Finial Activations, & Finial Awakenings- Gaia, Humanity, All of Gods Creations 12-12-12, Part 1 of 2

Submitted by lynmarie8 on Wed, 12/12/2012 - 06:00

Finial Activations, & Finial Awakenings~ Gaia, Humanity, All of Gods Creations 12-12-12, Part 1 of 2

Activation of Red Crystal Mt. Shasta

~Rainbow Bridge ~ Has been fully created and is Bring Heaven to Earth- Fully Activated


-Signet Councils of 12 with Star Gates 1-10 are in agreeance 100% to help Gaia, Humanity with the rest of this Accession process - There are Mix Groups from each Star Gate with Assigned Projects that were agreed upon by all Set in Motion 12-11-12.

Activations, Awakenings for All Ascensions seats have been set into motion. Also Were Asked to dismantal all Global Weapons of Mass destruction.


-Awakened and Activated beings of Carriers of Key codes, Accession Keys, New Codes of New World, Fire Codes of 12 and 48 were full activated and aligned with Golden Rule, 144 sacred Geometry.


-Completion of full Activation of all Master Crystals, Crystal Pyramids as above as below, Linked with Golden 144 Ratio


-Sacred sites of Zero Point Energy Fully Activated, Anchored in, Harmonized


-Harmonic Tones of Golden Rule, 144 sacred Geometry have been brought in to balance and recalibrate Gaia, Humanity and all of God Creations.


-Trinity Matrix – of Planetary gravitation field, telluric electromagnetic and Crystalline consciousness is full Activated, Unified – release of density of Old 3 dimensional system.


-5 Dimensional Crystalline Grid fully Anchored in, Full Power, Fully Energized As Above, As Below.  Bring in Divine Love, Wisdom, Compassion, Forgiveness


-Star Gate to the Gods were opened and fully Activated Source (God) Universal Laws of Love now Apply.


-13 Sacred Sites of Christ with Portals Opened and Activated.


-Holy Grail Christed Beings were fully Awakened and Activated


-Lions Gate Opened Activated for:

-Full Activation of Spinks, 12 pyramids, Secured by Loins and Portal was opened.


-Full Use of Ark of covenant- 100% of the Light, for the Light, with the Light


-All Keys of Solomon - Only Maybe used of 100% of the Light, for the Light, with the Light. All Karma completed and Dark use of Shut down permanently.


-Activations to Fully Awaken All of God Creations, Gaia and Humanity Completed.


-I AM Mighty I Am Presence was Brought in and Anchored in Hearts of Gaia, Humanity, all of Gods Creations.   Was activated and sent for all to receive.  Then Anchored into Violet Flame Crystal in the Core of the earth to start transmuting all disharmonic frequency anything less than Divine in Gaia, Humanity, all of Gods Creations are releasing till complete.


-I AM Mighty I AM Presents for Hearts of Gaia, Humanity, all of Gods Creations were given Love, Unconditional Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Unification.


- All of  Gods Creations,Gaia, Humanity's Vibration were raised to there highest posible virbration at this time.


-The Ego’s Karma was ended completed for all Gaia, Humanity, all of Gods Creations.


-All Miss Use of Master Crystals Karma Completed – Source (God) Rules Now Apply.


-13 Ancient Crystals were called to Order to be Present for Sacred Activations with this portal – Wisdom, Spiritual Gifts; Key Codes Were downloaded Activated to whoever needed to receive this.  They Are in Full ageeance to complete asked of them for now and future.


-Atlantis Crystals fully Activated and Awakened as Above as below. Source (God) Rules Now Apply.


-Beings of Carriers of Map Codes are Fully Activated and were downloaded with Keys and information.


St. Germain has been Asigned to the final process of Ascension- I will be co-creating with him.


Part 2 will be posted and complete later today.


Blessings to all ~ Messenger of God













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