Fran Zepeda ~ Sananda ~ Shine Your Light ~ 8 May 2012

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 05/08/2012 - 16:51

Fran Zepeda ~ Sananda ~ Shine Your Light ~ 8 May 2012




Your world is changing dear ones. You are changing. Your world is transforming, heart-by-heart, soul-by-soul, due to the light penetration equaling no other at any other time in the history of duality. Mark my words, dear ones.


Let us look at what has transpired. Many souls have made the leap of faith and love into the “wild blue yonder”, as they say. That is a saying, but it has credence for what is transpiring, for many sayings have their roots in Truths. It is your choice whether you see it as wild or yonder, or even blue, for that matter; however, this merely points out that a huge opening is occurring and you are seeing things as you have never seen them before. 


Chasms are occurring in your thinking and rationalizations, and many things have new meaning for you.  Take a moment in the day; rather, take many moments in the day, if you will, to examine all the things you hold as truths. Run each through your Heart Center and see when it comes out how much credence it has. You will have many, many opportunities to examine these so-called truths that you once held so dear, in the coming days.


I don’t have to tell you that things sometimes look topsy-turvy like “Alice through the Looking Glass”. You will be tested again and again with many beliefs and concepts you once held true. The important thing is to run them through your heart. That is the true “litmus test”, if you will.


Time and time again over your lifetimes you have played with different scenarios and attitudes and roles to the point that by now you have quite a repertoire of knowledge from experiences in duality. You have gone through these experiences and gleaned the lessons and the truths from them, of what really stands up in your heart and soul as the Truth. You have tempered your creations and stretched your beliefs and thought patterns over your lifetimes, but none so fast or as deep as now in these rapidly changing times.

Be prepared for more. Stretch more. Allow yourselves to create from your hearts and dreams like you have never done before. Be what and whom you never thought possible, dear ones. The Light is supporting that now.


Be inventive; go wild with love and abandon in your generosity of spirit, dear ones. Don’t stop yourselves just because it has never been done before. Be your angelic selves. You are discovering you are no less angelic than any in the Spiritual Realm. You just need to acknowledge it and uncover it.


Most of all be true to your hearts, dear beloveds. For you are coming alive like you have never come alive before. Please take your places among all beings and Shine your Light like never before.

I am Sananda and I am at your service always.


Thank you to Sananda.

As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda

Copyright © 2012 by Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

Lightwolf (not verified)

Tue, 05/08/2012 - 18:28

I don't think I can wait until June to see these magical arrests happen.  An arrest of my own is coming soon.  As soon as they decide to come and get me that is.  I violated an Order of Protection from my soon to be ex wife.  It was just a few text messages sent from me to her but its enough to apparently put me behind bars.  Our divorce has been a real bummer and she now has and I will never see any of my possesions again, including our two dogs.  I can't reconcile what has happened or understand how she would have gone this far.  She over reacted and got an OP order and now she will get a default judement, end up with everything and I will have to pay the costs.


Of course I wont be making any income if i'm in jail for up to six months.  I have to take certain medicines to live such as blood thinner for my heart.  I am willingly stopping taking these medications.  I just want to die and leave this world.  I thought I could be a lightworker and see this new golden age come but I have run out of strength and patience.  I don't want to go to jail, but more importantly I wonder how freewill dying is looked on when I leave this world.  


Will I have to come back again and do life over because I failed.  Or can I graduate and ascend and never have to be a human being again?  I failed at this life and I really don't want to have to come back and do anything over again.  I just want to leave this world and graduate from duality.  There is nothing more this earth school can teach me and I don't want to loose my freedom.  It's a sad thing that my family will have to go through when I am gone but I don't want to be a burden anymore.  My wife should have handled things differently.  We could have been amicable.  She made promises to me and then broke them as soon as she got a lawyer.  Now she has everything and I will never see any of it.  I don't want to live with the black bile of hatred I feel for her.  I don't want to be in a wolrd where people like her exist.

Dear friend,


I am not sure why I have chosen to answer this, other than no one else commented yet and I don't know if someone on this site handles this type of thing. I am new to this site, and don't presume to be a counselor, but felt the call to answer you. I will keep it brief. I have enough experience with this sort of thing personally and watching others I care about, that I am cautious to take on such a task, knowing in the end, no matter what I can offer, you must be the one to shoulder your own choice.


You seem to be faced with a situation that appears to you to have no good solution.

This is simply not the case. Try not to mold or craft an outcome. Go with the flow and stay loose and unattached to how it proceeds.  If you let your feelings control your choice and options, you will limit yourself. You need to try to remain humble and willing to ask for help, and know that God tends to work through others, not in a miraculous demonstration of the suspension of the laws of physics. In this manner, Creator gives us all the chance to gain our own mastery by being involved in helping, and in our turn, receiving help. If you remain open to help, it can manifest more easily. There are programs with counselors out there. Without your faith in the Goodness of Life, you may be blind to the doors of opportunity opening to you. 


You made a mistake contacting your ex, but it is a minor offense and can be worked through, if you are willing. The notion you are entertaining, that you are a failure is false. Whether you went to jail and lost everything you owned, or stopped taking medicine and caused your own demise, you would still not be a failure. Not even close.


But I would not count on ending your life and expect that your higher self will be good with that. You yourself, when you see this series of events from another perspective, will undoubtedly wish you had made another choice. One that turned what seemed an impossible trap, from which you could not escape with grace, into a remarkable surrender to seeming forces that seek your end, and come out the other side knowing that you will get through this and may find a surprise and blessing waiting for you.


You may not realize it, but you may be getting an opportunity right now, to prove to yourself how much you really desire to leave the old world behind and make your ascension. Are you willing to let go? Of your anger and disappointment with your wife? Of your fears that if all the legal things happen to you, that you will lose your job and go into debt and not be able to rise from the ashes? What about your family and friends that love you? Do they need to suffer because your feelings are hurt? You have a chance to overcome your past reactions to these types of circumstances in your life, and take the noble path. Forgive, and forget. Fear not the loss of your possessions or anything else. You can show yourself just how strong you are and that you are ready for your ascension, by leaving these lesser thoughts and things behind.


I wish you the best in your test of overcoming. Be strong. This too, shall pass.




Lightwolf (not verified)

Thu, 05/10/2012 - 16:26

In reply to by Earthchic



Your words meant alot to me and I thank you for them.  As it turns out the next day I decided to keep taking my medication and just try to see the positive side of things.  I recieved a message from an old flame of mine that wanted to meet me again.


This news has made me very happy.  Now I have a chance to do over right the things I may have messed up earlier in life.  As you have probably heard when one door closes another one opens.


Out of the blue there are new postive possibilities in my life again!


I will live and thrive now in awe of the synchronicities that seem to be occuring.


Love and light to you!


Thu, 05/10/2012 - 22:24

In reply to by Rain

Dear Lightwolf:


I am deeply grateful that my message got through to you and that you recieved it in a positive fashion. Try to remember that when you really want to return to your Creator, the way will be made plain eventually. But as you move forward, try to prepare for the ups and downs coming hard and fast; first one direction, then the other. First everything seems to fall in place and then it seems to fall apart. Be the observer from a detached viewpoint when possible, and remember the ultimate goal and desire. To return to One and the resolution of all incongruities and dualities through Love eternal. Only you can determine whether you wish to keep ascending the staircase or stay awhile on some step and play some more in the illusion. Until we make it beyond this density, we are always in danger of becoming complacent and forgetting how easy it is to forget our true goal and desire, and take another round in the confusion and ups and downs of human life.


It sounds like I am speaking to you as teacher, but I assure you it is more as friend. I have walked in many of the same footsteps as you in this lifetime as well. I have held within my heart the unspeakable pain that comes with striving to find a way to express the unconditional love in my being, within my relationships . . . and feeling as though I have failed miserably.  Just as you have.

Keep on, keeping on.


Wishing my friend, all the best in his walk


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