~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-12-2012 – Get through The Gate of Love~

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Thu, 04/12/2012 - 14:45


~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-12-2012 – Get through The Gate of Love~



Greetings Love Beings,

we see some of you struggling... trying to find a way out of this new feeling you have deep into yourself... the only way out, is the way In.

The Energy that’s pouring into the Planet and All Living Beings on it is Pure Love Energy, and it is no wonder many are feeling weird, not really understanding if it’s a good or a bad thing they’re experiencing. This occurs because Love is kicking out all that is not Love, all illusion you did not let go is being kicked out the hard way. This is what we meant when we said “make it smooth and let it go, for you won’t be able to bring it with you.”


Now it’s happening. And feeling like going nowhere comes from the Change that’s happening In You. You do want to go on, otherwise you would not be here, so you’re being pushed to where you are meant to Be, and noone but YourSelf is doing the Push Now.

From Inside.

Illusions are bracking down and therefore confusion seems to risen.

Thus it is an illusion trying to take the place of the old illusion. It’s just like loosing your street map before a crossing. You loose the old references and if you did not build the new ones already this is where the confusion comes from.

There’s no other way out than In. As we said. The answer about how to get it smooth is inside of you. How to let go is part of you already. It’s in your blueprint.


What you now feel as pressure is truly the opposite, thus if you fight against it it will feel as a pressure. It’s the pressure to let go. We’re really Near to the GO point and we need All in place to help in the Shift.

We're not changing a dress... WE're Changing a world into a Galactic Planet of Galactic Humans. That is the reason you came here for.

To Help.


The Gates are wide open for you to enter into the Dimension of Love=Joy, but the Gates will not come to you, you’re the one that has to enter them.

You’re free not to. And there’s no blame on you if you do not. The only worry we have is about your own Heart, for Divine Plan is in action and unfolding, and you came for it, and we’d simply Love to see you where you’ve choosen to BE and where you asked to BE.


We know how much illusion can be convincing, it’s been a dimension of lies and suffering and laws and rules all over for millennia. Now someone comes and tells you You’re Free... and even if your Heart tells you “YEEHAWW”, your mind says “?




 I can only tell you: BE. Without wondering about others, without blaiming yourself if it doesen’t work at first try, without looking at where others are on the path... BE as you Feel. It’s the Thrive that comes from Deep inside of You the one that is easier to follow. For questions... doubts... they might come back every day... probably untill the last day for some. But what Your Heart tells you... that is the answer you simply have to give to your mind if it bothers you.


Get into that Door Beloved Ones... not even in your dreams would you imagine how many hands are there waiting to embrace you and share True Love with you all.


You’re doing it. Don’t leave a step in front of it. For your evolution is just one step away.


I LOVE YOU UNCONDITIONALLY, as it’s the only Love That Is.


If you missed our latest Energy Update



Earth Allie Boo Walker Earth Healing News: http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/healing-earth-news-saving-turtles-extinction


Earth Allies Report



Blue Star Planet Report






Added 4/12/2012 @ 12:10 UTC

Solar Wind Increase
The solar wind did show a gradual increase this morning to near 500 km/s and combined with a south tilting Bz component of the interplanetary magnetic field, geomagnetic activity at very high latitudes did increase. Visible Aurora is likely at high latitudes.

Solar Update / Farside Solar Flare
New Sunspot 1455 continues to grow but has only produced B-Class activity thus far. Another new sunspot looks to be forming in the southern hemisphere and should be assigned an official number later today. Existing sunspot 1454 located in the southeast quadrant remains stable. There will be a chance for a C-Class flare around AR11455. Don't forget to "Like" SolarHam.com on SolarHam Facebook for the latest solar updates.

Farside Flare: It looks like old Sunspots 1442 and 1443 are active on the Farside of the Sun. Late last night, 1443 produced a solar flare and was captured in the STEREO Behind image below. This morning 1442 looks to have generated a flare of its own. We will begin to see these regions rotate back into view next week.


Prominence Vortex
A solar prominence towards the top of the Sun has been spinning around like a Tornado over the past 24 hours. This video by SDO/Helioviewer shows the vortex in action.






4 feet of hail in Texas? Reports, photos cause quite a storm

Sure, everything's bigger in Texas. But four feet of hail from one storm? That's what the National Weather Service, the Texas Department of Transportation and a local sheriff say happened Wednesday in an area north of Amarillo when hail piled up in drifts so wide they caused flooding and cut off a major highway.


‪amarillo texas hail storm april 2012



‪Storms North of Amarillo, 04/11/2012 Timelapse



‪Major Hail Storm in TX Panhandle - RAW FOOTAGE ~ this is not water, it’s hail!



The National Weather Service office in Amarillo even posted a photo on its Facebook page, but that wasn't enough to convince skeptics.


"Serious do not think this is 100% hail!!!" commented one person.


"It's a lite dusting of hail on some damn rocks," said another person, referring to the image of a firefighter standing next to what could be taken for boulders.


"I can assure you we do not have big rocks like that in West Texas," Krissy Scotten, a spokeswoman for the weather service office in Amarillo, told msnbc.com.



"That was four feet of ice" that was compacted by rain and then was blown across a wide area into hail drifts, she added.


As for the darkish color, "we're very dusty around here" due to drought so the hail quickly darkened, Scotten said.


The image, she added, was sent by the Potter County Fire Department and the firefighter seen in it is standing where meltwater had cut through the hail.


The Texas Department of Transportation confirms it was deep hail dumped by a storm that dropped visibility to near zero at times.


Hailstones the size of golf balls pelted several rural areas in east China’s Jiangxi province

The giant pieces of ice pelted several rural areas in east China’s Jiangxi province overnight and on Wednesday morning, April 11, 2012, resulting in the deaths of three people, the Xinhua news agency said.

The hailstones were said to be as large as 3.5cm in diameter and weighed 18g on average.

Storms forced the evacuation of more than 700 people, destroyed about 2,700 hectares of crops and damaged more than 900 houses, a spokesman with the Jiangxi provincial department of civil affairs said.

Around 170,000 Jiangxi residents have been affected by the freak weather, the spokesman added.

In southwestern Guizhou province, hailstorms hit 47 villages in Taijiang county overnight, leaving 25 residents injured, including two who were severely hurt, a regional government spokesman said. The injured have all been treated at Taijiang Hospital, the spokesman added.

Power supplies have been damaged, causing power cuts in the county. Street lamps and telecommunication networks have also been disrupted. Local authorities have dispatched teams to oversee relief operations in the areas affected, the spokesman said.


Extreme Weather in United Arab Emirates on Thursday, 12 April, 2012 at 12:30 (12:30 PM) UTC.

EDIS Number:       ST-20120412-34872-ARE

Event type:  Extreme Weather

Date/Time:  Thursday, 12 April, 2012 at 12:30 (12:30 PM) UTC

Cause of event:     Sandstorm

Damage level:       Unknown

Geographic information

Continent:    Middle-East

Country:      United Arab Emirates

County / State:      Dubayy

City:   Dubai


Forest / Wild Fire in USA on Thursday, 12 April, 2012 at 03:14 (03:14 AM) UTC.

EDIS Number:            WF-20120412-34863-USA

Event type:     Forest / Wild Fire

Date/Time:      Thursday, 12 April, 2012 at 03:14 (03:14 AM) UTC

Damage level:  Minor

Geographic information

Continent:       North-America

Country:         USA

County / State:            State of New Jersey

Area:   Burlington County





Italy’s Mt. Etna volcano rocked by 6th eruption in 2012



April 12, 2012 – CATANIA, IT - Mount Etna is erupting for the sixth time this year with lava and plumes of smoke and ash from a new crater on the volcano’s southeast side. The new activity was preceded by new phase that began last night and that, according to experts from the INGV in Catania, has the same characteristics as the one before this one. Ash, carried by wind towards the east, has not yet created problems at the Fontanarossa airport, which is fully operational. -AGI


Volcano Activity in Iceland on Wednesday, 11 April, 2012 at 03:15 (03:15 AM) UTC.

EDIS Number:          VA-20120411-34842-ISL

Event type:    Volcano Activity

Date/Time:    Wednesday, 11 April, 2012 at 03:15 (03:15 AM) UTC

Damage level:          Unknown

Geographic information

Continent:     Europe

Country:        Iceland

County / State:         Myrdalsjökull Icecap







‪‪ The April 11, 2012 Event: cluster of large earthquakes rattle the globe from Indonesia to Mexico


April 12, 2012 – WORLD – A strong earthquake hit Mexico on Wednesday, shaking buildings and sending people running out of offices onto the streets of the capital Mexico City. The U.S. Geological Survey said the 6.5 -magnitude quake was centered on Mexico’s Pacific coast near Michoacan and struck fairly deep under the earth at 65 km or 40 miles. Prior to the Mexico earthquake, a powerful and shallow 5.9 struck near the Juan de Fuca tectonic plate off the coast of Oregon- indicating tectonic plates worldwide are being rattled by planetary seismic tension. Prior to Oregon earthquake, two massive 8.0+ magnitude earthquakes (8.6 and 8.2) struck the ocean floor off the north coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. As I warned in my book The Extinction Protocol, the power unleashed in these seismic events is growing. This is testament to the dangers and seriousness of the earth-changes facing us and how these events are unleashing more unbridled force with each successive eruption. The Indian Ocean strike-slip fault earthquakes are very unusual. As a matter of fact, I’ve never heard of a strike-slip lateral earthquake of this great a magnitude; especially under water. Preliminary assessment of the Indonesian quakes by U.S. geologists suggests one plate lurched past each other as much as 70 feet. San Andreas is a strike-slip, lateral- can we even imagine two sections of ground moving 70 feet near San Francisco? Had the force of the Sumatra quakes been unleashed upon San Andreas, the city would have been completely destroyed. Ironically, the largest surface displacement ever recorded in a lateral strike-slip fault was 21 feet and that was in the 1906 7.9 San Andreas earthquake. Just so we understand the significance of what transpired today; the Japanese March 11, 2011 earthquake move the ocean floor 79 feet sideways and 10 ft upwards, but today’s earthquakes happened in double 8.0+ magnitude sequence and moved the earth nearly as far. Worst, the seismic tension from the event ricocheted around the world and contributed to other earthquakes. On April 12, additional earthquakes hit the Gulf of California – a 6.2 and 6.9 magnitude earthquakes. The seismic tension appears to be far from over and now appears to be agitating the Pacific Plate subduction zones near Japan. –The Extinction Protocol


‪6.9/6.2 EarthQuakes in Gulf Of California.



‪California Challenge/Time to Step Up.



‪Latest Earthquakes Report - Apr. 12, 2012





 Love Youself and Love as ONE. With All The Love I AM~



~And MotherFatherGod, The Galactic Free Press Staff, Earth Allies, GroundCrew Staff ans Earth’s Transitory Government~



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From prayers, the previous energy of possible tornados was transmuted to hail.   Hail to our helpers and ourselves!



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