~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-30-2012 – Stop waiting ~

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Fri, 03/30/2012 - 15:39


~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-30-2012 – Stop waiting ~




by ANdReA


Did you ever feel, deep in your heart, you should take part to all of this in a different way... did you ever feel that feeling in your Heart, in your stomac, saying “tha’s me, I want to do this as well, I am supposed to be there, in the front line” and then step back... for lack of self confidence... “what if it’s all fake... what if what I feel is not real... and with all those outside there right now... why should it be me?” Well, because it is YOU! You came here for a Mission. You signed a Divine Contract... and can’t get out of fear! And wait to see what others do... how they move... how they behave, think, write... You were not reading this message if you were not supposed to be here now. So what is keeping you back? You came to awaken Humanity and fall asleep yourself, so deep asleep that for as hard as you get slapped, you prefere to stay in the backlines... and watch.

You did not come to watch!

You came to Act!

You came to BE What You Are.

Do not look up at the brave ones stepping out of the sleeping mass, be the Brave one! For this is what you’re ment to BE.

Is your feeling not strong enough? Must Divine Plan take everything away from you before you realize that the way you live is not the way you decided to live? Why You? Because YOU Choose it. You said I GO. Well, DO IT! Don’t wait for the arrest to happen or the ships to show up... you’re needed NOW. You’re needed Now to make sure all will unfold in the smoothest way possible.

An email today said: I can’t wait for change to occur so that I’ll be finally able to tell the truth to everyone. What? What’s the point in telling the truth once the Truth has shown itself to everyone? NOW is the time to tell the Truth. To BE the Truth you Are. More and more are feeling the urge to step up and say “Ok, I don’t care anymore, I have to do MY job, won’t wait for others to do it form me.” Divine!

But still so many of you out there are just waiting... reading, commenting... and waiting. If you don’t trust US... how can we trust you? For you don't trust yourself. If you don’t stand up by yourself, how can we recognise you? You’re deciding on your own not to become part of it.

And believe me... Miracles are NOW! You think little is going on... I tell you: ALL IS GOING ON! And all those brave souls that had enough courage to follow their contract Know what’s going on. They Know because they’re not afraid to Know. Because once you Know... you cannot go back. You cannot simply sit in front of tv and forget all that’s needed to be done right NOW. Because you become Responsible for Humanity. And Humanity is indeed waiting. Who are You waiting for?






‪‪ Solar watchers have been following the return of Sunspot 1429 with anticipation due to the high level of activity while transiting the farside of the Sun. A couple of C-Class flares (C7.7 and C5.0) were detected early Thursday morning, however things have been fairly quiet since. This region continues to rotate further into view and no major sunspots are visible. Sunspot 1429 is in a state of decay and only a shell of its former self. From a magnetic standpoint, what is left of 1429 may still be able to produce an isolated M-Class flare.

Total Gas Leak/Solar Update





‪Boom Finally Recorded In Clintonville 2012


It was a little over a week and a half ago that residents of the town of Green Bay, Wis., with a population of 4,500, said they were awakened from their sleep by loud booms that shook their houses. Night after night, there were more booms and more shaking.

The United States Geological Survey finally said it recorded a 1.5-magnitude earthquake on the morning of March 20. It also recorded seismic activity the day before but could not pinpoint its location.


‪Clintonville: Dozens Of Louder Booms Rattle Town Again 2012





Mother Earth=Heart’s updates

3/29/2012 -- Tornadoes , Hail, Damaging winds = TX, OK, KS, MO, NE, IA, WI, MN, IL, LA



About Geomagnetic reversal and Poleshift

A growing number of scientists are starting to worry that it is the magnetic pole shift that seems to be underway that is the real culprit behind climate change. Not man made air pollution, not the sun, not the underground volcanic activity heating up the oceans, but the slow beginning of a pole shift that has been thought to destroy entire civilizations in the past and be one major factor in mass extinctions. NASA recently discovered and released information about a major breach in the earth’s magnetic field.

This breach in the earth/s magnetic field alone, in that it is allowing solar winds to enter the earths atmosphere, is sufficient to really mess up the weather. Not only is this accelerating magnetic pole shift messing up the weather it is having major effects on geopolitics. These magnetic shifts are not only capable of causing massive global super storms, but can cause certain societies, cultures and whole countries to collapse, even go to war with one another.

All yet remains to be seen, but the magnetic reversal of the earth’s poles seems to be rapidly increasing and IS affecting world weather patterns. The real question is how bad will things get before it all settles backdown to a “new normal?” At one time in history it was thought the North Pole was in the area that is now known as Hudson Bay. If the Hudson Bay area was the last locatoin of the North Pole, where will it go next? And how bad will global super storms and climate change get before it is over? And can we stop blaming each other for causing this and work together to survive it and keep civilization in tact? (Suite101)

Since 1860, the magnetic pole shift has more than doubled every 50 years. That is pretty significant. During the past 150 years, the pole shift has been in the same direction. During the past 10 years, the magnetic north pole has shifted nearly half of the total distance of the past 50 years! In other words, the pole shift has apparently sped up substantially. It is not known if the shift will speed up or slow down in the years ahead. Some say that a pole reversal is overdue, and this phenomenon may be indicators of the beginnings of that process. (ModernSurvivalist)



Ten more dolphins stranded on the Cape; annual total rises to more than 200

At least 10 more dolphins stranded themselves on the beaches of Cape Cod this week, a Cape-based animal welfare group said. The strandings raised the annual total to more than 200 in just three months, an unusually high number that has left scientists scrambling to find a cause.

"This week we had 10 common dolphins strand in various locations including Brewster, Wellfleet, and Orleans," Michael Booth, spokesman for the International Fund for Animal Welfare, said. "We had four strand on Monday - one in Wellfleet and three in Brewster."

Six more dolphins stranded Tuesday -- two in Wellfleet, three in Brewster, and one in Orleans, Booth said.

Nine of the 10 were released to the ocean; the 10th had to be euthanized because it had already sustained some injuries, he said.

In addition to rescuing and treating stranded dolphins, Booth said, the group has helped to lead nearly 100 dolphins out of dangerous situations since Jan. 1, including six that were herded out of the Herring River in Wellfleet on Monday.

"Those are animals that have been in problematic areas where they would have surely stranded had we not gone out and herded these animals into deeper water," he said.

The most recent strandings come after the end of what was the largest single-species stranding event on record in the Northeast. Between Jan. 12 and Feb. 16, 179 dolphins were stranded on the shores of Cape Cod.

In total this year, 208 dolphins have stranded themselves on Cape Cod beaches. Of the stranded dolphins, 94 were found alive and 114 were already dead when rescue groups got to them. After treating the live dolphins, IFAW was able to successfully release 71 dolphins into deeper water - a success rate of about 76 percent.

"It's an all-time high for us," Booth said. "We have gotten better and better through the years. We did have a success rate before this of around 60 to 70 percent, but now with this particularly high stranding season, we've got that percent up to 76 percent, which is great."

Booth said the month of near-daily strandings allowed the group to put its skills and resources to the test and hone the skills of its small army of volunteers.

"It gave us the opportunity to put our systems in place. We have been fine-tuning that for a number of years now," Booth said. "To be able to consistently go out and rescue dolphins and have this high of a success rate is something we are very proud of."


Forest / Wild Fire in USA on Friday, 30 March, 2012 at 18:01 (06:01 PM) UTC.

EDIS Number:   WF-20120330-34719-USA

Event type:       Forest / Wild Fire

Date/Time:        Friday, 30 March, 2012 at 18:01 (06:01 PM) UTC

Damage level:  Minor

Geographic information

Continent: North-America

Country:   USA

County / State:  State of South Dakota

Area:         Black Hills National Forest


Fire in Honduras on Friday, 30 March, 2012 at 03:16 (03:16 AM) UTC.

EDIS Number:   FR-20120330-34710-HND

Event type:       Fire

Date/Time:        Friday, 30 March, 2012 at 03:16 (03:16 AM) UTC

Damage level:  Moderate

Geographic information

Continent: Central-America

Country:   Honduras

County / State:  Departmento de Cortés

Area:         San Pedro Sula Prison

City: San Pedro Sula

Coordinate:       N 15° 32.759, W 88° 0.781

Number of affected people / Humanities loss

Foreign people:         Affected is unknown.

Dead person(s):        18


Don’t know what a Complex-Emergency is... but if someone knows... here’s the news:

Complex Emergency in USA on Friday, 30 March, 2012 at 17:55 (05:55 PM) UTC.

EDIS Number:   CE-20120330-34718-USA

Event type:       Complex Emergency

Date/Time:        Friday, 30 March, 2012 at 17:55 (05:55 PM) UTC

Damage level:  Moderate

Geographic information

Continent: North-America

Country:   USA

County / State:  State of

City: McAllen


Landslide in Haiti on Friday, 30 March, 2012 at 17:49 (05:49 PM) UTC.

EDIS Number:   LS-20120330-34716-HTI

Event type:       Landslide

Date/Time:        Friday, 30 March, 2012 at 17:49 (05:49 PM) UTC

Damage level:  Minor

Geographic information

Continent: Caribean Sea

Country:   Haiti

County / State:  Capital city

Area:         Morne Calvaire District

City: Port Au Prince

Coordinate:       N 18° 30.396, W 72° 17.790

Number of affected people / Humanities loss

Foreign people:         Affected is unknown.

Dead person(s):        6


Heat Wave in India on Friday, 30 March, 2012 at 02:47 (02:47 AM) UTC.

EDIS Number:   HT-20120330-34704-IND

Event type:       Heat Wave

Date/Time:        Friday, 30 March, 2012 at 02:47 (02:47 AM) UTC

Damage level:  Unknown

Geographic information

Continent: Asia

Country:   India

County / State:  State of Gujarat

Area:         Gujarat-wide


Extreme Weather in China on Friday, 30 March, 2012 at 17:48 (05:48 PM) UTC.

EDIS Number:   ST-20120330-34715-CHN

Event type:        Extreme Weather

Date/Time:         Friday, 30 March, 2012 at 17:48 (05:48 PM) UTC

Damage level:    Moderate

Geographic information

Continent:          Asia

Country:            China

County / State:   Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region

City:     Urumqi

Coordinate:        N 43° 49.539, E 87° 37.009

Number of affected people / Humanities loss

Dead person(s):  3


Tornado in Philippines on Friday, 30 March, 2012 at 05:09 (05:09 AM) UTC.

EDIS Number:   TO-20120330-34713-PHL

Event type:        Tornado

Date/Time:         Friday, 30 March, 2012 at 05:09 (05:09 AM) UTC

Damage level:    Minor

Geographic information

Continent:          Pacific Ocean - West

Country:            Philippines

County / State:   Western Visayas

City:     Bacolod





‪Eruptive Activity at Indonesia's SEMERU Volcano



Satellites are finding that volcanoes previously thought to be dormant are showing signs of unrest

The importance of global and frequent data coverage of volcanoes was highlighted in a recent article published in Science. Satellites are finding that volcanoes previously thought to be dormant are showing signs of unrest.

As the 2010 eruption of Eyjafjallajökull in Iceland demonstrated, volcanic eruptions can have consequences over large regions, so the global perspective offered by satellite systems is vital for monitoring volcanoes in remote and inaccessible terrain.

Most volcanoes around the world are not monitored effectively – or at all. The ‘Monitoring Volcanoes’ article made reference to a study of over 440 active volcanoes in 16 developing countries. The study revealed that 384 have rudimentary or no monitoring, including 65 volcanoes identified as posing a high risk to large populations.

Earth-observing satellites, such as ESA’s Envisat, can detect unrest on currently unmonitored volcanoes.

Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar – or InSAR – is a remote sensing technique where two or more radar images over the same area are combined to detect slight surface changes occurring between acquisitions.

Tiny changes on the ground cause changes in the radar signal and lead to rainbow-coloured interference patterns in the combined image, known as a ‘SAR interferogram’.

Movement of magma underground may cause deformation of the surface above, thus InSAR can be used to monitor volcanoes.

Active volcanoes are often dangerous and difficult to access, so satellite methods provide a global perspective not achievable using ground instruments.

InSAR is particularly useful for tropical areas – where cloud cover can obscure visual observations – because the radar beam can see through clouds.

Satellite views also provide a global perspective, mapping tectonic strain across continents and allowing the exploration of volcanoes in remote or inaccessible areas.

As a result, many volcanoes previously thought to be dormant are now known to be showing signs of unrest. The resources for acquiring more detailed, ground-based monitoring can now be targeted at such volcanoes.

One example outlined in Science’s article was the uplift detected at Mount Longonot, Kenya. Using radar data from ESA’s Envisat satellite, scientists recorded a 9 cm uplift between 2004 and 2006.

InSAR has enormous potential, but is still a relatively new technique that relies on frequent repeat times and mission longevity. But launching new Earth-observing satellites can provide the data continuity necessary to carry on observations using InSAR.

The upcoming Sentinel satellites, being developed for Europe’s Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) programme, are expected to acquire data over all land masses every six days for the next two decades.“InSAR is a growing field – in the past 10 years of my involvement, the number of satellites, processing algorithms and applications has multiplied,” said Juliet Biggs, co-author of ‘Monitoring Volcanoes’ and postdoctoral fellow under ESA’s Support to Science Element. “The community has gone from a small handful of specialists to a wide range of practitioners in academia, government and industry.“ESA’s mission policy has been at the root of this expansion, and I hope to be working with them for many years to come on the next generation of Sentinel satellites.” Early warning of eruptions still faces major challenges, and scientists are still trying to figure out how to tell whether a period of volcanic unrest will lead to eruption. But consistent monitoring can provide insights into patterns and consequences of activity that can help to get a clearer picture of a mountain’s behaviour. And high-resolution satellite data can also support the civil protection authorities to draw up evacuation plans.

Source: ESA





5.1       2012/03/30 22:02:10    NORTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA

5.2       2012/03/30 19:51:05    BOUGAINVILLE, PAPUA NEW GUINEA

5.4       2012/03/30 18:16:14    OFFSHORE CHIAPAS, MEXICO

5.0       2012/03/30 17:21:05    TONGA

5.1       2012/03/30 10:55:25     EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN

5.3       2012/03/30 09:38:59     FIJI REGION

5.0       2012/03/30 06:19:33     SOUTHEAST OF EASTER ISLAND

5.1       2012/03/30 04:38:32     EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN


San Diego residents rattled by 3 loud booms, following tremor


The USGS confirmed a small earthquake struck San Diego County Thursday night. The quake struck with a magnitude of 3.3 and at a depth of 7 miles at 11:09 p.m. The epicenter of the earthquake was four miles south-southeast of the Palomar Observatory, 17 miles northeast of Escondido and 39 miles north-northeast of San Diego, according to a computer-generated USGS report.


News stations in the area said they received over a dozen calls from concerned viewers who described the earthquake as very loud and said it was accompanied by three eerie booms. There were also reports of violent shaking. No injuries or damage was reported the tremor. No one in our generation remembers so many small tremors across the world triggering so many sonic booms. One has to wonder what is happening in the earth beneath our feet.




‪ Love Youself and Love as ONE=LOVE=ALL~



~And MotherFatherGod, The Galactic Free Press Staff, Earth Allies, GroundCrew Staff ans Earth’s Transitory Government~


~We’re looking for inetlligent God that would like to be part of our GroundCrew Team… inquire within an find out ~


~Thank You for Keeping the Press Going and Supporting Your Earth Allies~

~Are these Daily Updates and The Galactic Free Press Serving YOU? Thank you for Showing your Love and Support~ Share if You can!!~


 Way to Go and way to Show Your Love Humanity! We ask you to share if you can for this very divine mission.


If We are Assisting You, Thank You for sharing with us~If Everyone shares a little with us, we can make the funding goal. We are working on all that We have Promised you and We will Come through!!


 Many have been working for many, many years sacrificing everything and working behind the scenes on Behalf of Humanity for all that is now unfolding. All of this will be revealed to Humanity. Thank You For honoring those who work tiresly for Humanity's Freedom.


We are looking for Artists and Photo's to Donate to the Galactic Free Press. All Artists~Photo's will be recognized, with each post! You can download these in our Image Gallery or send us your Website!http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/contact

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Dear Andrea ~ thanks very much for stating what so many need to hear at this time.  It really is the time NOW to step to the forefront and declare your Lightworker identity and begin to fully live and share in the Truth that you have learned/remembered!  I felt this nudge myself one week ago and was compelled to finally fully let everyone know who I was and what is coming very soon. (yikes!)


At first, I was a little nervous about how it would all be received, but I was amazed at the response (from the most unexpected people) and it was a HUGE symbolic step for me that truly set me free; it was as if I actually stepped into some new place, a higher place, where fear doesn't exist anymore and there is only Light and Love.  By stepping forward, I showed the universe that I was ready to be my true self and for all of the changes to come.  Wonderful things have happened since, and I feel so FREE and completely SUPPORTED by the universe now, more than ever before! (Of course, it was there all along but my self-consciousness had prevented me from feeling it fully.)  There is no better feeling than living and being your TRUE SELF, in complete LOVE and LIGHT and there is no better time than RIGHT NOW!  So, confidently step into your LIGHT, it will not let you fall!  



Much Love to all of you, my dear brothers and sisters!



Fri, 03/30/2012 - 18:33

what exactly are you asking us to do? i want to keep the momentum up, i want to contribute, but what else can i do? point me at a task and i'll conquer it.

   i just want to say that mankind has been through the meat grinder severak times. we been laughed at, berated and made fools of many times. even though i believe that all i read on the galactic press. you can't make people do things when in their heart they are afraid of ridicle and abuse from strangers and friends. we learned valuable lessons in some of our experiences. it seems this article is a blame game. yes, you said we signed a contract. do you have a copy of it to show me? what are you going to get a galactis lawyer on me if i breach this so called contract? if anyone has something to do, it is the galactics that will have to do it. i understand the "pep" talk but on this planet, we have a saying,"show me the money." and in this case, show me the ships and disclosure.   bobby

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