~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-03-2012 – ‪Embrae trees & Love ~

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Tue, 04/03/2012 - 15:25


~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-03-2012 – Embrae trees & Love ~

But always remember, you have your own Source. Never leave that. ~Rumi♥



by ANdReA


I’m not a toy... I’m a Living Being. And whatever is happening now, is a consequence of the way I’ve been treated for so long... I don’t wish to hurt anyone... I simply wish to LOVE, ALL... Thus, I too want to Live and LOVE... Free... so please... bring the LOVE back... it’s in each one of YOU=US=ALL. Kiss a tree, thank a flower, dance with the wind... embrace the sky and all the stars... smile to each other... spread your Heart for it’s waiting to be Given to come back to it’s original shining! To come back to YOU=GOD.

Walk in my Nature and talk to me as you would talk to your best friend... I listen! I’m waiting for You. I’m waiting for You to re-discover your Divine Being. Get in contact... BE that You ARE... LOVE. For once you discover the Blessing of Being in Love with Creation... and I AM part of Creation... you’ll ask yourself how you managed to forget... It’s Time to go Home HUmanity... Now... it’s time to Remember... Now... It’s time to embrace yourself... forgive, let go, and move on into LOVE. Stop fighting... and you’ll see the Sun come back and Shine from In You... and you’ll remember who you ARE! And who I AM.

Don’t give up now... it’s Here... Now... just grab it... and smile. Love is Here to stay!

Thank You, Mother Earth=Heart







Updated 4/3/2012 @ 14:00 UTC

Solar Update
Solar activity is currently very low. Sunspot 1450 did form some new spots towards the center of the group, but remains stable. All other regions have been quiet. A minor Earth directed CME was seen Monday is Lasco images, however no geomagnetic storms are expected.

Sunspots 1452 and 1450 (Tuesday) - SDO



‪‪Extended Video of the Huge Tornado in Arlington, TX - April 3, 2012




‪Tractor Trailers Tossed by North Texas Tornado April 3, 2012



Massive tornados toss TRUCKS across the skies as 'large and extremely dangerous' twisters targets Dallas Texas

Millions of people are being urged to seek shelter immediately as dramatic news footage shows trucks and other massive debris being thrown across the skies in Texas. Weather service advisories issued today said storm spotters and radar revealed separate tornadoes south of Dallas and Fort Worth. Incredible news footage of the twister shows a massive funnel cloud and tractor trailers being launched above the area.


Crumpled orange tractor trailers were later visible in a Dallas County parking lot, as well as flattened trailers along the sides of highways and access roads. The weather service said 'considerable damage' also was reported near Cleburne, south of Fort Worth, and Lancaster, south of Dallas. The Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported that officials at DFW International Airport have warned anyone in the airport to retreat to terminal storm shelters and to stay away from windows. All flights into and out of the airport have been cancelled.


Tornadoes rip through Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas

April 3, 2012DALLAS, Tx. – At least two “large and extremely dangerous” tornadoes ripped across the Dallas-Forth Worth area this afternoon, collapsing roofs, tearing down power lines and tossing trailers around like toys, the National Weather Service says. Several other developing twisters were reported as violent storms moved north through the metropolitan area. The weather service says “considerable damage” has been reported near Cleburne, south of Fort Worth, and Lancaster, south of Dallas. Local television footage shows overturned and smashed semi-trailers on the ground in the southern portion of Dallas County. Dallas Police spokeswoman Sherri Jeffrey says twisters also have caused damage in the city limits. A tornado watch — meaning that conditions are ripe for tornadoes to continue to form — was in place for 33 counties in north-central and northeastern Texas until 8 p.m. CDT, the National Weather Service reported. –On Deadline


Mother Nature’s latest attack on Japan: strong winds

April 3, 2012TOKYO - After a winter of record snow and avalanches — not to mention last year’s record strong quake, mega-tsunami, and series of powerful typhoons — Japan is once again being battered by the elements. This time, it’s wind. A low-pressure system that landed on Japan’s main island of Honshu Tuesday has brought typhoon-force winds and rain, even snow. In anticipation of the worst of the storm, the Japan Meteorological Agency called an unusual emergency press conference Monday and issued a strong wind warning for Tokyo and neighboring Kanagawa and Chiba prefectures. As of mid-day Tuesday, 203 flights were already grounded nationwide and the final game in the nationwide high school spring baseball tournament in Osaka had also been postponed. An 82-year-old woman supposedly died in Ishikawa prefecture after the wind toppled her on the street, according to local media reports. The JMA expected the worst to hit just in time for the evening rush home and winds that could reach almost 63 miles per hour across the country. The agency has already recorded wind speeds of 73.6 mph in the city of Uzen, near Nagasaki, as of this morning. While this storm is described as packing a “typhoon-like” punch, it’s not a typhoon. Typhoons are fueled by warm water from the tropics, known as “tropical cyclones.” The high wind hitting Japan this week is caused by differences in air temperatures, not water. The JMA was warning of waves as high as 32 feet along the northern Pacific coast, snow, and avalanches. The extreme conditions will continue as the weather system passes over Japan over the next four days. This is the second windstorm to hit Tokyo in less than a week. Winds in Japan’s capital were as strong as 64 mph over the weekend as a low pressure system hit Japan’s main island of Honshu causing delays on major train lines. –WSJ


Flood-damaged Fiji likened to warzone


Flooding in Nadi

People in flood-ravaged Fiji have begun returning home after spending several days in evacuation centres.

At least four people have died in some of the worst flooding the country has seen in decades.

Officials in Fiji say locals are likely to be spared a further heavy downpour, with Cyclone Daphne, which formed on Monday afternoon, expected to pass the island.

Tafazul Gani, a correspondent for a Fijian magazine, says many of the island's residents are struggling to cope.

"A lot of people are thinking 'what do we do next? How do we cope?' And having two floods in a matter of a couple of days, a lot of people they don't have basically anything," he said.

Mr Gani is in one of the worst affected areas of Nadi. He says flood damage there is extensive.

"Basically, if you look at the town, the town is totally decimated. It actually looks like a warzone," he said.

"There is not a single shop in the town which has not been affected. Some shops actually have nothing left, everything that was in the shop, the counter, the merchandise, everything got washed away."

But floodwaters have now begun to drop and the clean up has started.

Tourist flights into Nadi have resumed but power is still cut off in many areas.

Fiji government spokeswoman Sharon Johns says the extent of damage is still being assessed.

"It's quite extensive. In Nadi town, shops in Nadi town, the floodwaters went right through that," she said.

"The bridge hasn't been damaged but the infrastructure around the bridge, you can see, electricity's out, water's out. There is quite a lot of damage here."


Returning home

Over the past few days about 8,000 people sought refuge in evacuation centres.

Ms Johns says some have now started to return home.

"It hasn't rained up here at all in the last 12 hours, which is great. So people are actually starting to return to their homes," she said.

"I was just at an evacuation centre in Nadi where there was a four-day-old baby and her mother, and they were all doing very well.

"They're being well looked after that, rations are getting to them. We're ... organising water sterilisers for the children especially.

"So evacuation centres we would expect that to decrease slowly over the coming days."

Tourist flights into Fiji were stopped last night but most airlines have resumed all services.

Australia has offered $1 million in aid to Fiji for water sanitation, blankets and other supplies.



Thousands of Dolphins Dying in Gulf Waters


© NASA, Wikimedia Commons

Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) A dolphin surfs the wake of a research boat on the Banana River near the Kennedy Space Center.


The dolphins in the Gulf of Mexico are in the midst of a massive die-off. The reasons why remain a complicated and mysterious mix of oil, bacteria, and the unknown.


Normally an average of 74 dolphins are stranded on the northern shore of the Gulf of Mexico each year, especially during the spring birthing season. But between February 2010 and April 1, 2012, 714 dolphins and other cetaceans have been reported as washed up on the coast from the Louisiana/Texas border through Franklin County, Florida, reported the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). 95 percent of the mammals were dead.


Since many of the dead dolphins sink, decompose or are eaten by scavengers before washing up, NOAA biologists believe that 714 represents only a fraction of the actual death count. NOAA declared the die-off an "Unusual Mortality Event" as per the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972.


Although the timing of die-off largely coincides with BP's Deepwater Horizon oil spill and its aftermath, the deaths actually started increasing about two months before the April 20, 2010 explosion which started the months long oil spill.


Before the spill, 112 dolphins had already been reported stranded on the shore.

Tropical storm Pakhar whips southern Vietnam

The first typhoon of the northern hemisphere 2012 typhoon season, Tropical cyclone Pakhar weakened to a tropical storm before making landfall in southern Vietnam on Sunday on the coast near Vung Tau and Ham Tan, less than 100 km (60 miles) east of Ho Chi Minh City. At the time of landfall, highest sustained winds were only about 40 mph, or those of a minimal tropical storm. There were no immediate reports of serious damage or injury after Pakhar unleashed strong winds and torrential rain. Storm Pakhar developed from a tropical pressure system last Thursday and has been characterised as an “abnormal” storm, the first to appear before April in 40 years

Torrential rains accompanied by strong winds brought down many big trees, flooded major roads, and caused a power outage for several hours in Ho Chi Minh City. More than 2,000 local residents living in flood-prone areas of Can Gio district had moved to cultural houses and schools before the storm made landfall. Watch the HerDailyDigest for some damage images from Phu My Hung on April 2nd. As Pakhar made landfall it affected seven provinces including Ho Chi Minh City, with heavy rains and gusty winds. Two deaths and 10 injuries were reported. The province of Dong Nai, Bien Hoa City reported more than 700 damaged homes. Flooded streets, damaged structures and downed trees were reported throughout.


Fire in Russia [Asia] on Tuesday, 03 April, 2012 at 02:36 UTC.

EDIS Number:   FR-20120403-34752-RUS

Event type:       Fire

Date/Time:        Tuesday, 03 April, 2012 at 02:36 (02:36 AM) UTC

Damage level:  Minor

Geographic information

Continent: Europe

Country:   Russia [Europe]

County / State:  Capital city

Area:         Moscow Skyscraper

City: Moscow


Extreme Weather in Japan on Tuesday, 03 April, 2012 at 14:12  UTC.

EDIS Number:   ST-20120403-34761-JPN

Event type:       Extreme Weather

Date/Time:        Tuesday, 03 April, 2012 at 14:12 (02:12 PM) UTC

Damage level:  Moderate

Geographic information

Continent: Asia

Country:   Japan

County / State: 

Area:         Statewide

Coordinate:       N 34° 41.405, E 135° 11.731

Number of affected people / Humanities loss

Foreign people:         Affected is unknown.

Dead person(s):        2

Injured person(s):      160





Unexplained Triple Mystery 'booms' Rattle Houses in Northern Region of France

A "thud" and even "three booms" were heard in the sky near Bigouden Wednesday night, March 23rd. The phenomenon remains unexplained and apparently was repeated on the night of the 24th from north to south of Finistere. There were reports also in Côtes d'Armor and Morbihan. But where do these sounds come from? "It sounded like a thud of a child stamping his feet on the wall of the neighbor," one witness said. Testimonials are legions Bigouden. But not only. Combrit Chateauneuf-du-Faou through Briec, Quimper, Plogastel-Saint-Germain, Pont l'Abbé, Tréméoc, Cockles, Plobannalec-Lesconil or Clohars-Fouesnant, many people on Wednesday to 21h, were intrigued by the phenomenon.


Some alluded that "their houses were shaken three times.' We're talking about "three strong rumblings" that "have rattled houses" and even awakened some. Some people, meanwhile, heard what they described as "muffled explosions" while others are convinced that this was from "an earthquake." But neither a reported earthquake, nor aerial maneuver by aircraft can explain the mystery. Contacted, the central office Seismological French (BCSF) states that nothing abnormal registered in this area. And for its size, Chateauneuf-du-Faou Clohars-Fouesnant, the blasts and aftershocks felt "like the equivalent of a magnitude 3 earthquake in force." In 2005, Bigoudens remember, an earthquake on the fault of south Armorican which had a magnitude 3 on the Richter scale caused the same feelings. What then of these explosions heard and felt? An air-borne cause? Regional Centre of Western navigation, it is shown have no record this kind of phenomenon. Moreover, some also said they heard a helicopter. Proceeded by "three booms" recalling it sounded like "thunder." One thinks of an aircraft. When questioned, the communications department of the Brest Maritime Prefecture said that there was no Navy operation in the region and even less involving helicopters. An official from the Joint Staff of the area of defense and security northwest (OGZDS), said there were no operations or "supersonic flights." Bizarre; especially considering in March of 2003, three earthquakes also hit the Bigouden and that phenomenon also remains unexplained. - Le Télégramme (translated)




Mantle Plume: El Hierro island struck by two small tremors

April 3, 2012CANARY ISLANDS - IRIN volcano 24 hour monitoring network of the National Geographic Institute (IGN) recorded two earthquakes of 1.7 and 2.7 magnitudes on the Richter scale this Sunday on the island of El Hierro. The largest of the earthquakes, recorded at 22.03 hours, occurred southwest of the town of El Pinar. This event was located at sea 15 kilometers deep. The second quake also occurred southwest of El Pinar at 20.36 hours, to 13 km depth and epicenter in the sea. Since last March 24, the island of El Hierro has been nine earthquakes, including this Sunday, between 1.5 and 2.7 °. Of these, were substantial enough to be felt by the population. Sunday’s tremors were located west of Frontier and southwest of El Pinar, and were 10 and 29 kilometers deep. –La Opinion.es  (translated)






5.0      2012/04/03  EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN



5.2      2012/04/03  TARAPACA, CHILE

5.0      2012/04/03  MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES

5.4      2012/04/03  NEAR THE COAST OF NORTHERN PERU

5.1      2012/04/03  OFFSHORE VALPARAISO, CHILE


4.0 magnitude earthquake strikes Oklahoma

April 3, 2012PITTSBURG, Okla. – A magnitude 4.0 earthquake shook southeast Oklahoma at 2:33 a.m. Tuesday. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the quake was centered in the town of Pittsburg, about 16 miles south-southwest of McAlester and 109 miles east-southeast of Oklahoma City. McAlester police says so far no damage or injuries have been reported. 2NEWS viewers in Tulsa reported feeling the temblor. The USGS says residents in Muskogee, Norman, Broken Arrow, Atoka and Shawnee also reported feeling tremors. On Nov. 5, 2011, a record 5.6 magnitude tremor shook the Sooner state, the strongest quake on record in Oklahoma. The USGS reported that tremors from the quake, centered in Lincoln County, were felt in most of Oklahoma as well as eastern and central Kansas, most of Missouri and Arkansas, north Texas and southeast Nebraska. Aftershocks were felt for weeks. -KJRH







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The massive storm that hit Japan yesterday hit Korea the day/night before...and what a storm it was!  Thunder and lightning galore and steady wind gusts of up to 100 km/h!  Hurricane force winds and wow, what a spring cleaning we got over here!  Mama Earth was literally sweeping absolutely everything clean. :)

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