them all with very different views of what is about to happen.


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Traveller to the Inner Earth ~ Colonel Bill Faye Woodard


Traveller to the Inner Earth

Back to Updates

Traveller to the Inner Earth - Billie Faye Woodard - Reposted April 6, 2012


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Life Purpose The purpose of life is simple



Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Life Purpose


The purpose of life is simple



Serve humanity in a way that brings great joy to your life, yourself and to others. Worry not about finding a purpose. Instead let your purpose be drawn to you using the principles of the Law of Attraction and in this way, your purpose will serve you. When you feel joy, it indicates that your connection to Spirit is strengthened. As this connection becomes stronger, you become one with spirit and blend with the higher vibration of love.


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Wes Annac – The Pleiadian High Council: The Collective Is Shifting The Energetic Balance Part I



Wes Annac – The Pleiadian High Council: The Collective Is Shifting The Energetic Balance – 12 June 2012

Posted on June 12, 2012 by lucas2012infos 

by GLR Wes Annac

Note from Wes: Bringing through sections of this message brought me to tears. I hope this communication is helpful to you along your path, no matter where you find yourself at this time and who you find around you. :)  

Ah, how you are beginning to feel the effects of the alignments you have been given recently, in the most intense of ways that they could offer. We have been assisting you in any and every way that we can with the integration of the intense lessons that such alignments have been and will continue to be bringing you, and whenever you call upon us for any specific purpose, we leave our energetic ‘residue’ to assist you in many other endeavors you will find yourselves undergoing throughout your experiences after directly connecting with us.


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Landing of the first star people :)


It happened in my dream last night.


first i have seen a second sun shining in the sky .. than i have seen someone landed down on earth by a big parachute (Dont ask why parachute.. i liked it)

i ran over there to see.. an ET star brother was sitting at where he landed, surrounded by wondering people.

i walked fastly to meet him. i stood by him. i said:

are you okay?

 he said :yes

i said * do you need any help?

he said* oh yes


and we people helped him to take his parachute of from his shoulders.

than i shaked his hand hard

than i hugged him hard.

him and i were very emotional.

i whispered* " we have been waiting for this moment too long"




in the morning as soon as i opened my eyes i told to my wife:

Yuuka, star people allready began landing//

and she said* HUH???????????????


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Heavenletter #4218 Looking into the Mirror of a Fairy Tale


Heavenletter #4218 Looking into the Mirror of a Fairy Tale, June 12, 2012 


God said: 


When your heart is sagging, you are lagging in that you are not keeping up with your heart. You are putting it down. You are depressing it.

Your heart is always raring to go. Unleash it. Stop

pressing it down.


You have been afraid to let your heart take off. You keep gauging the food given to your heart, and you find it is not enough. Let your heart forage for itself. Instead of telling your heart, "Giddyap," what it wants to hear, you have been telling your heart: "Better to hold back. Better to pace yourself. You never want to give out more love than you are given. Never. Hold on to what you have. Be sparing with it."


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Wes Annac – The Pleiadian High Council: The Collective Is Shifting The Energetic Balance Part II





Wes Annac – The Pleiadian High Council: The Collective Is Shifting The Energetic Balance Part II


Part II

We would like to give a bit of a personal message to some of such souls who find themselves within these families and find themselves as well as incarnate starseeds and Lightworkers, for they will be led to us and our energies one way or another:


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LIsa Gawlas: Finding Energetic Balance as We Live The Love Frequency!




I sit here these days in stunning awe of what is happening.   I have written for years now about the potentials of Shambhala, (bringing Heaven to Earth, fully and completely) about divine counterparts and sacred sex.  I have grumbled many a time to the universe I want to write about these things from first hand information…dammit!  All I would ever get was an energetic grin from the universe and the instruction to just keep writing!  Thanx!!

The one thing I have always known deep in my heart…  The universe always provides for your hearts deepest desires.  Just in the right time, not any ole time.  We humans, THIS human, has always wanted it yesterday!!

Now I am alive in a playground, a heart ground, filled with bliss and wonder, and an unfolding of an energetic field I had never seen before within the human construct.


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Michael by GLR Ron Head, In this manner, you are centered



In this manner, you are centered. – Michael by GLR Ron Head

June 12, 2012 in | by Oracles and Healers

  Spanish      Portuguese


As the frequencies of light continue to build toward your coming solstice, we would speak to you each morning with some suggestions to help you in your ability to utilize them to the fullest.

You have known of these practices for many thousands of years, but as you know, a gentle reminder now and again can be of much help.  You often hear us ask you to center yourselves.  Let us give you a thought picture of a way to do that.


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Unknown Light Artist



~✡ We have never truly been separated from God ✡~


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Suzanne Lie – New Earth Journal Par 1 – My Life On New Earth – 12 June 2012



Suzanne Lie – New Earth Journal Par 1 – My Life On New Earth – 12 June 2012

Posted on June 12, 2012 by GLR lucas2012infos 

I wanted to return to the Starship, but then I realized that what I want to do is not as important as what I came to do. I came to be among the Ones who came to assist in creating New Earth. And exactly how do we create New Earth? I don’t know. The Arcturians say I don’t know because we haven’t created it yet. On the other hand, I am aware that there is a Cosmic Plan that has been in place from before time that includes not only our small planet but much of this quadrant of space.


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What’s All This Talk About Life Being an Illusion?


What’s All This Talk About Life Being an Illusion?

2012 June 12
 by Dave Schmidt


If you’ve noticed, there have been a number of references in the recent channelings about life and everything around us in this 3D world being an illusion.


Sananda’s entiteled his recent message “Breaking Illusions.”  In it, he stated:


“Today, I wish to address the subject of illusion. You have been immersed within it for such a long time and you are beginning to break the chains and restrictions that have held you back.


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What is The Thirteenth Octave?


What is The Thirteenth Octave?

From Linda Dillon, The Great Awakening, chapter 2.



The Thirteenth Octave is a state of being in Divine Union, wholly and completely anchored, and aware of being anchored, in the heart of One. It is being in alignment with the heart, mind and will of God. The gift of the Thirteenth Octave is enormous. It literally changed not only my world but the lives of thousands of people who have said “yes” and stepped forward to join in this state of Union.


In addition to the initiation and re-connection, the gifts of the Thirteenth Octave are plentiful. Each time the Thirteenth Octave sacred ceremony has taken place the Council has bestowed a gift, ability or tool to assist us in our spiritual journey here on Earth. We have been armed with an array of gifts and tools such as Universal Mother Mary’s gift of removal, Mary’s cloak of invisibility, Gabrielle’s golden infinity, Archangel Uriel’s Silver Flame, Archangel Michael’s sword and shield, Yahweh’s keys to the warehouse of heaven. The list is enormous, in keeping with our human desire for tricks and tools, diversity and choice. But each gift is designed to assist us in completing our missions here on Earth with grace, Love, and joy.



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~ The Surprise Voice~ WOW


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~The Universal Council We Need to Work together~


June 12, 2012


Our lovely brothers and sister of light,

this is the Universal Council speaking. We watch over all of creation and all current missions on planet Earth.


At the current moment in time nothing could be more important than to realize that we all need to work together. What happens on planet earth has a direct effect upon all of creation. We come to tell you that nothing is more important right now than to find back to yourself and the true powerful beings that you all are. We come to tell you that change is only possible by movement. Don’t be afraid of your own powers! Trust that you can achieve ANYTHING. This world has made you believe that life is limited in so many ways. But all limitation is illusionary. You can overcome all limitation by trusting in your own magnificence!



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The Answer to Every Troublesome Situation in Life



The Answer to Every Troublesome Situation in Life

2012 JUNE 12
Posted by Steve Beckow


Dedicated to my wife, D’Arcy

Whether by inspiration, inference, or accident, I think I may have stumbled upon the answer to every troublesome situation in life.

The answer to every troublesome situation in life is: Cultivate the divine qualities.

What are they? Peace, love, harmony, balance, unity, joy, etc.

What a funny thing to say. To think that we can come up with the answer to every troublesome situation in life. But all this evening I tested this statement out and I’ve yet to come across a troublesome situation to which this statement does not seem the answer.

It’s become a parlor game to search for one.

    • Having trouble with your relationships? Cultivate the divine qualities.
    • Tired of waiting for something to happen? Cultivate the divine qualities.


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Tam Responds to The Galactic Free Press Latest Update~ Its All True




I know its all true.




I am going through an amazing love story of my own, that is like a real "Twilight Zone" episode...but filled with Light and Love and miracles!

EARTH ALLIES 13.6.2012... COBRA’s Exclusive World’s First Radio interview on “The Light Agenda”, Stephen Cook’s New Show, coming 6-13-12


By  Kauilapele

Stephen Cook (author/editor at 2012 Scenario) emailed me about his new show idea, and now, here it is!

His first show will air 6-13-12 at 6PM PDT (9 EDT), 6-14-12 0100 UTC (11 AM Sydney, 9 AM Perth (I believe those are correct)), and “Cobra” of Portal2012 is the first to be interviewed. A world’s first radio interview for Cobra!

As with all BlogtalkRadio shows, this show may be heard live or after the show, using their player, or downloaded as an mp3. I will likely process this show and present it here in mp3 form.

Here is a link to the show.



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Astria of Electra. Disclosure,Truth And Freedom~A Message From The Pleiades.



Astria of Electra. Disclosure,Truth And Freedom~A Message From The Pleiades. By AuroRa Le. June 12, 2012.


Dear Ones, I am Astria of Electra, a Pleiadian of feminine expression, an Archeia.  To be Angelic is no different than to compare the various ethnicities which make up your culture on Earth.  All are One, and therefore no particular part of the One must be perceived as being any greater or wiser, or any lesser than the the other.  To be Angelic is to simply be a messenger for God, as we are tasked to spread far and wide the very same wisdom that you each possess in your higher consciousness.  There is very little difference otherwise, and so it is, by the will of The Creator.  I am a healer of a certain type and a Master of the Crystals.  My home is on the Electra star, within the Golden Temple at Uru.



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What’s All This Talk About Life Being an Illusion?



What’s All This Talk About Life Being an Illusion?

2012 JUNE 12
Posted by GLR Dave Schmidt


What’s All This Talk About Life Being an Illusion?

June 12, 2012                                                                               

If you’ve noticed, there have been a number of references in the recent channelings about life and everything around us in this 3D world being an illusion.

Sananda’s entiteled his recent message “Breaking Illusions.”  In it, he stated:

“Today, I wish to address the subject of illusion. You have been immersed within it for such a long time and you are beginning to break the chains and restrictions that have held you back.

“You know it was necessary to be fully immersed in the illusion in order to gather all you needed to transform yourselves into the Divine Beings you always were, but forgot for the sake of experiencing duality to the fullest. And so the time has come to step out of that role and welcome the true essence and reality of your multi-dimensional lives.”


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~ Space Weather Update~ Several Sunspots Are Coming Around to Face Earth~


SUBSIDING GEOMAGNETIC STORM: A minor geomagnetic storm that crested during the opening hours of June 12th is subsiding now. At maximum, it ranked 5 on the 0-to-9 K-index scale of magnetic disturbances and turned the skies purple over Dawsonville, New Brunswick:



"The auroras lasted just a couple of minutes, [but they were beautiful]," says photographer Bart Firth. "They were blue to purple in color."


The storm was sparked by an episode of "negative IMF." That is, south-pointing magnetic fields in the solar wind opened a crack in Earth's magnetosphere; solar wind poured in and fueled the display. NOAA forecasters estimate a 10% to 20% chance of similar storms in the next 24 hours as the solar wind continues to blow. Magnetic storm alerts: text, voice.



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