~ An Extra Boost to the Energy Incoming~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 06/08/2012 - 10:31

Greetings Love Beings, Today an Extra Boost Of Energy is Arriving to Move some stuck energy from our Recent Transit. This is Being Accomplsihed as Smoothly as Possible. The Blocks Occurred as Many unknowingly are resisting the Incoming Energy. We would Like to Reheart Everyone, Resistance is futile!!!! We will Have More about this In Our Next Update. Enjoy the Last of the Processing and the Extra BOOST! To assist All of US. We Love You, Love The Earth Allies

~ An Important Message from The Earth Allies~Humanity's Return to Love Mirring Love



~Humanity's Return to Love Mirring Love~ Look inside and Your Will See. Your Greatest Gift You Will Receive~ Jump Into the Oneness Energy and You Will Discover Your Real Family there, As We have Always Been and We Are HERE~


Dancing with the stars by crystalin


~Awaken and Be Free~

~The God In Me, See's The God In You~




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FREEDOM PROJECT: DC city council chairman hit with new criminal charges over bank fraud


DC city council chairman hit with new criminal charges over bank fraud

US attorney's office in DC accuses Kwame Brown, who has resigned, of setting up secret account during 2008 council race



Kwame Brown


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COMEDY CIRCLE: Robin Williams! 'Destroys' President Bush...


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COMEDY CIRCLE: Robin Williams Stand Up as American, USA Flag...




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(((WOW))) UFO FLEET over Mose Hood Park in Lubbock, Texas June 06, 2012


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NDAA Found Unconstitiutional By Federal Judge


At least part of the controversial National Defense Authorization Act has just been found to be unconstituational.


Sorry, Mr. President. A US Federal judge has clarified a decision made last month with some news sure to upset the Obama administration: the White House cannot use the NDAA to indefinitely detain American citizens.

Judge Katherine B. Forrest has answered a request made by US President Barack Obama last month to more carefully explain a May 16 ruling made in a Southern District of New York courtroom regarding the National Defense Authorization Act. Clarifying the meaning behind her injunction, Judge Forrest confirms in an eight-page memorandum opinion this week that the NDAA’s controversial provision that permits  indefinite detention cannot be used on any of America's own citizens.


Full Story... (Russia Today)


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Huge Radiation Spike in Indiana/Michigan - Report by Dutchsinse


More information: http://sincedutch.wordpress.com/2012/06/07/672012-radiation-alert-on-mu…

Another source: http://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/uqlq9/reddit_i_think_there_is…


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Judge saves Americans from Obama's NDAA...


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Earthrise is here on June 7th, 2012 with a special report.




June 7th, 2012 The extra step was taken! Great job everyone! The cabal is finally cornered and is begging for mercy! This has taken a long time to get to this point! A great round of applause for everyone! The energy coming in is intense. I felt it since I woke up on the morning of June 6th 2012. When I went outside that morning, the Sun was so bright, the first thing I thought was, I never seen the Sun so bright like this in my life. It most being happening. I have felt the energies since then! A deadline has been setup for the cabal to give up. We need a peaceful surrender! NOW is the time to shine your Light brighter than you ever did! It is time for the Earth to rise into the 5th dimension and beyond! Earthrise is here NOW!




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The Role of Women as our World Emerges



“There is a New Message from God in the world, and one of the things that it calls for is the emergence of women leaders, particularly in the area of spirituality and religion. It is time now for certain women to be called into these greater roles and responsibilities, and it is important around the world in different quarters and in different religious traditions that this be allowed.


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UFO over Middle East: Thousands spot strange light in sky



A strange cone shaped blue spiraling light was witnessed by hundreds of people across the Middle East on Thursday, leaving many unanswered questions. Although the Russians have claimed it was a successful balistic missile test, many are saying the object remains a mystery.

"Hundreds of Israelis called the Israel Police hotline on Thursday reporting they had seen an unidentified flying object glowing in the sky, leaving behind it a stream of smoke. The police's northern district said it was looking into the incident together with the Israeli Defense Forces but at this point they do not know what to make of it.

Israelis from across Israel – from Kiryat Malachi, Ashdod, Jerusalem, Givatayim, Petach Tikva and the Dead Sea reported seeing the object in the evening sky. The object was also seen outside Israel; in Lebanon, the news website Naharnet reported it that people across the country had also seen the object. Similar reports have also been reported as far north as the Syria-Turkey border.

According to Lebanese sources the unidentified flying object was a meteor though this is rejected by Yigal Pat-El, chairman of the Israeli Astronomical Association and director of the Givatayim Observatory.


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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~6~7~12 Waves Of Continual Love will Be Arriving Daily~



The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~6~7~12


Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~Waves Of Continual Love will Be Arriving Daily~


 Photo By Earth Ally will Harader We are Here, if You can See US!


Greetings Love Beings... We are Still in Process of all these Incoming Intense Energies. These will arrive for one More day in intensity. After this, Waves of Continual Love Energy will be arriving daily, Until the complete Shift from fear to Love has Been Accomplished for Planet Earth=Heart.


Thanks to Yojman Chase Mt Shasta Waves



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Allow the Light in


Many of you are now feeling and seeing with your inner eyes, your psychic eyes, the light within the cells of your body and brain. The body belonging to the connected one who walks in alignment with the higher path, who allows their DNA to spin in response to emotional compassion and unconditional love is now able to hold much more Light than ever before.

Music "Celtic Tale" and "Harpscape" by Freeplay Music LCC


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~Cobra Report~ Negotiations Update~ Asking for a Peaceful Surrender of the cabal~


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Negotiations Update

I have contacted my sources and they confirmed intel from Drake’s last interview.


Top people inside Positive Military group started having doubts and reservations about the execution of the Mass Arrests scenario in early May as there was an unknown element disturbing their plans. This unknown element turned out to be the Archons, physical and non-physical ones. The original Plan for the Mass Arrests designed by the Positive Military did not include Archons in consideration as their presence was not known to the Positive Military group until recently.



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Let’s see how we can recognize these wonderful events that transpire today from words of one of our most courageous souls among US, Drake and Lady Dragon…


Can you feel what just happened with energies of cabal when they decided to negotiate surrender from  their way of living or dying… Still, only till yesterday they did not have any choice, as their castles in the air were crumbling and their life was worth not even a bullet or a rope…



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6/7/2012 -- Tornadoes, hail, damaging winds -- East Coast, West Coast, North and South


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I’ve Placed My Bet



I’ve Placed My Bet

2012 June 7
Posted by Steve Beckow

Perhaps I can share a personal difficulty I’m having with discussions of the mass arrests and NESARA. The difficulty relates to me only and should not be considered to relate to the other editors here. We’re all free to post as we see best so I’m not trying to limit others.


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Drake’s Proposal for You to Vote On, Simplified



Drake’s Proposal for You to Vote On… [Simplified]





Posted on 2012/06/07 

Below I have placed the message from this page of Lady Dragon’s website.

Now, since it took several clicks to get to that page from Drake’s website, I’ve tried to simplify everything by putting the message below and… “The Gist (Essence)”, which is:

a. Go below and read items 1, 2, and 3. Answer either Yes or No to each.

b. Write an email to: vote@ladydragon.com

c. In the subject line put the number and your answer to each question.

Example (in Subject line):

1- Yes (or No), 2- Yes (or No), 3- Yes (or No)

d. Send the email.

That’s it. The full message is below, so enjoy your reading and voting!


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Stepping into the unknown


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Valerie Donner ~ Sanat Kumara ~ The Venus Mars Transit Is The Gateway To The Heart ~ 7 June 2012


Valerie Donner ~ Sanat Kumara ~ The Venus Mars Transit Is The Gateway To The Heart ~ 7 June 2012

I thought I would ask Sanat Kumara, who is called the Ancient of Days, to speak with us about the Venus Mars transit. He is from Venus and is responsible for the Earth’s ascension, as well as Venus’. This is what he has to tell you:


Greetings.  I am Sanat Kumara. I will give you a quick overview of the recent events that you are feeling. Some of you are more sensitive than others. The energies that you are feeling are part of the process of shifting your bodies and your consciousness. It is necessary for many cellular and DNA shifts to occur in order for you to receive the gifts and blessings of these energies.


You have different roles to play in this process. Some of you are transmitters of the currents of higher consciousness energies. This transmission must occur when you are in more of the alpha state of consciousness; therefore, you will be in an awakened consciousness. You volunteered for this job and we apologize for the challenges that are required of you.



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Hey, Monster Monsanto: Nature Bats Last!


Hey, Monster Monsanto: Nature Bats Last!

When I first saw the title to this article, I thought the author was referring to people! People as weeds. We grow anywhere, especially in “disturbed soil.” We are hard to kill off. We morph when necessary. We work together. We help each other survive. We are nature. Nature bats last. 

See:  5 Million Farmers Sue Monsanto for $7.7 billionMonsanto Vs Nature: The Weeds Fight Back

So much of Monsanto’s poison was spread in the past decade that weeds naturally developed a resistance to it.

June 5, 2012 by GLR Jim Hightower alternet.org

Rather than find ways to cooperate with the natural world, America’s agribusiness giants reach for the next quick fix in a futile effort to overpower nature. Their attitude is that if brute force isn’t working, they’re probably not using enough of it.


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Beautiful and Strange Weather: June 2012 Week 1


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Earth Changes: Tornadoes Tear Through Perth, W.Australia



Tornadoes tear through northern Perth suburbs, Western Australia.
ABC Updated June 7, 2012


A number of Tornados have swept through northern Perth, damaging homes and businesses and terrifying residents.

Roofs were ripped off, windows shattered, trees uprooted and power lines brought down as the tornados tore through
the northern Perth suburbs of Morley and Dianella.

The town of York, east of the state's capital, was also struck in the storm whose damage bill could run into the millions.

The Fire and Emergency Services Authority has received more than 60 calls for assistance.


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Saint Germain ~~ Love and its meaning ~~ by Méline Lafont



Saint Germain ~~ Love and its meaning ~~ by Méline Lafont

Dear Ones,
I Am Saint Germain and I want to clarify an issue that was discussed in a previous message before I begin with the current message. It was I, Saint Germain, who has effectively transmitted the “famous” message concerning Disclosure and the Landings of spaceships through my channeler Méline Lafont. Let it be known without a shadow of a doubt that this message is founded on the Truth. Because of my close connection to my channeler, I can feel what goes on inside her and I am well aware of what has been shared afterwards in the Light community as to this message. That’s why I take this opportunity to confirm once and for all the validity of that message.


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GLR Angela Heart



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Message from the Earth Allies: What’s True Love? Where is it?



What’s True Love? Where is it?


Ascension waves in Mt.Shasta by Yojman


Creation=All is Love.

True Love has nothing to do with the concept we learned here on Earth. Here it’s believed to be something to run after, to seek, to obtain in the most amazing ways. It’s something that if you have it not you suffer. Something that if you find not someone that loves you you’re not complete, good, enough. It’s to be found outside...


Nothing of this is True. That’s not Love, that’s love. That’s the illusion of needing something or someone to Be.

You are no matter what. And You are Love. This makes it impossible not to "have it".



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FREEDOM PROJECT: Stand up for America...




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~Earth Ally Will Harader~ ~Where is the Kingdom of Heaven? Where Is God? Where Is Love?






~Where is the Kingdom of Heaven? Where Is God? Where Is Love?







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Getting into the Game (Searching for your Assignment)




The Galactic Federation of Light has shared with us their views that the time has come for all of us to be fully engaged in the tasks that will see to the successful conclusion of our overall mission, as the time for 3rd dimensional distractions has come to pass. There are those at this time who have expressed that they are not yet sure what their individual assignment or assignments are at this time, so let us discuss briefly what some of these assignments may be, keeping in mind there are no wrong choices. Whatever it is you feel you resonate with is always an excellent choice.


To find which assignment may be the one for you, you may ask yourself “What is it I'm good at? What is it that seems to draw me to it like a magnet? What is it I have learned? What is it that interests me? What are some of the jobs I've had in this lifetime? Could they have something to do with my assignment at this time? What are some of the professions of my friends? Could this also be a clue? When I am surfing the Internet I seem to keep running across topics with related themes. Perhaps this is a sign and this is my true calling?”


The Galactic Federation of Light has made it clear that they will not contact us in any way to tell us what our individual assignments are, as we are not only here to see to the successful conclusion of our shared mission, but we are also here on personal journeys as well and part of this journey is to find our own way.  



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FREEDOM PROJECT: Keiser Report: Planet Ponzi (E298) ... FUNNY, TRULY FUNNY...


In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, discuss shamed, naive and unsustainable ponzis and the UK's Metropolitan Police's Total War on Economic Crime (or at least that committed by the bottom 99%). In the second half of the show Max talks to Mitch Feierstein, hedge fund manager and author of Planet Ponzi, about global ponzi schemes, asymmetric hedging and whether or not hedge funds do any 'good.'

Follow Max Keiser on Twitter: http://twitter.com/maxkeiser

Watch all Keiser Report shows here:
http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL768A33676917AE90 (E1-E200)
http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC3F29DDAA1BABFCF (E201-current)

Subscribe to RT! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=RussiaToday

Watch RT LIVE on our website http://rt.com/on-air


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Earth Day is Every Day


 "The world has a Being, a mind and a body. Its Being knows, its mind thinks and its body acts."


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Allendale Resurfaces, 6-7-12… Message From a Long Lost Bloke (to Tots)



Allendale Resurfaces, 6-7-12… Message From a Long Lost Bloke (to Tots)


I was guided to go to AnonymousChannelings.wordpress.com, which is Allendale’s website. Allendale was the “anonymous” one who appeared on the Kerry Cassidy conference call with David Wilcock, when his life had been threatened.

Lo and behold, Allendale has resurfaced again. Here’s a few highlights and Allendale’s short message.


  • I have continued to work with your planetary white hats and with representatives from other planets to continue the work at hand.
  • Now, when we were working with David & Ben, there were specific threats on both their lives.
  • Since then a layer of protection is surrounding them and others who have come on to the scene. [Bill B. & Drake?] Yes and many more.
  • In your time with me… the tribe opened portals to assist the whistleblowers.
  • My work is quite low & dirty, the tribes work is quite high and lofty.


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~ Earth Ally Will Harader~ ~WE Need Rules Right?~


~ Earth Ally Will Harader~



~WE Need Rules Right?~



We need rules right? Well, let's look at what rules have brought this world. The American Indians lived in relative peace and harmony for thousands of years. Not that they never fought with each other, but it was nothing compared to the wars going on in Europe at the time. They lived in cooperation with their neighbors and never had any need for strict sets of rules. Then the white man came and brought so-called civilization. He introduced things like property ownership, religion, all sorts of rules that we're supposed to keep people from fighting with each other. Then the white guys proceeded to slaughter the Indians by the hundreds of thousands. Their rules said they could do it. Even their religions, supposedly based upon a guy called the Prince of Peace, allowed for it. So the rules, that people swear up and down bring harmony to the world, brought the exact opposite and actually endorsed genocide.



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Space Weather Update~ Solar Wind Subsiding~


SUBSIDING SOLAR WIND: A fast stream of solar wind that has been buffeting Earth's magnetic field is beginning to subside. Nevertheless, NOAA forecasters estimate a 30% chance of geomagnetic storms around the poles on June 8th. Magnetic storm alerts: text, voice.


HUBBLE TRANSIT OF VENUS: One of the big ironies of the 2012 Transit of Venus was that NASA's greatest telescope didn't dare photograph the event. Hubble's instruments are so sensitive, one look at the glaring sun would have crippled its instruments. Nevertheless, Hubble managed to join the show. Astrophotographer Theirry Legault caught the observatory flitting in front of the sun alongside Venus:

"I was in north-east Australia for the full transit of Venus and a transit of Hubble in the middle," says Legault. "My Nikon D4 digital camera was working at 10 fps on a Takahashi FSQ-106ED telescope to record 9 images of HST during its 0.9s transit."


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Once upon a time, when time still existed… there were two planets… filled with beautiful humans… same gens, yet so so different…




Two planets were so close to each other… even, where many, many souls could not see the distance between…


Two planets were so close… yet thy were so distant as it looks like thy live in completely different universe…


First planet had all these laws… truly tough and strict laws… Yet another planet have no laws… maybe some guidance or suggestions as thy call…



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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Adventure Life is an adventure



Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Adventure Life is an adventure

Be ready for the unexpected and make the most of all opportunities. Do things differently and approach life with a sense of wonder and joy, like when you were a small child and everything seemed new and magnificent. Let the journey of your life be filled with joyful moments. Let yourself feel safe, happy, strong and clear, for that is a most important priority. Ask your angels to help you and we can heal and guide your way.  


Watch for the signs that help you decide where and how to go. Now is the perfect moment to forge ahead as your dreams are just around corner. Explore the new that is before you with excitement, courage, anticipation, expectancy and hope. And always remember, you deserve good in all ways and be open to receiving Divine love and guidance.


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Commentary from Kauilapele SaLuSa 6~8~12…”All that you have hoped for and promised is ready on the assembly line”


 Commentary from Kauilapele

SaLuSa 6~8~12…”All that you have hoped for and promised is ready on the assembly line”

“You are in the big month of activity when what we are engaged in can no longer be kept quiet, and as it leaks out it will prepare people for what is to follow. That is preferable to sudden extensive revelations, by allowing people to adjust to the idea of the coming massive changes. It would otherwise seem to them that their world was being turned upside down, and be unsettling. For those in the know it is an opportunity to tell them that it is all for the good of mankind, and is the result of a divine decree that this cycle of duality should end. The detail can follow when we are openly talking with you as we intend to make sure you are all well informed. For the time being it suits our purposes to keep a low profile until we are ready make our appearance.



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Releasing the Personal ego Self ~ Peter


Releasing the Personal ego Self ~ Peter



Beloved God I Am of incorruptible matter at infinite speed, I call forth the Spirit of Knowing to share some insight as to this process of releasing the personality or ego self at this time.



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~Update~ Sense and Purpose



Hello Son


Sense and Purpose


As the days and weeks go by, there is still anticipation for change; this can only happen with certain signs from the fall of the currency. This is still wrangling on amongst the politicians who try to hold onto their power.


Making sense and wisdom from these proceedings is not your aim; but carrying on with your life with increased purpose is. The primary goal is still the same for everyone, so do not forget this wherever you go.



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FREEDOM PROJECT: DAVID WILCOCK ~ Mass Arrests / Divine Intervention: New Briefings (Finally!)...


Mass Arrests / Divine Intervention: New Briefings (Finally!)

Finally, after months of no new insider updates, one of our top sources has gotten new information about how Divine Intervention is shaping the mass arrests that have been planned. The news is very exciting -- and very positive.



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FREEDOM PROJECT: COBRA REPORT ~ Negotiations Update~ Asking for a Peaceful Surrender of the cabal...


~Cobra Report~ Negotiations Update~ Asking for a Peaceful Surrender of the cabal~

FatherMotherGod Amon Ra's picture

By FatherMotherGod... - Posted on 08 June 2012

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Negotiations Update

I have contacted my sources and they confirmed intel from Drake’s last interview.



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Michael by GLR Ron Head, You ran and jumped, screamed and laughed. Remember?



  Spanish      Portuguese


We would like to address, this morning, the issue of dissention within our dear and lovingly created community.  If there is any thought that creates or maintains separation between you, please know that it can only come from a lower vibrational source.  Even if you are convinced of the correctness of your judgment, please realize that it is a judgment, and as such, does not originate from a source of unconditional love.  We go no further with this topic, as it serves no useful purpose.


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Visionkeeper ~ Leave The Beaten Path Behind ~ 8 June 2012


Visionkeeper ~ Leave The Beaten Path Behind ~ 8 June 2012

(picture by www.favim.com)

The girl in the picture walks carefully down the trodden path where certainty lies with the knowing it will take her somewhere where others have safely gone. It is now time to step off the trodden path and find the courage to step into the deep grass, into the unknown. It is essential now we open up our minds to new ways of being, try new things, experiment. It is painfully obvious the old ways no longer work and in fact have become detrimental to our lives.  This is the long-awaited time for the visionaries to envision new ways we can live our lives in harmony with nature and know peace. There are new things and new ways of doing and being for everything we choose to eliminate, all that is needed is a good imagination and a true desire to see the world change! All things are possible if we use our intention. Life is now a blank pallet that we can fill with beautiful colors with a little effort. The days of settling for are over, the days of obtaining what our hearts desire are upon us.



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Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 8 June 2012



Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 8 June 2012

You are in the big month of activity when what we are engaged in can no longer be kept quiet, and as it leaks out it will prepare people for what is to follow. That is preferable to sudden extensive revelations, by allowing people to adjust to the idea of the coming massive changes. It would otherwise seem to them that their world was being turned upside down, and be unsettling. For those in the know it is an opportunity to tell them that it is all for the good of mankind, and is the result of a divine decree that this cycle of duality should end. The detail can follow when we are openly talking with you as we intend to make sure you are all well informed. For the time being it suits our purposes to keep a low profile until we are ready make our appearance.


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Heavenletter #4214 God's Love for You


Heavenletter #4214 God's Love for You, June 8, 2012 

God said: 


You cannot dictate what others must do or ought to do. That is not your province. It is for you to dictate only what you will do.

Your values are for you to uphold. Uphold your values, and allow others to live their lives as they see fit. Your values are not to be foisted on others. No one has to come up to your standards. Half the time you don't even come up to your own standards. Half the time you don't really know what your standards are, yet it is easy for you to pick at what someone else does or doesn't do. When you do, beloveds, it is like you are gossiping. And so you become involved in small matters that are not really your business. Because you see a failing in another does not mean that your value is heightened. Not at all.

Watch out for being self-righteous, self-pleased, self-


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Fran Zepeda - Sananda - Your Journey To Oneness - June 7, 2012


Sananda ~ Your Journey To Oneness ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ June 7, 2012






Hello, my dear Ones, dear Ascending Souls that you are! I greet you with such love and gratitude for the work you are doing to transmute the energies within yourselves and the planet. You are such precious and brave Beings, fulfilling your purpose and mission so gracefully and fully.


My love for you abounds, as does the love of every Celestial being and Galactic being, every Being, that is; we do not really have to differentiate anymore, except to be all-inclusive. You are all One with All That Is, and are increasing in Light every minute on this beautiful journey with Mother Earth on the path of Ascension.


I wish to speak with you today about purpose and Mission. It is sometimes a misunderstood concept. Allow me to illuminate this for you, if you will.



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Lisa Gawlas: Separating Time from Space With Creator Energy!




I am actually writing this blog over two days (yesterday and today) simply because I woke up too late yesterday and never came back and finished what I started.  So I am just going to show you the difference in the days by putting a part 1 and a part 2 together. (smile)

Part 1:

I do not know why it didn’t dawn on me for the first moment that with this powerful lunar eclipse / venus transit combo, there was going to be some serious new and intense energy released to the planet.  I know it takes 3 days from start to finish to be able to “read” the new energies.  I was dipsie-do-little tho.

My first reading on June 6th showed up on the field, but the field did not show up at all.  The only thing I could see was a billowing of what I am going to call pixelated rainbow energy coming from somewhere deep with the Mesa rock streaming out into the field, into Life!

There was no familiar energy silo, dome, or even the 4 fields of life (directions.)    I looked up, down, under, anywhere I can possibly maneuver my vision towards and it was all the same… the pixelation of the energy really had me baffled tho.


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Valerie Donner – A Message From Mira From The Pleiadian High Council



Valerie Donner – A Message From Mira From The Pleiadian High Council – 8 June 2012

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleaidian High Council on assignment with the Earth Council.

The plans are set. The strategies are in place for the ascension of the human race. I am happy to tell you these words today. We have been working diligently for this announcement. We have had to come to grips with a myriad of issues in order to be able to make these comments. It is important for you to know this statement of truth. It means that if you follow the arrows of Light you will be on your way. You will also take many others with you.


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If you try EVERYTHING, and still can't see the Light...


You have no choice, except to TURN OFF THE DARK!!!!!!!



It may be the hardest thing you ever have to do.


With God, all things are possible.

All religions must COME TOGETHER.


Ask God for help.

I am not God.

You are not God.

We are ALL ONE GOD!!!!!!!


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Blue Star UFOs Report, UFO over Middle East: Thousands spot strange light in sky



UFO over Middle East: Thousands spot strange light in sky


By GLR Madame Butterfly - Posted on 08 June 2012


A strange cone shaped blue spiraling light was witnessed by hundreds of people across the Middle East on Thursday, leaving many unanswered questions. Although the Russians have claimed it was a successful balistic missile test, many are saying the object remains a mystery.

"Hundreds of Israelis called the Israel Police hotline on Thursday reporting they had seen an unidentified flying object glowing in the sky, leaving behind it a stream of smoke. The police's northern district said it was looking into the incident together with the Israeli Defense Forces but at this point they do not know what to make of it.


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Fran Zepeda – Sananda – Your Journey to Oneness – 8 June 2012



Fran Zepeda – Sananda – Your Journey to Oneness – 8 June 2012


Hello, my dear Ones, dear Ascending Souls that you are!  I greet you with such love and gratitude for the work you are doing to transmute the energies within yourselves and the planet. You are such precious and brave Beings, fulfilling your purpose and mission so gracefully and fully.


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Our Galactic Family Of Light Allendale The Return June 7 2012


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From Jennifer Farley – 6/7/2012




Existing in your past produces a static, unchanging series of circumstances. When you release and move into the flow of The Universe, there is always a ‘mix’ of experience when you live in a changeable now. ~ Creator


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Mother Earth and Father Sun Meditation for 6~8~2012


 Commentary from Ron Head "This meditation, channeled from AA Michael by ContraMary, was e-mailed to me this morning.  It is almost exactly like the one I have been guided to use.  I would like to thank ContraMary for sending it, and I post it here with her blessing.  I have made a few editorial changes to make it more readable while trying to leave the meaning exactly as she intended it.  Her first language is German.  Please forgive and correct me, my friend, if I have made a mistake."



Meditation of grounding yourself firmly to Gaia How to ground yourself firmly to your Mother Gaia in times of full impact of sunflares.


This Meditation is in 2 steps:



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Oracle Report ~ Friday June 8 2012



Oracle Report ~ Friday June 8 2012

Oracle Report | Disseminating Moon Phase

Today we are experiencing wisdom that seems to be generated outside of us. This is the wisdom of Gaia and merely needs to be tapped to be understood. This involves us moving into new situations which are more nourishing. In order to receive the wisdom we only have to step outside, connect with nature, and center ourselves. The information we gain will help us gauge things (like a barometer) and will enable us to move through obstacles in the near future.




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Pointings for June 8, 2012: “Ten reasons to become hope~mongers”


Pointings for June 8, 2012: “Ten reasons to become hope~mongers”

     Ann" Fred Burks has compiled a list of great stuff for weekend reading. I love the way he, and a few others (hopefully myself included) both dare to look at the worst of what keeps us separate while leaning decidedly in the direction of love and inclusion.


BTW: no chemtrails here, for three days in a row, ever since our Goddess Global Meditation on June 5th. Synchronicity? Coincidence? Causality? Who knows. Who cares. Just be grateful. Continue to spread gratitude and generosity wherever we are, wherever we go, whatever we do. It’s magic. This is a magical time. YES!


Dear friends,


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Adventure


Life is an adventure

Be ready for the unexpected and make the most of all opportunities. Do things differently and approach life with a sense of wonder and joy, like when you were a small child and everything seemed new and magnificent. Let the journey of your life be filled with joyful moments. Let yourself feel safe, happy, strong and clear, for that is a most important priority. Ask your angels to help you and we can heal and guide your way.  
Watch for the signs that help you decide where and how to go. Now is the perfect moment to forge ahead as your dreams are just around corner. Explore the new that is before you with excitement, courage, anticipation, expectancy and hope. And always remember, you deserve good in all ways and be open to receiving Divine love and guidance.  

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New Message on Earth Changes from the Elohim


Blessings children of Earth!


We are coming to you now with an update on the planetary changes happening in your universe.


Please be aware of the energetic shifts swirling around the globe as "Codes of Renewal" will assist you in releasing past judgements and emotional trauma.


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UFO Spiral Over Israel Not A Missile! 2012 HD


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Suzanne Lie ~ Ascending Gaia ~ 8 June 2012


Suzanne Lie ~ Ascending Gaia ~ 8 June 2012


Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ What she is Explaining is what we have been sharing together in Our Weekly Council and Internet Love Parties!!! Tomorrow, Saturday Our Love Party Begins at 1:30pm Pacific. We are Joining In Combined Love for Ourselves, each other, and This Planet! Link Will Be Announced At the Press~ Love The Earth Allies

I woke up this morning with an instruction to tell you all to gather in groups of four–four is the number of foundations–to assist in raising the foundation of the 3D/4D Matrix into the fifth dimension. How will you do this? Ask inside. Inside is where all the answers are.



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Two Comets Spotted | June 7, 2012 | Sungrazer - SunsFlare


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We Have Chosen~Highest Outcome Peaceful Negotiations~ Peaceful Surrender~


My vote is for peaceful negotiations and peaceful surrender.These people have played a role in each of our lives. They are a part of who we are. I know they have done evil things but then I have as well. Let's show them the love that we are truly made of.



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#4214 God's Love for YouGLR ANdReA's picture


By GLR ANdReA - Posted on 08 June 2012

Heavenletter #4214 God's Love for You, June 8, 2012



God said: 


You cannot dictate what others must do or ought to do. That is not your province. It is for you to dictate only what you will do.


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