Follow Your Heart, it is Smarter Than You Think By Rebecca Cherry

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 02/09/2012 - 10:54

Follow Your Heart, it is Smarter Than You Think


Your Heart is an amazing organ, unique for both its physical functions and energetic properties, and therefore needs some extra special attention, and definitely some tender loving care.

Aside from the well-known fact that the heart is the first major organ to develop in the fetus after conception, it is also impossible to live without one beating brightly within each of our bodies. In addition, the heart's ability to tell us when we fall in Love, experience Joy, feel Gratitude, and appreciate Beauty, is without question, the tour de force for our passions in the pursuit of happiness and fulfillment throughout our lives.


While these statements are nothing new, Neuro-physicists have recently been astonished to discover that the Heart is more an organ of intelligence, than merely the bodies' main pumping station. In fact, these new discoveries include intriguing evidence that more than half of the Heart is actually composed of neurons of the very same nature as those that make up the cerebral system. Not only that, but the heart also emits a 5,000 times stronger electromagnetic field than the brain. Joseph Chilton-Pearce, author of The Biology of Transcendence, calls the heart "the major biological apparatus within us and the seat of our greatest intelligence."


According to the Institute of Heart Math, "the heart and brain maintain a continuous two-way dialogue, each influencing the other's functioning. The signals the heart sends to the brain can influence perception, emotional processing and higher cognitive functions; neuro-cardiology researchers view this system and circuitry as the "heart brain". In a specific comment regarding intuition, HeartMath goes on to say; "Heart intuition or intelligence brings the freedom and power to accomplish what the mind, even with all the disciplines or affirmations in the world, cannot do if it's out of sync with the heart."


The HeartMath Institute has also conducted additional research studies relating to our emotions and more, which they call, "Emotional Energetics Research" and publish the following statement on their website:


"The heart produces by far the body's most powerful rhythmic electromagnetic field, which can be detected several feet away by sensitive instruments. Research shows our heart's field changes distinctly as we experience different emotions. It is registered in people's brains around us and apparently is capable of affecting cells, water and DNA studied in vitro. Growing evidence also suggests energetic interactions involving the heart may underlie intuition and important aspects of human consciousness."

This newly emerging scientific evidence has the enormous power and potential to open the minds of anyone willing to stop long enough and reflect on what this truly means to each and every one of us. Not only are we discovering the true potential of every individual should they begin to live from their heart, rather than solely from their logical mind, but also to fully grasp the truth that we are all intimately connected and collectively one.


Additional evidence was found to support this truth when researchers looked a little closer and revealed an even more astonishing discovery; that each heart cell is unique in that it not only pulsates in synchrony with all the other heart cells, but also produces an electromagnetic signal that radiates out beyond the cell. An EEG that measures brain waves shows that the electromagnetic signals from the heart are so much stronger than brain waves, that a reading of the heart's frequency spectrum can be taken from three feet away from the body, without the need to place electrodes on it.

This next bit of news is one of the most interesting, as the geometric shape that the Heart's electromagnetic frequency creates is in the form of a torus field. Similar to the shape of a donut, the heart's torus field radiates out from the chest for as far as twelve to fifteen feet from the body, and then wraps around and returns in through the back, creating the 'hole in the donut' in the middle. The axis of this Heart torus extends from the pelvic floor to the top of the skull, and the whole field is holographic, meaning that information about it can be read from each and every point within the torus' energetic field.


Even more intriguing is that the Hearts' torus electromagnetic field is not the only source that emits this type of electromagnetic field. In fact, all atoms emit the very same energetic torus field. Earth also emits it's own (well documented) electromagnetic field in the same form of a torus. And so does the solar system, and even our galaxy. And, all are holographic.


Scientists believe there is a good possibility that there is actually only one Universal torus encompassing an infinite number of interacting, holographic tori within its spectrum. And, because electromagnetic torus fields are holographic by nature, it is more than likely that the sum total of our Universe is present within the frequency spectrum of a single torus.


This means that each one of us is connected to the entire Universe, in a very real and observable way, and as such, each one of us has access to all of the information within this Universal field of energy, at any given moment. When we get quiet and access what we hold in our Hearts, we are literally connecting to the limitless supply and wisdom of the Universe, thereby enabling what we perceive as "miracles" to enter into our lives.


This amazing organ that we often times ignore, neglect, and build walls around, is where we can find our greatest strength, our faith, our courage and our compassion, enabling our higher emotional intelligence that can, if we allow it, guide us throughout our lives.

Anyone today can begin living from their Heart, easily and simply by learning to meditate, as meditation will enable you to easily access your Heart's inner wisdom and that of the Universe.

As each one of us begins this 'quiet revolution of living from the Heart', we will begin to see it reflected in our lives and in our world. It is also how each one of us will create real and lasting change in our personal lives, and as a direct result, also be co-creating a new and better world in the process.


To discover more great tools and information on how you can easily begin living from your Heart, please visit:

For more information, tools, workshops about how to 'live from your Heart', please visit:

Feel free to also email me directly with any questions you may have about living more simply and from the heart:

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