Submitted by AstroEyes on Fri, 02/14/2014 - 23:05

AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology - Cathy Lindsey 

There is a lot of Love in the air during this Full Leo Moon!  Not only is the Full Moon in Leo, which is about love, romance and coming from the Heart……but it is happening on Valentine’s Day, which is a day put aside for all relationships that involve Love, especially for romantic Love relationships!   This Full Moon is also happening on the Star Regulus in the constellation of Leo.  This indicates a focus on the Heart!  Regulus is about humanity’s shift into becoming Heart centered.  It is as if the Universe has given us the gift of Cosmic Love!!  The Universe is speaking loudly with this Full Leo Moon!!   Are you Listening?

Full Moons are a time of releasing. Remember that Full Moon energy last a day and half on each side of the peak.   It is a time of releasing the old that is no longer working. Go deep into yourself, your foundations and old perceptions and observe what is no longer working for you…..especially in the areas of Love.  What and who are no longer vibrating where you are vibrating?  What blockages have you put up that you need to release, so you can be in a positive relationship.  It is a time of purging and releasing in all areas of your life.   What relationships (romantic, work, family , friends ) are no longer working for you?

When the Full Moon is in Leo…….then the Sun is in Aquarius, which is directly opposite the Moon.  With the Aquarius Sun we have the energies of group consciousness, our tribe, community, humanity, futuristic thinking, etc….shining brightly.  This Full Moon is also about integration of higher consciousness (Aquarius) into your daily life (Leo) and how you have an impact on all humanity (Aquarius and Leo).  The universe is accenting the fact that everyone is equal (Aquarius) and no one person is better than anyone else (Leo).  We all have gifts (Aquarius) and no one’s gifts are better than anyone else’s (Leo), and when you respect everyone’s gifts, even if you don’t resonate with them, we become a highly intelligent community that honors all humanity.

This Leo Full Moon in its highest expressions is the sign of self-empowerment, of “the big Heart”, fun and sparkle…. the Leader with a big heart.  Leo Full Moon on the grey side would be, a feeling of entitlement, being a leader that has no Heart, too much ego, and not sharing his goods.    A Leo Full Moon is also a time to play and have some fun……enjoy yourself.  It is a time to surround yourself with loving people and ways in which you can share your love.  Leo brings in out the divine child in all of us.  This is a time to be with friends or become involved in a creative project that brings you joy.   This Full Moon can be powerful and illuminating.  Stand in your own bright light, go into your heart and radiate joy!!

The Aquarius Sun is also conjunct the planet Mercury during this Full Moon.  Mercury is the planet of our voice and how we share our knowledge with others.  Mercury is the planet of youth, quickness, and intelligence.  Mercury is in Aquarius the sign of the genius, “outside the box thinking, and who speaks fairly…for everyone in community and for all humanity. Mercury is asking us to start speaking no matter how outside the box it might be, with integrity & respect for everyone.  Mercury sitting with this Leo Full Moon is asking us to start speaking with our Heart……communicating with through our Heats……through Love!  

Right now as we are co-creating a “new world”, a new reality.  For the Universe to place Mercury in the role of a major player in this Full Moon full of Love and coming from the Heart….is major. The Universe is speaking loud!  Mercury is the planet of youth and our “new word” is still very very young…and growing.  Mercury is about quickness of mind, communication in all areas with all beings throughout our Galaxy (Aquarius Sun – Full Moon).  Mercury in Aquarius conjunct the Full Moon-Sun means wisdom’s on the genius level, outside the box and into the future with our intelligence….developing ways of open communication on all levels with all beings.   The Universe has given us everything we need and tells us everything we need to know to be able to use these wisdom's on the genius level for all humanity…..if we will listen!   It is time for us to share what we know….no one is better than anyone else and we all have something important and transforming to share with someone!  Listen and share with compassion!

Again the back drop of this Full Moon is the Cardinal T-Square.  The Cardinal energy is about Birthing of New, Change, and Urgency.  Pluto is transformation of the Soul, our Soul and the Soul of the Earth and Uranus is constant change & humanity.  Jupiter is giving us, or activating in us, the higher knowledge that we already know.   It is giving us the ability to be optimistic for our future and to see the beauty of pure Joy!!  This Cardinal T-Square has been giving us the opportunity to distance and move away from things that no longer vibrating were we are vibrating as we shift into higher energies.   The Cardinal T-Square is putting things right in our face’s ……right in our face’s so that we don’t miss them as we are being asked to change and move away from what is not working…..and trust in the future that we are being guided towards……a future of optimism and Joy!!

Jupiter is also activating the star Sirius.  While the Sun in this Full Moon is sitting on the star Regulus.  The Universe is asking us to start new ways  of communicating with and working with the wisdom's that they/we received while being connected to these stars and star systems in the past…..  When these ancient star systems are being activated….we can connect with their energies and wisdom's.  Sirius is the brightest star in the sky and one of the closest. In esoteric Astrology, Sirius is considered to be our spiritual Sun, overseeing the awakening of humanity.  Regulus indicates a focus on the Heart!  Regulus is about humanity’s shift into becoming Heart centered.    The Universe is speaking loudly……   Meditate on this open communication during this Full Moon.  With the Full Moon sitting with retrograde Mercury (our communication) it is time to internalize and think about ways of communicating…..on all levels….in all dimensions.

This Full Moon is focusing on the power of Unity.  We are learning to balance community with individuality.  Being and honoring Community……while honoring our individuality.   We are all One……it is time to embody this message!!!

It is time to unite instead of divide.   It is time to bring a balance between speaking our truth about our needs and priorities…..while honoring in an effective and loving way the same in others. 

During this Full Moon release what is no longer working.   Release the old to make way for the new.  Think and meditate on everything the Universe has given you, all the knowledge and the nudges…listen!  Ask for guidance on what you should release.  Focus on coming from the Heart at all times.  The “new” is about thinking with the Heart !   Take time to play and be happy.   Find the child within you and spread the Joy!

These are the energies affecting all of humanity and the Earth.  These energies also affect you individually, according to how they activate your own birth chart. Learn how they activate your chart through an Astrological Reading.  Knowing how they are affecting you personally, gives you the ability to make choices, and use the energies in the highest way.

Please Feel free to share this monthly update, in its entirety!   AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology, © 2014 Cathy Lindsey     All rights reserved.  

www.AstroEyes.com     AstroEyes@aol.com 

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