Submitted by Lia on Fri, 03/11/2011 - 07:46




Everything in creation is made up of the exact same thing, atoms, love everywhere present...as they flow along within creation it all becomes grander and grander. Creation is like a painting or any piece of art. Every atom works together to create the work of art. Everything within creation that you can see is millions upon millions of atoms vibrating together as a group. The great mystery of life is that everything is the same, all equal, all filled with the love which is equal to what is an atom.

This is the experience felt of unity that occurs within the present moment of now. All the atoms vibrate to the same frequency which is that of love. This can be experienced when you are being present. It's the realization that you are one with everything and that you are the same and equal to all that there is.

The vibrations of love can be experienced as currents or sensations that flow through you. It's a feeling of filling up from within, and an overflow of love occurs. This is the experience of feeling and participating within creation. The overflow of love sets the atoms into action and then creation begins. This is why the future is unknown and unpredictable. Since creation occurs within the present moment, everything changes. In a single moment you can experience grander and grander events taking place.

In this experience you can understand that what you experience is what you've chosen to occur. Everything that you experience within your life has occurred for a reason. Your true being wanted to experience a certain event to see what it was like. Once it's experienced it is meant to be let go of. Most people hold onto the experiences because they have allowed emotions to become attached to the event. Since we chose to have these experiences, why do we choose to hold onto them and not let them go? These emotions attach themselves which prevent us from experiencing the true feeling when things occur. This is why we must forgive ourselves and others for things that have happened in the past. We were all just fulfilling our roles within creation. We tend to label them good or bad experiences depending upon the emotions that we associated with the event. This is when we take on the victim and villain roles. We play the villain if we do something wrong to another and we act the victim if we were hurt by an experience. In the highest truth you come to the realization that neither one can exist. Experience is experience, neither good or bad and if you embrace them openly with love you move through them and they fall away.

Your true being is equal to everything else. It's purity and innocence and when you let go of the past the old is washed away. It's like emptying yourself of everything at every present moment. So in reality you know nothing, and what you need is given to you through experience in the present moment. So many people assume to know what truth, love and even God are. Yet, one must experience them personally before you can move into the full awareness (understanding) of what they are. A wise person has the understanding and has released the knowledge and instead express their understanding into reality, thus creation. The knowledge of God without the experience is meaningless. Information about what God is that comes from an outside source has a filter placed upon it. Each person must receive their own understanding at a personal level through experience.

God communicates to us within the present moment. Yet, most of us are too distracted to get the message. He speaks to us through a language our soul can understand which is through feelings, thoughts and experiences. We've forgotten this language because we have become too focused upon the written word. Some have taken the Bible, and other such books, which is known as the word of god and placed it before your actual experiences. Words can be too easily misinterpreted which is why they are not a valuable source for understanding.

There are always those whom think they know, whom go after the ones whom have actually experienced God. They are jealous of the ones who have a personal connection with God, for they have not yet experienced this unity. The ones who have found their unity with God and all of creation are put down because they have already experienced what the others have been trying to find. They in turn protect their insecurities and tell them that they are wrong and that they don't know God, but it's really their fear coming through, since they have yet to go through this experience.

Turn inward and ask yourself “What if everything I thought was wrong is really right”? This means that everything you have ever believed in is meaningless and needs to be discarded. This is jumping out of the box and freeing yourself from the chains of the past. It's moving into the understanding that it's the highest thoughts that contain joy, the clearest words that convey truth, and that the grandest of all feelings is love. Why would you want to choose anything else?

There are those that are unsure of themselves, therefore they are unsure of God and what s/he is. Asking for proof from God is pointless. Every moment synchronous events are occurring, this is your proof. God does not express himself outwardly, only through inner experience can you feel your connection. If you experience that inner connection then outward manifestation is not needed, yet if one needs the outer manifestation then they are really not ready to embrace the inner experience.

What you have previously believed God to be needs to be let go of. Everything you have read and learned, burn it like garbage. Unless you have experienced the reality of God you know nothing. God is everyone of us, it's our divine nature. God is our true being in the purist form of love. This is how we are all equal. We've only forgotten our true divine nature. The ego has tried to make us forget, it's tried to make us feel separate and inferior. This is not the case, we are Divine Royal Angels, equal to everything in creation.

When we hear the messages from God we are listening to our higher selves and are communicating with our true being. Within the present moment of now, by being awake we integrate and transform into our true beings, the Gods and Goddesses we really are. Ignorance is only an illusion, created out of fear, that has taught us that we are inferior and less than God. When we show up in the Kingdom of Heaven, the reality of love everywhere present, we embrace the experience of our Godselves. Those of us already with this wisdom are here to greet you and welcome you home. This is being at home within the Kingdom of Heaven which is within each of us.

With the higher energies being grounded here upon the Planet. People are beginning to awaken and open up to the love that they are. They are connecting in and participate in integrating these energies allowing for more and more to hear the call.

We all have free will and that choose to ignore the call are just making their lives more difficult. They are struggling against the flow of energy that they are feeling. This is manifesting outwardly in their lives. They are becoming confused and feel like they are banging into a brick wall. Others feel like they are going insane, not understanding what is occurring. The question we are asking is “Why choose to learn the difficult way?” If the same things keep reoccurring within your life why not wake up and receive the message that is trying to come through?

Planet Earth=Heart is undergoing major shifts and is expressing it through the climate changes and geological events that keep occurring. She is tired of being used and destroyed. Mother Earth is releasing all this energy so that she can raise up her vibrations to a higher level.

The energy pouring into the Planet that is being grounded is helping to accomplish all of our transformations to the higher grid. Across the Planet people are awakening and making the jump from the lower into the higher. The lower is dissolving and we must let go of it.

The next few months the energy will continue to increase in frequency. Those of you who have not made the jump are going to continue to feel like you are moving slower and slower. You will start to notice the insanity that will spread amongst those who are still within the program.

Things will start occurring faster and faster as the vibrations upon Planet Earth=Heart continue to rise. We're getting ready for a major shift of consciousness here upon the Planet. For those of us who make this shift we will begin to experience grander and grander events unfolding. The Kingdom Of Heaven will be here with us and everyone will be sharing in this experience.

Those of us who can not make the shift will find themselves some place else. They will not have any memory of what has previously occurred here upon the Planet.

Now is the moment to hear the call and open your hearts to the love that is everywhere present. Shine your light and love upon Mother Earth and help us in her transformation. You are awakening into the divine beings of love that you are. We say Bravo and Welcome Home with open arms and hearts overflowing with love.

 With love from Mother and Father God, present with us within the manifest, The GFL and The Kingdom Company of Heaven.


Love, Light and Truth



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