Exponential Growth Factor

Submitted by Mario on Wed, 03/04/2015 - 13:31

Exponential Growth Factor

What we term when we say some flows have been abolish, in simplicity this means we are now advancing on measures which connects the next perpetual constructs… Sections which help alleviate the previous sectors, (flows) which were needed for advances in our cosmoses, the process in which the information can connect to flow’s which are either deeper in processes or advancing some intellectual properties or the “story line” for factions utilizing in prosperous effect’s on the intel which can become more to what we understand in these moments for correspondence in their own functions which may be in need or process of assimilation for conjunction nodes to evolve in adaptability to the information given in the sub sets which I have as predisposed information by quadrants set within for actualizations on many phenomena’s or processes which serves in a grand scheme of things, what some would term future contact modules or interactions with or without sub types of physical technology dependant on what they want to achieve momentarily… But the advances are all there for a purpose or another keenly igniting some flows and concepts for us to utilize or ponder on attain constructs or realizations which adapts from some internal brain activity concepts which alleviates or inter-disposes, advancing quadrants within the brain or our genomes cell functions DNA light body transmissions and more.

The Exponential Growth Factor is one of many parts in what we want to achieve as acquired in diligent nodes adjacent to infinity concepts which helps in the predispositions which are enable or intact for correctional flux in our capacity to maintain accurate information or functions of our genomes abilities from adaptable concepts which helps structure or map out some intellectual flaws for advancements inherent from the nodes adjacent to infinity as some concepts from the previous messages which carried on codes to intergalactic beings, processing the information for accountability can then help devolve the factions in need of the intel which corresponds to advances in how we are doing, while attuning into contact modules and accessing informational flows by adaptations which corresponds to the intel which is coming out momentarily for some creational feats in postulations at other space in time.

The factions are glad to be in service to human development they want to see us excel we have potential for something in which would help greater feats in how the universe and dimensions are working momentarily. If this Earth is part of the last remnants of darkness… What is said: (to be exempts in formations) as for it’s not mine to adjust to.

Naturally what is transcript here or given as “numerals” exempts in factions across this galactic plane for advances in our own independent abilities which we can evolve and learn to adapt to the intellectual flows which may carry on codes for us to attain/attend to/with for eventual reaps in postulations and acquire what some may term culmination points either in energetic transcription or in factual stasis contemporary creation. What we term as stasis may be more than what they term stasis (What you can find on it) but simply the difference is not important as long as it serves its purpose in making the intel adaptable to what we want to learn in the future… While we term some things as stasis more so the ideas that come out may be needed intellectually from subtle immersions to shift accordingly to what we termed postulations gathered at 3’e’s… It’s simply 3 formal points of awareness from one singularity (meaning) so… What I know as parallels overlapping constructs by opening up the informational flows which carry on from processes within while your reading intellectually the processes that you can have in works within can help you understand from a system, as an overlapping (overlay) of information is drawn to you by reading the information… Hmmm simply the intel does not correspond (The overlay) is transcript in another time, but simply from that singular space, by opening up portals within you creating what I termed a vortex contact point which enables a lot of information which may be overwhelming at times to be integrated for adjustments to your timelines or predispositioned internal systems (Inner works) as you evolve for attendance in higher realms or more so Earthly realms but simply with adjustments to your genomes functionality for future TRIPs or transformations, actualizations, point on interactions, creations, development, interactions for advances without intactcity… Something which is being worked on in predisposed realms abiding in lower thought modules can have an excess in processes which works in higher contact modules or thought process which are utilizing in the background from actualizing intel which is keenly overriding the constructs (Old system) and changing it accordingly for faster reuptakes and more so eventual reaps in modulations and contemporary sectors, which enables parallels to begin or be enacted from vortex contact space/point.

At different causes in intellectual gatherings what may be proportionate to breaking points are in actuality some correctional flux being attempted on your genomes for actualizations of greater feats (quicker) postulations advancements (creations) realms abiding in constructs for momentarily adjustments in key players.

Interactions made at correctional flux may be a bit “dramatizing”, but it’s given for actualizations on processes, (measurements) for integrations in balance factors, acquisitions of the intellectual drives in correspondence to some of the activity from conscious kinetics by enacting worldwide some informational wave’s/correspondences in flux to your channelings/adaptations/coherency/management/intellectual drive/.

Simplistical anomaly for you to have at this moment. What pertains to an individual’s life if he/she is carrying codes for the ascension protocols/process? More so what happens to you if you carry codes for the ascension protocols?

Contact? Then or After? If so which and how? By simply being? Then we may advance in bits and pieces for you to understand some of the proportionate links in what ascension is in the first actualization of the word.

Carried on down from generations, simply it’s an going up as augmentation, which is universal, every being is in ascension when they are in what we have termed a process which is augmentation.

Augmentation of many things, ascension of our soul/mind/body, Earth, galactic, universal/dimensional… Some beings are simply waiting for the day in which we attain the same point in which they are at and with them achieve from a different configuration but similar point of development to advance to the next stage of development or simply what needs to be done, happen, for things to happen or become in the first place.

Maybe what some term time travel or some existences which carries on codes for the interdimensional beings adapts to/from us some possibilities in how this universe is in interactions whit something which is very advance maybe so in a way we can connect to it if they adapt or we get to a certain point?

Decisions based on communication skills is temporary in how these things work, people experience and create, many things are possible so let’s advance some concepts in these moments to achieve something greater in the future.

Activity in space is always concurrent to our activity within, simply it’s forming gradual energetic bonds in how we have adapted a construct which utilizes the proportions of the intergalactic systems and what we have as neurons and pathways in the brain… Similarly it resembles what they found the universe to look like from a bigger picture. The concepts which are ingrained or interposed in our everyday life functions or inner processes more likely has perceptual exchanges in how we decode information in the first stage as when we were a child.

Our senses are adaptive, this may be what helps us learn what is needed when we are but a child/newborn, simply in effects its transformed and evolved in the future so we can get back to some of the senses or processes which were being ingrained/utilized/active in those times, while utilizing, growing, simply we want it to work within spiritual TRIPs as for the intellectual drive could not decode or discern what is true or false since the intellect (The fields) are made of constructs which we have attained in physicality (Manifestation) and this caused some senses to devolve from explicit advances which we carry on towards for greater functionality in the future.


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