Feel Like A Slave To The System? 6 Ways You Can Unplug Yourself From The Matrix

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 02/27/2016 - 09:13

There is a popular meme that is shared by many alternative media outlets all the time which reads: “There is no way I was born to just pay bills and die.” Another popular one expresses a similar sentiment: “Get a job, go to work, get married, have children, follow fashion, watch tv, act normal, obey the law, save for old age… Now repeat after me: ‘I am free.’ ” While there is nothing inherently wrong with any of these things – we all want to be contributing members of society, and saving money for our old age is a wise course of action — there is also nothing wrong with feeling like this type of experience isn’t for you. In fact, many people can’t stand it. Whether it’s spending the majority of your growing life inside a classroom, or spending the majority of your adult life working, it can often feel like the realities of modern life force us to neglect ourselves. As a result, many of us begin to feel depressed, because we are not putting time towards the things that ignite our soul.

It’s not easy living on a planet where the possibility to provide for all people exists but isn’t taken advantage of. And living on a planet where death is inevitable if you cannot pay the bills doesn’t seem to resonate with many people either. What can be most frustrating is the fact that it doesn’t have to be this way.

Many people are waking up to the fact that something isn’t quite right here. The global elite are hoarding the world’s wealth and resources for themselves, and knowledge of this corruption can indeed lead to depression and a lack of motivation for life.

Below are 10 ways you can feel better about the current human experience and make the best of it if you feel that you don’t belong here. They key point here is, if you do feel this way, and I know there are many who do, all you have to is change the way you look the experience. This is a tough area to try and give advice, eventually, if you are indeed in the process of ‘waking up,’ there is light at the end of the tunnel. It’s really an uplifting experience, and the journey never really seems to end. There is nothing wrong with being curious about our world.

Look At Your Challenges As Opportunities

It’s funny how our thoughts dictate our reality. By changing the way we perceive an experience we can change the way we feel instantly. For example, if you do not like your job, changing the way you think about can help you endure. And if you don’t like the world, and feel that you are stuck in a ‘matrix’ that is imprisoning you, perhaps you could use that as motivation to change your life?

Waking up and going to work every morning so you can put food on the table and a roof over your head isn’t the greatest experience, I know. As a result of being forced into this daily grind, many of us neglect our hearts and our desires. We stop striving for what we actually want to do in this world because we’ve been listening to other people telling us how to live for so long. Many people don’t even know what they are passionate about anymore because they haven’t been taught to value their own interests.

If living in this human experience is a challenge for you, changing the way you think about it can do wonders. I believe this is why many people in places of extreme poverty experience more joy than those in the Western world. Look at your challenges as stepping stones, as opportunities for growth, and this will no doubt make your time here (in a human experience you might not resonate with) a little bit easier to cope with.

You’re more powerful than you think.

Take Action & Do Something About It

This is easier said than done, I know, but telling yourself you’re a slave to the system will inevitably leave you feeling depressed and helpless, like you cannot do anything to change it. As I mentioned in the first point, if you change the way you look at something, what you are looking at will change. It is completely useless to see yourself as a victim of your circumstances. If you continue to see yourself as a victim, you’re not going to make much progress. If you don’t like the current human experience, try taking some action in your life to play a role and change it; this could be through creating awareness or helping others cope who feel the same way. Use your distaste for the human experience as a springboard for taking action rather than constantly basking in the victim vibe.

Sometimes it’s hard to take action, we are told that we have to do certain things, and live life a certain way. Completely deviating from a certain path is risky, and something we are not encouraged to do, but following your heart means taking risks. You can’t really ‘fail’ but only learn lessons. The joy lies within journey.

Realize You Are Already Halfway There

When one has the realization that something isn’t quite right here, or when one ‘wakes up,’ they have already seen the beginning of something great. Sure, some might agree that ignorance is bliss, but waking up to the truth about various aspects of our reality can really be an uplifting process.

There are many out there who choose ignorance, but going through depression and fear and making it out to the other side can really springboard you into something amazing. It’s not easy to confront certain truths about our world, but it’s necessary if we want to change it. By waking up to various truths about our reality, you are already in the process of unplugging yourself from the matrix. It’s not an easy process, which is why some people prefer to remain ignorant, but is ignorance really bliss? I believe knowledge is ‘power’ – for lack of a better word.

Do The Things That Bring You Joy As Much As You Can

When we can’t say “No,” we become a sponge for the feelings of everyone around us and we eventually become saturated by the needs of everyone else while our own hearts wilt and die. We begin to live our lives according to the forceful shouldof others, rather than the whispered, passionate want of our own hearts. We let everyone else tell us what story to live and we cease to be the author of our own lives. We lose our voice — we lose the desire planted in our souls and the very unique way in which we might live out that desire in the world. We get used by the world instead of being useful in the world. (source)

These are the words of Dr. Kelly M. Flanagan, a licensed clinical psychologist. By living in this ‘system,’ we are constantly doing the same thing as everyone else (as alluded to in the first paragraph). As a result, we neglect our hearts and fail to take action on doing what we truly love. We’ve been so programmed that many of us don’t even know what we love to do — and that’s okay. It’s never to late to learn about yourself.

The key is making time for something that brings you joy; it could be anything. As long as you are engaging in your passions, you’ve taken the first step. While much of our time may be consumed with surviving, there is always a step you can take to engage yourself in your passions.

If you don’t know what you’re passionate about, spend some time figuring it out. As soon as you feel like doing something, go do it! This will help you on the journey to discovering yourself. Remember, the joy lies within the journey itself, not the final destination.

See The Bigger Picture – Everything Is Serving

This is something that has helped me tremendously, and it’s a philosophy that can be used to look at your own individual life, as well as the human experience on a grander scale. For example, we generally look at events like 9/11, the gulf oil spill, or  Fukushima in a negative light. Obviously these were all horrific, and viewing them negatively is understandable, but how would you feel if you were told that these experiences were serving us? How might that change your perception of these events and the world around you? What if you thought that 9/11 helped to ‘wake up’ millions of people around the world? Or that the Fukushima disaster is pushing us towards new methods of generating energy? In the grand scheme of things, everything is always serving as an opportunity for us to grow and learn, even though it can be difficult to see past our emotions and view things in this light.


Gratitude is a great way to unplug yourself from the matrix, or from the victim vibe. There are so many people out there who are worried about where their next meal will come from or whether they will be alive to see another day. Many of you reading this have a home and a job, a family and friends; you are alive, and have the remarkable opportunity to play in this current human experience. Regardless of how you perceive it, go play!

Every day you wake up and are able to open your eyes is a day you can be thankful for. That being said, this does not mean we should become complacent and remain silent about the things that matter.

Gratitude is a great way to feel better, and conjuring up positive emotions encodes a completely different message into the heart’s electromagnetic field, which is the biggest one produced by the body. (You can read more about that here.)


Related CE Article: 20 Indicators That Signal You May Be Living In The Matrix

Arjun Walia

I joined the CE team in 2010 shortly after finishing university and have been grateful for the fact that I have been able to do this ever since :) There are many things happening on the planet that don't resonate with me, and I wanted to do what I could to play a role in creating change. It's been great making changes in my own life and creating awareness and I look forward to more projects that move beyond awareness and into action and implementation. So stay tuned :) arjun@collective-evolution.com


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