~ Feeling the Good Vibrations~

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 04/17/2012 - 10:26

Greetings Love Beings, Our Brilliant Sun is sending in some very good vibrations. We are getting reports from across the Planet, that everyone is feeling a bit lighter and more Joyful. Well, this is what we call the Love Blasts of codes coming from the Sun to the Planet and all on her. Be Prepared for More!! We will have More about this in our Next Update~ We Love You, The Earth Allies

Street Wise Ascension °139, Family of Light



 Street~Wise Ascension,

Yoj Chase

From the Joy of Mt. Shasta


Thank you Fathermother God for sharing this! 


Family of Light,
It is a miracle to be walking the Earth.
Souls are lined up from here to Arcturus
to participate in and get the experiences
from the Quantum Leap, the dimensional shift,
on a planet that has gone this far and long
into separation with so many billion souls…
back to the rule of Love.

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Did you ever played this very silly and old paradigm game of 'Musical Chairs'?... here I referring to old paradigm as existence of lack... paradigm or loser vs. winner... paradigm where one has to have a lot [of what?...] to be happy?... Paradigm of more vs. less... Paradigm of God vs. You?...


Did you consider to address this paradigm and change the game... by simply changing the beat of your Heart... Realizing that your heart need no chair to sit, to be winner or better than other human...


When I see new paradigm Musical Chair Game in my heart, I hear Music start playing and all the players start cheering and singing with the music, joyfully moving toward the chairs, and taking the chairs from their spots and bringing them to the people they still thinking do they want to play this silly game of abundance... where there is leftover of the chairs when each and every one of players have one...

Now I see players running for these abundant chairs and bringing them out side of this theater, and giving them to observers on the street...



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Spectacular M1.7 solar flare at northeastern limb


Spectacular M1.7 solar flare at the northwestern limb....


FAIR USE: This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. I am making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc.

I believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. If any individual wishes to go beyond the fair use law, they should contact the copyright owner for permission.

All videos by Pinksapphiret. Please do not mirror or embed to Power Tube, or Zippcast without my permission. Thanks for understanding.


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As I Was Lifted Upward-I Touched Unconditional Love


Greetings Dear GFP Family!

     I was asked by Mother/Father God to share this experience I had early this morning.  I feel that it will be beneficial to many who have not yet experienced Unconditional Love.


     Early this morning while in a lucid sleep, suddenly I was taken "upward".  Deep in my mind, the word "allow" came to mind as I was taken swiftly up, up, up, much like a head rush, to an unknown place in which I believe was the 5th Dimension.  Upon my arrival, two beings were there to welcome me.   I was not able to see their faces, but a feeling of Unconditional Love WAS as they both put their arms around me, comforting and protecting me.  With a very loving thought they asked me if I was alright, and I replied "I don't know".  Then very slowly, they guided me away from where I landed. 

     I wanted to stay there, because the love that washed over me was so overwhelming.  My sleep was interrupted by my own thoughts thinking that I had ascended to the 5th as I briefly opened my eyes to see if I had, only to find that I was in the same familiar surroundings.  It was indeed a bummer.  I closed my eyes again hoping that I could return to that place where I wanted to stay forever...but couldn't. 

     As I laid there in bed awhile while my mind seemed to be going in so many different directions, I felt some changes happening within my body.  My heart started to palpatate and I felt a very slight pain, which only lasted a minute or so, in the right side of my chest.  The experience was so profound and definitely mind-blowing!


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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~16~12 Indeed Victory is Our's~


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~16~12




~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event

Update~ Indeed Victory is Our's~


Photo Of Cloud Ship by Earth Allie Dawn Christine


Greetings Love beings, We are really Moving Fast Now. These Energies are preparing the way for the huge changes that are about to take place on this Planet. This is per the Divine Timeline and cannot be changed or stopped. The Momentum has gained alot of speed and everyone who is not standing in the Real Truth will begin to really spin into chaos and confusion in these incoming energies~ Because of our increased momentum, the denser energies are really putting up a fight as expected. It does not matter, as truly the Light Has Won and Victory is indeed ours.

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Greetings from Galactic Heart...Spreading Love Not Fear


Greetings from Galactic Heart...Spreading Love Not Fear


I love this message. Everyone I talk to now is excited about the unfolding of events that we have all held near and dear to our hearts for oh so long. I am honored to be among you.....yes, Victory is at hand. PAO/PAG members and friends had the tenacity, the steadfast conviction of our heart-knowing. Soon the entire world will be spinning from the Truth and they will need our compassionate, loving assistance. So be it. And so it is done!


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~♥~ A Mighty Healing Invocation for the Water Element of our bodies and Planet Earth,Gaia ~♥~





Radiant Rose Academy Inc. Follow us in Facebook http://www.facebook.com/AkashaAsun

The Water Element of this planet has been so poisoned by that which is not of the Light, the water element of our physical bodies requires so much healing as the water element of the Planet .This invocation has been given to us to use it daily .The water element that is most vulnerable of all, many species that live in the water of this Planet are leaving the Earth because they can not stand anymore the poisoning and the toxins.

Welcome to the Dispensation of the Rose Pink Ray to the Earth, the Return of the Divine Mother's Presence, the Path of the Heart, the I AM Presence, and the Soul.This official Dispensation truly offers a deep understanding of the Soul and its evolution; the highest evolution being the Radiant Rose Soul.


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Ancient Understanding of the Heart Field Gregg Braden


Ancient Understanding of the Heart Field Gregg Braden
SELF-MASTERY course - FREE - http://imastertechniques.com


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The President Of Iceland Tells Us How He Had The Balls To Stand Up To Britain



The President Of Iceland Tells Us How He Had The Balls To Stand Up To Britain


The president of Iceland sits in his study drinking tea from an immaculate china set.


"If a collapse in the financial sector can bring one of the most stable and secure democracies and political structures to his knees as happened in Iceland," Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson says to me, "then what could it do in countries that have less stable democratic and political history?"


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The God Light



The God Light


a message from Christina Lunden
Monday, 16 April, 2012
As we ascend into the higher dimensions, we are moving closer to our remembrance of who we are as a piece of God. We start raising our consciousness to be more God-like in our daily lives. In our special Universe, we can understand that we are to allow the free-will choices of anything living, like God has done for us. Non-judgment, compassion and a higher love for ourselves and others play a major role in our 5th Dimensional experience. They are not easy concepts to incorporate into our lives after thousands and thousands of years of seeing life through the ego’s eyes but it is something that our souls are ready to do.


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Dolores Cannon - The Three Waves of Volunteers & The New Earth


Dolores Cannon - The Three Waves of Volunteers & The New Earth

July 17, 2011

Born in 1931, Dolores Cannon is a regressive hypnotherapist and psychic researcher who records "Lost" knowledge, through her own hypnosis technique which enables her to gain the most information from her clients. In 1986 she expanded her investigations into the UFO field, including working with abductees. She is also an international speaker who has lectured on every continent in the world. Her thirteen books are translated into twenty languages. In this interview, Dolores will discuss The Three Waves of Volunteers and The New Earth. Dolores, in her hypnosis work, has discovered three waves of volunteers who have come to help Earth. Some have come direct from the "Source" and have never lived in any type of physical body before. Others have lived as space beings on other planets or other dimensions. Because all memory is erased upon entry to the Earth dimension, they do not remember their assignment. Thus these souls have a difficult time adjusting to our chaotic world. Dolores says these souls have a vital role to play as they help the rest of us ascend to the New Earth. We'll discuss the characteristics, difficulties and roles of these volunteers. Later, Dolores tells us about the New Earth, how the separation from this Earth will happen, what it will be like and the effects we'll feel in our body


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UFO-The Greatest Story Ever Denied - HD


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Aspects of Self - by Lord Melchizedek



Aspects of Self


by GLR Natalie Glasson



by Lord Melchizedek


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~Your Next Big Leap in 2012~



 Original PostWednesday, 7 March, 2012  


Understanding Your Role & How to Help

Change is in the air. It's personal to you, and it's also much bigger than you because it impacts the whole of humanity and the Earth.  The magnitude of change you've been adapting to is about to shift again. Get ready for some brand-new energy, coming in over the next month as another level of acceleration arrives.



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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04~15~2012 ~ Planet is Heating Up~‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬


~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04~15~2012 ~ Planet is Heating Up~



Beloved Ones,


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Climate Change Update ~ Dont Be Scared Just Be Prepared




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~Authorities Say The Gulf is Back to Normal and they are lying~


Part One; Part 2 will be up on the website by 2:30 PM CDT.


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NEW EARTH MEDITATION *** ~~~ by Sananda


by Sananda (Lord Jesus the Christ, Ascended)
Channeled Through Janisel of Sananda's Eagles


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Ascension Energies Increase April 15, 2012: Polarity-Integration (Fixed-Star Regulus Moves To Virgo)


The "Heart of The Lion" moves from Leo to Virgo in the middle of April 2012, which will increase the frequency and power of the polarity-integration Ascension energies now active on our planet.

This clip is from the show "New Realities with Alan Steinfeld"



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Jon Stewart vs CNN


Jon Stewart vs CNN -could this be a front-runner to stripping down the "fluff" currently being reported by CNN??


click the link and watch the video, may you never watch mainstream news the same again..




All my Love, Boo




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Top Seismologist says something is very wrong...


Romania's top seismologist Gheorghe Marmureanu finds the latest Indonesian quake VERY unusual.


FAIR USE: This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. I am making such material available in a effort to advance the understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc.

I believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. If any individual wishes to go beyond the fair use law, they should contact the copyright owner for permission.

All videos by Pinksapphiret. Please do not mirror or embed to Power Tube, or Zippcast without my permission. Thanks for understanding.


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Greg Giles ~ Message From The Galactic Federation Of Light ~ 16 April 2012 We are Your Family


Greg Giles ~ Message From The Galactic Federation Of Light ~ 16 April 2012 We are Your Family

We ask you at this time to sit back and wait for your family to signal you. We ask you to do this to enable yourselves to be able to be reached by us in the event that we have news for you, updates for you, or we wish for you to participate in a project with us. At this time, there are several projects that are prepared to get underway, and we ask all of you to remain vigilant and look and listen for our signal to you that we wish to communicate with you. There are those at this time who have heard us and understand just how they will be meeting with us and working with us. There are also some of you who we have tried to reach, but have not been able to do so. This was expected, as not all of you have developed your telepathic abilities to such a degree where you are able to pick up our subtle messages sent to you. Do not be upset by this, as nothing is going to pass you by and you will not be left out of anything as we will be in contact with you one way or another in the days ahead. There are many projects that you may participate in, and your abilities are needed and will be very much appreciated.  Developing your telepathic abilities is not an easy task and does not come easy for some. We ask those of you who wish to receive a sign from us that we are here and that we understand who they are or that we have some kind of relationship with them to listen for our messages better by quieting their minds more and listening for the subtle signs of communication.

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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 4/16/12



We ask you at this time to sit back and wait for your family to signal you. We ask you to do this to enable yourselves to be able to be reached by us in the event that we have news for you, updates for you, or we wish for you to participate in a project with us. At this time, there are several projects that are prepared to get underway, and we ask all of you to remain vigilant and look and listen for our signal to you that we wish to communicate with you. There are those at this time who have heard us and understand just how they will be meeting with us and working with us. There are also some of you who we have tried to reach, but have not been able to do so. This was expected, as not all of you have developed your telepathic abilities to such a degree where you are able to pick up our subtle messages sent to you. Do not be upset by this, as nothing is going to pass you by and you will not be left out of anything as we will be in contact with you one way or another in the days ahead. There are many projects that you may participate in, and your abilities are needed and will be very much appreciated.



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4/16/2012 -- Midwest storms developing KS CO OK -- also TX, LA, MS, AL, FL, GA, SC, NC, VA


South USA -- Texas (south texas ).. moving northeast from Brownsville .. south of Houston out to sea... will come back ashore at some point NE of Houston.. most likely a bit west of New Orleans..... Then will be moving NE through Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South/North Carolina , and possibly the panhandle north portion of Florida.

Central USA -- midwest -- Kansas, Colorado, Oklahoma border region .. damaging winds, strong cell thunderstorms popping up.. moving ENE from that tri-state border region in SW Kansas/SE Colorado/NW Oklahoma.

West Coast USA -- strong cell thunderstorms are coming ashore with the next low pressure system (our next big weather maker).


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The Hathors Of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes: Celestial Miracles, Energetic Bleed-Throughs And The Three Days Period Of Light



Wes Annac ~ The Hathors Of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes: Celestial Miracles, Energetic Bleed-Throughs And The Three Days Period Of Light ~ 16 April 2012

Thanks to Lisa (wolfke74) for the Image


-by GLR Wes Annac-

The pure Logos energy being sent through the sky of Gaia at this time is beginning to become too pure to go unnoticed by you all. We ‘caution’ you to expect so very many things that you will not expect upon the initial disclosures and revelations that will be surfacing. The most noticeable and unique aspects of Gaia’s ascension into ever-purer realms of consciousness must be preceded by events of a celestial nature that show that all that is happening on your world is reflecting the ongoing ascension in progress currently.


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You can create the world you want to live in.

It starts with imagination, dreaming, or visualizing what you want to see. 
You are an AMAZING creator!
Imagine altering your self-perceptions...
(taken from my FB page "Imagine Your Passion" where the power of thought becomes the power of creation)
What are YOU passionate about? 
We'd love to hear from you
All my Love, Boo


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Natural Remedies: Canna Tea


Cannabis is (thankfully and finally) emerging as human medicine in its own right. Veterinarians have used properties in cannabis to treat their animal patients for years. http://antiquecannabisbook.com/chap14/Veterinary.htm



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Just another epic battle


What if this was it?  I know we’ve been predicting and channeling and blogging and speaking of this year and yet, well, it still gives me pause.  Are we living out religious prophecy?  I mean, really?  Because I see no one in robes or chariots with wings or thunderbolts – is this it?


What did you expect?  Did you expect it to be true?  Did you believe, as many have, that it was nothing but myth? I submit that there is both truth and deliberate manipulation in our doctrine, and that is the problem.  The reason we’ve been choking on the rules we’ve been preached is because they were put forth by one whose goal was control, rather than the creator.


Our history is resplendent with tales of epic battles, good vs. evil, unimaginable power and complete annihilation; also miracles and wisdom.  Today, if you want to see epic battles, look to some video game “final boss” scenarios or major motion pictures.  If it is power you’d like to witness, pay attention to the economic and war games our rulers and bankers and 1% play.  If you are searching for wisdom, there are truths online and in lecture halls over the world.  Look to you- tube video’s for “chariots of fire”.  We’ve been looking at pulpits and podiums, which are mostly all the wrong places.  It’s all here, as predicted.  We are living the “end times”.


There are two distinct voices in our history – the creator and the manipulators, hence our confusion.  This bewilderment was intended.  We are “coming out of the dark” this year and discernment is possible.  One whispers love while the other shouts fear.



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Taurus New Moon ~ Creating Abundance!



Taurus New Moon ~ Creating Abundance!



The Taurus New Moon on April 21 is empowering us to create greater wealth in our health, finances and environment—our beautiful Mother Earth. Taurus is the first earth sign, charged with developing a healthy relationship to the physical plane. Perhaps this is why Earth Day falls in Taurus on April 22.

In Taurus, we connect through our sight, sound, taste, touch and smell. Taurus, the second sign of the zodiac, rules the part of our life that has to do with our resources, both inner and outer, our talents, gifts, and abilities. 


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The Soul and the Human… Merging! Power Up!!




by GLR Lisa Gawlas


I feel that since the 15th of April my entire view of what is happening on earth has officially become a split screen view.  Above and Below!!

The “above” view is coming thru you.  Thru the blinding Light’s that show up on my field of readings.  Yesterday, the theme was straight from the soul: this is what you are doing on the larger scale, for humanity, now learn to do it in your personal life.


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FREEDOM PROJECT: The IMF Has Said That Targeted Household Debt Reduction Policies Can Deliver Significant Economic Benefits.




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Lucas – Do You Believe Or Know? – You Decide! – 17 April 2012



Lucas – Do You Belief Or Know? – You Decide! – 17 April 2012

It is election time in the good old USA.  That country that lots of older people in Europe see as the power that liberated them from WWII, the economic power that exported freedom and wealth and lots of good things. The most people if they still believe think of the USA as the land of freedom and opportunities. Other countries over the world see the USA as oppressor, invader and or  liberator. That is a divers lot of thoughts.


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Kauilapele Message… “So What Are the ‘Energies in Hawai’i Telling Us?”



Kauilapele Message… “So What Are the ‘Energies in Hawai’i Telling Us?”

[UPDATE... see end of post] After awhile, and after a few hundred or more posts, there’s times when I realize there’s more being communicated to me than just the articles on the internet. Poofness here, SaLuSa there, Galactic Federations everywhere. But where’s “Today’s energies from Hawai’i…?” (That’s the subtitle of this blog).


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You decide how easy or difficult this will be



It has been a very active week of energetic cleansings taking place in all forms and on every level of our beings. So deep and so true are the essences of this that one can be left feeling exhausted and not quite sure what has happened. Thus if you’re feeling drained or “fried” there is a good reason for it.


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Lee-Anne Peters – Living In Someone Else’s Dream! – 17 April 2012



Lee-Anne Peters – Living In Someone Else’s Dream! – 17 April 2012

Whether we are putting our dream expectations onto others, or others are expecting us to birth their dreams it doesn’t matter – how can someone other than the ‘dreamer’ really give the dream the life it needs? In most cases they can’t! Expectations are an interesting concept, one that has had me in deep thought over these past seven years. I am yet to find anything positive about an expectation as they tend to block the flow of energy.


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Heavenletter #4162 Playing in a Field of Flowers


Heavenletter #4162 Playing in a Field of Flowers, April 17, 2012 

God said: 


And so, beloveds, you play in a field of flowers, yet you perceive Earth as a mine field. From one view, it is. You can't rely on the world. It shifts in sand constantly. Nevertheless, the world's foundation goes very deep and very high. It is solid. It cannot be shaken. The world's foundation never trembles. It never wavers. It cannot be shaken. The foundation is immutable. The house built in the minds of men is subject to disturbances of various kinds, some earthshaking. Nevertheless, the Earth is built on a secure foundation, an unshakable foundation. You who stand on this foundation can shake all over the place, 


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Healing Earth News - Gearing Up For Earth Day (22 April)



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6.5-magnitude quake shakes Chile 04/17/2012 - Papua New Guinea 7.0


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Visionkeeper – Living In A Cartoon …..- 17 April 2012



Visionkeeper – Living In A Cartoon …..- 17 April 2012

Okay, I don’t know about any of you, but to me, life seems to get more like a cartoon everyday. It cannot be possible that what is going on is really going on. If things were not so serious in nature one would have to laugh hysterically, but things are serious, extremely serious, and this very fact leaves all of us wondering just what the heck we are supposed to do about it. That is the feeling I think we are all beginning to feel so strongly. 


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Marlene Swetlishoff ~ Melchizedek ~ 17 April 2012 Allow Yourself to Relax


Marlene Swetlishoff ~ Melchizedek ~ 17 April 2012 Allow Yourself to Relax

Beloved Ones,

These days that you are each experiencing are bringing each of you into greater balance, harmony and integration with all aspects of your Being, and this will continue until all the parts of you that are not Love are loved by YOU into wholeness. This is the most important task and objective that is before you now, the realization that you are the creator of your own life and that you DO have all the tools necessary to successfully attain both personal planetary and cosmic ascension. Love and compassion for your Self is an important part of the process for if you cannot Love yourself unconditionally, it is nigh impossible to Love others in the same way.



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49th volcano erupts in 2012: Ecuador’s Sangay volcano unleashes 2 km ash cloud



49th volcano erupts in 2012: Ecuador’s Sangay volcano unleashes 2 km ash cloud

April 17, 2012 – ECUADOR - During an over-flight on 13 April, an explosion from Sangay volcano was observed at 08:25 local time. It generated an ash and steam column of 2 km above the summit crater. A new vent was detected; both on visible and thermal images, located next to the active dome on the SE flank (Ñuñurqu). The activity in this area has intensified since October, when the last aerial survey had taken place. Extensive lava flows are descending on the SE flank of the dome and reaching the base of the cone. Strong fumarolic activity was seen on the SE flank of the dome and on the S flank of the central crater. -from Volcano Discovery



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The Manuscript of Survival ~ part 120 Let the force's of Your Heart Reign~


As we have touched upon earlier, mankind has a hard time seeing the things that they are not meant to see. In other words, the programming that has overwritten your original blueprint has taken away your abilities to live as full citizens of this magnificent creation, therefore your outlook will seem bleak at this moment in time. But fear not, dear ones, you are about to be included in the multitude that makes up this vast ocean of creatures and entities once again, and just as in the blink of an eye after opening your eyes from the pitch darkness of night and into a bright new dawn, you too will be able to stretch, yawn and finally marvel at the rich tapestry unfolding on all sides.

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Did Sumatra earthquakes set off a chain-reaction? Planet shaken by shocking number of tremors since April 11, 2012



Did Sumatra earthquakes set off a chain-reaction? Planet shaken by shocking number of tremors since April 11, 2012


GFP: Be aware, not afraid. We're in it. We are the Change. 



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The Sun Venting Its LOVE 2012 HD


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Oracle Report ~ Tuesday April 17 2012 Spiritual warriors engage!



Oracle Report ~ Tuesday April 17 2012


Spiritual warriors engage!


Oracle Report | Balsamic Moon Phase


Spiritual warriors engage! Today’s report is very important and our inner wise, old owl that we have been working so hard to cultivate will need to come out and soar HIGH above today’s energy. The energy in and of itself is intense today, but we have the added extreme plasmic effects of “magnetic fields on the Sun erupting around 17:45 UT on April 16, producing one of the most spectacular explosions in years” (NASA). Extreme ultra-violet wavelengths are hitting us today. This is going to challenge us.


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Weather Prediction


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FREEDOM PROJECT: BBC News – Argentina Nationalizes Spain’s YPF Repsol Oil Company – Warning Of Strong Respons Of Spain – 17 April 2012


GFP Commentary:


I would read this one with a true joy, and not dreaded that countries will collide because of oil or who owns how much of what we do not need any more...


Just watch how this article can be read as complete destructuring of oil giants like YPF Repsol, based on Argentina's resources [that belong to people of Argentina only, and not some shareholders from EU coroprate elite...] returned to its people by simple act of Nationalization... 


Argentina showed tremendous example in financial, political and now in corporate sfheres that It is not afraid of any of these fluke enetieis which controled whloe world by lies and deceptions... 


Please, take this one with the smile and joy, knowing this is just a begining of true return of Ownership of the People and not some fake corporate enetities...


WIth Love and Joy, Predrag/Saint Germain


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~Space Weather Update~ The Blast From Yesterday Largest In Years~


SPECTACULAR EXPLOSION (UPDATED): Magnetic fields on the sun's northeastern limb erupted around 17:45 UT on April 16th, producing one of the most visually-spectacular explosions in years. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) recorded the blast at extreme ultraviolet wavelengths:



The explosion, which registered M1.7 on the Richter Scale of solar flares, was not Earth-directed, but it did hurl a CME into space. Analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab have analyzed the trajectory of the cloud and found that it will hit NASA's STEREO-B spacecraft, the Spitzer space telescope, and the rover Curiosity en route to Mars. Planets Venus and Mars could also receive a glancing blow.


Using data from SDO, Steele Hill of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center assembled a must-see movie of the event. It shows the explosion unfolding at 304Å, a wavelength which traces plasma with a temperature around 80,000 K.


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Allow your imaginations to run free and play. – Michael by Ron Head




Our message today is one of hope and joy.  Hearts that are filled with love, light, and joyfulness lift everything around them.  Let your smiles and your flashing eyes be your heavy artillery in this final push.


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