~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-06-2012 – ‪How to Create a New Planet ~

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Fri, 04/06/2012 - 15:04


~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-06-2012 – ‪How to Create a New Planet ~




Greetings Love Beings,

what can we See today... I See Suns and Stars and the Moon Smiling at US... and See Flowers dancing... I See trees wispering Loving words... I see Mother Eart=Heart shaking away her dust and singing her wake up call for everyone... I See Seas boiling to get rid of whatever has been put in it, and snow cleaning the air... I See pressure being released whereas others see devastation... I See winds bringing away what’s no more needed... I See new seeds of Life coming to everyone conscoiusness instead of abuses being perpetrated... I See Love entering deeper and deeper in every soul as anger is being released... I See Divine Balance coming back where it had been forgotten... I See Our Beloved Planet embraced in a wonderful Gold Orb of Divine Light... For this is what I See Now.

And what I See Now becomes the Truth Now...

so what do you See today... for my vision is Free... and everyone is invited to See, and Live, and Be the New Planet, the New Golden Age for Humanity and for Every Lining Being... Discover you True Power as Creators of your own reality... All is in place and running for All to experience... See with me, See with US... See as All is already Perfect and in Place... Smile to yourself for you made it!

Yes, you Did! Now.

Close your eyes and See, then Feel, and then open them again and Live in the Life you just Created... It’s Here for You=All=US=Love...

Thank You...

Now you’re ready to read this report with your New Sight!




and if you missed our last energy update http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/galactic-free-press-daily-update4412-tables-have-truly-turned-loves-planet







A pair of CMEs on the farside

A pair of Coronal Mass Ejections are now visible in the latest STEREO Ahead COR2 images. The source of the first CME was located on the farside of the Sun. The second plasma cloud was the result of a filament liftoff near Sunspot 1450. The plasma cloud appears to be directed north and not towards Earth. A solar wind stream flowing from southern coronal hole could brush against Earth’s magnetic field on April 7th


The ACE Spacecraft was showing a small increase in solar wind speed after 20:00 UTC Thursday evening. It is possible that this could be a very weak CME impact. This was caused by a filament eruption on April 2nd. Only minor geomagnetic activity is expected at very high latitudes. (SolarHam)





London suffering through worst drought since 1884

April 5, 2012 – LONDON – The city of London has an undeserved reputation as a rainy city, with “things to do” when the U.K. capital is wet a popular topic of conversation among tourists. But this year could see that image shattered in dramatic fashion, with much of southeast England gripped by a serious drought currently affecting about 20 million people. Restrictions on the use of water were imposed Thursday from the southeast coast to the River Humber in the north and almost as far west as Wales. By the time the Olympics comes to London in July, further controls could be introduced that will prevent aircraft, London’s famous double-decker buses and other vehicles from being washed. Other restrictions are also likely. Those arriving for the greatest show on Earth, may find a parched, somewhat grubby city. The event itself, however, will be exempt, so rest assured there will be water in the diving pool, the rowers will not in find themselves marooned and the smiles of the synchronized swimmers will remain fixed. “We have now received below-average rainfall across our region for 20 of the past 25 months, making it the driest two-year period since records began in 1884,” Martin Baggs, chief executive of Thames Water, said in a statement. “Imposing restrictions on the use of [hoses], although regrettable, is the most sensible and responsible next step in encouraging everyone to use less water so we can maintain supplies for as long as it stays dry, and reduce the risk of more serious restrictions later in the year,” he added. –MSNBC


Satellite observes rapid ice shelf disintegration in Antarctic

As ESA’s Envisat satellite marks ten years in orbit, it continues to observe the rapid retreat of one of Antarctica’s ice shelves due to climate warming.


This animation shows radar images from the Envisat satellite from 2002 to 2012 of the Larsen B ice shelf in Antarctica. Over the last decade, the ice shelf has disintegrated by 1790 sq km. Credit: ESA

One of the satellite’s first observations following its launch on 1 March 2002 was of break-up of a main section of the Larsen B ice shelf in Antarctica – when 3200 sq km of ice disintegrated within a few days due to mechanical instabilities of the ice masses triggered by climate warming.

Now, with ten years of observations using its Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar (ASAR), Envisat has mapped an additional loss in Larsen B’s area of 1790 sq km over the past decade.

The Larsen Ice Shelf is a series of three shelves – A (the smallest), B and C (the largest) – that extend from north to south along the eastern side of the Antarctic Peninsula.

Larsen A disintegrated in January 1995. Larsen C so far has been stable in area, but satellite observations have shown thinning and an increasing duration of melt events in summer.

“Ice shelves are sensitive to atmospheric warming and to changes in ocean currents and temperatures,” said Prof. Helmut Rott from the University of Innsbruck.

“The northern Antarctic Peninsula has been subject to atmospheric warming of about 2.5°C over the last 50 years – a much stronger warming trend than on global average, causing retreat and disintegration of ice shelves.”

Larsen B decreased in area from 11512 sq km in early January 1995 to 6664 sq km in February 2002 due to several calving events. The disintegration in March 2002 left behind only 3463 sq km. Today, Envisat shows that only 1670 sq km remain.

Envisat has already doubled its planned lifetime, but is scheduled to continue observations of Earth’s ice caps, land, oceans and atmosphere for at least another two years.

This ensures the continuity of crucial Earth-observation data until the next generation of satellites – the Sentinels – begin operations in 2013.

“Long-term systematic observations are of particular importance for understanding and modelling cryospheric processes in order to advance the predictive capabilities on the response of snow and ice to climate change,” said Prof. Rott.

“Climate models are predicting drastic warming for high latitudes. The Envisat observations of the Larsen Ice Shelf confirm the vulnerability of ice shelves to climatic warming and demonstrate the importance of ice shelves for the stability of glaciers upstream.

“These observations are very relevant for estimating the future behaviour of the much larger ice masses of West Antarctica if warming spreads further south.”

Radars on Earth observation satellites, such as Envisat’s ASAR, are particularly useful for monitoring polar regions because they can acquire images through clouds and darkness.

The Sentinel missions – being developed as part of Europe’s Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) programme – will continue the legacy of radar observations.

Source: ESA


Snow Storm in India on Friday, 06 April, 2012 at 15:38 UTC.

EDIS Number:  SS-20120406-34789-IND

Event type:       Snow Storm

Date/Time:       Friday, 06 April, 2012 at 15:38 (03:38 PM) UTC


Damage level:  Unknown

Geographic information

Continent:        Asia

Country:           India

County / State: State of Bengal

Area:    Darjeeling region




No volcano update today... catching up some sleep.



5.5      2012/04/06 19:24:13                       KEPULAUAN MENTAWAI REGION, INDONESIA

6.2      2012/04/06 16:15:56                       NEW IRELAND REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA



Strong earthquake struck New Ireland Region, Papua New Guinea

Magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck New Ireland Region of Papua New Guinea on April 6, 2012 at 16:15:55 UTC according to USGS. The epicenter was located 150 km (93 miles) ESE (104°) from Rabaul, New Britain, PNG (4.534°S, 153.497°E). The depth of epicenter was at 85.4 km (53.1 miles).

No tsunami alert was issued.

Epicenter was out in the sea and at a depth so no damage is expected.

Papua New Guinea is often struck by massive earthquakes with magnitudes of 7 or more.



‪ See Yourselves as ONE. For ONE we ARE~



~And MotherFatherGod, The Galactic Free Press Staff, Earth Allies, GroundCrew Staff ans Earth’s Transitory Government~



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